 0  64574  64582  64588  64592  64598  64600  64604  64610  64612  64618  64624  64628  64630  64634  64640  64642  64648  64652  64654  64658  64660  64664  64666  64668  64669  64670  64672  64673  64674  64676  64678  64682  64684  64688  64690  64694  64700  64702  64708  64712  64714  64718  64724  64730  64732  64738  64742  64744  64750  64754  64760  64768  151629 

科目: 来源:江西省修水一中高三第一轮复习统考(一) 题型:单项填空

 ---Where did you pick up this wallet?

       ---It was in the supermarket _____ I did some shopping yesterday.

       A.that                  B.which                C.where                 D.as



科目: 来源:江西省修水一中高三第一轮复习统考(一) 题型:单项填空

 The hunter insisted that he _____ a tiger and that a searching team ______ to hunt for it.

       A.has seen; be set up                    B.had seen; be set up

       C.saw; would be set up                     D.should see; should be set up



科目: 来源:江西省修水一中高三第一轮复习统考(一) 题型:单项填空

 When he learned that his brother had returned from abroad, he set off to his home _____.Which of the following is not OK?

       A.immediately                                   B.right away         

       C.right then                                         D.right now



科目: 来源:江西省修水一中高三第一轮复习统考(一) 题型:完形填空



       In the year 1893, James Hilton wrote a novel “ Lost Horizon”.In the novel, a group of English people were flying home.Their plane broke down and ___1______ down into a mountain in a Tibetan region.Some lucky survivors were  2________  to Shangri-La where they found lots of  3______  things in such a state  4______    nearly 200 years ago,  5______the local people lived peacefully and 6_______ with the other people, animals and everything here.The place was called “ Shangri-La” by the local  7_______  .

       James Hilton   8_______ “ Shangri-La” in a mysterious valley which was  9_______ by snowcapped mountains, near where there were blue lakes and  10________  grasslands.The human beings and nature were in  11_______ harmony; several religions and varieties of nationalities  12______at the same time; the temples looked splendid in green and golden; though people  13________ the outer world by caravan(商队) for a long time, many foreign experts and scholars had come here to  14________  .

       Obviously, that is not only beautiful    15__________  , but also a kind of artistic concept.

       With the novel and the film  16________out, Shangri-La became very famous in western countries.Later, a Chinese used the name of this place and  17________   “ Shangri-La” Hotel Group which has become one of the most successful hotel groups in the world.

       At the same time, people didn’t give up looking for the  18________ Shangri-La.Up to the end of this century, they   19______________ have found it.

       After inspecting and proving on many aspects, people found that Diqing Prefecture(辖区), the only Tibetan region in Yunnan, China, has striking similarity with what’s described in the tale  20_____________either natural scenery or people’s way of living.Therefore, the name of “ Diqing Shangri-La” spreads worldwide.

1.A.put                     B.broke           C.dropped          D.fell

2.A.taken               B.caught         C.represented       D.devoted

3.A.thorough              B.fantastic         C.flexible           D.strange

4.A.found                    B.processed      C.founded            D.existed

5.A.from which          B.there            C.so                     D.in which

6.A.in sympathy           B.in terms         C.in harmony       D.in turn

7.A.survivors            B.folks                  C.imagination        D.tradition

8.A.located              B.dreamed        C.demand           D.played

9.A.surrounded          B.spotted          C.recognized        D.covered

10.A.mysterious         B.solid            C.broad             D.valuable

11.A.exact              B.fair                  C.reasonable       D.entire

12.A.created             B.existed         C.wandered           D.kept

13.A.contacted          B.called           C.imagined          D.set

14.A.evaluate            B.investigate        C.display          D.charge

15.A.valley                   B.scene          C.novel             D.scenery

16.A.breaking           B.standing           C.coming            D.putting

17.A.set up             B.put on         C.took on           D.focused on

18.A.typical             B.legendary        C.particular          D.average

19.A.actually            B.urgently        C.adequately       D.eventually

20.A.judging             B.making              C.concerning       D.depending



科目: 来源:江西省修水一中高三第一轮复习统考(一) 题型:阅读理解


       After the violent earthquake that shook Los Angeles in 1994, earthquake scientists had good news to report: The damage and death toll (死亡人数) could have been much worse.More than 60 people died in this earthquake.By comparison, an earthquake of similar intensity that shook America in 1988 claimed 25,000 victims.

