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科目: 来源:内蒙古赤峰市元宝山区第二中学2010-2011学年高三补习班阶段测试 题型:阅读理解


It’s hardly surprising that weather is a favorite topic for so many people around the world—it affects where we choose to love, what we wear, our moods, and perhaps even our national characteristics. Studies have shown the changeable weather can make it difficult to concentrate, cloudy skies slow sown reaction, and high humidity with hot, dry winds makes many people bad-tempered.

If you live in a place like Britain, where the weather seems to change daily if not hourly, you could be forgiven for thinking that the weather is random. In fact, the weather is controlled by systems which move around areas of the globe. In the UK the weather depends on depressions(低气压), often called lows, and anticyclones(高气压), also known as highs. These systems start in the Atlantic Ocean, and make their way across the British Isles from the west to the east. Highs bring sunny weather, while lows bring rain and wind. In modern times, human activities seem to be altering weather patterns. Gases produced by heavy industry change the temperature of the Earth’s surface, and affect cloud formation. Some researchers say that factories in Europe and North America may have been one of the causes of the droughts in Africa in the 1980s.

The human race has always tied to guess the weather, especially in areas of the world where there are frequent changes. Traditional rhymes point to early attempts to identify weather patterns, popular poems include:

Red sky at night, shepherds’ delight; red sky in the morning, shepherds’ warning.

Flies will swarm before a storm.

Rain before 7, clear by 11.

While folk wisdom can still provide a guide to help forecast weather, today’s methods of prediction increasingly rely on technology. Satellites, balloons, ships, aircrafts and weather centers with sensitive monitoring equipment, send data to computers. The date is them processed, and the weather is predicted. However, even this system cannot predict weather for longer than about a week.

1.When weather keeps changing,          .

       A.people become bad-tempered

       B.people’s reaction slows down

       C.people find it hard to focus on their work

       D.people become hungrier

2.What is mainly talked about in the second paragraph?

       A.Changes in weather.                             B.Weather in Britain.

       C.African droughts.                                D.Research on weather.

3.The weather in Britain is       .

       A.random               B.moist                  C.depressing           D.satisfying

4.According to a traditional rhyme, if there is red sky at night, the next day will be      .

       A.windy                 B.rainy                   C.fine                     D.snowy

5.Which of the following statements in true?

       A.Anticyclones often bring rain and wind.

       B.Weather forecasting has been done for a long time.

       C.Weather could never be predicted.

       D.Modern methods of weather prediction are developed from folk wisdom.



科目: 来源:内蒙古赤峰市元宝山区第二中学2010-2011学年高三补习班阶段测试 题型:阅读理解


What do consumers really want? That’s a question market researchers would love to answer. But since people don’t always say what they think, marketers would need direct access to consumers’ thoughts to get the truth.

And now, in a way, that is possible.At the “Mind of the Market” laboratory at Harvard Business School, researchers are looking inside shoppers’ skulls to develop more effective advertisements and marketing styles.Using imaging techniques that measure blood flow to various parts of the brain, the Harvard team hopes to predict how consumers will react to particular products and to discover the most effective ways to present information.Stephen Kosslyn, a professor of psychology at Harvard, and business school professor Gerald Zaltman, oversee the lab.“The goal is not to influence people’s preferences,” says Kosslyn, “just to speak to their actual desires."

The group’s findings, though still preliminary (初步的), could change how firms develop and market new products.The Harvard group use position emission tomography (PET) scans to monitor the brain activity.These PET scans, along with other imaging techniques, enable researchers to see which parts of the brain are active during specific tasks(such as remembering a word).Correlations (相互关系) have been found between blood flow to specific areas and future behavior.Because of this, Harvard researchers believe the scans can also predict future purchasing patterns.According to an unpublished paper the group produced, “It is possible to use these techniques to predict not only whether people will remember and have specific emotional reactions to certain materials, but also whether they tend to want those materials months later.”

The Harvard group is now moving into the next stage of experiments.They will explore how people remember advertisements as part of an effort to predict how they will react to a product after having seen an ad.The researchers believe that once key areas of the brain are identified, scans on about two dozen volunteers will be enough to draw conclusions about the reactions of specific sections of the population.Large corporations-including Coca Cola, Eastman Kodak, General Motors, and Hallmark-have already signed up to fund further investigations.

    For their financial support, these firms gain access to the experiments but cannot control them.If Kosslyn and Zahman and their team really can read the mind of the market, then consumers may find it even harder to get those advertising jingles-out of their heads.

1.Which of the following statements can be the best title for this passage?

A.Reading the Mind of the Market.            

B.Influencing the Customers’ Choice.

C.Influencing the Style of Advertising.

D.Experimenting with the Way to Foretell

2.Why do the Harvard researchers use scientific technology in the experiments?

A.Because they want to find a better way to persuade people into purchasing patterns in the future in the different market.

B.Because they don’t trust the findings already done by other researchers.

C.Because they want to see how particular products can influence consumers and find out the most effective ways to advertise.

D.Because they think the marketing strategies can actually be changed after the experiments.

3.The following statements are true except that    

       A.People sometimes hide their true feelings when questioned by the marketing surveyors.

