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科目: 来源:安徽省皖南八校2009届高三第二次联考 题型:单项填空

 The photos on the wall      my mother of those happy,old days when a large family lived together.

    A.inform           B.approve          C.remind           D.retell



科目: 来源:安徽省皖南八校2009届高三第二次联考 题型:单项填空

 Was it in the beautiful park       ,was located by the sea       we first met our new chinese teacher'?  

A.where;that      B.which;which    C.that;that           D.which;where



科目: 来源:安徽省皖南八校2009届高三第二次联考 题型:完形填空



    A 25—year—old student from Hubei was admitted into Tsinghua,China’s most famous university.after an eight—year   1.Li Jun comes from a poor family in a small village of H ubei Province.He first   2going to college in the year 2000  3he was admitted by a 1ocal school after   4from a secondary technical school at age 17.A   5art student,he passed the exam again next year but   6school due to economic pressures in September 2002.Life seemed   7but Li didn’t give in.He earned a   8by working part time in Wuhan’s art rooms and tutoring students.But he never lost sight of his lifelong dream of    9the Academy of Arts&Design of Tsinghua University.Li  10the college entrance examination for five continuous years starting from 2003.   11,he missed making the cut one mark last year.

    In 2008,his fifth try,Li’s efforts    12.He finished the qualifying exam in his province and was finally admitted as a sculpture major into Tsinghua University.Every year.Li took art   13in Beijing and took exams from December to March.He then took cultural courses in his school till June.The rest of the year he spent on   14work.Li said he hadn’t   15any money from his family since he graduated from he technical secondary school.Li said the reason he maintained for eight years was that he wanted Io change his   16through knowledge。

17by his contribution,Li Jun’s university  18him 9000 yuan out of his tuition fees of 11450 yuan.An eight—year struggle may have come to an end for LiJun,but a new   19has now begun.Li said he would not worry about repaying loans at present.He wants to study well and   20more scholarships.

1.A.research           B.struggle         C.service          D.expectation

2.A.talked of          B.told of          C.dreamt of        D.knew of

3.A.where          B.when             C.that             D.since

4.A.learning           B.seperating           C.dating           D.graduating

5.A.gifted         B.surprised            C.interested       D.easy going

6.A.went on with                           B.watched out for

C.dropped our of                       D.1ooked forward to

7.A.unfair             B.hard             C.practical            D.busy

8.A.value              B.respect          C.freedom          D.1iving

9.A.entering           B.visiting             C.supporting           D.pursing

10.A.turned to         B.applied for      C.called for      D.adapted to

11.A.Instead           B.At times             C.However          D.Besides

12.A.took off          B.paid off             C.gave off         D.sent off

13.A.ways              B.programmes       C.success          D.courses

14.A.full—time            B.part—time       C.out—of—door        D.all

15.A.asked for         B.looked for       C.prayed for           D.waited for

16.A.plan              B.ideal            C.fate             D.opinion

17.A.Encouraged        B.1nfluenccd       C.Accused          D.Impressed

18.A.funded            B.gave             C.paid             D.cost

19.A.challenge         B.1ife                 C.case             D.relationship

20.A.spend         B.win              C.care             D.use



科目: 来源:安徽省皖南八校2009届高三第二次联考 题型:阅读理解


    It was a very cold evening.The old man’s beard was almost frozen.He was waiting for a ride across the river.The wait seemed endless.The old man sat on the ground waiting.

Finally,he saw several horsemen coming.He watched them.He 1et the first one.pass by without even asking.Another passed by,and then another.Finally,tile 1ast rider came near the old man.The old man caught the rider’s eye and said,“Sir,would you mind giving me a ride

To the other side?”

    Stopping his horse,the rider replied,“Of course.”But the old man’s body was half-frozen.He could not get off the ground.The horseman helped the old man onto his horse.He took the o1d man not just across the river,but to the old man′s home.

    As they neared the old man’s house,the horseman asked,“Sir,you let several other riders pass by without even asking.Then I came up and you asked me for a ride at once.Why? What if 1 had said‘no’and 1eft you there?”