       Injuries and deaths were relatively less in Los Angeles because the quake occurred at 4:31 a.m.on a holiday, when traffic was light on the city's highways.In addition, changes made to the construction codes in Los Angeles during the last 20 years have strengthened the city's buildings and highways, making them more resistant to quakes.

       Despite the good news, civil engineers aren't resting on their successes.Pinned to their drawing boards are blueprints (蓝图) for improved quake-resistant buildings.The new designs should offer even greater security to cities where earthquakes often take place.

       In the past, making structures quake-resistant meant firm yet flexible materials, such as steel and wood that bend without breaking.Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, and insert rubber and steel between the building and its foundation to reduce the impact of ground vibrations.The most recent designs give buildings brains as well as concrete and steel supports.Called smart buildings, the structures respond like living organisms to an earthquake's vibrations.When the ground shakes and the building tips forward, the computer would force the building to shift in the opposite direction.

       The new smart structures could be very expensive to build.However, they would save many lives and would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes.

1.One reason why the loss of lives in the Los Angeles earthquake was comparatively low is that __________.

       A.new computers had been installed in the buildings

       B.it occurred in the residential areas rather.than on the highways

       C.large numbers of Los Angeles residents had gone for a holiday

       D.improvements had been made in the construction of buildings and highways

2.The smart buildings discussed in the passage __________.

       A.would cause serious financial problems

       B.would be worthwhile though costly

       C.would increase the complexity of architectural design

       D.can reduce the ground vibrations caused by earthquakes

3.It can be inferred from the passage that in minimizing the damage caused by earthquakes attention should be focused on __________.

       A.the increasing use of robber and steel in capital construction

       B.the development of flexible building materials

       C.the reduction of the impact of ground vibrations

       D.early forecasts of earthquakes

4.The author's main purpose in writing the passage is to __________.

       A.compare the consequences of the earthquakes that occurred in the U.S.

       B.encourage civil engineers to make more extensive use of computers

       C.outline the history of the development of quake-resistant building materials

       D.report new developments in constructing quake- resistant buildings



科目: 来源:江西省修水一中高三第一轮复习统考(一) 题型:阅读理解


       Choosing a mountain bike that's right for you is easier than learning how to ride it.Keep these tips in mind when shopping for a mountain bike and you won't fall off.

       Decide how you are going to use your new mountain bike.

       Are you a novice rider who simply wants to cruise the great outdoors on the weekends, weather permitting? Do you intend to test yourself on the rough roads, every day, rain or shine? Or are you going to use your new mountain bike to ride to and from school or work? For every type of riding, there is a mountain bike made to do it.Be honest about your intentions, and you're more than half way toward choosing the right mountain bike for you.

       Visit your local bike shops.

       Any good bike shop will stock a wide range of quality mountain bikes in all price points and sizes.Your local bike shops will carry more than one brand of bicycle.And these shops are staffed by people from your community who know and love bicycles.Not only will they sell you a mountain bike that suits your needs and fits your body, but they will service what they sell.Visit at least a few shops.You'll get a feel for the ones suit you right away.

       Don't be shy.

       Tell your salesperson how you intend to use your new mountain bike, and how much you are willing to spend.Your salesperson will show you a selection of models and brands accordingly.He or she will also help you determine the right size of mountain bike for you.Mountain bikes come in a dizzying array of brands, sizes and styles, and your salesperson will cut through the tangle for you.He or she will also help you determine the right size for you.You may ask more for salesperson without any sense of shyness

       Take a test ride.

       All good bike shops let customers take test rides.There's a good reason for this beyond "try-before-you-buy" salesmanship.Since you already know your price range, and since your salesperson has already helped you find the right size, you now have to determine which brand rides the best to you.They want you to be happy with your purchase.They want you to ride your new mountain bike.So ride them.From more than one bike shop.One brand will feel too upright to you.Another will feel too long.Another too short.And finally, after only a few test rides (or many), the right mountain bike will choose you

1.What would be the best title for the text?

