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科目: 来源:四川省成都龙泉中学2010年高考押题卷 题型:阅读理解



       The local bus network gives access to most of the attractions of Nottinghamshire, making it easy for you to enjoy all that the county has to offer.

        Why not let Nottinghamshire’s buses provide you with a cheap, convenient and safe way of enjoying a day out. They even take away the worry of stopping for lunch, having a drink and then deciding who’s going to drive home.

Special Sunday ticket saves you money.

Nottinghamshire County Council’s Day Ranger tickets give you unlimited travel on buses right across the county every Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday and will entitle you to discounts at several visitor attractions. This means that you can save money by traveling by bus. Prices are currently:

Adults                    £5.00w_w_w.k s*5*u.c_o*m

Children & Concessions      £2.50

Family ticket               £9.00

                                 (2 adults & up to 3 children)

Simply buy your ticket on the first bus you board on a Sunday and then travel wherever you want in Nottinghamshire for the rest of the day.

Finding out about getting around the county couldn’t be easier. Information on bus service is widely available at:
































1.What can we do according to the ad?  

    A.We can enjoy all of the attractions of the county by bus.

    B.Day Ranger tickets can offer us unlimited bus travel across the county every            day.

    C.We may be able to visit some scenic spots at a fairly low price.

    D.We need purchase our tickets anytime we get on board the bus.

2.Information on bus services is available at these places EXCEPT       .

    A.visitor attractions               B.tourist information centers

    C.the County Council’s web site    D.university libraries

3.How much will you be charged if your family(a couple and two children)goes on a special-Sunday-ticket trip?  

    A.£15.00.       B.£12.50.        C.£9.00.       D.£5.00

4.If you ask for further information on fares of the individual bus operators, you may as well       .  

    A.browse www. Nottinghamshire. Gov.uk/buses

    B.call 0870 608 2 608

    C.go to the County Council

    D.refer to county contact points



科目: 来源:四川省成都龙泉中学2010年高考押题卷 题型:阅读理解


    Barack Obama has never been shy about comparing himself with Abraham Lincoln. He did so when he announced his presidential election in Illinois, where both he and Lincoln served in the legislature (立法机关). "The life of a tall, thin, self-made Springfield lawyer tells us that a different future is possible." Obama said. "He tells us that there is power in words and that there is power in hope." Such comparisons have continued on big and small occasions, but the most important similarity, in Obama's mind, is how he plans to govern if elected.

    Obama says he admires Doris Kearns Goodwin’s wonderful Lincoln biography, Team of Rivals. "He talks about it all the time." says a top assistant. "He is particularly interested in the idea that Lincoln successfully won the hearts of many people who had run against him for President, some of them even disagree with him firmly." "The lesson is that you shouldn't let your hatred get in the way of hiring absolutely the best people." says Obama. "I think American people are practical and so I have an interest in casting a wide net, seeking out people with a wide range of expert knowledge, including Republicans, for the highest positions in the government."  

    "I don't want to have people who just agree with me." He says. "I want people who are continually pushing me forward and I'd be very interested in having those sorts of Republicans in my government, especially people who can speed up a responsible and logical conclusion to the Iraq war."

1.According to Barack Obama, the biggest similarity between Lincoln and himself is ______.

    A. they both lived Illinois          B. they served in the same office

    C. both of them are black            D. they have the same idea in governing

2.Obama is willing to cooperate with those who disagree with him because_______.

    A. he is interested in Republicans' ideas

    B. he doesn't want to show his hatred to the public

    C. they have the highest positions in the government

    D. they may push him to make the right decisions

3.The author wrote the passage to _________.  

    A. compare Obama and Lincoln

    B. help Obama to win more support

    C. tell us something about Obama

    D. announce Obama's political ideas

4.What can we infer from the passage?  

    A. Obama is a member of the Republicans.

    B. The passage was written after the presidential election.

    C. Doris Goodwin is one of Obama’s assistants.

    D. In the end Lincoln was able to get the support of the people who once hated        him.



科目: 来源:四川省成都龙泉中学2010年高考押题卷 题型:阅读理解


    Did you ever notice that when you’re fat, men don’t look you in the eye? They look across your shoulder. There’s no eye contact.

    My name is Leslie. I am a real person. Up until two years ago, I was never looked in the eye, by anyone.

    I was too tired to be a lover to my husband. I was falling asleep by 8 o’clock most evenings. When I did go out for an evening,my husband was ashamed of me. And he said so to my face. When I walked, my thighs scrape together. I couldn’t even cross my legs. I was fat. Not just“overweight”Fat. I was 5’55” tall and weighed 205 pounds.