       B.Stephen Kosslyn and Gerald Zaltman are in charge of the experiment and think ill of the study.

       C.Harvard researchers have found some relation between people’s brain and future behavior.

       D.Many large companies finance the Harvard group’s further investigations.

4.What does “to speak to” in the 2nd paragraph mean?

A.To communicate with.                           B.To say to.       

C.To talk to.                                         D.To respond to.

5.The last sentence of the passage implies that ___________.

A.it is very likely that customers will buy unnecessary things just depending on the ads in the future.

B.in fact, the real purpose of Harvard group’s research is to attract more consumers into the market.

C.Coca Cola or the General Motors can exploit the findings of the experiments in their own marketing.

D.consumers may find it more difficult to get out of the advertising jungle and it may cause them headaches.



科目: 来源:内蒙古赤峰市元宝山区第二中学2010-2011学年高三补习班阶段测试 题型:阅读理解


The HOPE IS A CAME—CHANGER PROJECT will deliver unbreakable soccer balls to kids who, all too often, see thing horrible, broken and not survive the simplest of circumstances. The project started taking form well before anyone knew where it would lead—which is to test the power of like-minded people working together to turn inspiration into action.

Four years ago Bobby was in Rwanda offering help to the people there and taking photos of a child soldier named Moise with his “soccer ball”,which was a pile of rubbish tied together with a string. This “ball” was the only thing Moise could call his own --- no family, no home, no place to go. Forced to fight in the Congo and having killed three people at the unbearably young age of seven, the boy’s spirit was broken. And Bobby knew, as he took one photo after the next, that he’d never forget him. In fact, he returned the following year to tell Moise he had stayed deep within his heart ---but he was gone.

I recently helped Bobby launch his new book The Power of the Invisible Sun which features a photo of Moise, his ball, and kids from war-torn areas around the world. All of his earnings go towards the HOPE IS A GAME-CHANGER PROJECT for the kids he visited over the past decade. They caught the emotional landscape from heartbreak to joy, but share the undeniable longing for recovery and hope.

Bobby and I share the unchangeable belief that delivering hope is really a game-changer, especially to a child. We believe that each indestructible ball will come to represent a lasting symbol of hope. A light no matter how small---The Power of the Invisible Sun.

This holiday season, I ask you to think about whether you are doing enough to help someone else in the world. Or as Bobby likes to put it, consider “taking a concrete baby step”, which added together, can create transformational change. It’s my great hope that the HOPE IS A GAME-

CHANGER PROJECT will change the lives of children the world over --- one book, one ball at a time.

1.In the first sentence of the passage, the writer implies that        .

A.kids live an unsafe life in parts of the world

B.the balls sent to kids should be of good quality

C.young kids can not overcome the difficulties

D.kids intend to break their toys into pieces

2.The purpose of The HOPE IS A GAME-CHANGER PROJECT is to        .

A.send ball gifts to kids in poor countries

B.collect money to help kids in need

C.comfort kids in war-torn areas

D.offer kids help to change their lives

3.How may Bobby feel about Mosie?

A.He was very proud of Mosie’s bravery.

B.He felt sorry for Mosie’s ruined childhood.

C.He thought money could solve Mosie’s problem.

D.He felt happy to tell him what was in his heart.

4.Which of the following about Bobby’s new book is TRUE?

A.It earned a lot of money to help kids like Mosie.

B.The photos inside reflected the kids’ hopeless life.

C.Its title shows the author’s belief to change the world.

D.It changed the life of the kids recorded in the book.

5.The underlined part in the last paragrph probably means        .

A.starting the first step as a baby does

B.taking an active action from now on

C.making great changes step by step

D.doing some small but good deeds



科目: 来源:内蒙古赤峰市元宝山区第二中学2010-2011学年高三补习班阶段测试 题型:信息匹配




Deep into the night, the bus pulled into a Howard Johnson’s restaurant and everybody got off the bus except Tom.   1.perhaps he was a sea captain; maybe he had run away from wife;   2.. When they went to bus, one of the girls sat beside him and introduced herself. After a long time, slowly and painfully, be began to tell his story. He had been in prison in New York for the last four years, and he was going home.

“Well, when I was in prison I wrote to my wife. I said, Martha, I understand if you can’t stay married to me. I said I was going to be away a long time, and that if she couldn’t stand it, if the kids kept asking questions, if it hurt her too much, well, she could just forget me. Get a new young man—she’s wonderful woman—and forget all about me.   3.Not for the three and a half years.”

“Last week, when I was sure freedom was coming through, I wrote to her. I told her that if she had a new young man , I would understand.  4.We used to live in this town, Brunswick ,and there’s great big oak tree just as you come in to the town. I told her if she would take me back, she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree, and if she didn’t want me, forgot me, no handkerchief and I’d keep going on through.”

5.When they were 20 miles from Brunswick, the young man took over window seats on the right side, waiting for the approach of the great oak tree. Tom stopped looking, tightening his face into the ex-con’s mask. Then it was 10 miles, and then five, and the bus became very quiet.