       A.How To Choose a Mountain Bike          B.How To Ride a Mountain Bike

       C.where To Ride Your Local Bike          D.what To Take a Test Ride

2.The main purpose for visiting bike shops is_________

       A.to share happiness with salesperson      B.to seek a wide range of quality

       C.to get one that satisfies you             D.to service your new mountain bike

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

       A.Choosing a nice mountain bike is rather difficult than riding a bicycle

       B.You’ll get one mountain bike without visiting any local bike shop

       C.you may not ask more for salesperson if you have a sense of shyness

       D.all good bike shops allow customers to take a few test rides

4.Which of the following is probably the author’s attitude towards “try-before-you-buy”

       A.Honorable         B.Favorable            C.Negative            D.Suspicious



科目: 来源:江西省修水一中高三第一轮复习统考(一) 题型:阅读理解


       I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago whose husband unexpectedly died suddenly of a heart attack.About a week after his death, she shared some of her insight with a classroom of students.

       As the late afternoon sunlight came streaming in through the classroom windows and the class was nearly over, she moved a few things aside on the edge of her desk and sat down there.With a gentle look of reflection on her face, she paused and said, "Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you a thought that is unrelated to class, but which I feel is very important.Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves.None of us knows when this fantastic experience will end.It can be taken away at any moment.

       Perhaps this is God's way of telling us that we must make the most out of every single day." Her eyes beginning to water, she went on, "So I would like you all to make me a promise.From now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice.It doesn't have to be something you see - it could be a scent-perhaps of freshly baked bread wafting out of someone's house, or it could be the sound of the breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees, or the way the morning light catches one autumn leaf as it falls gently to the ground.Please look for these things, and cherish them.For, although it may sound trite to some, these things are "the stuff" of life.The little things we are put here on earth to enjoy.The things we often take for granted.We must make it important to notice them, for at any time...it can all be taken away." The class was completely quiet.We all picked up our books and filed out of the room silently.That afternoon,  noticed more things on my way home from school than I had that whole semester.Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and remember what an impression she made on all of us, and I try to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we all overlook.So I hope you take notice of something special you see on your lunch hour today.Go barefoot.Or walk on the beach at sunset.Stop off on the way home tonight to get a double-dip ice cream cone.For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret, but the things we didn't do.Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

1.What is the purpose of the author’s writing the passage?

       A.To show his respect to his teacher

       B.To ask us to appreciate every moment of our life

       C.To ask us never to give in when facing difficulty

       D.to show the influence a teacher can have on her students

2.Why did the teacher talk about something unrelated to class?

       A.Because she had finished the class task

       B.Because she could hardly control her feelings

       C.Because she thought the class were not careful enough

       D.Because she wanted to share some of her views with the class

3.Why did the students leave the classroom silently?

       A.Because they were greatly moved

       B.Because they felt sorry for the teacher

       C.because they were thinking about their own life

       D.Because they were not allowed to make any noise

4.The author intends to _________in the last paragraph

       A.give an explanation                       B.make a suggestion

       C.give a warning                           D.draw a conclusion



科目: 来源:江西省修水一中高三第一轮复习统考(一) 题型:阅读理解


       Though some people have suggested that women should return to housework in order to leave more jobs for men, the idea has been rejected by both women and men in public opinion polls(民意测验).Lately some union officials have suggested that too many women are employed in type of work more suitable for men and that women should step aside to make way for unemployed young men.They argue that women — — especially women in their childbearing years actually delay economic development and result in lower productivity, poor quality and inefficiency.

       To solve the problem, they have suggested that the working women stay at home while their husbands or brothers were given double wages.They argue that under these circumstances ~families would retain their same level of income, and women could run the house and raise children much better.

       The suggestion has been rejected by 9 out of 10 people polled.A hundred persons in a big city were questioned last summer.Out of 50 women, 46 said they were unwilling to leave their jobs, no matter what the situation was.The other 4 said they would like to return home if their jobs could be taken by their sons or daughters.Of 50 men polled, only 6 said they would like to see their wives give up their jobs, if it meant higher wages for themselves.

       Some other people have suggested another way called “phased employment theory ”.The theory suggests that a woman worker take leave from her job when she is seven months pregnant(妊娠) and stay off the job until her baby reaches the age of 3.It suggests that women on leave receive 75 percent of their normal salary and be allowed to return to work after the 3—year period.This will benefit children, women, their families and the society.Some of those polled, both women and men, felt the idea is a good one.It definitely seems to be more acceptable than the suggestion that women return to home forever.

