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科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:014

I know Mr. Brown; we ________ to each other at an international conference.

[  ]

A.are introduced

B.have been introduced

C.were introduced

D.had been introduced


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:014

-Where ________?

-I got stuck in the heavy traffic. I ________ here earlier.

[  ]

A.did you go; had arrived

B.have you been; would have been

C.were you; would come

D.are you; was


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:014

-Alice came back home the day before yesterday.

-Really? Where ________?

[  ]

A.has she been

B.had she been

C.has she gone

D.had she gone


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:014

-Has Jack finished his homework yet?

-I have no idea; he ________ it this morning.

[  ]

A.was doing
B.had been doing
C.has done


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:014

The traffic in our city is already good and it ________ even better.

[  ]

C.has got
D.is getting


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:014

They won't buy new clothes because they ________ money to buy a color TV set.

[  ]

B.are saving
C.has saved
D.were saving


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:014

-What's the matter?

-The shoes don't fit properly. They ________ my feet.

[  ]

A.are hurting
B.will hurt
C.have hurt
D.are hurt


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:014

He ________ articles for our wall-newspaper these three years, and he ________ about forty articles.

[  ]

A.has been writing; has written

B.has been writing; wrote

C.is writing; has been writing

D.has written; has written


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:014

-Are you a visitor here?

-That's right. I ________ round the world and now my dream of coming to China ________ true.

[  ]

A.have travelled; has come

B.was travelling; had been come

C.am travelling; has come

D.have travelled; has been come


科目: 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:014

-Sorry, I forget to post the letter for you.

-Never mind, ________ it myself tonight.

[  ]

A.I'm going to post

B.I've decided to post

C.I'll post

D.I'd rather post