Then suddenly all of the young people were up out of their seats, screaming and shouting and crying, doing small dances, except Tom.

A.You know, I love my wife deeply.

B.But if she didn’t, if the would take me back, she should let me know.

C.The young people began to wonder about him, trying to imagine his life;

D.Soon all the others were in it.

E.I told her she didn’t have to write to me, and she didn’t.

F.he could be an old soldier going home.



科目: 来源:内蒙古赤峰市元宝山区第二中学2010-2011学年高三补习班阶段测试 题型:信息匹配




A.Brightwood Park

Take you up to Westfield’s natural preserve for a short hike or to practice skipping stones in the large pond. You can look for deer and other woodland animals or go on a nature treasure hunt.

B.Jewark Airport

The airport offers free tours covering the history of the airport, terminal operation, and emergency vehicles and equipment for groups of 15 to 30 persons. The tours are intended for students in grades three and above. See also Newark International Airport.

C.Cheesequake State Park

The Cheesequake State Park features 1,284 acres of open fields, a hardwood forest, a variety of wildlife and about 200 species of birds. Activities include hiking, boating, canoeing, swimming and a variety of winter sports. An Interpretive Center provides live wildlife exhibits and environmental education programs, including nature walks.

D.The Model Railroad Club

The Model Railroad Club is an activity of the Union County Park System. The Club is open to visitors every Saturday afternoon for viewing the model train displays. Every fall, the Club sponsors a Light and Sound Show that will delight the model train lovers.

E.Fosterfields Living Historical Farm

Learn about farming as it was done 100 years ago at Fosterfields Living Historical Farm. There are weekend demonstrations on planting and harvesting crops as well as special programs held throughout the year. Some of these include wool cutting and carriage driving.

F.Deutsch Museum

Germany’s leading museum of science, engineering, and transportation has everything from steam engines to space exhibits—some of which are closed for remodeling until May, 2003. Don’t miss the Forum der Technik, which has a world-class planetarium and an IMAX theatre.


1.Daniel, a young computer programmer, has been working hard and needs a holiday to relax in winter. He likes to get close to nature and enjoy water sports.

2.Henry and Ann and their two teenage sons, hope to take their holiday outdoors. They would like to find a place where they can play games, such as looking for treasure.

3.Philip, a high school student, wants to travel on weekends, and would like to learn about materials to use when building a setting for the train set.

4.Teresa, a primary school teacher, plans to take the whole class of 20 students for a holiday. The students will graduate this year, so she’d like to organize an activity without charge but it is instructive.

5.Tony, a young engineer in a modern car factory, enjoys an adventure journey once a year. This time, he would like to have journeys to the countryside, where he can try to learn about driving a horse and carriage.



科目: 来源:内蒙古赤峰市元宝山区第二中学2010-2011学年高三补习班阶段测试 题型:基础写作






3参考词汇:希望工程——Hope Project;养老院——Old People’s home



Last Sunday, our class organized some volunteers’ activities, in which all of us took a active part.



科目: 来源:内蒙古赤峰市元宝山区第二中学2010-2011学年高三补习班阶段测试 题型:读写任务



A grand memorial service was held Wednesday, October 28,2009, in central Hubei province to honor three college students who died rescuing two children from the Yangtze Rive on October 24. thousands of people holding chrysanthemum(菊花)flowers went to the Jingzhou Memorial House to see off the teenagers, all 19-ear-old students from the Yangtze university based in Jingzhou City.

The trio(三位)were Chen Jishi, he Dongxu and Fang Zhao. More than 10 students from the Yangtze University formed a ladder with one student holding another’s arms to rescue the two boys in the river on the afternoon of October 24. one of the student lost his grip(控制)on his classmates and all of them were in danger. Several members of a winter swimming team nearby came to help. Chen Jishi, he Dongxu and Fnag Zhao were swept away in the torrent, but others saved. People touched by their selfless act had donated more that 500,000 yuan($73,206) to their relatives on Wednesday. Millions of Internet users made online comments on major news portals(入口)to show their grief(悲伤).

“I am also a college student. I feel sorrow for you,” said “Liu Zhuoya” from northwestern Xi’an City. However, some questioned the sacrifice. “Sacrifice three and rescue two, is that worthwhile?” asked “Tiaozhantianya” on the forum of www. 163. com. “Rescue can not be blind as they could not swim.”















科目: 来源:内蒙古元宝山区一中2010-2011学年高三摸底考试 题型:单项填空

 --- Don’t forget to take the message to my teacher.

    ---         .

       A.Yes, I will.                                          B.No, I won’t.

       C.I don’t think so                                   D.Sorry, I don’t



科目: 来源:内蒙古元宝山区一中2010-2011学年高三摸底考试 题型:单项填空

 I will never forget my teacher’s advice: “As long as you can affect       life of your child in an active way, you’ve been         success.”

       A./ ; the                  B.a; /                      C.a; the                  D.the; a



科目: 来源:内蒙古元宝山区一中2010-2011学年高三摸底考试 题型:单项填空

 Great efforts to increase grain production       if food shortages are to be avoided.

       A.could be made                                     B.must be made

       C.might be made                                     D.would be made


