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科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:050


  Once Mark Twain and two friends were sitting in a restaurant. One friend had just returned from a trip to Vermont. The friend said that the air in the mountains of Vermont was very clear. In many places the echo(回声) of a voice came back five times stronger than the original(原来的) voice. The second friend said that was nothing. In Colorado, where he lived, in many places the echoes of a voice spoken in the morning came back in the afternoon. Mark Twain laughed. Then he said:

  “Listen! The echoes which you have told about are very unusual. But in a small church in Missouri, where I was born, there is an echo even more unusual than those.”

  “What is so strange about the echo there?” asked one of the men.

  “Well, I'll tell you,” said Mark Twain. “The echo in that church is so unusual that if one asks in a loud voice,‘Good morning! How are you?’ the echo repeats very clearly after a moment,‘very well, thank you. And how are you?’”

(1) What kind of story is it?

[  ]

A.A historic tale.
B.A fairy tale.
C.A news report.
D.A humour.

(2) Mark Twain and his friends were talking about the echo of a voice in many places ________.

[  ]

A.in Britain
B.in Australia
C.in the United States
D.in Europe

(3) Which of the following is not mentioned in the story?

[  ]

A.One of Mark Twain's friends had made a trip to Vermont.

B.The second friend lived in Colorado.

C.Mark Twain and his friends were talking in a restaurant.

D.The air in the mountains of Vermont was very clear and cool.

(4) Mark Twain's friends were ________.

[  ]

A.not telling the truth

B.talking about their travels

C.sitting and drinking

D.discussing how echoes worked in different places

(5) You can draw the conclusion that ________.

[  ]

A.Mark Twain was a man who liked to tell a lie

B.Mark Twain's friends had never heard a real echo

C.Mark Twain didn't believe what his friends said

D.The echo in the church in Missouri was most unusual


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:050


  Have you heard the story about the two drivers who wanted to park their cars in the same parking space? The man who arrived at the parking space first was rather old with gray hair. He was driving a large Rolls Royce. The beautiful car stopped just in front of the parking space. Then the driver turned his head and very slowly began to drive his car into the space. Just as he was doing this, a very young man in a Mini came up from behind. He noticed the space and drove straight in, nose first. The older driver in the Rolls Royce stopped his car suddenly. He was very angry and red in the face. He wound down his window and looked at the young man. But the young man wasn't sorry. He had got out of his car now and he was laughing. “You have to be young to do that!” he said to the older driver and pointed at his Mini and at the space he had just taken. The older man said nothing. He just began to drive his Rolls Royce again and hit the Mini very hard. There wasn't much of the Mini left when the older driver had finished. The young man watched what was happening and couldn't believe his eyes. He was very angry and very red in the face. The older driver looked out of the window and smiled. “You have to be rich to do that.”he said.

(1) What is the story about?

[  ]

A.The parking space was not large enough to park two cars.

B.Two cars happened to hit each other in a parking place.

C.Two drivers tried to park their cars at the same time.

D.Two cars hit each other because the drivers wanted to occupy (占据) a parking place.

(2) What did the older driver mean when he said, “You have to be rich to do that”?

[  ]

A.“You are not rich enough to have a car like mine.”

B.“You are poor so that you can't park your car here.”

C.“Only rich people can have the daring to do that.”

D.“You could park your car first if you were richer than me.”

(3) Which of the following is not true?

[  ]

A.The young driver had expected his defeat.

B.The young driver was shocked to see what had become of his car.

C.The young driver hadn't expected the older driver to become so angry.

D.The young driver had thought the older driver had that much daring in him.

(4) When the older driver arrived at the parking place, ________.

[  ]

A.a Mini stopped just in front of his car

B.there was not any car there

C.a young man was driving his car into the space

D.a large Rolls Royce was following him

(5) Which of the following can not be used to describe (描绘) the story?

[  ]

A.He laughs best who laughs last.

B.The young and the old will never agree.

C.Win at first and lose at last.

D.First come, first served.


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:050


  Ramon was very proud of his dog Blackie. Whenever he got the chance, he would ask his dog to give amusement to his friends.

  One day Ramon went to visit his friend Frank who was sick at home with a bad cold. “How are you feeling?”asked Ramon. “Worse than yesterday,” replied Frank. “I have a terrible cough, and there's not a drop of medicine in the house.”

