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科目: 来源:2007年高考试题(海南卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 ---How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?

   ---It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.

   A. will         B. would        C. should       D. must



科目: 来源:2007年高考试题(海南卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse.

   A. not if dealt carefully with         B. if not carefully dealt with

   C. if dealt not carefully with         D. not if carefully dealt with



科目: 来源:2007年高考试题(海南卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 I smell something __________ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?

   A. burning     B. burnt        C. being burnt      D. to be burnt



科目: 来源:2007年高考试题(海南卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 Does this meal cost $50? I __________ something far better than this!

   A. prefer       B. expect       C. suggest        D. suppose



科目: 来源:2007年高考试题(海南卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _________ their education that causes misunderstanding.

   A. like         B. as          C. or            D. but



科目: 来源:2007年高考试题(海南卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ________ there several years ago.

   A. are going     B. had been    C. went          D. have been



科目: 来源:2007年高考试题(海南卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 ---Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift!  ---__________________.

   A. Never mind                         B. Don’t mention it  

   C. Sure, I don’t smoke                   D. Pardon me



科目: 来源:2007年高考试题(海南卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 “Goodbye, then,” she said, without even ___________ from her book.

   A. looking down     B. looking up     C. looking away      D. looking on



科目: 来源:2007年高考试题(海南卷)解析版 题型:单项填空

 The flowers were so lovely that they __________ in no time.

   A. sold         B. had been sold       C. were sold        D. would sell



科目: 来源:2007年高考试题(海南卷)解析版 题型:完形填空



In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic (技工). One day while walking along the bank of a lake, the girl  1to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose. After some time the girl   2the mother would not return to her eggs and she   3to take them home. There she carefully   4the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days   5the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the   6.

Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother.   7, to these young geese, the girl was their mother.

As they   8, the girl was able to   9her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to   10. The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when   11and in her dreams. Later, she had an   12: She would pilot a plane to guide them in   13. She asked her father for a plane and he assembled(组装)a small aircraft for her.

Caring about   14safety, the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not   15or follow him, and   16slept in the grass.

One day, the girl   17into the plane, started it and soon left the   18. Seeing their mother take to the air, the birds   19flapped(拍打)their wings and   20. She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following.

1.A. managed         B. attempted            C. happened        D. supposed

2.A. realized         B. expected             C. imagined         D. admitted

3.A. helped           B. decided              C. afforded          D. meant

4.A. placed           B. protected            C. treated           D. examined

5.A. ago              B. out                  C. later              D. long

6.A. family           B. lake                 C. home             D. world

7.A. But             B. Also                 C. Thus               D. Still

8.A. increased        B. improved            C. rose              D. grew

9.A. ask             B. lead                 C. want              D. allow

10.A. fly             B. race                 C. swim              D. sing

11.A. asleep          B. away                 C. around            D. awake

12.A. idea           B. opinion              C. explanation        D. excuse

13.A. sky             B. heaven               C. flight              D. plane

14.A. his              B. her                  C. their              D. its

15.A. respect        B. remember            C. recognize         D. receive

16.A. so                  B. instead               C. hardly            D. too

17.A. climbed          B. looked                 C. reached         D. fell

18.A. house            B. floor                  C. water           D. ground

19.A. secretly          B. disappointedly          C. patiently        D. eagerly

20.A. looked away      B. set out                 C. went by        D. turned back


