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科目: 来源:湖北省2009-2010学年高一下学期期末考试 题型:阅读理解


Baths and bathing have been considered of an important medical therapy to man. In Greece there are the ruins of a bath tub and water system built over 3 000 years ago. The Romans had warm public baths. In some public baths as many 3 000 persons could bathe at the same time.

Treating diseases by bathing has been popular for centuries. Modern medical bathing, or hydrotherapy, first became popular in Europe and by the late 1 700’s also became popular in the United States.

For many years frequent bathing was believed to be bad for one’s health. Ordinary bathing just to be clean was avoided, and perfume(香水) was used to cover up body and smell.

By the 1 700’s doctors began to say that soap and water were good for health. They believed that it was good for people to be clean. Slowly, people began to bathe more frequently.

In the United States ordinary bathing was slow to become popular. During the 18th and early 19th centuries, many Americans were known as “the great unwashed”. In one American city, for example, a person could only take a bath every 30 days! That was a law.

Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit. People know that bathing for cleanliness is important to health. Doctors know that dirty bodies increase that chance of disease.    

Therefore in the United States people generally bathe often.

1.What does the word “hydrotherapy” underlined in the second paragraph refer to?

       A.A bathing tub.                                      B.Medical bathing.

       C.Ordinary bathing.                                 D.Warm public baths.

2.Until when did doctors believe that ordinary bathing was good for health?

       A.Until the 16th century                           B.Until the 17th century.

       C.Until the 18th century.                          D.Until the 19th century.

3.Where did the ordinary bathing first become popular according to the passage?

       A.In Africa.                                            B.In Europe.          

       C.In the USA.                                         D.The passage doesn’t tell us.

4.Which of the following statements is not true?

       A.Bathing was important to Greeks and Romans.

       B.The Greek built water systems.

       C.The Greek had warm public baths.

       D.The Greek used bath tubs.

5.The passage is mainly about ______.

       A.bathing in the USA

       B.the good points and bad points of bathing

       C.the history of bathing

       D.the modern medical bathing



科目: 来源:湖北省2009-2010学年高一下学期期末考试 题型:任务型阅读



Courage is admitting that you are afraid and facing the fear directly. It’s being strong enough to ask for help and humble enough to accept it.

Courage is standing up for what you believe in without worrying about the opinions of others. It’s following your own heart, living your own life, and settling for nothing less than the best for yourself.

Courage is daring to take the first step, a big leap, or the different path. It’s attempting to do something that no one else has done before and all others think impossible.

Courage is keeping in the face of disappointment and looking at defeat not as an end but as a new beginning. It’s believed that things will ultimately get better even as they get worse.

Courage is                your own actions and admitting your own mistakes without placing blame on others. It’s not relying on others for your success, but on your own skills and efforts.

Courage is refusing to quit even when you are threatened by impossibility. It’s choosing a goal, sticking to it, and finding solutions to the problems.

Courage is thinking big, aiming high, and shooting far. It’s taking a dream and doing anything, risking everything, and stopping at nothing to make it a reality.

1.What’s the best title of this passage?


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

Courage is supporting what you trust without being influenced by others.



3.Please fill in the blank in proper words.( within 10 words)



4.What definition of courage do you most agree? Why? (within 30 words)



5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.





科目: 来源:湖北省2009-2010学年高一下学期期末考试 题型:书面表达


















Dear Jim,

Learning that you are coming to Beijing for a visit and to watch the 29th Olympic Games, I’m very glad to offer you some information about the city.





Best wishes,

Li hua



科目: 来源:湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2010-2011学年高三年级八月模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 Chemicals in the body ______our food _____ into useful things.

       A.break, into                                      B.break, up       

       C.break, down                                    D.break, off



科目: 来源:湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2010-2011学年高三年级八月模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 Our manager is _____an important customer now and he will be back this afternoon.

       A.calling on                                      B.calling up       

       C.calling in                                       D.calling at



科目: 来源:湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2010-2011学年高三年级八月模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 When asked about the secret about staying young, he said that a balanced diet _____ with exercise was the recipe for a healthy life.

       A.conducted          B.concluded           C.combined           D.connected



科目: 来源:湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2010-2011学年高三年级八月模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 The mayor _____ the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims

       A.rewarded                                     B.awarded        

       C.credited                                       D.prized



科目: 来源:湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2010-2011学年高三年级八月模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 The police discovered the witness at the funeral, but it was not an _____ to talk at length about the case.

       A.appointment                                    B.event           

       C.incident                                       D.occasion



科目: 来源:湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2010-2011学年高三年级八月模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 Our school plans a wide ______ of outings, such as performances, picnics, swimming and museum trips.

       A.lot                      B.variety                 C.number             D.amount



科目: 来源:湖北省武汉市部分重点中学2010-2011学年高三年级八月模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 Your suggestion is too general.Have you got any ______ proposal as t6 what we should do?

       A.secure              B.previous           C.productive          D.concrete


