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科目: 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语(上) 题型:022


1.He ate something at dinner and felt terrible in his stomach, and after a while he ________ all he had at dinner.

2.He ________ his hand to ask the teacher a question about physics.

3.Special ________ should ________ the chemical experiment.

4.It's better to die on one's feet than to live ________.

5.You should put the medicine on the top of the shelf, ________ the children' s ________.

6.I have taken Mr. Robert's jacket ________ as it is very similar to mine.

7.My uncle lives ________ ten minutes' walk.

8.Mary ________ the table and let's have our supper.

9.Having laid a big egg, the hen ________ under the tree.

10.My poor health made me ________ working. Could you lend me a hand?


科目: 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语(上) 题型:022


1.Father is usually very slow about fixing things around the house, but he always does it ________.

2.Mr. Wilson went into the store and bought three ________ cigarettes.

3.They didn't think I could ________ that expensive stamp, while in fact I was able to.

4.A Coast Guard cutter (快艇) ________ several people after the ship went down.

5.At the Christmas party Santa Claus ________ the presents under the tree.

6.All the rubbish must ________ according to its nature.

7.On my way to the theatre my car broke down, and I was ________ in time for the second part of the play.

8.I found the two brothers ________ behind the rock.

9.I don't like this ________ hat, but the others are pretty good.

10.The young man's shop ________ for knives, pencils, erasers and so on.


科目: 来源: 题型:022


That he didn't come to the party yesterday is very strange.

It ________ ________ strange ________ he didn't come to the party yesterday.


科目: 来源: 题型:022


After he left school, he became a teacher of maths in a faraway village.

After ________ school, he became a teacher of maths in a faraway village.


科目: 来源: 题型:022


The students spent the afternoon in doing their homework.

It ________ the students the afternoon ________ ________ their homework.


科目: 来源: 题型:022


A new hospital was reported to have been built here.

________ was ________ ________ a new hospital ________ been built there.


科目: 来源: 题型:022


She appeared not to have got my letter.

________appeared________ ________ ________ got my letter.


科目: 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语(上) 题型:022


1.Though I have learned English for five years, I am still ________ many of the idioms.

2.You can never see it here. ________ and you'll find it lying there unnoticed.

3.Charles Babbage is generally ________ as the inventor of the computer.

4.He wrote his composition ________ , so he failed to get the first prize.

5.I'm sorry, Mike. I didn't ________ to hurt you.

6.He ________ on a farm and so he knew what life was like in the country.

7.The group ________ early in the morning and arrived at the port an hour later.

8.Just at this ________ place one hundred years ago, a fierce(激烈的) battle went on for ten days.

9.He ________ in an accident and is still in danger.

10.The boy is again ________ the piano. What a noise!


科目: 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语(上) 题型:022


1.He ________ away from his home because of the war.

2.It is ________ for me to help you. Any time you want help, just give me a ring.

3.I don't want you to promise me ________ that you'll be good students .

4.The maths teacher ________ a model exercise book for the class to see.

5 . Our new textbooks will not arrive till tomorrow, so today we'll have to ________ without.

6.The picture would look better if you look at it ________.

7.“Can't you read it yourself?”Mum said, angrily ________ the notice.

8.It is still ________ in some mountainous places to marry young.

9.Will you be so kind as to ________ us the dark blue coat over there?

10.He wanted to ________ people's shopping habit and so every day he went to the shopping mall.


科目: 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语(上) 题型:022


1.________ the developed Western countries, China still has a long way to go before she catches up.

2.In the big fire, a large number of wooden houses ________ and none remained up.

3.He ________ the habit of getting up early in the years of teaching. It's a good habit, I suppose.

4.If he ________ a cigarette for about half an hour, he will be restless. He has grown a dependency on tobacco.

5.British and American English ________ many things in common.

6.There is always a ________ of the weak defeating the strong.

7.In the small village, the old are well ________ and they live a well-off life.

8.He's always strong-minded. ________ he decides to do something, nothing can make him change his mind.

9.I ________ have gone to the party, but I was too busy. What a pity!

10.Oh, no. It's so unfair. His only fault ________ him the job.

