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科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:016

The murderer knew he was followed by the ________ , but he didn't know among them was the ________ whom he once tried to kill.

[  ]

A.police, policeman
B.police, police
C.policeman, police
D.policeman, policeman


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:016

He has the ________ to do heavy work for hours, but he has no ________ to control anybody.

[  ]

A.power, strength
B.power, power
C.strength, power
D.strength, strength


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:016

She takes great ________ in reading poems. She thinks it's a lot of ________ .

[  ]

A.interest, interest
B.interest, fun
C.fun, fun
D.fun, interest


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:016

It's a ________ if you want me to tell the ________ .

[  ]

A.truth, truth
B.fact, fact
C.fact, truth
D.truth, fact


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:016

Mary washes her ________ on Saturday. Last Saturday she washed as many as twenty pieces of ________ .

[  ]

A.clothing, clothing
B.clothing, clothes
C.clothes, clothes
D.clothes, clothing


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:016

Tom was a winner in both the maths ________ and the bicycle ________.

[  ]

A.contest, race
B.race, contest
C.contest, contest
D.race, race


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:016

Her sweet ________ was hardly noticed as others were making so much ________ .

[  ]

A.sound , noise
B.sound , sound
C.voice, noise
D.noise, voice


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:016

The boy picked the branches from the ________ , took them into the house and put them on the ________.

[  ]

A.floor, ground
B.ground, floor
C.floor, floor
D.ground, ground


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:016

The boy ________ at the ball but failed to ________ it.

[  ]

A.grasped, seize
B.held, seize at
C.caught, grasp
D.seized, catch at


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:016

I don't know if I can ________ to give you any help, but I'll ________ .

[  ]

A.manage, try
B.have a try, try
C.try, manage
D.try, have a try

