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科目: 来源:2008年高考试题(江苏卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 --- Do you mind if I record your lecture?

   --- ___________. Go ahead.

   A. Never mind  B. No way    C. Not at all   D. No, you’d better not



科目: 来源:2008年高考试题(江苏卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 --- Is Peter there?

   --- _____________, please. I’ll see if I can find him for you.

   A. Hold up    B. Hold on       C. Hold out      D. Hold off



科目: 来源:2008年高考试题(江苏卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 The Science Museum, ____________ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of London’s tourist attractions.

   A. which      B. what          C. that          D. where



科目: 来源:2008年高考试题(江苏卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 --- I can’t repair these until tomorrow, I’m afraid.

   --- That’s OK, there’s ____________.

A. no problem B. no wonder     C. no doubt      D. no hurry



科目: 来源:2008年高考试题(江苏卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 --- It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.

   --- That’s right. _____________.

   A. Many hands make light work  B. Something is better than nothing

   C. The more, the merrier       D. The sooner begin, the sooner done



科目: 来源:2008年高考试题(江苏卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 It is often said that the joy of traveling is __________ in arriving at your destination ___________ in the journey itself.

   A. / … but   B. / … or       C. not … or     D. not … but



科目: 来源:2008年高考试题(江苏卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 --- Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?

   --- Because the old one has been damaged ___________.

   A. beyond reach  B. beyond repair               C. beyond control    D. beyond description



科目: 来源:2008年高考试题(江苏卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 --- They are quiet, aren’t they?

   --- Yes. They are accustomed ____________ at meals.

A. to talk    B. to not talk   C. to talking    D. to not talking



科目: 来源:2008年高考试题(江苏卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 It is __________ to spend money on preventing illnesses by promoting healthy living rather than spending on trying to make people ___________ after they are ill.

   A. good … good                B. well … better C. better … better D. better … good



科目: 来源:2008年高考试题(江苏卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 --- I’m still working on my project.

   --- Oh, you’ll miss the deadline. Time is ____________.

   A. running out   B. going out    C. giving out    D. losing out


