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科目: 来源:2015届陕西省西安市高一第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Hundreds of jobs ______ if the factory closes.

A.lose              B.will be lost         C.are lost           D.will lose



科目: 来源:2015届陕西省西安市高一第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The new play ______ next week.。

A.put on            B.was put on         C.will put on         D.will be put on



科目: 来源:2015届陕西省西安市高一第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be ________ the present one.

A.as there times big as                     B.three times as big as

C.as big as there times                     D.as big there times as



科目: 来源:2015届陕西省西安市高一第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Happily, the victories of our team came from the Asian Games in Guangzhou __________.

A.one by one        B.one after another   C.little by little       D.one another



科目: 来源:2015届陕西省西安市高一第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The book is worth _________.

A.read             B.reads             C.is reading         D.reading



科目: 来源:2015届陕西省西安市高一第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Frankly, I really doubt _________ he will pass the driving test, for he missed much training.

A.that              B.whether          C.which            D.what



科目: 来源:2015届陕西省西安市高一第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I ___________ through that bitter period without your generous help.

A.couldn’t have gone B.didn’t go         C.couldn’t go       D.hadn’t gone



科目: 来源:2015届陕西省西安市高一第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

When I was young, I belonged to a club that did community service work. There was one specific__16_ that was unusual for me. I spent three or four hours handing out warm dinner to the homeless out in the streets. After that I went to a homeless shelter not far from the Bay Bridge.

I was in high school and at the time my sister was too young to  17  . She wanted to help, 18  she made four or five dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to  19  and hand out to people. When _20_ to the homeless shelter, I passed out the _21_ meals. I began making sandwiches and   22   them with the crowd. I had the containers with my  23  cookies in them and began to  24  , offering them to anyone near me.

I  25  an old gentleman and said, “ Sir, would you like a cookie?” He stopped and turned around, looked at me rightly and said, “ What did you say? Did you call me sir?” I told him I __26_, and his eyes   27   a little bit and said,  “ No one has  28   called me sir.’ So he was completely moved.

It __29_  me.

I explained I had been raised that  30  color and social status, everyone deserved(应得) respect. It   31   me to think that just because he was homeless, no one  32   him the honor. It broke my heart. I just didn’t understand   33 no one ever called him sir? I had never thought that anyone was below me because I wasn’t raised that way. Every   34   person deserves to be treated with respect. Years later, I still carry that memory and the __35__ it taught me. Sometimes, what we take for granted can really make a difference in someone’s life.

How have you made a difference to others? How have others made a difference to you?

1.                A.accident        B.incident         C.event    D.affair


2.                A.participate      B.join            C.choose   D.go


3.                A.however        B.but            C.yet D.so


4.                A.bring          B.fetch           C.collect    D.take


5.                A.arriving         B.getting         C.reaching D.coming


6.                A.remained       B.remaining       C.remain   D.left


7.                A.shared         B.gave           C.helped   D.assisted


8.                A.classmate’s    B.schoolmate’s   C.sister’s  D.family’s


9.                A.walk around     B.knock around    C.come around D.stand around


10.               A.went          B.came          C.approached    D.met


11.               A.had           B.called          C.would D.do


12.               A.watered        B.cried          C.tore D.dropped


13.               A.already         B.ever           C.still   D.yet


14.               A.hit            B.occurred       C.struck D.beat


15.               A.in spite of       B.regardless of    C.concerned about    D.for fear of


16.               A.strengthened    B.saddened       C.frightened D.pleased


17.               A.handed         B.offered         C.provided D.supplied


18.               A.what           B.when          C.whether   D.why


19.               A.single          B.poor           C.ordinary   D.normal


20.               A.lesson          B.class           C.truth D.reality




科目: 来源:2015届陕西省西安市高一第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Hundreds of years ago, a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland. The Scots, a brave people, love their country. They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland. But there were too many of the Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win.

  One night, the leader of the Scots marched his soldiers to the top of a hill. “We will rest here tonight, my men,” he said, “Tomorrow we will fight one more battle. We must win, or we will die.”

  They were all very tired. So they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on duty, but they were very tired, too, and one by one, they fell asleep.

  The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they went up the hill. Closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. A few minutes more the war would be over. Suddenly, one of them put his foot on a thistle (蓟). He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a minute they were on their feet and ready for a battle. The fighting was hard, but it did not last long. The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved Scotland.

  The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Few people liked it. But the people of Scotland liked it so much that they made it their national flower.

1.Hundreds of years ago, the Romans ____ .

A.came from the north through England to make war on Scotland

B.came to the north Scotland from England to make war on Scotland

C.came from the north of England to fight the Scots

D.came to the north from the south of Britain to fight the Scots

2.At the shout of a Roman soldier, all the Scots who were asleep at the hill ____ .

A.began to fight the Romans hard

B.stood up without putting on their shoes and began to fight

C.woke and rose immediately, ready to fight

D.put their feet into their shoes at once and were ready to fight

3.The result of the war is that ____ .

A.the Romans killed all the Scots

B.the Scots were defeated

C.the Scots were driven out of Scotland

D.the Scots defeated the Romans

4.The Scots made thistle their national flower because thistle ____ .

A.is lovely, though not beautiful

B.gave them happiness

C.is a kind of useful plant

D.helped the Scots in wiping out the Romans



科目: 来源:2015届陕西省西安市高一第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Cara Lang is 13. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts, in me U. S. Last Thursday, she didn't go to school. She went to work with her father instead. Every year, on the fourth Thursday in April, millions of young girls go work. This is Take Our Daughters to Work Day. The girls are between me ages of 9 and 15. They spend the day at work with an adult, usually a mother, father, aunt, or uncle. They go to offices, police stations, laboratories, and other places where their parents or other family members work. Next year, the day will include sons, too.

The Ms. Foundation, an organization for women, started the program about ten years ago. In the U.S., many women work outside the home. The Ms. Foundation wanted girls to find out about many different kinds of jobs. Then, when the girls grow up, they can choose a job they like.

Cara's father is a film director. Cara says, “It was very exciting for me to go to the studio with my dad. I saw a lot of people doing different jobs.” Many businesses have special activities for girls on this day. Last year, Cara went to work with her aunt at the University of Massachusetts. In the engineering department, the girls learned to build a bridge with toothpicks and Candy. In the chemistry department, they learned to use scales. They learned about many other kinds of jobs, too.

Right now, Cara does not know what job she will have when she grows up. But because of Take Our Daughters to Work Day, she knows she h2Ls many choices.

1.What is Cara's father?

A.An engineer.       B.An official.         C.A moviemaker.     D.A professor.

2.According to the passage, Take our Daughters to work Day is ______.

A.on every Thursday in April

B.a holiday for girls of all ages

C.a day for girls to know about jobs

D.a day for girls to get a job easily

3.On this special day, Cara has done all the following EXCEPT that ____.

A.she learned to use scales

B.she worked as an actress

C.she went to work with her aunt

D.she used toothpicks and Candy to build a bridge

4.What is probably the best title for the passage?

A.Cara Lang, a Fortunate Girl

B.Take Our Daughters to Work Day

C.Children's Day and Work Day

D.Ms. Foundation, an Organization for Women