    About 18 months ago, my husband Darrell left a “Dear Leslie”letter on my bed and asked for divorce.

    I went to a psychologist for advice. I knew that my weight was the source of my troubles. But I’d tried 14 different diets, at which I failed one by one.  

    He listened carefully and recommended an entirely different program. This was not a “diet.”It was a unique new weight-loss program researched by a team of specialists who help to treat the severely fat. I entered the program. Within the first four days, I lost only three pounds. So I was disappointed. But during the three weeks that followed, my weight began to drop from 205 pounds to 124 pounds. To me it was a miracle.

    The reason the program worked was simple. I was always eating. I could eat six times every day. I could snack in the afternoon. Snack before dinner. I could even have snack at night while watching TV.

    How can you eat so much and still lose weight?  

    The secret is in the combination of foods, approved by the research team, which you eat in each 24 hour period. You will enjoy a variety of meats, chicken, fish, vegetables, potatoes, sauces. Even some light wine or beer if you wish. But be sure to have them in the right proportion(比例)…thus a complete 24-hour fat-reduction cycle is formed.

    Without hunger, without nervousness, it lets you lose pounds so easily. Once you lose the weight, you’ll keep it off. Forever, I am sure of that.

1.Leslie        .  

    A.had never looked anybody in their eyes.

    B.had difficulties in walking because she was too fat.

    C.was looked down upon by her husband because she went to bed too early each      evening.

    D.was often embarrassed because she was overweight for her height.

2.Leslie went to psychologist for advice in order to      .

    A.lose her weight.     B.recover her marriage

    C.get a vegetarian diet             D.become an advisor

3.The weight-loss program worked very well. The reason is that      .  

    A.Leslie ate very little food and sometimes even fast food.

    B.Leslie only had snacks and never had dinners.

    C.Leslie could have rich food several times a day in the right proportion.

    D.Leslie had rich food whenever she felt hungry.

4.Where do you think this article is most likely to appear?  

    A.Daily newspaper.                  B.Women’s magazine.

    C.Apart of a novel.                 D.Newsweek magazine.



科目: 来源:四川省成都龙泉中学2010年高考押题卷 题型:阅读理解


    Throwing waste into a volcano sounds like a neat way to get rid of at least some of the mountains of waste we produce, but in reality it is a bit more difficult and dangerous!

    “For a volcano to be able to effectively digest waste material it would have to be actively erupting,” says Dr Alanna Simpson, a researcher at Geoscience Australia.

    We don’t have any active volcanoes in Australia. Throwing garbage into a dormant(休眠的) volcano, such as Mt Gambier in South Australia, as a way of removing waste would be useless as it may not erupt for hundreds of thousands of years.

    “Putting waste into this volcano would destroy its natural beauty and appeal,” says Simpson.  

    Of course, a volcano that is actively erupting is a pretty dangerous place to hang out. Approaching the mouth of a volcano with a garbage truck full of rubbish would be extremely hazardous.

    “Not only is there lava(熔岩), such as with the Hawaiian volcanoes, there may also be poisonous gases, rocks and lava being erupted into the air,” explains Simpson.

In fact, erupting volcanoes are often considered so dangerous that people are typically moved out from around the vent(火山口).  

    Volcanoes, whether active or dormant, are also often considered places of extreme natural beauty and many are protected as national parks.

So throwing our waste into volcanoes isn’t the simple solution it might seem. Maybe we should just think about using less and recycling more.

1.According to this passage, putting waste into a dormant volcano would ______?

    A. cause danger                      B. resulted in nothing

    C. bring destruction to nature       D. poison people

2.What is Dr Simpson’s attitude towards the suggestion of throwing waste into volcanoes?  

    A. She is in favour of it.           B. She is against it.

    C. She doesn’t reveal her opinion.  D. She partly agrees with it.

3.What does the underlined word “hazardous” mean in Paragraph 5?

    A. Dangerous.     B. Exciting.       C. Difficult.    D. Effective.

4.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?  

    A. What should we do with volcanoes?

    B. An ideal way to deal with rubbish.

    C. A problem of rubbish.            

    D. Why don’t we throw waste into volcanoes?  



科目: 来源:四川省成都龙泉中学2010年高考押题卷 题型:阅读理解


    When Charles Strattion was five, he stopped growing. His mother took him to see the famous showman; P.T.Barnum thought a small person would be the perfect addition to his show. He hired Charles’ parents along with him, and they traveled around the world together.