    The old man looked at the rider straight in the eyes,and said?“1 looked into the eyes of the other riders.I quickly saw that they did n’t care.It would be useless even to ask them for a ride.But when I looked into your eyes,I saw kindness.I knew that you would help me.”

The words touched the rider deeply.“Thank you for what you’ve said,”he told the man.“I hope 1 will never be too busy to help others.”  

With that,Thomas Jefferson,the third president of the US,turned his horse around and made his way back to the White House.

1.What does the underlined sentence mean?

    A.Though 1 will be busy,I’ll sti1l help others.

    B.1’ll not be busy forever,so I can help others.

    C.1 will always be ready to help others.

    D.To help others,1 will not be busy.

2.The writer used the first paragraph;in order to         

    A.describe the cold weather                    B.describe the old man’s difficulty

C.stress the 1ast horsemen’s kindness        

D.describe the length of the old man’s beard

3.What did the old man ask the last driver to do?

    A.To take him home.                       B.To take him across the river.

    C.To take him to the capital.             D.To take him to the White House.

4.Who is the last horseman?

    A.The third president of America.         B.The passage does n’t tell us.

    C.A man sent by God.                  D.A unknown fighter of the U.S.army.



科目: 来源:安徽省皖南八校2009届高三第二次联考 题型:阅读理解


Skinner Creek ESL Guest Ranch offers a unique.outdoor adventure camp for inter national students.

Students who come to Skinner Creek have the opportunity to learn English in an environment entirely different from a regular school setting.English classes are designed to meet the academic and spoken levels of each student.All English classes will be taught by instructors qualified in Teaching English as a Second Language.All levels of English are available.

After class,students can enjoy many outdoor activities in a controlled.safe envi—ronment.Experienced managers and camp teachers will prepare each activity to the level appropriate for each student.

Students’safety is a priority(优先考虑的事)for the staff of Skinner Creek ESI.Guest Ranch.Students are monitored at all times and supervisors are in the cabins with the students at night.Staff members have St.John’s First Aid and Transportation and Wilderness First Aid.An emergency clinic is nearby and accessible 24 hours.

English Classes:

Class hours are from Monday to Friday,9:00—2:00 P.m.with a one—hour break for lunch.

Students are challenged in reading,writing,grammar,vocabulary building and conversational English.

Vocabulary is specific to related outdoor activities in some classes.

Fun after-class outdoor and evening activities

Great after—class activities on site include:horseback riding lessons.Hiking,baseball,volleyball,badminton,mountain hiking,bonfires(簿火)and much more.

Time to watch videos and TV and play games.

Experience Canadian family life.


Special all—day and overnight weekend activities include:camping,days at the lake

(fishing,swimming,boating),cowboy church and more.

Travel Information:

Students will be picked up at Vancouver airport and dropped off again for their individual flights.Transportation to and from the ranch(农场)will be provided as well as overnight stays in Vancouver.

Please contact the ranch directly for prices:skinnercreek@telus.net

1.If you attend Skinner Creek Summer Camp,you will        

A.sometimes have English classes outdoors

B.1earn how to deal with dangers in the wild

C.enjoy different sports activities after class

D.experience the traditional farmer 1ifestyle

2.How many hours of English classes do students have every week in Skinner Creek?

A.35 hours.       B.28 hours.       C.25 hours.       D.20 hours

3.Skinner Creek ESL Guest Ranch is in           

A.Canada           B.America          C.England          D.Australia

4.How will most students travel to Skinner Creek if they want to attend the camp?

A.By air.         B.By car.         C.By boat.            D.By train.



科目: 来源:安徽省皖南八校2009届高三第二次联考 题型:阅读理解


To build a safer car,Japanese automakers are trying to replace the driver.

Inspired by statistics blaming human error for most accidents,Toyota and its competitors are designing“intelligent’”cars that can almost drive themselves on the high way.

The systems are designed to reduce human tiredness and the mistakes that often result.This kind of support is what drivers need most in a country with some of the most crowded roads in the world.That is why it should not be surprising that Japan is leading the race to make cars smarter.

