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科目: 来源:2015届浙江省乐清市高一第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

___ they visited our school, they showed great interest in everything they saw.

A.The first time                          B.For the first time

C.At first                                D.At the first time



科目: 来源:2015届浙江省乐清市高一第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Only when he reached the tea-house ______it was the same place he’d been in last year.

A.he realized                            B.he did realize

C.realized he                            D.did he realize



科目: 来源:2015届浙江省乐清市高一第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It’s helpful to put children in a situation _____ they can see themselves differently.

A.that              B.when             C.which            D.where



科目: 来源:2015届浙江省乐清市高一第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The kind lady devoted all her life to _____ those homeless children.

A.help             B.helping           C.be helping         D.being helped



科目: 来源:2015届浙江省乐清市高一第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A lot of praises have come from those _____ patients because they are getting better after taking the medicine.

A.peaceful          B.hopeful           C.successful         D.grateful



科目: 来源:2015届浙江省乐清市高一第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A large number of people are _____, and how can the local government ignore the problem?

A.at work           B.in work           C.out of work        D.after work



科目: 来源:2015届浙江省乐清市高一第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I have to go home now. Daddy and Mummy must be waiting for me.

—OK.    .

A.Take it easy                       B.Come on

C.You’re welcome                       D.See you



科目: 来源:2015届浙江省乐清市高一第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Lena Horne was born in Brooklyn,New York in 1917.Her mother was away for much of her 36 .So her grandmother helped raise her.

At the age of sixteen,Lena 37 work as a dancer at the famous Cotton Club in New York City.After 38  voice lessons,she soon began performing there as a singer too.At the age of nineteen,Lena moved to Pittsburgh and  39 Louis Jones,who was an actor. 40 ,their life together did not last long.But they had two 41 ,Gail and Edwin.

In 1940,Lena Horne became the first African American to travel and 42 with an all white jazz band.She 43 made records and performed at New York City’s Café Society jazz club.This was the first nightclub in the United States 44 racial barriers (隔阂).Many jazz clubs during this period had 45  performers,but few allowed them to watch the 46 as part of the audience.

Lena Horne became very 47 .After performing at a club in Hollywood,California,she 48 filmmakers.So with the help of some filmmakers,she soon 49 making movies.Lena Horne said that she was able to make movies 50 she was the kind of black person that white people could accept.But she said this was the 51 kind of acceptance.It was because of the way she 52 ,not because of how good she was or how hard she worked.

However,through her hard work,she helped 53 racial barriers.During her sixty year career as a performer,Lena Horne earned people’s 54 and respect.She used her fame to 55 social injustices(不公正)toward African?Americans.

1.                A.dream         B.performance     C.life  D.childhood


2.                A.disliked         B.found          C.lost  D.wanted


3.                A.taking          B.giving          C.making   D.designing


4.                A.saw            B.changed        C.surprised D.married


5.                A.Excitingly       B.Amazingly       C.Unfortunately  D.Happily


6.                A.relatives        B.children        C.friends   D.parents


7.                A.stay           B.play            C.perform  D.communicate


8.                A.always         B.hardly          C.never    D.also


9.                A.for            B.with           C.without   D.on


10.               A.black          B.yellow         C.brown D.white


11.               A.shows          B.dances         C.activities   D.people


12.               A.popular        B.hard-working    C.happy D.interesting


13.                                A.took care of B.looked down upon

C.got away from                     D.caught the attention of


14.               A.stopped        B.preferred       C.began D.enjoyed


15.               A.because        B.so             C.though    D.if


16.               A.fastest         B.worst          C.best  D.biggest


17.               A.served         B.sang           C.looked    D.acted


18.               A.break          B.protect         C.exchange  D.show


19.               A.hate           B.service         C.pity  D.love


20.               A.hide           B.fight           C.make D.experience




科目: 来源:2015届浙江省乐清市高一第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

How would you like to learn more without having to study more?Here’s how:

1.Get to bed and go to sleep.Your performance,attention,and the ability to concentrate are damaged by lack of sleep.Teenagers need nine to ten hours of sleep a night for best performance.

2.Feed your head.The brain runs badly if it doesn’t get enough fuel.That means protein(蛋白质)and complex carbs (复合碳水化合物)-eggs and wheat bread for breakfast,say,rather than sugary cereal(含糖的麦片粥)and orange juice.The biggest mistake teens make is not to have breakfast or to go for sugar,which raises blood sugar levels.

3.Body exercise is brain exercise.Body exercise really improves brain performance,perhaps because it increases blood flow,or perhaps because it reduces stress and anxiety(焦虑).Twenty minutes of activity a day that raises your heart rate will do great good.

4.Learn now what you want to remember for the rest of your life.Teenage brains are much better at remembering things than the brains  of young children or adults.Scientists aren’t sure why.Whatever the reason,the teenage years are the time to learn new languages and master other lifelong skills.

5.Learn the power of risk taking.Adults are always worried about the downside of teenage risk?taking,and it’s true that teenagers are more likely than adults to get themselves in trouble by drinking and driving.But the fact that the parts of the brain that drive people to try new,risky,and exciting things appear to be more developed in teenagers can be a huge advantage.Pick certain challenges-difficult sports,a hard job,mastering a performance art,traveling overseas-and the teenage brain is able to deal with them.They have this power they’re given to go out and do it without fear.

6.Learn what you love.Because emotional(情感的)systems develop fast in teenager brains,teenagers learn things they’re interested in quickly and well.Their brains give them tools like attention on the project.

1.According to the passage,teenagers should have    for breakfast.

A.wheat bread and eggs                    B.sugar and orange juice

C.sugar and bread                        D.wheat bread and orange juice

2.Body exercise plays a part in all the following EXCEPT    .

A.making people less anxious                B.raising heart rate

C.reducing blood pressure                  D.reducing stress

3.The underlined word “downside” in the passage probably means    .

A.excitement                            B.disadvantage

C.benefit                               D.power

4.It can be learned from the passage that    .

A.teenagers learn quickly when they are fond of something

B.teenagers should be forbidden to drive

C.scientists know why teenagers have a good memory

D.teenagers need less sleep than adults



科目: 来源:2015届浙江省乐清市高一第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It has always been said that women are not good drivers, because they simply don’t have very good driving ability. On the other hand, most car accidents happen to men; very few happen to women.

From this, we can see that women are much more careful while driving. Another very interesting fact that we should point out is that in the past, women preferred to let their husbands be the only driver in the family rather than have a driving license. Somehow they were prevented from making this step in their lives, but nowadays there are many women that want to pass their driving tests from an early age.

However, we have to admit that men are more skillful drivers than women, but this does not mean that a woman cannot become a good driver by accumulating(积累) experience. So more and more teenagers and women around the age of thirty now want to pass their driving tests. While taking their driving lessons, they also have a number of special lessons with their parents or somebody in the family that has a driving license, this is just to improve their driving abilities and help them to pass the tests more easily.

To conclude, we can say that women are not such bad drivers. They just need more experience than men in order to be able to drive well. And on the other hand, there are a number of women that show better driving skills than the men around them.

1.Compared with the past, nowadays many women ______.

A.have more accidents while driving          B.prefer to have a driving license

C.are somehow prevented from driving        D.are the only driver in the family

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Teenage girls cannot take driving tests.

B.Men didn’t allow women to drive in the past.

C.Women can easily pass their tests by taking driving lessons.

D.With enough experience, women can become good drivers.

3.The passage mainly talks about ______.

A.why men are better drivers than women

B.men and their driving ability

C.women and their driving ability

D.why more women like to have a driving license


