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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Answer the following question by using the information taken from a dictionary page. You may read the questions first.

jaguar n. a type of large, yellow-colored cat with black markings found in the southwestern region of the U. S. and in Central and South America.

  jargon 1n. speech that doesn’t make sense. 2n an unknown language that seems strange or impossible to understand. 3 n. a language made up of two of more other languages: His jargon was a mixture of French and English. 4 n. the special vocabulary of a field or profession: Her report on computers was filled with jargon.

  jaunt 1n. a trip taken for fun. 2v. to go on a brief pleasant trip: We jaunted to the country last Saturday.

  javelin 1n. a spear most commonly used as a weapon or in hunting. 2n. a lightweight metal or wooden spear that is thrown in track—and—field contests. 3n. the contest in which a javelin is thrown. 4v. to strike, as with a javelin.

  jazz 1n. a type of music that originated in New Orleans and is characterized by rhythmic beats. 2n. popular dance music influenced by jazz. 3n. slangempty talk. 4adj. of or like jazz: a jazz band, jazz records.

jennet n. a small Spanish horse.

1Which meaning of the word javelin is used in the sentence below?

  At the competition, Jack drew his arm back and threw the javelin 50 yards.

  ADefinition 3

  BDefinition 2

  CDefinition 1

  DDefinition 4

  2Which meaning of the word jargon is used in the sentence below?

  Doctors often speak in medical jargon.

  ADefinition 3

  BDefinition 2

  CDefinition 1

  DDefinition 4

  3What does the word jazz mean in the following sentence?

  Don’t give me that jazz , for I am a practical person.

  Aa kind of dance

  Ba type of music

  Crhythmic beats

  Dmeaningless talk



科目: 来源: 题型:050

The decision to further all or part of your studies outside your country is a serious one, and one which for most students will have a special life-long benefit. If you realize English will help you in your career and enrich your personal life, you will find that coming to England to study English is a very special experience that you will never forget. I am very pleased to have this opportunity to invite you to join our English Language course.

London is one of the world’s outstanding cultural and trade center. You will live in one of the world’s great cities. It provides the perfect arrangements in which to learn and develop English language skills. The international body of the students attending courses at English Language Institutes in London provides an attraction because it is a good chance for you to enjoy other cultures in surroundings or to develope personal character. As we prepare for the 21st Century, international communication has never been more important. To master a foreign language is becoming a useful tool for trade, industrial and professional success. Our aim at the English Language Institutes is to develop students’ English language skill in friendly and helpful conditions.

Supported by computer, video and audio equipment, and suing sound classroom, our team of teachers will guide you through your chosen course of study, you will receive excellent service and advice at every stage. Out-of-class support staff will help you settle in and make the most of your stay in London. Truly, you will enjoy yourself in London and make friendships that will last a lifetime. I hope we can welcome you to this exciting world of London. Come and see us! Visit a class in any of the English Language Institutes. See for yourself why we encourage you to study in London.

1. The writer invites you to join their English Language course, because_____.

A. London is really a good place for learning English

B. you can enjoy a special foreign culture

C. London is a great international trade center

D. computers can teach you to learn English well

2. The main purpose of the text is________.

A. to introduce something about London

B. to let know the importance of learning English

C. to tell us the skills of learning English

D. to tell us that education in London is free

3. This passage is a (an) ______.

A. story         B. novel

C. letter         D. advertisement



科目: 来源:黄岗中学 高一英语(下册)、阶段综合测试(四) 题型:050

  Tom, a student who does computer studies at Texas University, found his own parents with the help of Internet(因特网).The news got around soon and many of his friends came to share his happiness.Some of them even asked him to help them find jobs on the Internet.

  Before he turned to Internet for help,Tom had spent one year looking for his parents who left him 26 years ago when he was a baby.Using knowledge on computer and network (网络), Tom found out his birth information and sent a notice to Internet in hope of(怀着……希望) finding his parents.Only one day later,Tom's dream came true.

  When Tom flew to Los Angeles to meet his father,Stephen,they embraced each other lovingly and warmly.They enjoyed the family meeting.Later on Mother's Day,Tom met his mother Silvia.

  Three years ago Stephen himself also tried hard to look for his son but his hard try ended in nothing.Tom's try on the Internet has turned to be a happy ending.

1.How long did it take Tom to find his parents by Internet?

A.Only one day.

B.About one year.

