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科目: 来源:北京四中09-10学年高二下期末考试 题型:单项填空

 The volunteers try to convince people _____ the fact that some species are in danger of _____.

A. for; dying away                         B. about; dying down           

C. of; dying out                           D. on; dying off



科目: 来源:北京四中09-10学年高二下期末考试 题型:单项填空

 ______ the ______ of buying a house, it costs little to rent a house.

A. Compared to; fee                       B. Comparing with; charge

C. Comparing to; fare                        D. Compared with; expense



科目: 来源:北京四中09-10学年高二下期末考试 题型:单项填空

 Martin’s gone to ______ the children from school.

A. collect                                         B. get           

C. cover                                              D. care



科目: 来源:北京四中09-10学年高二下期末考试 题型:单项填空

 In winter, the town is often ______ by snow.

A. cut up                                             B. cut away          

C. cut off                             D. cut down



科目: 来源:北京四中09-10学年高二下期末考试 题型:单项填空

 The ship could ______ seventy passengers.

A. carry                                              B. take                

C. fetch                                  D. bring



科目: 来源:北京四中09-10学年高二下期末考试 题型:单项填空

 I will check my ______, but I think we can meet next Tuesday.

A. facility                                         B. schedule                  

C. response                             D. intention



科目: 来源:北京四中09-10学年高二下期末考试 题型:单项填空

 Exercise really ______ my appetite. I always eat a big meal after working out.

A. stimulates                                B. penalizes           

C. deters                                   D. propels



科目: 来源:北京四中09-10学年高二下期末考试 题型:单项填空

 Although Ben is a(n) _____ tennis player, he’s already better than most experienced players.

A. appropriate                                   B. suitable             

C. novice                             D. distinct



科目: 来源:北京四中09-10学年高二下期末考试 题型:单项填空

 I’m thinking about _____ the new movie this weekend. I’ve heard that it’s really good!

A. brushing up                            B. stepping into            

C. milling about                 D. checking out



科目: 来源:北京四中09-10学年高二下期末考试 题型:单项填空

 Jim’s leg was ______ damaged in the accident. He now walks with a limp.

A. permanently                           B. increasingly             

C. virtually                              D. deadly


