 0  64428  64436  64442  64446  64452  64454  64458  64464  64466  64472  64478  64482  64484  64488  64494  64496  64502  64506  64508  64512  64514  64518  64520  64522  64523  64524  64526  64527  64528  64530  64532  64536  64538  64542  64544  64548  64554  64556  64562  64566  64568  64572  64578  64584  64586  64592  64596  64598  64604  64608  64614  64622  151629 

科目: 来源:0910学年广东省深圳市龙岗区高二第一学期期末考试 题型:完成句子


第二节  短语填空(从下列短语中选出一个合适的并用其适当形式填入每个句子中,使其句意完整,共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

66.          the sun does great harm to your skin so you should avoid doing so in daily life.

67.Nowadays plastics             many conventional materials.

68.A terrible earthquake struck Wenchuan in Sichuan Province in 2008,           many injuries and deaths.

69.With the development of science and technology, the young generation        surfing the Internet and playing computer games, which has a bad influence on their study.

70.With the victim            him             attempted murder, the man was thrown into great depression.

71.It is unlikely for him to       his boss, who is strict and mean,       his innocence.

72.Super Junior, a band made up of 13 handsome boys,           both boys and girls in the school.

73.Some scientific researches provide further support for the idea that even small differences in lifestyle may            health in the population.

74.Look at the expression on his face! He must           great difficulty in yesterday’s knowledge contest.

75.           the car which was speeding, the traffic police decided to ask his colleagues to search for it.



科目: 来源:0910学年广东省深圳市龙岗区高二第一学期期末考试 题型:书面表达


第四部分    读写任务(共两节共1小题,满分25分)


Jean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has everything that money can buy. Well, almost everything. The problem is that the people in Jean’s family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fact, Jean is quite lonely.

So Jean spends a lot of time on her QQ. She likes being anonymous(匿名), talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends who she keeps in touch with quite often.

Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had a common interest in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot their time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other. David sent a picture of himself: He was a tall, good-looking young man with a big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.

When Jean’s father told her that he was going on a business trip to San Francisco, she asked him to let her go with him so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday. She would take him the latest DVD of their favourite rock singer. But when she knocked on David’s door in San Francisco, she found that her special friend was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim!



2.以约为120词就“Should We Make Friends on QQ?”这个主题写一篇英语短文,并包括如下要点:









Should We Make Friends on QQ ?



科目: 来源:0910学年广东省高一上学期期末考试 题型:单项填空

It was in New Zealand _____I was born _____Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.

A. that , that

B.which , which

C.where , that

D.that, which



科目: 来源:0910学年广东省高一上学期期末考试 题型:单项填空

I will give you my friend’s home address, _____I can be reached most evenings.

A. Which






科目: 来源:0910学年广东省高一上学期期末考试 题型:单项填空

No decision____ about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.

A. will be made

B.is made

C.is being made

D.has been made



科目: 来源:0910学年广东省高一上学期期末考试 题型:单项填空

_____ their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.

A. To throw



D.Being thrown



科目: 来源:0910学年广东省高一上学期期末考试 题型:完型填空

II.Fill in the blanks(10)

The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word. In speaking, the choice of words is   16   great importance. Proper _17__(choose) will get rid of one source of likely breakdown in the communication cycle. Too often, careless use of words___18___ (prevent) a meeting of the mind of the speaker and listener. The words used by the speaker may cause __19___(favor) reactions in the listener_20__interfere with his comprehension; hence, the transmission-reception system breaks down. Moreover , inaccurate or indefinite words may make _21__ difficult for the listener to understand the message which __22__(transmit) to him. The speaker_23__does not have specific words in working vocabulary may be unabe to explain or describe in _24_ way ___25_ can be understood by listeners.