  “Cheer up, Frank. I'll send Blackie to the chemist's shop for some medicine. He'll be back in a minute, before you know it.” Ramon put a five-dollar note in Blackie's mouth and the dog ran down the street. “And keep the change,” Ramon shouted after him.

  “Oh, Ramon, don't be silly. You know that dog won't be back with any medicine.” “Oh yes, he will,” replied Ramon. Half an hour later, however, Blackie had not returned. Ramon began to worry, and felt angry at his friend's little smile.

  “Something has happened to him, I'm sure,”said Ramon. “He obeyed me as a rule.” Just then Frank saw Blackie at a distance. He hurried to open the door and let him in. Frank was shocked to see a bottle of medicine in the dog's mouth.

  “Good boy,” said Ramon. “But what took you so long?”Blackie wagged(摇) his tail and led Ramon to the window. Ramon looked out and saw a bone outside.

(1) What was Frank's trouble?

[  ]

A.He had got a bad cold and terrible cough.

B.There was no medicine in the house.

C.He began to feel bad that morning.

D.Both A and B.

(2) When Blackie was late Frank felt ________.

[  ]


(3) Blackie came back very late because ________.

[  ]

A.he forgot the way back

B.the chemist's shop was far

C.he was delayed by some children

D.he did something for himself

(4) Blackie led Ramon to the window in order to ________.

[  ]

A.ask his master to fetch the bone for him

B.express his thanks to his master for the bone

C.tell his master the reason of his delay

D.give his master a pleasant surprise

(5) What did the story mainly imply?

[  ]

A.Ramon liked to show off his dog.

B.Dogs always obey their masters.

C.Dogs are as clever as human beings.

D.Dogs are always dogs, however clever they are.


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:050


  Do you know that when you eat an ice-cream cone (卷筒冰淇淋) you are eating a dish?

  Ice-cream cones were first made in 1904 in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S. A. They were made because the ice-cream man ran out of dishes.

  Ernest Hamwi was a pastry (馅饼) maker. One day he saw crowds of people buying ice cream nearby while he was selling pastry.

  “Where is the ice cream?” he heard people say.

  “It takes too much time to get one. ”

  “Come on. We don't have it all day!”

  Ernest saw the ice-cream man washing dishes faster and faster. He saw the man's helper drying dishes faster and faster.

  The men would wash and dry a few dishes. They would put ice cream in the clean dishes and give the dishes of ice cream to some people.

  They would take the money in one hand and dirty dishes in the other. They would wash and dry a few more dishes. Then they would hurry to fill them with ice cream.

  The ice-cream man and his helper just could not keep up with the crowd.

  “I wish I could help,” Ernest Hamwi said to himself. “What they need are some dishes that don't have to be washed.”

  Suddenly Ernest had an idea. He cooked a kind of pastry and rolled(卷) it. The pastry was open at one end and closed to a point at the other. The pastry soon cooled.

  Then Ernest pushed his way through the crowd to the ice-cream man.

  “See if this will hold ice cream,” Ernest said to the man. “It is a dish you can eat.”

  The crowd around the ice-cream man became quiet. The people watched the ice-cream man fill the dish with ice cream.

  “I'll try it!” a man said.

  The rest of the crowd watched as he ate it.

  “It is very good!” said the man. “Try one, everybody!”

  Ernest Hamwi's cones became popular soon. And today, people in many different parts of the world eat ice-cream cones thanks to Mr. Hamwi.

(1)“They were made because the ice-cream man ran out of dishes.”The underlined part means ________.

[  ]

A.had no more dishes
B.walked quickly with dishes
C.dried and washed dishes
D.ran out to get dishes

(2) Ernest heard the ice-cream man say, ________.

[  ]

A.“Where is the ice cream?”

B.“It takes too much time to get one.”

C.“Come on. We don't have it all day!”

D.“What they need are some dishes that don't have to be washed.”

(3) The ice-cream man and his helper couldn't keep up with the crowd because they didn't ________.

[  ]

A.have enough time
B.have enough dishes
C.have enough ice cream
D.work fast enough

(4)“Then Ernest pushed his way through the crowd to the ice-cream man.”The underlined part means ________.

