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科目: 来源:2011-2012学年广东省中山市高考考前模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

A great many people are disappointed because of unrealistic expectations.

Walking up to a department store’s cloth counter, a(n)  1   young woman said, “I want to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?”

“Only one   2   per yard,” replied the smirking (自鸣得意的) male clerk.

Not to be taken back by the funny words, the woman said,” That’s fine! I’ll take ten yards.”

With   3  written all over his face, the clerk   4   measured out and wrapped the cloth, then held it out teasingly,  5  forward to receive his “  6  ”.

The woman got the package quickly from the clerk and pointed to a little old man standing beside her. “Grandpa will pay the bill instead of me,” she   7  .

He was no doubt disappointed. But in the course of living, many people are  8         when others do not   9  their expectations. In order to be happy, some expectations must be dropped. These three particular   10   and unhealthy expectations are some of the main causes:

1. Expect too much  11  .When others say, “Thank you,” or in any way to show their gratitude, be happy. It is a gift!

2. Expect others to make you happy. They simply cannot do that. Make yourself happy and       12  your joy with others.

3. Expect not to be  13   . At times, people will simply not come through for you in the way you need.  14   them and move on.

Get rid of these three unrealistic expectations and you can begin to expect more   15        right away!

1.                A.tricky          B.attractive       C.ugly D.generous


2.                A.kiss            B.pay            C.dollar    D.cent


3.                A.happiness       B.enjoyment      C.expectation   D.courage


4.                A.hurriedly       B.slowly          C.patiently  D.curiously


5.                A.setting         B.sitting          C.leaning   D.taking


6.                A.reward         B.payment        C.bonus    D.money


7.                A.smiled         B.begged         C.waved    D.thought


8.                A.encouraged     B.disappointed     C.annoyed  D.surprised


9.                A.live up to       B.go against       C.go without D.hope for


10.               A.reasonable      B.proper         C.unimportant    D.unrealistic


11.               A.profit          B.kiss            C.appreciation    D.disappointment


12.               A.spare          B.share          C.make D.control


13.               A.put down       B.let down        C.taken down D.thrown down


14.               A.Forgive         B.Punish         C.Blame D.Praise


15.               A.happiness       B.encouragement  C.excitement D.pride




科目: 来源:2011-2012学年广东省中山市高考考前模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

As we all know, games play a very important role in the growth of children. Children should grow along with playing games, for, __1.  playing games, they can not only acquire knowledge, but also cultivate their abilities to get along with others.

However, most children _ 2.  (face) with a completely different situation. Most parents fear that games will prevent children from increasing new knowledge and   __3.__ the children will fail in the future examinations. So, instead of __4.__ ( let ) the children   5.  find and learn naturally from their surroundings, they force their children to take part in various kinds of classes, learning English, playing   6.__           piano or practicing drawing, etc. What’s more, some parents put   7.  the children’s toys which are very useful in developing children’s imagination and practical abilities.

 8.  is a piece of good advice to those parents:   9.  you want to expect your child to be able to accomplish something, you must first of all develop his ability to adapt to the new surroundings. That cram education can lead to nothing  _ 10.  a failure in the children’s growth.



科目: 来源:2011-2012学年广东省中山市高考考前模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Microwaves may be great at warming up food, but what about warming people?

Using microwaves to directly heat owners of a room would save much of the energy wasted by heating walls and furniture. And despite popular ideas about microwaves, this technique would be safe, according to Charles R. Burlier of the Microwave Research Center in Marlborough, New Hampshire. Low-power microwaves only penetrate (贯穿) the skin (low-power microwave penetration in a ham is about 0.2 inches, for example) and with no negative effects.

To test this idea, Buffler subjected himself to microwaves in a special room using a standard 500-watt, 2459 MHz magnetron (磁控管). He found that a person will start to feel warmth at about 20 milliwatts per square centimeter (mw. / sq. cm. ) ; a satisfactory feeling of warmth occurs between 35 and 50mw. / sq. cm. By comparison, a person standing in noonday summer sun feels the amount of 85 mw. / sq. cm. And a frozen meat pie in your microwave oven receives about 1000 mw. / sq. cm.

