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科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:014

It was not ________ she took off her dark glasses ________ I realized she was a famous film star.

[  ]

A.when; that
B.until; that
C.until; when
D.when; then


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:014

Shall we go and help them with their work?

We'd better not. They said we'd just be ________ if we tried to help.

[  ]

A.in the way
B.by the way
C.on the way
D.off the way


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:014

It is not unusual for workers in that factory ________.

[  ]

A.to pay later than a month more

B.to be paid more than a month later

C.to be paid later than more a month

D.to pay later more than a month


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:014

________ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants (变异体) of genes in human bodies.

[  ]

A.Being exposed
B.Having exposed
D.After being exposed


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:014

I telephoned him twice and I couldn't get through to his home.

I think that the line might have been out of order, ________?

[  ]

A.don't you
B.do you
C.wasn't it
D.hadn't it


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:014

What did you think of the concert given by the famous Hong Kong singer?

Not so good. In fact, it ________ to be a great disappointment.

[  ]

A.turned up
B.turned in
C.turned down
D.turned out


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:014

A sheep ________ on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than    on ordinary.

[  ]

A.fed; one
B.feeds; the one
C.fed; that
D.feeding; it


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:014

I've been told that John ________ from his journey to America. What about visiting him tonight?

All right. I'll call for you at 6:00 pm.

[  ]

A.had come back
B.is back
C.came back
D.coming back


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:014

In that supermarket on sale is a new type of computer, ________ makes it attractive to the students from poor family.

[  ]


B.whose cheap price


D.the low price of which


科目: 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:014

In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, you should ________ your findings in logical order and clear language.

[  ]


