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科目: 来源: 题型:030


A: Would you please do me a favour, Ben?


B:   1 

A: Could you lend me five dollars until Tuesday?


B:  2 

A: Of courseThere' s something else, too, BenWould you mind lending me your car        tonight?


B:  3 

A: Wonderful! I have one last favour to ask youI' d appreciate it if I could borrow   your blue suit tonight.  

B:  4 

A: It' s in the cleaner' sI' m taking Maria to the cinema tonight, and I want to look   good


B:  5 

A:Oh, I nearly forgotCould I borrow Maria, too?


AWhat' s the matter with your suit?

BI suppose so --- if you' re sure you can pay me on Tuesday

CYes, I would

DIt depends on what it is

EI' m afraid not

FBut Maria is my girl!

GWell, I guess not


科目: 来源: 题型:030


A:  1 

B: I find listening really hardSometimes it' s just impossible to understand

A: 2  The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes

B: Well 3 

A: Why don' t you buy a radio? Then you can listen to Radio Beijing or BBC English programmes on the radio

B: 4 

A: Of courseAnd why not buy some English tapes and some books to go with them?

  I' m sure you' ll find them useful

B:  5  But I have another difficultyMy written English isn' t very good either.

A: Oh! Well, for that, you' d better find an English pen friend

B: Thank youI' ll do that

AYes, that' s a good idea

BDo you think that would help?

CWhat do you find hardest in English?

DWhat subject are you good at?

EIt' s easier said that done!

FDo you think English hardest?

GWell, you just need lots of practice


科目: 来源: 题型:030

根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项为多余选项

A: We're going to Guangzhou for our spring holiday next weekHow about going there by train?

B: 1   That'll be much faster and we'll get there in only two hours

A:  2  But that's not a very good ideaMaybe it is not safe, I think

B: You seem to be overanxious 3   

A: But in my opinion, the nearer to the earth's surface we travel, the safer we will be

B: Then, you think travelling by air is no safer than by train or by car? In fact the airliners(大型班机)are always crowded with passengers

A: I know 4 

B: Well let's go by ship, shall we?

A: Good idea! We'll be quite comfortable in our journey 5 

ASo it will, of course

BBut anyhow I don't want to travel high above the ground

CI don't think so

DWhy not go by air?

EBesides, that'll be less expensive

FMore and more people are travelling by air now

GIt seems that travelling by ship is less safer than by train or by air


科目: 来源: 题型:030


AIt is said that a motor works will be built near our town, isn't it?

BYes, it is    1 

AGreat!  2 

BBut it means more poisonous gases and heavier traffic(交通拥挤), I think

AReally? You seem as if you're against the increasing number of cars, don't you?

B No, I don't.  3 

AWell you think a bike is better than a car? Could you tell me why?

B  4  I seldom take a tour of other places because I have no time, and no money, eitherBesides, I have no parking garage

A  5  But I believe things are getting better and betterYou'll get a rise and have a new house with a garage some day

AYes, I could

BOh, I see

CI don't think it necessary for me to buy a car

DBut, as for me, I'd rather use my old bike than buy a carEI don't care for any type of car

FWe'll have more cars then

GIt will turn out 50,000 cars a year when completed


科目: 来源: 题型:030


Switchboard Can I help you?


Henry Hello. This is Henry Douglas. Could I speak to Mr. Cooper, please?


Switchboard One moment.     1 

Cooper Arther Cooper here.


Henry Hello, sir. This is Douglas.


Cooper Oh, hello Henry.    2  finished yet?


Henry No, not yet, sir. It's going rather slowly, I'm afraid.    3  Those people are so slow!


Cooper Yes, they are a bit sleepy, aren't they? How were things in Coventry?


Henry I haven't been there yet, sir. I went to Dudley first. I'm going to Leamington before I go to Coventry, because Mr. White won't be there after three o'clock.


Cooper Oh, right. And then    4  , I suppose.


Henry I've already been to Wolverhamton, sir. I went there before I came to London.


