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科目: 来源:四川省成都树德协进中学2010届高三考前冲刺 题型:阅读理解


    Supermarkets are trying out new computers that make shopping carts more intelligent(具备智能的). They will help shoppers find paper cups or toilet soap, and keep a record of the bill.

    The touch-screen devices(触摸屏装置) are on show at the Food Marketing Institute’s exhibition here this week, “These devices are able to create value and get you around the store quicker,” said Michael Alexander, manager of Springboard Retail Networks Inc., which makes a smart cart computer called the Concierge.

    Canadian stores will test the Concierge in July. A similar device, IBM’s “Shopping Buddy”, has recently been test-marketed at Stop & Shop stores in Massachusetts.

    Neither device tells you how many fat grams or calories are in your cart, but they will flash you with items on sale. The idea is to make it easier for people to buy, not to have second thoughts that maybe you should put something back on the shelf.

    “The whole model is driven by advertisers’ need to get in front of shoppers,” said Alexander. “They’re not watching 30-second TV ads anymore.”  

    People can use a home computer to make their shopping lists. Once at the store, a shopper can use a preferred customer card to start a system(系统) that will organize the trip around the store. If you’re looking for toothpicks, you type in the word or pick it from a list, and a map will appear on the screen showing where you are and where you can find them.

    The device also keeps a record of what you buy. When you’re finished, the device figures out your bill. Then you go to the checker or place your card into a self-checkout stand and pay.

    The new computerized shopping assistants don’t come cheap. The Buddy devices will cost the average store about $160,000, and the Concierge will cost stores about $500 for each device.

1.The underlined word “they” (paragraph 1) refers to ______.

  A. supermarkets   B. shop assistants  C. shopping carts       D. shop managers

2.Which of the following is the correct order of shopping with computerized shopping carts?

  a. Start the system.                          b. Make a shopping list.

  c. Find the things you want.                  d. Go to a self-checkout stand.

  A. abdc               B. bacd             C. acbd             D. bcad

3.We can learn from the last paragraph that ______.  

  A. intelligent shopping carts cost a large sum of money

  B. the Concierge is cheaper than the Buddy devices

  C. shop assistants with computer knowledge are well paid

  D. average stores prefer the Concierge to the Buddy devices

4.What might be the most suitable title for the text?

  A. New age for supermarkets          

B. Concierge and Shopping Buddy

  C. New computers make shopping carts smarter     

D. Touch-screen devices make shopping enjoyable



科目: 来源:四川省成都树德协进中学2010届高三考前冲刺 题型:阅读理解


    When Lew Alcindor was 13, and obviously still growing, a group of schools began offering him scholarships (奖学金). The Alcindors decided to send their only child to Power Memorial Academy, a small school on Manhattan’s West Side.

    At Power, Alcindor came under the control of Coach Jack Donohue, a strict young man who already gained his fame as one of the best coaches in the city. Donohue brought Alcindor along slowly. As a first-year student, the boy was not able to do much but wave his long skinny arms and shoot a basket now and then. But by the second year, when he was 15 years old and nearly 7 feet tall, Alcindor was quick and skillful enough to make the high school All-American team and to lead Power to an undefeated season.

    From then on he simply got better. Some rival coaches(对方教练) used to take their teams quickly away from the floor before Power warmed up so that their players would not see him any sooner than they had to. Wearing size 16 D shoes and sucking a lollipop(棒棒糖), Alcindor would loosen up by starting his leaping lay-ups(擦板球). Then he would casually shoot the ball with either hand, to the delight of the fans.

    When reporters and photographers began to follow Alcindor closely, Donohue protected his boy firmly. He simply ordered Lew to talk to no member of the press, and this suited Lew fine. He was not comfortable talking to grown-ups, perhaps because he towered over them. Discouraged photographers began following him in secret as though he were an easily-frightened giraffe. Once after ducking into a subway to escape, Alcindor told a friend that it was all becoming like policemen and robbers. “People want you not for yourself,” Donohue warned him, “but because you’re a basketball player. Don’t forget that.”