C.3 years.

D.26 years.

2.Before he found his parents Tom had to________.

A.made a lot of friends

B.fly to Los Angeles

C.sent a notice to Internet every day

D.find out his own birth information

3.The underlined word “share” in the reading means________.

A.to ask about

B.to give back

C.to have with others

D.to study together

4.Which of the following can we not know from the reading?

A.Tom's birth information.

B.Where Tom's father lives.

C.Why Tom's parents left him.

D.What Tom does.


科目: 来源:黄岗中学 高一英语(下册)、阶段综合测试(四) 题型:050


  A large number of women in Western European countries wish that they were born men.The number is said as high as 60% in West Germany.

  “Women often wish that they had the same chance as men have, and believe it is still men's world,” said Dr.James Holden,one of the scientists who did the study.

Anne Harper has a very good job for an international oil company.She also believes in“Women's Liberation”.“I don't wish that I were a man,” she says,“and I don't think many women do.But I do wish that people would stop looking down upon us women.At work,for example, we often do the work that men do but get paid less.There are still a lot of jobs that are usually the best ones and open only to men.If you're a man,you have a much better chance of leading an exciting life.How many women pilots are there...or engineers or scientists?”

1.A lot of women in ________ wish that they were born men.

A.European countries

B.the West

C.West Europe

D.West Germany

2.“It is still a men's world.” means “________”

A.There're more men than women in the world.

B.There're more men scientists or engineers than women in the world.

C.Women cannot live without men.

D.Women have not been given the same chance as men.

3.Anne Harper considers that women should________.

A.be really liberated

B.live a better life

C.be well paid

D.get better jobs than men

4.Anne Harper doesn't wish that she were a man because she________.

A.has got a very good job

B.believes in “Women Liberation”

C.does the work that a man can't do

D.isn't looked down upon by anyone


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  A man was driving in the country when his motor stopped. He got out of the car to try to find the trouble. "It's the distributor," said a voice near him.

  Surprised to hear the voice, the man turned. He saw only an old horse. "Did you say something?" he asked.

  "I said you should check your distributor,” the horse replied.

  The man rushed to the nearest farmhouse. Excitedly he told the farmer what had happened. "Was it an old bay horse with one flop ear?" asked the farmer.

  "Yes, that's the one!"

  “ Well, don't pay any attention to him," the farmer scoffed. "He doesn't know anything about cars."

1. The car stopped because_______.

A. the man put on the brake   B.the road was too rough

C.something was wrong with it D.the horse was in the way

2.Which did the man do last?

A.He saw the horse.    B.He got out of the car.

C.He spoke to the horse.  D.He heard a voice.

3.The man was surprised that the horse could_______.

A.pull his car B.repair a distributor C. hear D. talk

4.The man showed his surprise by______.

A.staring at his car   B.rushing to the nearest house

C. asking the horse more questions D. telephoning the horse’s owner

5. The motorist’s story made the farmer feel_______.

  1. excited. B. afraid. C. sad. D. None of the above.

6. The farmer’s words show that he ________.

  1. knew what the horse looked like.
  2. did not own the horse.
  3. Agreed with the horse about the car.
  4. Both B and C.


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  Ben Jonson is one of the few men ever to be buried standing up.

  As the story goes, King Charles I once made him a promise. The king told the great writer that he would be buried in England's famous Westminster Abbey. But that wasn't all. Johnson could choose any place he liked for his grave.

  Jonson died in 1637. Then it was found that the spot he had picked was already filled. The ground space left in it was just eighteen inches square. But Charles kept his word. He had Jonson’s coffin placed on its end in the small space. That way it would just fit.

1.Ben Jonson was a great_______.

A. king B. leader C. artist D. writer

2.Which probably happened first?

A.Jonson picked a place in the Abbey. B. Jonson died.

C.Jonson received Charles’s promise. D. Jonson told the king of his choice.

3.Charles found out that the place was filled after_______.

A. Jonson’s death  B.Johnson’s burial

C.the reading of Johnson’s will  D. 1638

4.Jonson’s coffin was placed upright so that it would__________.

A.face the east B. look bigger C.take less room  D.reach the floor

5.The story shows that Charles tried to_________.

A.rule Britain well   B.keep his promises

C.learn about art   D.write poems and stories

6.The writer doesn't tell_______.