[  ]

A.walked quickly
B.went in a hurry
C.moved without any difficulty
D.went forward by pushing

(5) The first ice-cream cone was made by ________.

[  ]

A.a pastry maker

B.an ice-cream man and his helper

C.an ice-cream man

D.a man who was buying ice cream


科目: 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:050


  Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful. Fire can heat water, warm your houses, give light, and cook food. But fire can burn things too. It can burn trees, houses, animals, or people. Sometimes big fires can burn forests.

  Nobody knows for sure how people began to use fire. But there are many interesting, old stories about the first time a man or woman started a fire. One story from Australia tells about a man a very, very long time ago. He went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down.

  Today people know how to make a fire with matches. Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper, and then it might burn a house. A small fire can become a big fire very fast.

  Fires kill many people every year. So you must be careful with matches. You should also learn to put out fires. Fires need oxygen. Without oxygen they die. There is oxygen in the air. Cover a fire with water, sand, or in an emergency (紧急情况), with your coat or something else. This keeps the air away from a fire and kills it.

  Be careful with fire, and it will help you. Be careless with fire, and it will burn you.

(1) Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.We are not sure how people started to use fire.

B.It is an Australian who started a fire.

C.We know how people began to use fire.

D.Nobody knows how to make a fire.

(2) Children mustn't play with matches because ________.

[  ]

A.matches burn paper

B.it is not interesting

C.matches can be dangerous

D.they don't know how to make a fire with matches

(3) If you are going to put out a fire, you ________.

[  ]

A.must be careful with matches

B.ought to know it can be harmful

C.have to cover it with water only

D.should keep air away from it

(4) We must be careful with fire, or it ________.

[  ]

A.can die
B.warms our houses
C.might burn us
D.will help us

(5) What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]

A.Fire can help people in many ways.

B.Fire can be both helpful and harmful.

C.Fire can burn things and people.

D.We must be careful with matches.


科目: 来源:华南师大附中英语高考模拟试题 题型:050


  William Stone, a spokesman of one of the biggest import & export companies in Yorkshire, Britain, was making an angry speech at a business conference in Berlin for seeking a complete solution to the problem of so called “Mad Cow Disease”, which had been spreading quickly throughout the country and was regarded as a direct cause of the death of a 12-year-old schoolgirl who was said to have eaten some well-done beef and died two weeks later. The death caused great fear among beef-eaters all over the world.

  “We don't believe it since until now I haven't received even a smallest piece of paper reporting the real cause of the death, ” said Mr. Stone excitedly facing the thirty representatives from at least twenty countries that had been the biggest import countries of the British beef but now refused to have it. When he saw no signs of anybody being willing to speak out, Mr. Stone got madder, adding, “You will have to eat beef every day, won't you? In the past, to get our beef, you ordered months in advance, as much as you could, saying in your thank-you letters; ‘…Without the British beef we can't imagine what a colorless sight would be on our countrymen's dinner tables. ’”

  “But now, gentlemen, you say ‘Mad Cow Disease …Death frightening …sorry to stop enjoying your beef for the moment! ’” Mr. Stone let out a shout and then seized a handful of paper out from a paper bag lying beside the microphone, “Here, here …what you are thinking about is all here. Have a look at your telegram, gentlemen!”

  His audience looked at each other, still expressionless. “Well, let our beef rot away,” Mr. Stone continued. “And let your men go hungry ---- they'll be mad one day. Thank you!” He took his handkerchief out of his pocket, wiping off sweat while walking down back to his seat. All of the listeners stayed silent for seconds, then laughter burst out.

  They, including Mr. Stone himself, laughed so much that the chairman of the conference announced a rest of ten minutes.

1.From Mr Stone's speech we know that ________.

[  ]

A.the British beef had been widely enjoyed by people out of the country

B.the British beef had once been widely praised by the people of the country

C.the British beef caused the so-called disease

D.Mr Stone often received letters of thanks from beef-eaters

2.Mr. Stone thought that since his government didn't prove that the death of the girl had been caused by the disease, the countries of which representatives were listening should agree to import ________.

[  ]

A.a beef without disease

B.some other beef

C.a kind of beef as he suggested

D.as much British beef as before

3.The underlined word “mad” in the last but one paragraph means “________” on Mr Stone's side but “________” on the listeners' side.

