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科目: 来源:安徽省合肥市2010届高三第一次教学质量检测 题型:阅读理解


Visitors to Britain may experience local culture in a traditional pub. But for a stranger visiting the country, these friendly pubs can be traps of potential bad manners for the uneducated.

A team of researchers have released some of the hidden customs of British pubs. Most people would like to start with getting a drink when meeting with difficulties. Most pubs have no waiters and as a result, you yourself have to go to the bar to buy drinks. A group of Italian youths wait 45 minutes before they realize they would have to fetch their own. This may sound inconvenient, but there is a hidden purpose.

Pub culture is designed to promote communication in a society known for its quietness. Standing at the bar for service allows you to chat with others waiting to be served. The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers is considered entirely appropriate and really quite normal behaviour.

"If you haven't been to a pub, you haven't been to Britain. " This tip can be found in a booklet The Tourists' Guide to Pub Etiquette (礼节), which can be seen as a "passport" to the pub for those wanting to know about "a central part of British life and culture". The trouble is that if you do not follow the local rules, the experience may fall flat. For example, if you are in a big group, it is best if only one or two people go to buy the drinks. Nothing annoys the regular customers and bar staffs more than a crowd of strangers blocking all access to the bar while they chat and argue about what to order.

1.Why is the British pub the best place to experience local cultures?

A. Because it is a potential place for all the educated to gather

B. Because it is a traditional place with a lot of local strangers

C. Because the educated can relax themselves entirely there

D. Because you can meet different kinds of local people there

2.If you want to have a drink in a pub, you can       .

A. go to get the drinks yourself                  B. wait for the waiters to come

C. wait in line for 45 minutes                    D. bring some homemade drinks

3.The author introduces the British pub in a(n)        tone.

A. critical            B. admiring            C. neutral            D. concerned

4.What might annoy others in a pub?

A. Going to pub in a big group               B. Chatting about what to order

C. Standing in the way to the bar                 D. Buying drinks at the counter



科目: 来源:安徽省合肥市2010届高三第一次教学质量检测 题型:阅读理解


Giving bad news is a difficult ball game. To help you get through an already difficult situation, try these tips when you have to tell someone bad news.

Think about your audience. People respond differently to bad news. Think about who you're talking to and how best to pass on unpleasant information to that person.

Consider the news. Are you the best person to give this news? If not, then you should consider letting others do it. Remember, however, that if you' re talking to someone about your relationship, there is no other choice. It is something you yourself have to face.

Look for an appropriate moment to break the news. You don't tell the bride her grandfather died right before she walks down the passage. Wait until the time is right and you are at a private place where you won't be interrupted.

Find a chair. No one should be standing when receiving bad news.

Go straightforward. Give bad news the same way you take off a bandage: QUICKLY. Say that you have bad news and then tell it. Don't leave the receiver twisting in the wind.

Let it sink in. Many people mentally shut down when hearing bad news. There's no reason to keep talking if someone can' t hear you any more.

Be ready for anything. Your audience may do nothing or may instead scream and throw things when you give unwelcome news. You just never know. If things get out of hand.you may need to temporarily excuse yourself or seek the help of friends or relatives.

Offer your help. Let people know you are there for them. If you're breaking up with someone, however, you should consider skipping this step, because the last thing she'll want is your help.

1.The proper way to express your dissatisfaction with your best friend is to        .

A. think about his reaction and avoid letting him know it

B. consider you are the best person to tell the truth

C. try to find someone else to pass on your dissatisfaction

D. go to your friend and let him know your dissatisfaction

2.What is the best way for you to break the bad news to a bride?

A. To Let her stand up                        B. To wait for a right time

C. To release it quickly                          D. To shut down her mind

3.If your friend loses control of himself after hearing the bad news,you' d better

A. stay there and do nothing                 B. scream and throw things

C. quit and ask others for help                   D. stay in and keep talking

4.What does the underlined sentence really mean?

A. She hates accepting any of your help           B. She will need your help later on

C. You should have helped her earlier             D. She will refuse any offered help



科目: 来源:安徽省合肥市2010届高三第一次教学质量检测 题型:阅读理解


New York, NY Monday




30.27 in


10 miles


15 mph NE

Current Conditions





















Mostly sunny

Sunny to partly


Some sunshine

giving way to


A couple of

morning showers

Sun mixing

with high clouds

Other Locations










30.12 in


Partly Sunny



29.77 in

Los Angeles




29.99 in

San Francisco




30.1 in





29.83 in


1.The current temperature in New York is

A. 47℃               B. 43℃            C. 13℃            D. 8℃

2.How far can we see clearly at the most in New York on Monday?

A. 10 miles               B. 15 kilometers        C. 30.27 inches         D. 43 meters

3.It will rain in New York on         .

A. Monday             B. Wednesday        C. Friday               D. Saturday

4.has the fourth lowest temperature on Monday.

A. Chicago                B. New York        C. Tokyo            D. San Francisco



科目: 来源:安徽省合肥市2010届高三第一次教学质量检测 题型:阅读理解


I find some of the ways in which Chinese parents show love for their children rather surprising. Obviously there are some pretty big differences between our behaviors and theirs in this respect. Most Chinese children seem to get whatever they want, from ice creams, sweets and toys to endless attention from the adults around them. Is this a sort of spoiling or love? I wonder.