1.Some union officials have suggested that women should return home because _________ 

       A.all of them are employed in unsuitable types of work 

       B.their participation in work has a bad influence on the economic development 

       C.most skilled male workers are now unemployed  

       D.nowadays no one can take care of children except women 

2.Some union officials have suggested that if women leave their jobs.

       A.they should be allowed to attend school to be trained 

       B.their jobs should be taken over by the male members of their families 

       C.their children should also leave their kindergartens 

       D.the male employees in their families should receive double wages  

3.According to the passage, the suggestion that women should return to housework was ________ 

       A.welcomed by women only  

       B.welcomed by men only 

       C.opposed by most men and women 

       D.welcomed by men and women 

4.From the passage we can see “phased employment” means ________  

       A.women are allowed to take leave from their jobs during their childbearing years 

       B.women stay at home on weekdays and go to work on weekends or holidays 

       C.a woman should resign her job forever if she has a child 

       D.two or more women share the same job  



科目: 来源:江西省修水一中高三第一轮复习统考(一) 题型:阅读理解


       To "sacrifice" means to give up something for the sake of something else.We decided to sacrifice our luxurious city life to move to a seaside village with our children aged 9 and 3.In the city, we had a beautiful home and plenty of money but little real security because crime was on the increase every day.We never knew if we would all make it home safely each night.

       We were very happy in the new town but life was very difficult economically.Our income was very much dependent on tourism and the jobs at other times are few.Although many of the long-standing residents live well, it is a very competitive environment for newcomers.

       Reading the newspapers from big cities assured us that we had made the right choice.There is so much violence and crime there! However, it was not always easy to explain to the children why they could no longer have what they used to have, especially when our "rich" friends came from the city to visit us.Generally, they have so much but think they have so little and are always looking for more.

       One day, one of our rich friends came to visit us.His son preferred riding in the back of our beat-up little pickup (小卡车) to his father' s big modern car.Our little daughter called me and said, “Mom, please help me to explain to James the reason why he is wrong.He said, ' today, if you don't have money you are nothing.' I know that is not true.If you do have money you share it with your friends and if they don't have money, you share it with them.That is what makes us all rich." This made me realize that the sacrifice was well worth it.Our kids understand that they may not have all the spoils of city life but they do have a solid set of values and they know that our most precious gifts are our good friends and a wonderful environment.

1.What was the reason why the family moved away from the city?

       A.They were tired of city life.

       B.The city was not safe enough.

       C.The people in the city were not friendly.

       D.The cost of living in the city was too high.

2.Why was it "a very competitive environment" for them according to the author?

       A.The residents were all very poor.

       B.It was hard to make a living.

       C.Their children couldn't get what they had in the city.

       D.They had few friends in their new environment.

3.What assured the author that they had made the right choice according to the passage?

       A.What she read in the newspaper.

       B.The beautiful scenery of countryside.

       C.The residents' living conditions.

       D.That fact that they had been accustomed to the new place.

4.What did the family gain from their sacrifice?

       A.They had a beautiful house in the seaside village.

       B.They made a lot of money during the tourist seasons.

       C.The parents got very good jobs in the new town.

       D.The children developed good values.



科目: 来源:江西省修水一中高三第一轮复习统考(一) 题型:对话填空



       Travel Agent——T;  Paul——P

T: Good afternoon, how can I help you?

P: Hi, I want to (1.) b_________ a room and some tickets for the summer holiday.

T: Where are you going?

P: Sydney.

T: And how many people will be going?

P: Four.Two (2.) a__________ and two children.

T: (3.) W___________ would you like to go?

P: Anytime after 12th July, but (4.) b_____________20th July.Can you tell me the (5.

p__________ _of the cheapest flight?

T: Sure, can I ask if your children are over two years old?

P: Yes, they are.

T: In that (6.) c_____________, for the flight they will be charged at children‘s rates and for the hotel there won’t be any charge.It (7.) l____________ on 15th July and returns on 29th July on Virgin Atlantic.This is the cheapest flight (8.) a  ____________-        .

P: Fine.Do you have a (9.) c__________ _of the journey plan that I can take away with me?

T: Sure.I hope to hear from you soon.

P: Thanks.I‘ll think about it tonight and ring you in the (10.) m___________ _tomorrow.

T: Thanks.I‘m looking forward to your reply.