1.Many schools offer Alcindor scholarships because ______.  

  A. he was young                       B. he was hardworking

  C. he was tall for his age               D. he was skillful at playing basketball

2.Which of the following best describes Donohue as a young coach?

  A. serious, popular and slow              B. tall, skillful and successful

  C. kind, powerful and undefeated          D. well-known, strict and experienced

3.Why did some rival coaches take their teams away from the floor before Power warmed up?

  A. Their teams refused to play Power.     B. Their teams feared to see Alcindor.

  C. Their teams would lose courage.            D. Their teams would lose interest.

4.What does the last paragraph mainly discuss?

  A. How Donohue protected Alcindor from the press.    

B. How Alcindor disliked meeting reporters.

  C. Why the press followed Alcindor closely.          

D. Why the public wanted Alcindor badly.



科目: 来源:四川省成都树德协进中学2010届高三考前冲刺 题型:信息匹配



—Good morning. This is Chengdu Shuangqiao Car Rental.  

—Good morning, Miss.      1..

— Oh, yes. A lot of people do this these days.

—Yes, we are just on holiday here for a few days and they said it would be a good idea to hire a car to get around the city.

—Well, it certainly is.     2.

— What can you suggest?

— We have a variety of choice, such as Xiali, which is the cheapest, 200 yuan a day, Citroen, Jatta, Elysee,     3.

—How much if I hire a Santana for three days?

— Oh, that will be 1,200 yuan.

—Oh,     4.. What about a Jetta?

— It will be 300 yuan a day.

—     5., would there be any problem?

— No problem at all. Now let me take down your name and telephone number.

A but Santana sedans are the big favorite these days.

B. A friend of mine suggested I call you to hire a car.

C. You’d better buy a car in our city.

D. it sounds a bit too expensive.

E. The price is much too reasonable.

F. Then I'd better hire a Jetta tomorrow morning  

G. What kind of car do you want to hire?





科目: 来源:四川省成都树德协进中学2010届高三考前冲刺 题型:短文改错


       At first I was not quite willing to sit down and                    

watch the 90-minute football match. Usually he just             1.___________

checked the results because I thought that was dull                 2.___________

to watch a game in which player kicked a ball to each           3.___________

other. Therefore, my father loves football. During the          4.___________

World Cup in 2002, my dad stays up late just to watch           5.___________

his favorite sport. Saw his strong interest in this                 6.___________

game of 22 men runing after ball, I decided to sit down         7.___________

to watch the game. I found the game excited, and my         8.___________

dad explained for the rules. We shared our joy. Football            9.___________

is not too badly as long as I watch it with my dad!             10.___________



科目: 来源:四川省成都树德协进中学2010届高三考前冲刺 题型:书面表达




.1.生日聚会  2.生日礼物   3.生日祝福

.二、我认为更有意义的庆祝方式和理由         *词数100左右

Dear Wendy,





     Best wishes!

                                      Yours sincerely,

                                            Cai Tingting




科目: 来源:浙江省嘉兴一中09-10学年高一下学期5月月考 题型:单项填空

 I could hardly believe he ______ have been taken in by such a simple trick.

A. could        B. should       C. may          D. must



科目: 来源:浙江省嘉兴一中09-10学年高一下学期5月月考 题型:单项填空

 ______ many people’s expectation, he was defeated in the first round.

A. In stead of    B. In spite of    C. Contrary to    D. On account of



科目: 来源:浙江省嘉兴一中09-10学年高一下学期5月月考 题型:单项填空

 Tens of thousands of people starved to _____ when the two countries were at war.

A. die          B. death        C. dead         D. dying



科目: 来源:浙江省嘉兴一中09-10学年高一下学期5月月考 题型:单项填空

 Jimmy is a true hero, ______ always thinks more of others than of himself.

A. he who       B. whom       C. one who      D. who he



科目: 来源:浙江省嘉兴一中09-10学年高一下学期5月月考 题型:单项填空

 As a result of the snowstorm, the village was ____ from the outside world for more than a week.

A. cut down     B. cut off       C. cut out        D. cut up


