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科目: 来源:山西省大同一中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:单项填空

 A saying goes         practice makes perfect.

    A. which                B. that         C. whether          D. what



科目: 来源:山西省大同一中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:单项填空

 He is said         abroad now, but I don’t know in which country he is

    A. to study                     B. to be studying      

C. to have studied                  D. studying



科目: 来源:山西省大同一中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:完形填空


When I come across a good article in reading newspapers, I often want to cut and keep it. But just as I am about to do so, I find the article on the   1side is much interesting. It may be a discussion of the way to   2in good health, or   3about how to behave and conduct oneself in society. If I cut the front article, the opposite one is likely to   4damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text   5the title. Therefore, the scissors would   6before they start,   7halfway done when I find out the   8result.

Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both worth your   9. You can only take up one of them; the other has to wait or be   10up. But you know the future is unpredictable-the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left   11. Thus you are   12in a difficult position and feel sad. How   13that nice chances and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life   14greatly on your preference of one choice to the other.

In fact that is what   15is like: we are often   16with the two opposite sides of the thing which are both desirable like a newspaper cutting. It often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only   17we get into another. The   18may be more important than the latter and give rise to a divided mind. I   19remember a philosopher’s remarks: “When one door shuts, another opens in life.” So a casual   20may not be a had one.

1.A. front          B. same         C. either           D. opposite

2.A. get            B. keep         C. lead         D. bring

3.A. advice     B. news         C. a theory     D. a report

4.A. suffer         B. reduce           C. prevent      D. cause

5.A. on         B. for          C. without      D. off

6.A. use            B. handle           C. prepare      D. stay

7.A. or         B. but          C. so           D. for

8.A. satisfying     B. regretful        C. surprising       D. impossible

9.A. courage        B. strength     C. attention        D. patience

10.A. given         B. held         C. made         D. picked

11.A. near          B. alone            C. about            D. behind

12.A. filled            B. attracted        C. caught           D. struck

13.A. dares         B. comes            C. does         D. dare

14.A. improves      B. changes      C. progresses       D. goes

15.A. study         B. society          C. nature           D. life

16.A. faced         B. supplied     C. connected        D. fixed

17.A. before        B. after            C. until            D. as

18.A. following     B. next         C. above            D. former

19.A. still         B. also         C. once         D. almost

20.A. treatment     B. action           C. choice           D. remark



科目: 来源:山西省大同一中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:阅读理解


    It was starting to get dark and Bobby turned to walk home when suddenly his eyes caught the setting sun’s rays reflecting off something along the roadside. He reached down and discovered a shiny dime(一角钱). Never before has anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby felt at that moment.

As he held his new found treasure, a warmth spread throughout his entire body and he walked into the first store he saw.

His excitement quickly turned cold when the salesperson told him that he couldn’t buy anything with only a dime.

He saw a flower shop and went inside to wait in line. When the shop owner asked if he could help him, Bobby presented the dime and asked if he could buy one flower for his mother’s Christmas gift. The shop owner looked at Bobby and his ten cents offering. Then he said to him, “You just wait here and I’ll see what I can do for you.”

The sound of the door closed as the last customer left. All alone in the shop, Bobby began to feel cold and afraid. Suddenly the shop owner came out. There, before Bobby’s eyes, lay twelve long stem, red roses, with leaves of green and tiny white flowers all tied together with a big silver bow. Bobby’s heart sank as the owner picked them up and placed them gently into a long white box. “That will be ten cents, young man.” The shop owner said reaching out his hand for the dime.

Sensing the boy’s reluctance(勉强), the shop owner added, “I just happened to have some roses on sale for ten cents a dozen. Would you like them?”

When the man placed the long box into his hands, he knew it was true. Walking out of the door that the owner was holding, Bobby heard the shopkeeper say, “Merry Christmas, son.”

1.Why did Bobby feel that he was rich?

    A. Because he found a purse with many dollars

B. Because he found some money on the way home.

C. Because he was given a bunch of flowers

D. Because he found some hidden treasure.

2.What can we infer from the third paragraph?

    A. Christmas gifts were always very expensive

B. The salesperson’s words greatly disappointed Bobby.

C. Bobby was tired of trying one shop after another

D. The salesperson was trying to cheat Bobby.

3.While waiting for the shop owner in the flower ship, Bobby           .

    A. was full of excitement and joy

B. was very thankful to the shop owner

C. felt he had been cheated by the owner

D. was not sure whether the owner would accept his offering



科目: 来源:山西省大同一中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:阅读理解


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1.In which bookstore can you buy used books?

    A. The Bargain Books Store              B. The 4-for-3 Books Store.

C. The Significant Seven.               D. The Textbook Store

2.If you order two 9-dollar books, one 5-dollar book and one 3-dollar book in the 4-for-3 Books Store, then you can get       free.

A. none                         B. the 3-dollar book

C. the 5-dollar book                D. the two 9-dollar books

3.In the Significant Seven, you can find         .