In houses of the future, each room could be provided with its own magnetron, says Buffler. When you stepped into the living room, for example, a motion detector (运动感应器)would turn on the magnetron, filling the room with low-power microwaves. In the same way that a microwave oven heats up a hamburger, but not the plate it’s on, you would feel warmth from the microwaves without changing the temperature of your coffee table. (You could, however, make your favorite easy chair even more comfortable by treating it with a radiation-absorbing chemical.)

While it might be some time before homeowners are comfortable enough with the idea to set up whole-body microwave heaters in houses, Buffler says microwaves may attract livestock(家畜) farmers. Lambs that are born outdoors in winter, for example, are frequently lost to cold. Microwaves could warm the lambs safely and quickly.

1.Which of the following can tell the main idea of the passage?

A.A new heating system.                   B.A new microwave oven.

C.A popular technique.                     D.The magnetron.

2.According to Paragraph 2, which of the following does not describe the characteristics of a microwave heater?

A.It directly heats people in a room.

B.It heats walls and furniture in a room.

C.It is safe.

D.It saves energy.

3.The test conducted by Buffler shows that when a person feels comfortable warmth, he receives about ________________.

A.20 mw. / sq. cm.    B.40 mw. / sq. cm.     C.60 mw. / sq. cm.     D.85 mw. / sq. cm.

4.According to Paragraph 4, which of the following fills the room with low-power microwaves?

A.The magnetron.                        B.The motion detector.

C.The microwave oven.                    D.The radiation-absorbing chemical.

5.Which of the following statements about microwave heaters would Buffler most probably agree with?

A.Microwave heaters will soon be widely used by homeowners.

B.Microwave heaters sometimes make people feel uncomfortable.

C.Perhaps microwave heaters will be first used by livestock farmers, who wish to protect their lambs in winter.

D.Microwave heaters cannot be accepted by the public because they are somewhat unsafe.



科目: 来源:2011-2012学年广东省中山市高考考前模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In Europe, people hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right throughout the meal, a system that is generally agreed to be more efficient than the American zigzag(曲折的)method. Americans hold both the fork and the knife in their right hands throughout the meal, so they continually change their forks to the left hand when they have to cut their meat. It seems to be funny for the Europeans to see Americans busy changing their dinner sets, making a lot of noises.

A few explanations for this American style are as follows:

(1) Americans are practical and efficient. Since most of us are right-handed, it is reasonable to keep our working tools at all times in the right hand that can use them most efficiently.

(2) Americans, the master of the New World are rebels(叛逆者).They use the zigzag method to break the rules in the Old World and in this way they are thumbing their nose at Mother England. Americans are a restless kind. They do not like to sit in one spot for very long when dining.

(3) Forced to do so, they respond by “playing” with the silver.

Whatever the reason for the practice, it is now certainly as American as apple pie. Europeans recognize this and are quick to attack it as evidence of American innocence(无知)of form. Arguments against the zigzag method rest not only on grounds of efficiency but also on those of tradition. In Old World dining, the knife is held in the right hand continually because it can serve as an instant defense against the uninvited intruders(入侵者).However, such alertness(警觉) is out of place in the New World, as every American believes that this is the home of the brave. Americans juggle their silverware, perhaps, to show that they are not afraid and that one of them holding a fork is worth any number of them holding blades(刀).

1.Americans use _______ to hold their fork to pick up the salad.

A.the right hand                          B.the left hand

C.both hands                            D.either of the two hands

2.As the masters of the New World, Americans use a different cutting method from that in the Old World to _________________.

A.show their independence of Mother England

B.show their disrespect to Mother England

C.add a new tradition to those in Mother England

D.show off their creativeness to Mother England

3.In the last sentence, the word “juggle” probably means ____________.

A.hold             B.play with          C.pick up           D.lay down

4.Also in the last sentence, the two “them” refer to ____________.


B.Europeans and Americans separately

C.Americans and Europeans separately


5.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.European people hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand.

B.The zigzag eating method is related to American characteristics.

C.The zigzag eating method has become an American feature.

D.European people will use the American method because of its efficiency.



科目: 来源:2011-2012学年广东省中山市高考考前模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The name “cowboy” conjures up many different images from movies, songs and TV. These imagined cowboys range from white-hat-wearing heroes to gun-shooting hooligans(流氓).But, cowboys are actually real people from US history.