Most westerners would think it is a sort of spoiling rather than love. We think love means educating your children and bringing them up to lead an independent life. That includes learning to accept the fact that he can't get everything he wants. As an adult, he will not always get the quite expensive car he hunts for; she will not always manage to acquire the beautiful dress she longs for. So we try to teach our children early to cope with the disappointment of not getting what they want.

I find too much such kind of love for the children can actually spoil them. To my surprise, it seems that the life of a Chinese child is rather hard. Without doubt, the child is the very center of a whole circle of adults, but on the other hand he or she is also expected to start studying according to adults' wishes. Many children of my son's age take piano lessons, painting classes and even English lessons. It looks as if Chinese adults think that just playing without learning anything is a waste of time. So in this respect our children appear spoiled, just because they are allowed to play. But without this sort of play how can western children develop such free and rich imaginations? In fact the connection between this imagination and the creativity is so important in the children’s future life.

1.In which way do most Chinese children seem to be spoiled?

A. They can be supported by their parents

B. They can play whenever they want

C. They need not behave themselves

D. Their demand can always be satisfied

2.In the author's opinion, the life of a Chinese child is         .

A. rather hard         B. rather easy         C. independent        D. colorful

3.The author think western children appear spoiled because         .

A. they can manage time by themselves

B. they can have the freedom to play

C. they can take piano lessons

D. they may have expensive toys

4.The best title of the passage could be         .

A. Chinese children's early education

B. How to develop kids' imagination

C. What is the real love for children

D. The imagination and creativity



科目: 来源:安徽省合肥市2010届高三第一次教学质量检测 题型:任务型阅读



Being a good neighbor matters – not only because it makes life more pleasant, but also because being a good neighbor is part of being a good person.

Being a good neighbor has a lot to do with respecting privacy. It's often best to mind your own business, give neighbors a lot of space and try to sense when it' s appropriate to back off. But it' s just as important to know when the time is right to give a hand. Helping with physical work is one good way to establish trust. If your neighbor is going to be moving some heavy furniture, or needs help fixing something you know your way around, offer to help out. Once you' re getting familiar, this assistance can also extend to things like house -sitting or collecting the mail while your neighbor is away. If you have a close relationship with your neighbors, the day may come when you' re asked to take care of their kids. Should you accept, you'll probably end up playing with and entertaining these children.

It should go without saying that pet owners need to care for their animals properly.This includes cleaning up after them.There are few things more annoying for neighbors than a dog that uses their lawns(草坪)as a toilet,or that barks endlessly while chained up in a backyard.

Don’t mess around – be a kind and responsible pet owner·

There are times when a certain level of noise is fine and there are times when it isn’t – and it’s good to know the difference.Turn the music down a bit after sundown,and further reduce the volume as it gets toward 10 p.m.It’s usually fine to throw an occasional loud party as long as the neighbors are invited or have been informed.

How To Be a Good Neighbor



(1.)       of being a good neighbor.

  Good neighbors make a pleasant life.

  It is a good (2.)       for a person to be a good


Getting along well with your neighbors.

  Respect others’privacy.

  Establish trust by (3.)       physical help first.

  When it is appropriate,try to (4.)        a

closer relationship with your neighbors

by extending to help.

Taking your(5.) ________ to be a

pet owner.

  Clean up after your pet animals.

  Always keep your dog calm down and try to avoid

   its (6.)           barks.

Controlling the (7.) ­­­­__________ of


  Turn the music down a bit after it is

at (8.)        .

  Volume should be further (9.) ___________

when it gets towards 10 a.m.

  Holding a loud party (10.)            is OK if

your neighbors are invited.




科目: 来源:安徽省合肥市2010届高三第一次教学质量检测 题型:书面表达

 2009年l 1月初,你所在的城市下了一场罕见的大雪。此次大雪比去年提前了近一个月,雪灾给人们的生产和生活带来了巨大的影响。请根据下面的提示,叙述这件事,并谈谈你的感受。







In early November, 2009, our city witnessed a terrible disaster of snowstorm.The heavy snow happened a month earlier than last year, greatly affecting the life of people.



科目: 来源:甘肃省古浪一中2010届高三第一次诊断考试 题型:语音知识


1.feast     A. league       B. spread          C. break           D. steady

2.clothing  A. cloth        B. clothes          C. bath            D. youth

3.remote   A. pot          B. dozen          C. pilot            D. vote

4.gifted    A. skilled       B experienced      C. punished        D . tended

5.official   A. officer       B. curious         C. potential         D. physical



科目: 来源:甘肃省古浪一中2010届高三第一次诊断考试 题型:单项填空

 Will you drop in at my house this afternoon if _________?

A. it is convenient to you     B. you are convenient

C. it is convenient of you     D. you will be convenient


科目: 来源:甘肃省古浪一中2010届高三第一次诊断考试 题型:单项填空

 The editor's job is to keep the newspaper______ and _____ to the readers.

    A. balanced; interested            B. balancing; interesting

    C. balanced; interesting           D. balancing; interested


科目: 来源:甘肃省古浪一中2010届高三第一次诊断考试 题型:单项填空

 They wanted the house at the foot of the mountain ______in a way to look pretty

    A. build     B. to build    C. built     D. building