Nobody wants to appear fat. Many girls who care too much about their self-image(个人形象) choose to eat less food to  26   themselves from gaining weight. Some even take medicine to achieve their goals. Those unhealthy ways may lead to being   27  to a certain drug and the addiction is usually very   28  . There is little difference to committing suicide (自杀). I used to eat   29    a lot, which is said to be high in protein but low in calories. But the moment bird flu   30   out, I stopped eating this kind of meat. To me, health always comes first, because no matter how wealthy you are, your   31   will deprive(剥夺) you of the right to   32   your life, so why should we put ourselves in danger and suffer? However, you’d better keep it in mind that whether you go on a calorie-restricted (限制热量的) diet or not, exercising and   33   eating are excellent ways to keep your body in good   34. Their emphasis is that the healthy way to lose weight is   35   to make permanent changes to your lifestyle.

26. A. protect                     B. make                      C. promise                  D. keep

27. A. used               B. addicted             C. exposed             D. devoted

28. A. painful        B. useful             C. cheerful              D. sorrowful

29. A. fruit           B. vegetable           C. chicken              D. pork

30. A. let             B. set                C. gave                 D. broke

31. A. medicine             B. weight             C. diet                 D. disease

32. A. enjoy          B. make             C. change                D. take

33. A. regular        B. healthy            C. good                 D. normal

34. A. size            B. shape              C. situation             D. style

35. A. usually                B. generally          C. quickly                D. gradually



科目: 来源:0910学年广东省高一上学期期末考试 题型:阅读理解

IV. Reading(30)


Mathematical ability and musical ability may not seem on the surface to be connected, but people who have researched the subject -- and studied the brain—say that they are. Three quarters of the bright but speech-delayed children in the group I studied had a close relative who was an engineer, mathematician or scientist, and four fifths had a close relative who played a musical instrument. The children themselves usually took readily to math and other analytical subjects and to music.

Black, white and Asian children in this group show the same patterns. However, it is clear that blacks have been greatly overrepresented in the development of American popular music and greatly underrepresented in such fields as mathematics, science and engineering.

If the abilities required in analytical fields and in music are so closely related, how can there be this great discrepancy? One reason is that the development of mathematical and other such abilities requires years of formal schooling, while certain musical talents can be developed with little or no formal training, as has happened with a number of well-known black musicians.

It is precisely in those kinds of music where one can acquire great skill without formal training that blacks have excelled popular music rather than classical music, piano rather than violin, blues rather than opera. This is readily understandable, given that most blacks, for most of American history, have not had either the money or the leisure for long years of formal study in music.

Blacks have not merely held their own in American popular music. They have played a large role in the development of jazz, both traditional and modern. A long string of names comes to mind—W.C. Handy, Louis Armstrong, Charlie Parker…and so on.

None of this presupposes(假设,意味着) any special innate(先天的)ability of blacks in music. On the contrary, it is perfectly consistent with blacks having no more such inborn ability than anyone else, but being limited to being able to express such ability in narrower channels than others who have had the money, the time and the formal education to spread out over a wider range of music, as well as into mathematics, science and engineering.

36. what is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A.    Mathematical ability and musical ability are connected.

B.    Mathematical ability has more to do with the brain than musical ability.

C.    More people are good at music than math.

D.    More research should be done into the relationship between mathematical ability and math ability.

37. The word “discrepancy” (Para. 3) most probably means ____.

A. difference  B. excellence  C. inborn ability     D. inability

(38. What can be inferred about opera?

A.    It requires formal training.

B.    It is often enjoyed by those with strong analytical ability.

C.    It is disliked by blacks.

D.    It is more difficult to learn than classical music.

39. Which of the following statements is true according to the last paragraph?

A.    Blacks have special innate ability in music.

B.    Unlike others, blacks do not have innate ability in music.

C.    Jazz is one of the narrow channels through which blacks express their ability in music.

D.    Those who have money and time choose mathematics over music.

40. which of the following questions does the passage mainly concern?