When the US Civil War ended, many soldiers had no place to call home. So, they began to drift to the country’s rural West. Ranchers(农场主) hired these men to take care of the cattle and work around the ranch. When the ranch owner wanted to sell the cattle, the cowboys would round up the herd from the open prairie(牧场) and drive the cattle miles to the market.

With the invention of barbed wire(铁丝网),the cowboy era(1865-1890) began to come to an end. But people in the East had always been curious about their lifestyle. Many country/western songs during this time tried to capture the true cowboy spirit. Newspapers published cowboy tales in serial form and adventure novels followed. The bigger the fiction,  the better the sales. These novels often portrayed cowboys as cruel and violent men. Cowboys carried the bad reputation for many years afterwards.

When movies began to be popular in the 1920s, the cowboy image changed again. Now, a cowboy became the great white knight(骑士) that loved his horse more than the beautiful ladies he rescued. As the cowboy of the “Old West” spent more time with his horse than the ladies, this era's image was not entirely false.

Then, in the 50s,Hollywood began producing so-called “spaghetti westerns(意大利西部片)”.They earned the nickname because Italian companies financed the films and TV shows. This started the decade’s “Cowboy Craze”. While this didn’t last long, it made modern country / western music, fashion and dance extremely popular.

In recent years, with the help of musicians, radio stations and bars, cowboy nostalgia(怀旧情绪) has returned. Even though his image is still changing — somewhere between ballad singing country boy and bar room fighter — there’s one thing for sure, you can’t keep the cowboy down.

1.The purpose of this story is to ______.

A.introduce cowboy movies and novels

B.introduce various productions associated with cowboys

C.show the cowboy's everlasting charm

D.inform us about the cowboy’s spirit

2.Before they became cowboys, they ______.

A.served in the army                      B.worked as bar-room fighters

C.owned ranches                         D.were adventurous explorers

3.During “the cowboy era” mentioned in the story, ______________.

A.the cowboy often came to the rescue of ladies in newspaper tales

B.the distant Wild West appealed to people in the East

C.cowboys were shown as cruel and violent men on the silver screen

D.country music started the cowboy craze which swept the whole country

4.By saying “you can’t keep the cowboy down”, the writer means that ______.

A.cowboys are real people in history          B.cowboys still fascinate people

C.you can't make cowboys unhappy           D.you can’t grasp the cowboy spirit

5.Which of the following statements would the writer agree to?

A.The cowboy has been presented in different lights in different eras.

B.Cowboys are gun-shooting hooligans, without doubt.

C.Cowboys have always been a passing phenomenon.

D.Cowboys enjoy Italian foods, for example, spaghetti.



科目: 来源:2011-2012学年广东省中山市高考考前模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Commencement (毕业典礼) is a time for idealism.

But economic reality is cruel everywhere; especially for new graduate. They have been told repeatedly that a college degree is an open sesame(芝麻) to the global economy. But that’s not necessarily so, according to new research by two economists at he Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Frank Levy and Peter Temin.

It is true that people with college degrees make more money than people without degrees. The gap has narrowed somewhat in recent years, which is disturbing. But the earning power of college graduates still far outpaces that of less-educated workers.

The bad news, though, is that a college degree does not ensure a bigger share of the economics pie for many graduates. In recent decades Mr. Levy and Mr. Temin show, only college-educated women have seen their income grow in line with economy wide gains in productivity. The earnings of male college graduates have failed to keep pace with productivity gains.

Instead, a huge share of productivity growth, which expands the nation’s income, is going to Americans on the top of the income scale. In 2005, the latest year with available data, the top of 1 percent of Americans---whose average annual income was $ 1.1 million--- took in 21.8 percent of the nation’s income, their largest share since 1929.

Administration officials, and other politicians and economists, often, believe that income inequality, reflects an education gap. But Mr. Levy and Mr. Temin show that in the case of men, the average bachelor’s degree is not enough to catch the rising tide of the global economy.

They argue that the real reason that inequality is worsening is the lack of strong policies that broadly distribute economic gains. In the past, for example, a more progressive income tax and unions promote equality. Positive measures have been eroding and new ones have not yet emerged, making the income gap even greater.

