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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

  The two men, Lacey and Bames, waited in their car about a quarter of a mile from a big house. They sat there in the darkness, smoking, hardly talking. It was now a little after midnight.

  At last they saw a light in one of the upstairs windows. It flashed once, twice, three times.

  “That’s the sign,” Lacey said. Both men got out of the car. They were wearing dark clothes. They now put on gloves. Lacey had a small bag of tools. “Can I bring the gun?” Bames asked.

  “How many times must I tell you! No guns!” Lacey said angrily. “Not while you’re working with me.” And they entered the garden through a small gate.

  “I hope there aren’t any dogs,” Bames said as they climbed round the edge of the garden. They were going towards the back of the house.

  “There are no dogs and no people here,” Lacey told him. “Except for our friend upstairs. Now keep quiet and follow me!”

  They entered a big yard at the back of the house.

  “That’s the window over there,” Lacey said, pointing to a small window near the kitchen door. “You wait here. I’ll get through the kitchen window. If I can’t open the door, you’ll have to climb through the window too. ”

  Lacey crossed the yard. He opened the window without any difficulty and climbed through. But the kitchen door was locked and the key was not there. He went to the window and whistled to Bames.

  “You’ll have to climb through the window, too,” he said.

  Just at that moment they heard the sound of a car. It was getting closer to the house at great speed and its lights lit up the house as it got nearer. People got out and they could hear voices.

  “That is the police!” Bames said, “It is a trap. I knew it. ”

  “Don’t be worried” Lacey told him. “Now listen to me. Go back to the car and wait for me there. I’ll join you as soon as I can. Off  you go and keep well in the shadows. ”

  1According to the contents, what are the two persons?





  2Which statement is NOT true?

  ALacey was more an expert in stealing than Bames.

  BNeither Lacey nor Bames knew the place well.

  CThe police have been fully prepared for the two persons.

  DBames had been told before not to take guns while stealing into the house.

  3What is the correct order of the two persons carrying out their plan?

  aLacey crossed the yard to the kitchen.

  bLacey and Bames came to a yard.

  cLacey and Bames entered the garden through a small gate.

  dLacey told Bames to wait.

xh? easy-going

  Bpoor but good for working-class girls

  Cin good health

  Dgood at making money

  3Annie found her father-in-law getting on her nerves because he ________.

  Asat when she was cleaning

  Bnever said what time he was getting up

  Crarely talked to her and Bob

  Dcaused her to give up her job


bidi-font-size:10.5pt;font-family:宋体; mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"'>  eLacey and Bames climbed round the side of the garden.

  Ab, d, a, c, e

  Bb, c, e, d, a

  Cb, e, a, c, d

  Db, a, d, c, e



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

  Bob and Annie had not known each other long before they became eager to get married: Bob because he wanted Annie and shethough she was fond of Bob in her own waybecause she could at least lead a life away from her family. When Mrs. Thompson suggested that they marry and live with her in Dover Street until they could get a house of their own, Annie hesitated. Her idea of marriage had been something which brought her a husband and an orderly, well furnished home all at once. But she soon saw the advantages of this arrangement. She would, first of all, escape from her present life into a house which was quiet and efficiently run, not like her own; and she would be able to go on working so that she and Bob could save up all the money quickly for their own house. She would also get Bob, a good enough husband for any working-class girl; good-natured and ready to be bent to her way whenever it was necessary for her ends.

  Things went well until mother-in-law’s death, when Annie had to give up her job and were at home all day. Her father-in-law became just a silent figure in the house and although Bob became used to him, Annie began to find the old man’s constant presence in the house a source of growing annoyance.

  “He gets on my nerves, Bob,” she said one night when they were alone. “Just sitting there all day and me having to clean up around him. And he hardly says a word from getting up in a morning to going to bed. ”

  “Well, I suppose he has a right to do as he like,” Bob said mildly. “It’s his house, not ours. We’re the lodgers. ” But to Annie, now looking after the house as if it were her own, it was beginning to seem the other way about.

  1The reason that Annie wanted to get married was ________.

  Ashe found she couldn’t leave Bob

  Bshe could at least escape the present life

  Cshe lived alone for a long time

  Dshe could live in a big house

  2Annie thought Bob was ________.

  Akind and easy-going

  Bpoor but good for working-class girls

  Cin good health

  Dgood at making money

  3Annie found her father-in-law getting on her nerves because he ________.