To provide a safer ride,Japanese automakers are turning to technologies like laser radar and machine vision to replace tired eyes and wandering minds.

An infrared(红外线的)radar unit fixed on the bumper is part of a new cruise(巡航)control method that Toyota introduced in August 1997.It’s now an optional(随意的)feature on its Celsior luxury car that costs 70000 yuan ($648).

The“adaptive”system tracks(尾随)the car ahead,and slows down or speeds up the car automatically to keep a safer distance in highway traffic.The same technology has also been used by some cars made by Toyota’s competitors.

Subaru,a type of its Legacy wagon,made its first appearance last September with Active Driving Assist(ADA),which besides adjusting cruising speed,sounds an alarm if the car goes out of its lane or makes a turn too fast.In the latter case,it down shifts gear even before the driver starts to brake.

An even smarter system is coming from Honda.Called Honda Interlligent Driver Support(HIDS),it “sees”the road through a tiny camera on the windshield and helps steer(操纵)the car down the middle of lane(车道).

A computer picks out line on the highway surface and touched the car’s steering wheel in the right direction.

Honda got approval in March to start testing HIDS on the highway and says 1t will arrive in showrooms in the near future.

1.Why are Japanese automakers developing cars that can almost drive themselves on.the highway'?

A.Because they want to win the car competition.

B.Because many accidents resulted from the mistakes made by drivers.

C.Because drivers are always tired when driving the car.

D.Because people don’t want to drive the cars themselves.

2.What is the main purpose for the automakers to design the system of the new cars?

A.To make them run faster so that they can sell them at higher prices.

B.To make them keep to the lane without being controlled.

C.To help drivers make fewer mistakes so that accidents can be avoided.

D.To use some advanced devices like laser radar and machine vision.

3.We can infer from the passage that               

A.accidents always occur in the crowded streets

B.traffic accidents are likely to happen when drivers are tired and careless

C.accidents happen because traffic rules are not obeyed

D.many accidents occur because there are no advanced system

4.If you drive the car with HIDS,you will find          

A.your car 1s always keeping the right direction

B.your car is slowed down or speeded up automatically

C.your car is controlled by an Infrared radar

D.you are always keeping a safer distance on the high-way



科目: 来源:安徽省皖南八校2009届高三第二次联考 题型:阅读理解


Pretoria.South Africa—Hundreds 0f swimmers Play in the water along a South African beach.Suddenly a huge shark appears offshore and heads for the bathers.Before it can get close to the swimmers,the shark,for some mysterious reason,starts swimming parallel to the beach.Then it turns away from shore and heads out to sea,leaving the swimmers untouched.

Such a scene will soon become common along shark infested(鲨鱼出没)shores.An electrical engineer from the University of Pretoria has developed an electrical system that repels(击退)sharks by controlling their movements.Confused by this action,the sharks end up turning away from the beach.

In this unusual shark repellent method,an insulated(绝缘)cable is buried on the bottom of the sea around a beach from which people swim.When an electric current is sent though the cable,an electric field is produced in the water above the cable.

When the shark swims into the electric field,nerve cells just below the shark’s skin detect the field.The electricity produces a reflex(反射)action in the shark’s muscles,causing the dangerous animal with sharp teeth to swim parallel to the cable.Contused by increasing loss of control of its muscles,the shark suddenly changes its direction and heads seaward,away from the electric field.   

In a test of the invisible new shark-repellent system,a cable was placed around a beach in St.Lucia an island in the tropics.A protective net,which had been installed around the beach a long time ago to keep sharks from swimmers,was left in place during the experiment.

When the electric field was 1eft on for more than a year and a half,no sharks were found in the nets.However,when the power was turned off,89 sharks ended up in the nets.

Using the electric wall method instead of nets to protect bathers would avoid the needless death of many sharks,say biologists.Currently,thousands of sharks die each year when they become trapped in protective nets that surround holiday resorts in Africa and Australia.About 10 to 15 humans are killed by sharks annually.

1.In the first passage,why doesn’t the shark attack the swimmers?

A.Because they are many swimmers in the water.