A.what work Jonson did  B. where the story happened

C.when Jonson died   D. how Jonson’s grave was marked


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  Three men once went hunting bears. They spent the night in a cabin. Each was boasting how good a hunter he was.

  Early the next morning one of them slipped quietly out of the cabin. Soon he met a huge, hungry- looking bear. For a moment he just stood there. Then he dropped his gun. He ran to the cabin with the bear after him. He opened the door. The bear lunged at him. The hunter dodged and the bear fell through the open door.

  Thinking fast, the hunter shut the door from the outside, shouting, "There's the

firstone, boys. You skin him. I'll go get another."

1. All three men thought they were_______.

A. sound sleepers B. fast runners C. good hunters

2. The man who slipped out early probably______.

A. hoped to shoot the first bear B. felt too hungry to sleep

C. wanted to return home

3. Which did the hunter do second?

A. He dropped his gun. B. He saw a bear.C. He ran to the cabin.

4.Which did the bear do second?

A.It fell through the cabin door. B.It lunged at the hunter.

C.It chased the hunter.

5.The hunter showed that he was______.

A. brave  B. clever  C. Both A and B

6.At the end of the story the cabin held

A.three boys  B.a hunter and a bear  C.two men and a bear


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  Once two boys made up their minds to play a trick on Charles Darwin, the famous scientist. With great care they glued together parts of several insects. They used the wings of a butterfly. They used the head of a bee and the legs of a grasshopper. At last the strange creature was ready. They took it to the great man. "What kind of bug is this?" they asked him.

  "Did it hum when you caught it?" Darwin asked them.

  "Yes," said the boys, feeling sure they had fooled him.

  "That's just as I thought," Darwin said.

  "It's a humbug."

1. Which did the boys do last?

A. They made a strange creature. B. They went to see Darwin.

C. They thought of a trick._______.

2. To make their strange creature, the boys used

A. glue  B. insect parts   C. Both A and B

3. The creature had_______.

A. butterfly wings B. a grasshopper's head C. Both A and B

4.The boys wanted Darwin to think the insect was one they had______.

A. made  B. found C. bought

5.Darwin's question made the boys think_______.

A.they had fooled him B.the insect was real  C.he was angry with them

6.The last paragraph shows that Darwin_______.

A. was too clever for the boys' trick   B. had seen the insect before

C. liked the sound the insect made


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  Edelweiss is the Swiss national flower. The blooms are small and white. They are shaped like stars.

  In the Alps edelweiss grows wild. But it is hard to pick. It grows high up in the mountains, near the area where the snow stays all year long. Most of the plants are found in steep rock crevices.

  Young men sometimes bring edelweiss back for their girl friends. The girls think of the flowers as a proof of true love. Mountain climbers, guides, and hunters pick edelweiss too. They wear it on their hats. To them it is a sign of courage and daring.

1. Edelweiss is the Swiss national flower of_______.

A. Austria  B. the Alps  C. Switzerland

2. The flowers are_______.

A. white  B. star-shaped C. Both A and B

3. The plants are found in________.

A. snowdrifts B. rock crevices C. Both A and B

4.Edelweiss is hard to pick because it______.

A.has tough stems B.grows in high, steep places

C.is protected by Swiss law

5.Edelweiss given to a girl stands for_______.

A. love B. beauty C. truth

6.Edelweiss worn on a hat stands for______.

A. faith B. peace C. bravery


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  People in India, Africa, and Malaysia like the mongoose. It is small -- about sixteen inches long - and fierce. But it is easily tamed and makes a good pet. The mongoose is useful, too. It kills poisonous snakes. At first, the mongoose stays out of reach of the snake. This angers the snake. The snake strikes again and again. At last it tires. Then the mongoose jumps swiftly. It kills the snake by biting it on the back of the head. Then it eats the snake. The mongoose also kills rats and other creatures harmful to man.

1 .The mongoose can be found in _______.

A. Africa B. Australia C. Alabama

2.A mongoose makes a good pet because it is_______.

A.small and fierce  B. easily tamed C. found in India

3.The mongoose is useful because it_______.

A.eats snakes B.kills rats   C.Both A and B

4.Which happens last?

A.The snake strikes.  B.The snake gets angry.

C.The mongoose bites the snake.

5.The mongoose is_________.

A. quickB. slow   C. lazy

6.People like the mongoose because it_______.

A.eats insects B.kills harmful creatures C.Both A and B