    A. your favorite books 40% off the list price

B. the reader’s favorite books 30% off the list price

C. the new titles chosen by the editors as the must-read books of the season everyday

D. the best-selling books chosen by editors on show every Monday

4.The underlined word “categories” means “       ’.

    A. stores           B. shelves      C. types            D. sports



科目: 来源:山西省大同一中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:阅读理解


Lane waited on the bench nearest the bridge, as he had been instructed.. The strong wind blew straight across the river, and he had to put his overcoat closer about him.

He went over his instructions in his mind. The spy would appear at four o’clock. He would talk to Lane for a while, after which he would get up, leaving his newspapers behind. The plans would be found inside.

A distant clock began to strike the hour. As if from nowhere, a man appeared and sat down beside Lane, placing his newspaper on the seat between them. He was thin and middle-aged, and seemed in need of a good meal. He didn’t look like a successful spy, Lane thought. His talk about the weather was uninteresting.

A few minutes later he got up and continued on his way. Lane picked up the paper which lay on the bench, as if he wanted to read the news. He was excited to see the plans, stuck on the center page. At that moment, however, there was a strong gust of wind which lifted the newspaper into the air, like a kite, and blew it into the river.

1.Which of the following statement is TRUE?

    A. Sitting on the bench, Lane repeated his orders to himself

B. Lane would read about the plans in the newspaper.

C. The man Lane was expecting didn’t arrive on time

D. The man who suddenly appeared was not the one Lane was waiting for.

2.The spy was going to give Lane some important        .

    A. papers           B. information          C. instructions     D. advice

3.Lane found the spy very         .

    A. interesting      B. peculiar     C. ordinary     D. well-fed

4.The spy left the newspaper        .

    A. by the plan      B. by mistake       C. at Lane’s request       D. out of kindness



科目: 来源:山西省大同一中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:阅读理解


Every year there are hundreds of earthquakes in different parts of the world. In September, 1923, Tokyo and Yokohama were both destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that followed it. They had to be completely rebuilt. One of the most serious earthquakes was in China’s Shanxi province in 1556. It killed almost one million people.

We measure an earthquake’s strength on the Richter Scale. The Richter Scale was introduced in 1935 in Southern California in the USA. It measures earthquakes on a scale of one to ten. Any earthquake measuring five or more is usually serious.

The Earth’s crust(地壳) is made up of rock called plates. As these plates move, they sometimes crash against each other, causing the crust to quake. In cities such as Tokyo, where small quakes happen quite often, many modern buildings are designed to be flexible so when the Earth moves, they move with it.

Earthquakes can also break up gas and oil pipes. This can cause fires to break out, which can do as much damage as the earthquake itself.

Another effect of earthquakes is tsunamis. These are huge waves created by earthquakes beneath the sea. They can be many meters high and cause great damage to coastal towns and cities, China, Japan, Russia and the USA have the highest occurrence(发生) of earthquakes in the world.

1.The passage is mainly about       .

    A. scientists who study earthquakes     B. the way of measuring earthquakes

C. a usual natural disaster             D. what people should do in the earthquake

2.The earthquake in Shanxi Province       , which in NOT true?

    A. happened in 1556                 B. killed one million people

C. was the only earthquake in China     D. caused a lot of damage


    A. don’t cause much damage             B. are not serious

C. most possibly happen in Japan            D. happen all over the world

4.According to the passage we know that tsunamis        .

    A. can cause earthquakes           

B. are caused by earthquakes

C. only happen on land             

D. are a way of measuring earthquakes



科目: 来源:山西省大同一中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:单句改错


1. This disappearance made it possible the rise of mammals on the earth.



2. They mustn’t be at home, for the light is off.



3. The reason for which he was absent yesterday was because his mother was ill in hospital.



4. It wasn’t until I told them the truth which they began to understand what they had done.




5. China is no longer what it used to, of which we Chinese are proud.



6. The secret of his success lies in the full use he has made his time and energy in his study and work.


7. What Tom said just now suggested that he shouldn’t agree to the plan.



8. Which is known to us all, the earth moves around the sun.



9. The day he had been looking forward to coming in time, which made him very happy.



10. It is reported that two schools, both of them are being built in my hometown, will open next 






科目: 来源:山西省大同一中09-10学年高一下学期期中考试 题型:书面表达



1. 春节是中国的传统节日之一,它也是中国最重要的节日;

2. 庆祝春节的目的在于辞旧迎新;

3. 在中国,人们以多种形式庆祝春节,如:放烟花,爆竹,吃团圆饭等;

4. 春节时,家家户户吃饺子,以及给小孩压岁钱是中国人的习俗;

5. 人们见面时,相互拜年,祝福大家在新的一年里的好运气。

注:烟花firework         爆竹frie-crackers














科目: 来源:贵州省云峰中学09-10学年高二下学期3月月考 题型:单项填空

 All the classmates are trying to make the party ____.

A. success      B. a success        C. succeeded        D. successfully