B.Because the shark doesn’t want to eat the swimmers。

C.Because of some mysterious reason from the God.

D.Because there is an invisible electric field confusing the shark.

2.An electrical engineer from the University of Pretoria has developed        

A.A protective net                     B.A new shark-repellent system

C.The electric field                       D.An insulated cable

3.An electric field is produced in the water above the cable          

A.only when the shark swims into the electric field

B.an insulated cable is buried on the bottom of the sea around a beach from which people


C.only when an electric current is sent though the cable

D.only when the sharks are trapped in protective nets

4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.Protective nets had been installed around the beach earlier than the new shark repellent system.

B.This new kind of shark repellent system wilt take place of the protective nets.

C.Thousands of sharks die and about 10 to 15 humans are killed by sharks each year in Africa and Australia since this new system was Put into use.

D.Using the electric wall method instead of nets to protect bathers would avoid the needless death of many sharks.



科目: 来源:安徽省皖南八校2009届高三第二次联考 题型:阅读理解


SCOTS Secretary Jim Murphy is on a mission(使命)to recover £46 million of council cash.

He has travelled to Iceland for high-level talks with Prime Minister Geir Haarde.

Mr Murphy has vowed(发誓)to do“whatever it takes”to ensure the return to local auth orities(管理机构)of the millions of pounds which are locked in crisis hit Icelandic banks.

He also wants to see the return of money deposited(存款)there by a number of Scottish charities(慈善事业).

Mr Murphy said Scots councils and charities had invested in Icelandic banks in good faith.before the country’s banking system was severely hit by the global financial crisis.

He said:“Our relationship with Iceland has traditionally been a very good one.But of course。there are pressures at the moment.particularly because of the international credit crisis and the collapse of the Icelandic banks.”

There is Scottish council and Scottish charity money invested in some of those banks and I’m making efforts to persuade the Icelandic government that money should be returned.

“We’ve made very clear,we’ll do whatever it takes to support Scottish people to get their money out of the Icelandic banking crisis.”

The Scottish Secretary’s move has been welcomed by the Holyrood Parliament.

The UK Government is Currently trying to save£4 billion in deposits held by customers in the failed Icelandic bank Icesave,at risk after its parent firm(母公司)Lands banki folded(重组) .

The bank’s collapse caused a diplomatic arguement after ministers froze assets (资产)of other Icelandic banks.

1.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?

A.Scots councils and charities had invested in Icelandic banks in bad faith.

B.The relationship with Iceland has traditionally been a very good one,so don’t worry about it forever.

C.The UK Government and people can’t be satisfied with Iceland’s ministers’measures.

D.The UK Government supports scottish people to fight with the lceland.

2.Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to the underlined word'?

A.straight         B.seriously            C.suddenly             D.slightly

3.Jim Murphy will pay a visit to Iceland in order to          

A.strengthen their cooperation and promote economical progress between two countries

B.persuade the Icelandic government to give back the money that are locked in crisis-hit Icelandic banks

C.travelled to Iceland for high-level talks with prime minister Geir Haarde and wanted to break away from the crisis together

D.represent the government to help Iceland to recover economy

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Iceland Banking crisis                   B.Murphy’s lcelandic mission

C.The influence of the crisis              D.A friendly visit



科目: 来源:安徽省皖南八校2009届高三第二次联考 题型:短文改错







    One day 1 went to the market and find many                      1.

beautiful birds in few cages for sale.1 heard                      2.

two young men talked.One said,“I caught eight                 3.

birds like these last Sunday.but not a single one                      4.

was alive next morning”Oh,God!The birds                      5.

are being killed.The number is reducing year to year.             6.

Birds,1ike animals,are our friends.They eat a                    7.

lot of pests and make our nature beautifully.                      8.

So we must do something to protect it from being killed.               9.

We hope how everyone will care for them.                           10.



科目: 来源:安徽省皖南八校2009届高三第二次联考 题型:书面表达












  4.参考词汇:economical crisis经济危机;steady稳定的;the globe全球。

The economical crisis has been a hot topic.It is necessary for us to really under-

stand the two crises and their bad effect by comparing them. 