A.    Are musical ability and mathematical ability connected?

B.    Why have blacks been greatly over represented in the development of American popular misic?

C.    What kinds of music require formal training?

D.    What are the contributions made by black musicians?



科目: 来源:0910学年广东省高一上学期期末考试 题型:阅读理解

After the Summer Olympics are over, when all the athletes and viewers have gone home and the television audience has switched off, another group of athletes and fans will arrive at the host city, and another competition will begin. These are the Paralympics, the games for athletes with a disability. But in Beijing in 2008, for the first time, one of the greatest paralympians will not be taking part.

She is a British athlete by the name of Tanni Grey-Thompson. Born with spina bifida (脊椎裂) which left her paralysed(瘫痪的) from the waist down, Tanni used a wheelchair from the age of 7. At first, she was not keen on sport, apart from horse-riding, which gave her a sense of freedom. But in her teens, she started taking sports more seriously. She tried swimming, basketball and tennis. Eventually she found athletics, and never looked back.

Indeed, Tanni's athletic career took off. In 1984, when she was 15, she pulled off a surprise victory in the 100 meters at the Junior National Wheelchair Games.

In 1988, Tanni went to her first Paralympic Games in Seoul. She won bronze in the 400 meters. Even greater success followed at the 1992 Barcelona Paralympics. Tanni won gold in the100, 200, 400 and 800 meters relay, setting two world records in the process. In the same year she achieved the first of her six London Wheelchair Marathon victories.

Tanni's enduring success has been part motivation, part preparation. “The training I do that enables me to be a good sprinter (短跑运动员) enables me to be good at a marathon too. I train 50 weeks of the year and that keep me prepared for whatever distance I want to race... I am still competing at a very high level, but as 1 get older things get harder and 1 want to retire before 1

fall apart."

Indeed Tanni retired finally after the Visa Paralympic World Cup in 2007. Her wish is to coach young athletes for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

In spite of ups and downs, she never takes her fate lying down. In her splendid life, she has won an amazing eleven gold medals, four silvers and one bronze in a series of Paralympics— a top level athletic career covering two decades. She has won the London Wheelchair Marathon six times, more than any other competitor, and she has set over thirty world records.

What advice does she have for young athletes? "Work hard at your studies, and then train, train and train again."

41. Which of the following sports did Tanni like before thirteen?

A. Basketball.      B. Swimming.         C. Tennis.         D. Horse-riding.

42. When did Tanni win her first Olympic gold medal?

A. In 1984.        B. In 1988.           C. In 1992.         D. In 2007.

43. The underlined word "that" in the 5th paragraph refers to____.

A. fifty weeks' training                   B. being a good sprinter

C. training almost every day             D. part motivation and part preparation

44. What's the right order of the events related to Tanni?

a. She works as a coach.

b. She took up athletics.

c. She won four gold medals in Barcelona.

d. She competed in her first Paralympic Games.

e. She achieved a victory in her first London Wheelchair Marathon.

A. b, d, c, e, a      B. a, d, b, c, e      C. a, d, c, e, b        D. b, d, a, e, c

45. What can we learn from Tanni's success?

A. Union is strength.                      B. Never too late to learn.

C. Well begun is half done.                D. No pains, no gains.



科目: 来源:0910学年广东省高一上学期期末考试 题型:单词拼写

V. vocabulary(10)

51. Why he went there is a _________(谜)to me

52. The football match will be held in the Peking Workers’ ________ (体育场)

53. He received a letter saying that his _____________(申请)had been rejected.

54. I remembered the beatings and the ____ (残酷)of the guards when I was in prison.

55. what should be done is to be done ____(适当)

56. Amber has a beautiful yellow-brown colou and it easily melts when ____(加热).

57. The room ____(充当) as a small reception hall for all the applicants.

58.. He has a gift for _______(计算) and likes to solve any mathematical  problem.

59  _____(个人观点), I think  good altitude  means  commitment , professionalism, teamwork spirit and strong will..

60. Economic crisis has _____ (影响)its tourism, which is the major industry in this country.