[  ]

A.hungry, angry
B.bad, good
C.angry, ill in mind
D.ill in mind, hungry

4.The laughter made by both the speaker and the listeners showed ________.

[  ]

A.the problem of the “Mad Cow Disease” would be solved in an easy manner

B.both sides felt something funny

C.the listeners were making fun of the British speaker ---- Mr. Stone

D.Mr. Stone's speech was a successful one


科目: 来源:华南师大附中英语高考模拟试题 题型:050


  How do you learn English, French, Russian, German or any other language? Most people go to classes regularly, and study at home with a book. But the problem for adult learners is that they are busy people who find it hard to come to classes at a fixed time. They miss a few classes and then decide that they have fallen too far behind the other students. Eventually they drop out of the class.

  The Polytechnic of the South Bank in London had this problem, but has now found a solution. There are no pre-arranged classes. The students come when they have time. This is ideal for businessmen, or anyone who has a busy timetable.

  There are various resources available (可得到的) which the students can use alone or in a small group. There is a language lab; there are computers with games and other programs designed for language learning; there are video cassettes (录像带) which teach students about the life and language of a country; and there are individual tutorials. A tutorial gives students a chance to talk to a teacher on a one-to-one basis.

  At present there are few colleges which offer students the chance to study in this way, but the system is so popular that in the future there may be many colleges which will try it.

1.Which of the following is not available at the Polytechnic?

[  ]

A.Video cassettes.

B.Large classes which meet regularly.



2.The system at the Polytechnic is ________.

[  ]

A.only available for students of French

B.ideal for busy professional people

C.only available to small groups

D.only aimed to help college graduates

3.The students at the Polytechnic ________.

[  ]

A.can come whenever they are free

B.can come at a fixed time

C.have to come once a month

D.have to be on time

4.The difficulty that most adult learners have in learning languages is that ________.

[  ]

A.they go to classes regularly, but study at home with a book

B.they are so busy that it is hard for them to come to classes regularly

C.they cannot keep up with their teachers if they miss a few classes

D.other students are much younger than they are


科目: 来源:华南师大附中英语高考模拟试题 题型:050


  Canberra, the capital of Australia, lies in the southeast of the country. From this city, it is 240 kilometers to Sydney, and over twice to Melbourne. The former faces the Pacific Ocean, and the latter is close to the Bass Strait, through which ships from Sydney can enter the Indian Ocean.

  When the Federal Government of August was founded in 1901, no one knew where Australia's capital would be. The two cities of Melbourne and Sydney both wanted the honor. Instead, the founding fathers chose a piece of land between the two cities for the new capital. The government would build a new city called Canberra as the country's capital.

  In 1911, the government invited world leading architects (建筑家) to enter designs for Canberra in a contest. An architect from Chicago named Wallet Griffin won. The government decided to build Canberra according to his plan. Men started to work on Canberra in 1913. Twenty-four years later, the city was finished. But the government moved to this new city ten years before it was completed.

  At one time, almost everyone in Canberra worked for the government. However, the city today has become a center of education and favorite place for tourists. Now people can hold a government job, or they can work in businesses. They also make a living by teaching or meeting the needs of tourists.

  People find life in Canberra very relaxing and pleasant. The city is surrounded by beautiful mountains where people can ski. There is a large man-made lake lined with beaches and parks in the center of Canberra.

  Canberra is now Australia's largest inland city. Many people living there have come from other cities in Australia and from other lands. They have come to Canberra to work. Some have come to escape the busier way of life found in many other cities.

1.According to the passage, it is ________ kilometers from Sydney to Melbourne.

[  ]


2.Canberra is now ________.

[  ]

A.a lovely city to which no visitors can go by sea

B.the largest city and an education center in Australia

C.a beautiful coastal city with beaches and parks

D.a pleasant place with mountains and big lakes surrounding it

3.Which of the following shows the correct order?

a.The founding fathers chose a piece of land between Melbourne and Sydney.

b.The Federal Government was founded in 1901.

c.Canberra was completed after twenty-four years.

d.Both Melbourne and Sydney wanted to be the capital.

e.The government had a contest to design the capital.

f.The people began to build Canberra in 1913.

g.The Federal Government moved to the new city.

