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科目: 来源:河北正定中学2009届高三第四次月考 题型:阅读理解


In one of the strongest indications of the power of the mind to influence the body ,a growing collection of evidence finds that people who are depressed have a greatly higher risk of developing heart disease.

In a study of almost 3,000 men and 5,000 women , depressed men were 70 percent more likely to develop coronary (心脏的)heart disease than those who weren’t depressed. While depressed women were just 12 percent more likely to develop heart disease. Those who were severely depressed were 78 percent more likely.In fact ,a 1998 study found that women who are depressed have a risk of dying from heart disease equal to that of women who smoke or who have high blood pressure.

The link works the other way around, too: While about 1 in 20 American adults experience major depression in a given year, that number jumps to about one in three among those who have survived a heart attack.

The more severe the depression, the more dangerous it is to your health .But some studies suggest that even mild depression ,including feelings of hopelessness experienced over many years ,may damage the heart. Other studies suggest depression may affect how well heart disease medications work.

Researchers aren’t sure what the connection between depression and heart disease is, but theories exist. One is that people who are depressed tend not to take very good care of themselves. They’re more likely to eat high –fat ,high-calorie “comfort ”foods ,less likely to exercise ,and more likely to smoke. But beyond lifestyle ,there is probably also a physiological link between depression and heart disease. Recent studies found that people with severe depression tended to have a lack of heart-healthy O-3 fatty acids. People who are depressed also often have high levels of stress hormones (荷尔蒙)These keep the body primed for fight or flight ,raising blood pressure and causing the heart to beat faster, all of which put additional stress on coronary arteries (动脉)and prevent the body’s natural healing mechanisms from working properly.

A whole branch of medicine is devoted to the complex links between mental health ,the nervous system, the hormone system and so on. This science is gradually soring out how the mind- body connection affects us , or defense against heart disease.

Generally, an estimated 10 percent of American adults experience some form of depression every year. Although available treatments can east symptoms (症状) in more than 80 percent of people treated, less than half of those with depression get the help they need .

1.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Depression -----Heart Disease Risk Factor      B. Heart Disease---- Health Killer

C. Depression ---- Mental Health Enemy            D. Heart Disease ---- Depression Factor

2.Which statement is NOT true the passage?

A. With high blood pressure,depression is another potential risk to women’s health.

B. Depression,which is mild,can possibly cause damage to your health

C. Most people who experience depression get treated as they should be

D. Depression may have some influence on the function of heart disease medication

3.According to the passage ,the possible connections between heart disease and depression are the following EXCEPT______________

A. Depressed ones tend to eat high fat and high –calories food ,which leads to physical damage to heart

B. Severe heart disease may cause people to feel hopeless and depressed

C. Depression may result in the lack of some kind of acids ,which probably affects the working of people’s heart.

D. People with depression often have a high level of stress hormones ,maybe ,which will put extra pressure on one’s heart.

4.We can infer from the passage that _________

A. More researches will be done to find the certain links between heart disease and depression

B. The percentage of adults with depression is higher than that of depressed adults with heart disease .

C. One’s life style has relatively little relationship with one’s mental health.

D. Those with depression have a higher risk of developing heart disease.



科目: 来源:河北正定中学2009届高三第四次月考 题型:阅读理解


The English language is changing fast, thanks to the rapid progress of technology. We all have a choice: we can either bury our heads in the sand and spend the rest of our lives wishing Shakespeare were alive and well, or we can embrace(拥抱) the new English, enter into the spirit of the Internet age and call it Weblish.

“You can’t avoid it, for the simple reason that whenever a new variety of language comes along, it is certain to impacts(冲击) on the language as a whole,” says Dr David Crystal, honorary professor of linguistics at the University of Wales in Bangor, whose book “Language and the Internet” has just been published.

The trouble with keeping up with the new English is not so much that there are so many new words but that the old words no longer mean what we thought they did. In the past, if someone said they did not have Windows, you would have to suppose they lived in a cave. These days, it is probably because they use a Mac(which is a computer, not a raincoat.) Spam is as disliked as it ever was, but whereas it once meant an unappetizing(引不起食欲的) canned meat, it now stands for unwanted “junk” e-mail. Spellings are changing, too. Not only is textmessaging playing “hvc wth vrbs” {havoc(混乱) with verbs} , but the conventions of e-mail communication place little emphasis on “Perfect spelling.”

Weblish loves to see nouns happily become verbs (“Please bookmark this site”), and verbs become nouns (“Send me the download”). Verbs and prepositions are regularly thrown together to become new nouns or adjectives(dialup, logon, print-out, pull-down, upload), while others are created from simply pairing nouns: cyber-space, Internet, hyperlink, netspeak.

1.We can infer from the first paragraph that__________.

    A. some people wish Shakespeare were still alive

B. people may have different attitudes towards weblish

    C. all people welcome weblish

    D. weblish causes fear among people

2.The third paragraph is mainly about ____________.

    A. different meanings of English words          B. the rapid changes of English words

    C. the difficulty in understanding words related to computer and the Internet

    D. common words used on the Internet

3.The author thinks the main difficulty for people in keeping up with weblish is that _______.

    A. old words take on new meanings   B. there are so many new words

    C. the technology is changing too fast  D. weblish words are full of spelling mistakes

4.Dr David Crystal would probably agree that __________.