    He gave the two-foot-tall Charles a new name, general Tom Thumb. He taught Tom how to sing, dance, act, and tell jokes. When he felt Tom was ready to perform on stage, he made up ads. To stir up great interest, he said that Tom was eleven years old and had come from England.

    During the show, Tom fought battles pretendedly with tall people. He also danced upon a wooden plate held by a person who was eight feet tall.

    Tom’s act was very popular and brought in a lot of money. By the time Tom was an adult, he had grown very rich. He had become a billionaire at the age of twenty-five.

    Fortunately for Tom, Mr. Barnum added more little people to his show, and Tom became lucky in love as well. One of the little people was Lavinia Warren, a school teacher. Tom was able to win her love, and they married.  

    The ceremony and reception were the talk of the town. They were attended by many rich and famous people and by about two thousand guests. Crowds filled the streets of New York to have a look at their tiny wedding carriage. The couple even met with President Abraham Lincoln on their honeymoon, just before going to live in Tom’s house in Connecticut.

    Their wedding, which took place during the Civil War, provided a welcome escape from the sad problems of war. Not willing to let this bit of sunshine fade, communities throughout the country sponsored(主持)“Tom Thumb”weddings. In these weddings, small boys and girls, all dressed up, went through marriage ceremony for fun.

1.“ Talk of the town”means       .  

    A.it was in the newspaper

    B.people spread mean rumors(谣言)about it.

    C.it was the most popular thing happening

    D.it was discussed in a city meeting

2.What does the author think about Tom Thumb’s wedding?

    A.People gave it too much of their attention.

    B.It helped people cheer up in a dark time.

    C.It was funny and ridiculous.

    D.Tom and Lavinia were stupid.

3.Which of the following is the best clue(线索)to the fact that Tom was smart?

    A.He became a billionaire at twenty-five.

    B.He learned how to sing, dance, and act at a very young age.

    C.He met with President Lincoln during his honeymoon.

    D.He married a school teacher.

4.It was very funny when Tom danced on a wooden plate held by a person who was eight feet tall because          .  

    A.the wooden plate would make it sound as if Tom were tap dancing.

    B.it made Tom feel taller.

    C.the eight-foot-tall man was the only tall person Tom trusted

    D.the difference between them would make Tom look even smaller



科目: 来源:四川省成都龙泉中学2010年高考押题卷 题型:填空题



M:Lovely day, isn’t it?  

W:Mm, yes,   1.And it’s supposed to get warmer.

M:Yes, that’s true. You know, though, I’m always a little worried to see winter go.

W:  2.

M:Well, I love skating. In fact, I used to teach skating for a living.

W:Oh? That sounds interesting.   3.

M:I work at Bank of America. How about you?

W:  4.


W:No, I’m from Chicago. I’m just visiting here for the wedding.

M:Oh, I see.

W:By the way,   5.I’m Helen Keller.

M:Nice to meet you. My name is John Smith.  


A.But what do you do now?

B.It’s very cold.

C.It’s really warm.

D.I guess I should introduce myself.

E.I’m on the radio station.

F.What’s your name?




科目: 来源:四川省成都龙泉中学2010年高考押题卷 题型:短文改错










In recent years, dust storm have happened more and           1.______ 

more often in north of China. They have brought             2.______

quite a lot of trouble to people's life. The strong              3.______ 

wind blows up the dust, made the air very dirty.              4.______

It also stops many people go out. In the past,               5.______

people raise a large number of sheep, which ate              6._______

off a great deal of grass and the land became sandy.               7._______

Now the government has begun to pay an attention to          8._______

the problem. Each year, a large sum of money are             9._______

spent in the improvement of the environment.                    10.________



科目: 来源:四川省成都龙泉中学2010年高考押题卷 题型:书面表达






1. 应大力发展、加速普及。





1. 不宜大力发展。










科目: 来源:四川省绵阳中学2010届高三高考模拟 题型:单项填空

 The Day of the Dead, an ancient Mexican festival, is not a sad day, but       time to celebrate        cycle of life.  

    A.a, the               B.不填, the            C.不填,a           D. the, a



科目: 来源:四川省绵阳中学2010届高三高考模拟 题型:单项填空

 —Let’s throw a surprise party for mom’s  50th birthday.

—That’s a good idea. We        several of her friends.

    A.invite               B.had invited      C.are inviting     D.will invite