Cooper Oh, I see, Right. Well, good luck.    5  Give my regards to John in Coventry, will you?


Henry Yes, of course, sir. See you tomorrow.


Cooper Right you are. Good bye.


Henry Good-bye, sir.


A I hope things go a bit faster now.

B I'll call for you.

C The meeting with Fisher and Dennis took half the morning.

D I'll put you through.

EYou'll go on to Wolverhampton.

FIt will be finished in half a month.

GHow's it going,


科目: 来源: 题型:030


A Emergency.  1 

B Ambulance.

A 2 

B Seven double four, six nine seven two.

A 3     I'll put you through.

C Ambulance service. Can I help you?

B My son has fallen off a wall, and I think his leg is broken.

C 4 

B Colin Jackson, seven Latton Close.

C 5  You can cover your son to keep him warm, but don't move him.

B Thank you.

A Hold on.

B Your name and address, please.

C Sorry, but what's your name?

D Which service, please?

E Please wait a moment.

F What number are you ringing from?

G All right. We'll be right there.


科目: 来源: 题型:030


A Excuse me.  1  We've got a problem.

B Oh, yes? What's the matter?

A 2  We're cycling, and we haven't got anywhere to sleep tonight.

B I see. Have you tried the Crown Hotel?

A Yes, but it's much too expensive.  3  .

B Yes, all right. I don't mind. You don't smoke, do you?

A Oh, no.  4  well, thank you much.

B Not at all. Would you like to come into the house for a wash ?

A 5 

B This way.

a Could you do me a favour?

b Neither of us does.

c I'm sorry to trouble you.

d Oh, that's very kind of you.

eWell, you see, it's like this.

f So we wonder if we can sleep in your barn.

gWould you mind if we put up for the night at yours?


科目: 来源: 题型:030


A Was it a good match?

B  1   

A Who were you playing against?

B  2   

A Really?They're rather a strong team, aren't they?

B  3   

A Who won?

B We did, 4 - 2.

A  4    Does that mean that your team is top of the league?

B Yes, that's right.

A  5   


[  ]  


[  ]  


[  ]  


[  ]  


[  ]  

A Yes, I expect so.

B Number 64 Middle School.

C So they are


E Well done.

F Yes,it was a very good match.

G Strong players,but a weak team.


科目: 来源: 题型:030


Good afternoon, sir.

—Good afternoon.

 1 .   I'm Li Fang, the attendant here.

 2 .   My name is Sandy Smith, from Canada.

—Oh, here comes the manger. Mr. Smith. May I have the pleasure to introduce him to you? 3 This is Mr. Smith.

—How do you do.

 4 ?

—Pleased to meet you. When did you come to Beijing?

—Last week.

—What's your first impression of Beijing?

—Oh, I can hardly put it into words. I really enjoy this city.

 5 .   I hope you'll have a good time during your stay in our hotel. We are very pleased to be able to do anything for   you.

—Thank you.

A How are you


B It's very kind of you to say so


C Let me tell you my name


D Nice to see you


E Let me introduce myself


F How do you do


G.    This is Mr. Wang, manager of our department.


科目: 来源: 题型:030


(A family are just starting their flight. The plane is nearly full.)


A Where are our seats?


B 1  They are a bit narrow, aren't they? What row are we in?


A Row 14. Our seat numbers are 14 A, B,C and D.


B 2 

ARight. Who wants to sit next to the window? What about you, Mother?


C 3  I'll have the seat furthest from the window, please. I just want to close my eyes and go to sleep as quickly as possible.


B Can I have the window seat please, Dad?


ASure, Jim.    4  We'll be above the clouds most of the time.


D Can I sit beside you please, Mum?


C Of course you can, dear.


A 5  I think the plane's going to take off in a moment. 

a Ah, Here they are!

b We'd better sit down.

c And you can see more of the scenery outside.

d No, thanks.

eAll right, thank you.

fBut you won't see much.

gAlong here, I think.

