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科目: 来源:2010年吉林毓文中学高二模块考试 题型:阅读理解


There is an English saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found that laughter really can improve people’s health.

Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their heart, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, makes the heart beat quicker and makes people breathe deeper; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.

Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programmes. The group that tolerated (忍耐) the pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny programme. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemical in the brain which diminishes both stress and pain.

As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients’ condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.

1.According to the passage, which of the following statements is WRONG?  

A. Laughter is good for health.         

B. Laughter can make you become old quickly.

C. Laughter helps to reduce pain.    

D. Laughter, just like physical exercise, is good for our body.

2.The underlined word “diminishes” in the third paragraph means “          ”.  

A. delays                            B. prevents        

C. increases                     D. reduces

3.Why do doctors hold laughter clinics? 

A. Because they want to earn more money.     

B. Because they think they will help the patients recover from illnesses.

C. Because they want to improve their patients’ health.

D. Because they want their patients to laugh more.            

4.What would be the best title for this passage?  

A. Both laughter and physical exercise are good for health.

B. Laughter clinics can help patients improve their condition.

C. Laughter can reduce the effect of pain.         

D. Laughter is the best medicine.



科目: 来源:2010年吉林毓文中学高二模块考试 题型:阅读理解


Anybody running a company knows that a well - planned conference can greatly improve performance of that business.The main reason for this is that it takes your employees away from the daily workplace and offers them somewhere fresh for a short time.However,unless the conference is well thought out it will not have the best results and you will have wasted a great deal of money.Here are some tips for you.

   The first step is to find the right place.Can your employees easily reach the conference center? Is it near a railway station? Is it close to a good,fast road? Has it plenty of suitable parking space? If you are going to choose a hotel,then perhaps the hotel has cheaper rates at weekends or,if it is in a popular tourist area,midweek rates may be cheaper.Furthermore, you need to think whether there is a bathroom.After a day’s meeting,maybe your employees would like to have a hot water bath.Or maybe there are other needs to satisfy depending on your employees’ taste.

   Another important requirement is food and drink. Breakfast is a time when people can relax before work begins,but you may not want a long break for lunch in the middle of the day.Buffet(自助餐) lunches are very popular for this reason.Then there is dinner,which most employees consider a reward for a day’s hard work!

   Whatever your needs are,it is essential(基本的)to think ahead if you want a successful conference.

1.In the text the writer is trying to ________.

   A. complain about a conference center

   B. describe a good conference center he has been to

   C. persuade employers to choose a suitable place for a conference

   D. advise employees where to stay for a conference

2.Readers read the text in order to __________.

A. find out about organizing conferences

B. learn how to reward good employees

C. find out about running a business

D. 1earn some details about conference centers

3.What is very important when choosing a conference center?

   A. Cheap food and drink.             B. Free car parking.

   C. Good transport connections.           D. Popular tour areas.

4.Which center would the writer recommend to an employer?




äClose to airport and golf course.

äChoice of conference rooms.

äSwimming pool and sauna.

ä3 full meals a day included in price.



)5 Minutes from city center and close to motorway

)Full breakfast, light lunches and exciting dinner menus.

)Choice of accommodation(住宿) to suit your financial needs.

                  A.                                     B.


*Topps Conference center

·Enjoy beautiful scenery high up in the hills.

·Continental breakfast served in bedroom if wished.

·Minibus service to nearest town.

Royal conference Center

]Situated in quiet countryside.

]Free car park available for guests.

]TV and VHS included in your conference costs as well as three buffet style meals a day.

           C.                                       D.




科目: 来源:2010年吉林毓文中学高二模块考试 题型:填空题



The cost of medical care in the United States is very high. The time and money that doctors spend on their medical education are probably one reason for this problem.   1., so some people think it is impossible to pay for the medical care.   2.. Most doctors, however, disagree. They say that they were required to study medicine for a long time. Tuition(学费)for many years of medical education costs a lot of money. Doctors say that most medical students had to borrow money from a bank to pay their tuition.­­­­­­­­   3., young doctors need a lot of money for their work.   4.. Because high tuition is one cause of high costs,   5..

A. It is possible for the poor people to see the doctor in America

B. Many people in the United States think that doctors are overpaid

C. One way to lower costs would be to have medical schools that are free or have low tuition

D. They are not willing to pay high tuition for the doctors

E. A visit to a doctor’s office costs from fifteen to fifty dollars

F. Because this money must be repaid to the bank

G. So, they charge people high prices for medical care



科目: 来源:2010年吉林毓文中学高二模块考试 题型:短文改错






1.Six months ago Xie Lei said goodbye to her family and friends in China and boarded on a plane for London. __________

2.I thought I would get a really good mark but I got an E. I was numb of shock! __________

3.It was wonderful to hear from your letter. __________

4.Deaf people and dumb people are disabled too, who should be taken care. __________

5.He is annoyed by being making fun of. __________

6.I’m sorry that I made you to wait for me so long.  __________

7.He likes to be quiet so let’s leave him lonely. __________

8.My stolen car was found abandon by the riverside. __________

9.We haven’t reached the deep before we find enough water. __________

10.He hasn’t been used to speak in English. __________

11.Many students are died to volunteer to translate for the Olympic Games. __________

12.All the things which you told me are lies. __________

13.The present arrangement made by them are not really satisfactory. __________

14.Great changes have been taken place in China. __________

15.I have received a letter from a friend invited me to work in his company. __________



科目: 来源:2010年吉林毓文中学高二模块考试 题型:填空题


1.Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to _________a life as you do.

2.Asimov had both an __________that gave him the ability to explore future worlds and an amazing mind.

3.__________ for seeing whales on our tours is 98%.

4.This gives you __________ to practice speaking English .

5.It’s a great __________ family to be with.



科目: 来源:2010年吉林毓文中学高二模块考试 题型:书面表达















注意:  词数100左右。

参考词汇:奉献精神:spirit of devotion;

2010年上海世博会:EXPO Shanghai 2010

Dear sir or Madam,










Li Hua





科目: 来源:天津一中2010届高三第五次月考 题型:单项填空

 Barack Obama, who came into _________ power on January 20, 2009, was awarded _________2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

    A. the; the         B. the; /               C. /; the               D. /; /



科目: 来源:天津一中2010届高三第五次月考 题型:单项填空

 That car accident _________all his life. After that he was limited to a wheelchair.

    A. damaged          B. destroyed            C. harmed           D. ruined



科目: 来源:天津一中2010届高三第五次月考 题型:单项填空

 Nowadays in China many teenagers have no dream _________to be an astronaut and fly to the moon.

    A. rather than          B. more than            C. other than           D. less than



科目: 来源:天津一中2010届高三第五次月考 题型:单项填空

 I did love my mom very much but it got to a point _________even she did not want me to see her as she was.

    A. where                B. when             C. that             D. which