[  ]

A.b, a, g, c, d, f, e
B.b, f, d, e, g, a, c
C.b, d, a, e, f, c, g
D.b, d, a, e, f, g, c


科目: 来源:华南师大附中英语高考模拟试题 题型:050


  When prices are low people will buy more, and when prices are high they will buy less. Every shopper knows this. But at the same time, producers want higher prices for their goods when they make more goods. According to the economic point of view, changes in the prices of goods cause changes in supply and demand. As is shown in the graph (图表), people buy fewer shoes as the price of shoes goes up. On the contrary, a decrease in the price causes an increase in demand.

  Business firms look for the perfect price at which the largest profits (利润) can be made. If the price of the shoes goes up to $ 50, the consumers (消费者) will not buy all of 3,000 shoes. The producers will have a surplus (剩余) of 2,000 shoes and they can only get $ 50,000. If the price of the shoes is lowered to $ 10, as many as 5,000 shoes can be sold. Still, only $ 50,000 is made.

1.According to this article, the main idea of the first paragraph is that ________.

[  ]

A.the lower the price is, the less people will buy

B.producers want to make more money by making fewer goods

C.every shopkeeper knows the price for goods

D.how changes in prices of shoes affect the number of shoes sold

2.From the passage, we can conclude that ________ is the best price for the consumers to buy all of the shoes which are worth the highest price.

[  ]

A.$ 30
B.$ 20
C.$ 10
D.$ 50

3.If the price of the shoes is lowered to $ 20, as many as ________ shoes can be sold. Only ________ is made.

[  ]

A.4,000; 80,000
B.2,000; 20,000
C.9,000; 90,000
D.3,000; 30,000

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

[  ]

A.Producers and Goods

B.Price and Shoes

C.Shopkeepers and Shoes

D.Supply and Demand


科目: 来源:华南师大附中英语高考模拟试题 题型:050


  JOHANNESBURG ---- A crowded school bus swerved (突然转向) to avoid a car on a narrow bridge and smashed into a steel railing, killing 30 children and three teachers, the police said on Sunday. The accident happened on Saturday night near Dundee, a small town about 200 kilometers southwest of Johannesburg, said Mayor Caert Marias of the Gurban Police. Thirty-six children were injured, and most were hospitalized in satisfactory condition.

  Prime Minister Abdul Krim of Tyrea has said that the danger of war in the Middle East is greater now than for the past two years. His country does not want war, he says, but the Tyrean people have waited too long for an end to the troubles with their neighbors. If war comes, says Mr Krim, Tyrea will be ready.

  Policemen in New York have stopped work. Their leader, Mr Paulo Angeli, says that they will return to work only when they receive more money for working long hours, and doing what Mr Angeli calls “the most dangerous job in the city”.


  No one knows yet the number of lives which have been lost in this terrible fire. But reports say that more than a hundred people have already died.

  Towns less than one hundred miles from Melbourne will be in danger unless the wind changes. The edge of the smoky cloud has already reached Melbourne. People are rushing excitedly into the streets. The police have warned them not to drive out of the city to see the fire but many people are doing so.

  The cause of the fire is unknown. But nobody is surprised. No rain has fallen in this part for three months. It is 38℃ at noon, and the hot northwest wind from the great central desert is blowing at more than thirty miles an hour.

1.The best title of the news in the first item of news might be ________.

[  ]

A.Bus Accident
B.Accident Near Dundee
C.33 Killed
D.Serious Bus Disaster

2.The Tyrean people ________.

[  ]

A.are ready and waiting for war

B.are ready to wait another two years for war

C.do not want war, but will be ready if it comes

D.are a great danger to peace in the Middle East

3.Mr Paulo Angeli is ________.

[  ]

A.the most dangerous policeman in New York

B.a policeman who receives more money for working longer hours

C.the strike leader of the New York City policemen

D.a policeman, and the leader of New York City

4.From the last item of news we can see that ________.

[  ]

A.they haven't seen such a big fire for 100 years

B.one hundred people have lost their lives in the terrible fire

C.most of the towns in the country are in danger

D.nobody knows whether some people have died in the fire or not

5.The towns will be out of danger if ________.

[  ]

A.the firemen arrive

B.the smoky cloud falls to the ground

C.the people put out the fires

D.the wind stops

