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科目: 来源:河南省郑州四中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:阅读理解


The next great land area that man hopes to control is the moon. In size it is nearly equal to the area of North and South America. However, it presents a hostile (不友好的) environment. Temperatures range +120 to -150 degrees Centigrade (摄氏). There is no air, and no water.

Today there is considerable scientific speculation (思索) about living on the moon. When man will begin life on the moon surface is still not determined. But experts believe that settlement will take place in three steps. First, there will be increasing periods of exploration with temporary shelters (临时住所). These periods will be followed by longer stays with housing under the surface of the moon and daily necessities brought by the settlers themselves from the earth. Finally, settlements that are self-supporting will be founded.

The main job of the early settlers will be to stay alive. They will have to plant crops under huge domes (圆顶屋) to produce food and oxygen and find water sources. After this is done, the settlers will have time to explore the possibilities of commercial (商业的) development and to make discoveries important to science. The characteristics of the moon that make it bad for human staying alive may make it ideal for certain kinds of manufacturing (制造业). Operations requiring a vacuum (真空) or extreme cold are examples. Therefore, industrial diamonds might be produced on the moon.

1.The area of the moon is _________.

A. about the same as that of North and South America

B. larger than that of North and South America

C. hardly equal to that of North and South America

D. far smaller than that of North and South America

2.According to this passage, the settlement of the moon ________.

A. will soon be realized

B. can be done under the moon surface

C. is being experimented by many scientists

D. sounds entirely impossible

3.To stay alive on the moon, the early settlers must first of all be able to ________.

A. develop commerce

B. get enough food, oxygen and water

C. make discoveries important

D. explore the possibilities of industrial development

4.Though the environment on the moon is bad for human staying alive, it is very good for ________.

A. making such things as industrial diamonds   B. all kinds of manufactured goods

C. medical operations                      D. commercial development



科目: 来源:河南省郑州四中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:阅读理解


Anyone who cares about what schools and colleges teach and how their students learn will be interested in the memoir(回忆录)of Ralph W. Tyler, who is one of the most famous men in American education.

Born in Chicago in 1902, brought up and schooled in Nebraska, the 19-year-old college graduate Ralph Tyler became hooked on teaching while teaching as a science teacher in South Dakota and changed his major from medicine to education.

Graduate work at the University of Chicago found him connected with honorable educators Charles Judd and W. W. Charters, whose ideas of teaching and testing had an effect on his later work. In 1927, he became a teacher of Ohio State University where he further developed a new method of testing.

Tyler became well-known nationality in 1938, when he carried his work with the Eight-Year Study from Ohio State University to the University of Chicago at the invitation of Robert Hutchins.

Tyler was the first director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, a position he held for fourteen years. There, he firmly believed that researchers should be free to seek an independent spirit in their work.

Although Tyler officially retired in 1967, he never actually retired. He served on a long list of educational organizations in the United States and abroad. Even in his 80s he traveled across the country to advise teachers and management people on how to set objectives(目标)that develop the best teaching and learning within their schools.

1.Who are most probably interested in Ralph W. Tyler’s memoir?

A. Top managers.                B. Language learners.

C. Serious educators.               D. Science organizations.

2.The words “hooked on teaching” underlined in Paragraph 2 probably mean ________.

A. attracted to teaching            B. tired of teaching

C. satisfied with teaching          D. unhappy about teaching

3.Where did Tyler work as the leader of a research center for over 10 years?

A. The University of Chicago.       B. Stanford University.

C. Ohio State University.      D. Nebraska University.



科目: 来源:河南省郑州四中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:信息匹配



A. Gorden’s is a restaurant in an attractive part of town, and has tables in the garden for sunny days. It’s knows for pizza, fried chicken and hamburgers. Gorden’s has special prices for children’s meals. Excellent food but service can be slow. Open 12:00-20:00.

B. The Silver Palace Chinese Restaurant serves food from many parts of China at low prices. The atmosphere is warm and friendly, but it can get noisy. Reasonable service. Near the city center, with a car park. Open12:00-14:00, 17:30-2:00.

C. The Tower Coffee Bar serves light snacks, soft drinks and excellent Italian coffee. Its friendly atmosphere is popular with students and young people, and it is a good meeting place for friends. Can be rather noisy! Open midday to midnight.