Mr. Levy and Mr. Temin conclude that only a new government policy can restore general prosperity. That’s a challenge to the nation’s leader and today’s graduates. America needs them to contribute to the development of the nation in global economy.

1.The passage is mainly about that _______.

A.there is a big income gap between female and male college graduates in America.

B.college graduates find it hard to find an ideal job after graduation in America.

C.research shows that American government should take measures to ensure income equality for college graduates

D.college degrees are losing value in America.

2.What is the main idea of paragraph 5?

A.The whole nation has enjoyed a big income growth with the growth of productivity.

B.Much of the total income in America has been gained by a few very rich people.

C.A small part of people in America have income increase.

D.Upper class Americans contribute most to productivity growth.

3.The underlined word “eroding” in paragraph 7 probably means _______.

A.being gradually destroyed by wind or rain

B.gradually reducing power

C.gradually disappearing

D.gradually not suitable

4.We can infer from the passage that _______.

A.female college graduates have higher income than male ones.

B.female college graduates have benefited from some governmental measures to ensure their income growth.

C.income tax can grantee income equality.

D.new measures and policies have been taken to promote income equality.

5.From the passage, some economists believe that the worsening income inequality is caused by ______.

A.lower college degree of college graduates

B.lack of proper governmental policies

C.gender discrimination

D.underdevelopment of economy and productivity.



科目: 来源:2011-2012学年广东省中山市高考考前模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配



Ever wonder what President  George “Dubya” Bush will be doing once he leaves the White House? Well.we wondered too and voted for him to run a hot dog stand.in the city that never sleeps New York!

Life’s tough in the Stone Age.Fortunately our man Sam has got your brain to help him out! He’s got to find food,make weapons,survive tigers,and keep his girlfriend Lucy happy! So let’s get prehistoric and help Sam in this crazy adventure.

Hit the snow slopes with this snowboarding game.Perform special skills on your snowboard to collect points.Pump air into your stride by timing your jumps carefully while negotiating 3 killer kickers.Whatever you do — Have fun!

Add logic,fun and load of color and what do you get? The crazy cube!  And we promise you, it’s the craziest cube you’ll come across this side of the universe.Rack your brains crazy in this totally addicting puzzle game and beat the colored cube!

Put your hard hat on…because we’re going under construction! This addictive puzzle game will have you constructing for hours! Build beautiful towers using colorful building blocks.

Fight to conquer the universe in this strategic space simulation game.Play as a space commander and protect your imperial star base from enemies.Become the most powerful air force and fulfill your one and only mission:complete space dominance!


1.Sammy is a girl with a logical mind.She would like to play the kind of games that can not only practice her intelligence but Call challenge her memory as well.

2.Amy has always been interested in politics and loves to play jokes on politicians.As a result,any game that concerns government officials would interest her.

3.Jack is a student who is keen on architecture.He has problem in concentrating himself on a piece of work.He hopes to find a game that can suit his interest and help him focus his mind on it.

4.William is a sports fan who would like to take up extreme sports.But he isn’t allowed to try such kind of dangerous sport,SO he could only find some relevant games to play.

5.Teddy is a film lover.After seeing the film The Star Wars,he imagined that he could one day be a commander,leading his soldiers to protect his planet from being invaded.



科目: 来源:2011-2012学年广东省中山市高考考前模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达




新光中学(Xinguang Middle School)高三年级学生将于9月9日去体检。







1. 标题:Notice(已给出,不计入句数)

2. 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容





科目: 来源:2011-2012学年广东省中山市高考考前模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配

阅读下面的短文,然后按要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。

There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerable, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual — the sort of the environment in which he is brought up. If an individual is handicapped(受阻碍) environmentally, it is likely that his brain will stop to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.

The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be proved by the identical twins, Peter and John. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster(寄养) homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational opportunities. John, however, was educated in the home well-to-do parents who had been to college. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to measure their intelligence. John’s IQ was 125, twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his brother.














科目: 来源:2011-2012学年江苏涟水中学高三阶段性检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

John sold the camera yesterday which his brother           him as a birthday present from Japan.

A.has sent          B.had sent          C.was sending        D.would send