    A. people should not accept weblish

B. weblish can cause misunderstanding among  people

C. weblish will destroy the English language

D. people should know something about weblish



科目: 来源:河北正定中学2009届高三第四次月考 题型:阅读理解


For most of us, dieting is an annoying fact life. With so much information available, it can be difficult to tell which weight-loss strategies really work. Let’s start by taking a look at some confusing myths (荒谬)。

1.All calories are created equal.

What you eat, not how much, is the main factor behind weight gain. In fact, the body burns many more calories digesting carbohydrates than it does digesting fat ,For every 100 calories of carbohydrates we consume in excess (超过)of our daily requirement ,only 75 are turned into body fat .But 97 of every 100 excess fat calories are turned into body fat .

2.Desserts and fast foods are forbidden.

Some experts advise against describing foods as “ good ”and “bad ”.Even cakes ,pies ,and ice cream can be worked into a diet, Moderation is the key. Besides ,a plain hamburger on a bun is still a healthful choice ,So is baked chicken or a green salad with low –cal,dressing. But watch out for French fries, and fried chicken of fish .

3.It makes no difference whether you’re top or bottom –heavy.

In fact ,where weight is distributed makes all the difference. Recent studies suggest that people who store fat on the upper body (apple shape )rather than on hips and thighs (大腿)脚(pear shape )may have an increased rick of heart disease.There is probably little you can do to change how your body is genetically programmed to store fat ,But you can lost excess weight overall .

4.Fasting is the fastest diet .

Some studies suggest that suddenly reducing calorie intake puts the body into “starvation mode ”,which causes it to conserve calories and decreases the rate of digestion .The more often you deprive yourself of food ,the better your body may get at storing calories ,So ,in the long run ,repeated fasting may actually weaken your weight –loss efforts.

5.To keep weight off ,simply watch what you eat

According to studies ,exercise combined with dieting ensures weight loss better than dieting alone does. Experts also agree that having regular, moderate exercise is more important than occasional exercises. Researchers encourage patients to take the stairs instead of the elevator and park the car far from where you are going and walking.

6.It’s all your fault that you’re fat

Research at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine indicates that body shape and size are in large part decided by a person’s genes. In short ,some people are naturally more likely to be fat than other.Moreover, someone who was fat in childhood will have more fat cells than a person of average weight. Once made, the cells may enlarge or shrink (缩小),but they never disappear.

Yet genes don’t have to control your shape ,The size of your fat cells depends on you ---- on your eating habits and lifestyle ,Most important ,before getting caught up in dietary myths ,let good sense shape your eating habits ,Your body will thank you for it .

1.Whci of the following statements is true?

A. All calories are created equal .

B. You can decide whether fat will be stored on your upper body or lower body.

C. While you are on a diet never eat desserts and fast food

D. The size of fat cells is decided by our eating habits and lifestyle

2.Which of the following statements is true about fat cells and genes?

A. Everyone has the same amount of fat cells .

B. The size of fat cells is fixed ,They won’t become bigger or smaller

C. Genes have nothing to do with obesity.

D. Where you store your fat is genetically decided

3.The main reason why the author writes this article is to ___________

A. give new ideas                 B. correct certain misunderstandings

C. encourage the readers to keep fit D. explain the concept of calories ,fat cells ,and genes

4.This article is ____________

A. descriptive       B. creative         C. persuasive       D. educative



科目: 来源:河北正定中学2009届高三第四次月考 题型:填空题



— Oh, madam.   1.

— I'm sorry to say the bill you sent me was incorrect.

— Incorrect, madam?   2.

— Yes, I know.   3.

— Really, madam? I find it very hard to believe.


— Ah. Well, I must apologize, madam. It’s the new computer.

— Well, don't you think it's about time you got it working properly? It's most inconvenient.

— I agree entirely. I'm very sorry about it.  5.

    A. Could you help me?               B. That's very strange.

    C. What can I do for you?           D. And what's more, this isn't the first time.

    E. But I think this is the first time.      F. I promise you it won't happen again.

    G. Look, it’s happened five or six times in the past three months.






科目: 来源:河南省开封市2009届高三第一次模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 —Now that you like the garden so much, why not buy it??

—Well, I can't afford______________ garden.?

A. such big a    B. that big a    C. a big that     D. so a big



科目: 来源:河南省开封市2009届高三第一次模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 Are the two glasses believed___________ by Tom??

A. broken         B. to be broken  C. to break       D. to have been broken



科目: 来源:河南省开封市2009届高三第一次模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 —Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?


A. I'd rather you didn't actually   B. Of course not, it's not allowed here?

C. Great! I love pets               D. No, you can't



科目: 来源:河南省开封市2009届高三第一次模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 —Did everyone pass the examination??

—No, only three of them who passed it.?

A. there was      B. it was      C. these were     D. that was



科目: 来源:河南省开封市2009届高三第一次模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 To do a bit for the motherland, _______________

A. working hard is necessary?

B. to learn a foreign language is needed?

C. it is important to master science?

D. one should serve the people whole heartedly



科目: 来源:河南省开封市2009届高三第一次模拟考试 题型:单项填空

 When I stayed at Aunt Liu's, she would tell me about the great changes which___________ in the village.?

A. have taken place             B. had taken place?

C. took place                   D. would take place