D. The Tiny Tea Room serves a selection of tea, coffee and good home-made cakes and pastries(油酥点心).Perfect for a refreshing rest and there is a game room for children. Gets very crowded at lunchtime. Open 9:00-16:00

E. King’s restaurant is a good choice for quick, inexpensive meals. This restaurant serves a wide kinds of English food. There is also an interesting vegetarian menu which includes a varity of hot dishes, and salads. Open 11:00-22:00.

F. Bernini’s is a high-quality Italian restaurant. It is internationally recognized for its first-class food and service. Bernini’s is close to the city center and parking is available. Open evenings only, 18:00-23:00.

1.Mrs. Jones and her daughter are going to have a day in town. Their bus arrives there at ten o’clock. They would like to have coffee before they start shopping.

2.The Browns are on holiday. They are spending the day sightseeing in town and want to have meal at a restaurant suitable for small children. They would like to sit outside.

3.Linda’s Italian friend Maria is visiting him for a week. They want to have a snack before going to the cinema in the evening. Maria is fond of trying English food. Linda doesn’t eat meat.

4.Robert Evans has invited a Swedish businessman to dinner to discuss a contract. He wants to take him to a restaurant near his office in the city center. The food and service must be excellent.

5.A tourist team of many travelers from various countries want to go out for a late-night meal, but they don’t have much money, and don’t like English food!

顾客                                      饭店

Mrs. Jones and her daughter                A. Gorden’s

the Browns                             B. the Palace Chinese Restaurant

Linda and Maria                         C. the Tower Coffee Bar

Robert Evans                           D. the Tiny Tea Room

A tourist team                           E. King’s Restaurant

F. Bernini’s



科目: 来源:河南省郑州四中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:单词拼写


1.You must a_________ to your teacher for the rude things you said to her.

2.Lewis was much  ______(欣赏)for his work on the advanced medical research.

3.Have you been s__________ on me?.

4.You can _____________(查阅)a telephone directory for the number.

5.Careless driving a_______________ for many accidents.

6.Dictionaries are not p_____________ to be brought into the classroom when students take exams.

7.The last __________(一场)of the play was very impressive.

8.The girl had a ____________(猛烈的) toothache after eating too many candies.

9.Your plan is good in ___________(理论),but does it work in practice?

10.Hard work is f______________ to success.




科目: 来源:河南省郑州四中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:短文改错






Are the years you spent at school best years of you life?              1.

Personally, I found most lesson rather uninteresting. We had to        2.

sit at our desks in silence and paid attention to what the teachers        3.

were saying. They used to writing on the blackboard and ask        4.

us difficult questions. We also had to do a plenty of homework, and    5.

hand it on time. We had to wear school uniforms and obey lots of       6.

rules. I left school as soon as I can and started work. I read books        7.

at the public library, and late I decided to attend college. Now           8.

I really enjoy studying because I’m growing old and know what I        9.

want it. When I was at school, I was just the wrong age!                10.



科目: 来源:河南省郑州四中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:书面表达








不吃早餐   爱吃零食

偏食       饮食过量







4.参考词汇: 偏食 be particular about food            零食  snack

饮食多样化  have various healthy diets      有规则地 regularly

Dear friends,

As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it’s very important for us to form healthy eating habits.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________That’s all. Thank you!



科目: 来源:安徽省2010届高三第三次质检 题型:单项填空

 When the spaceship traveled above,        new-looking earth appeared before us,     

earth that we had never seen before.

    A.a; the         B.the; an        C./; the         D.a; an



科目: 来源:安徽省2010届高三第三次质检 题型:单项填空

 I’m looking for a         tie to match my suit.

    A.mid-sized red silk                                 B.red mid-sized silk

    C.red silk mid-sized                                 D.silk red mid-sized



科目: 来源:安徽省2010届高三第三次质检 题型:单项填空

 ---Why are you so hot?

   ---I        football with my classmates and how I want to have a drink!

    A.was playing    B.have been playing                C.have played    D.played



科目: 来源:安徽省2010届高三第三次质检 题型:单项填空

 ---Do you know the famous scientist Yuan Longping?

   ---Of course. His name       whenever the matter of hybrid rice(杂交水稻)is discussed.

    A.comes out      B.comes up       C.comes in       D.comes on