  Asat when she was cleaning

  Bnever said what time he was getting up

  Crarely talked to her and Bob

  Dcaused her to give up her job



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

  Tony Bennett, the American singer recently touring Britain, can’t remember how many times he had sung his standard hit” I Left My Heart in San Francisco. ”He sang it again to his audience at the London Palladium last night.

  “I never get tired of singing it,”he said. “I like it too much. It’s a great city and it’s a good song. ”

  Bennett is to record a TV special with American singer Lena Horne while he is here. And a new LP recorded by him in London for Philips titled “Listen Easy” will be published in June.

  I like it here, he added quietly over whiskey. I would like to live here so many months of the year.

  He already keeps a large flat in Grosvenor Square, where he is staying with his actress wife Sandie Grant and their three-year-old daughter Joanna. It has a studio where he likes to paint. Tony plans to have his first exhibition later in the year and he has already sold one picture for $ 4, 000. At the end of the year Tony is to star in a musical film which has been specially written for him called “Two Bits,” an informal expression for 50 cents. It’s about an Italian immigrant who goes to America, but he becomes a failure.

  “In many ways it’s very close to my life the way the story has been written,” said Bennett. “My father, an Italian, was ill and died when I was nine. He always wanted me to sing, but he never lived long enough to be a part of my success. ”

  The film is to be made by Italy’s top director Vittoria De Sica.

  1The phrase“standard hit’”most nearly means ________.

  ABennett’s favourite song but it’s not very popular

  Ba song that is always popular

  Ca song which makes him standard

  Da song which is like a heavy blow to his audience

  2What was he doing when Tony Bennett was interviewed?

  ARecording a TV show

  BMaking a musical film.

  CStaying with his wife.


  3Tony Bennett’s hobby is ________.





  4Tony Bennett’s father ________.

  Awas born in Italy and died in America

  Bwas a part of Bennett s achievement

  Cliked his son’s singing

  Dwas glad that his son became famous



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

  When he thought of the past, my grandfather would sometimes show us photographs of himself at school. They were brown and faded, and it was hard to believe that the blurred figure of the little boy in the short trousers and socks could ever have been grandfather. Besides, he wore a cap—all the boys in the photographs wore caps pulled so far forward that half of their faces was obscured. When grandfather asked us to pick him out from the group, we would surely point to the wrong boy.

  On one such occasion my younger sister, aged six, burst into tears when grandfather proudly guided her finger to the right boy. “How could that boy be you?” she cried, “He should have a beard.” We were, of course, all convinced that grandfathers should have beards, preferably white and bushy, like our own grandfather’s. In fact, we would have been quite ready to argue the point if challenged.

  “I was a good scholar,” grandfather would say, wagging his beard over the photographs. “I should have been top of the class if I hadn’t had to get up at six every morning to milk the cows and chop the wood, and again when I came home from school.”

  “But Saturdays? What did you do on Saturdays?”

  “Saturdays, if it was fine, I’d be out all day in the fields with the men,” replied grandfather. “And if it was wet, I’d be helping my mother with odd jobs round the house. There wasn’t much time for studying. ”

  We all tried hard to imagine what it would have been like to have been grandfather getting up at crack of dawn and never, obviously, having a moment for himself. It seemed we had learnt something from what grandfather had said about his childhood.

  1In the first paragraph of this passage, what the author really tells us is that ________.

  Ahis grandfather used to wear short trousers, socks and a cap as well

  Bit was difficult to tell which of the boys in the photographs was grandfather

  Che didn’t believe grandfather wore a cap pulled forward when he was at school

  Dit was fun to watch boys in the photographs wearing caps pulled forward

  2The author’s sister burst into tears because ________.

  Ashe did not get a chance to pick out grandfather in the photographs

  Bshe was told which was the right boy before she herself could pick him out

  Cother children did not agree with her that grandfather should have had a beard

  Dshe found grandfather in the photograph did not have a beard

  3When grandfather said “I should have been top of the class ...” he meant ________.

  Aif he had had more time for studying, he would have been the best in his class

  Bhe should have spent more time studying rather than playing ball games

  Chis school days should not have been so hard and miserable

  Dhe could have never been the best student even if he had studied still harder

  4In the last paragraph the author said” We all tried hard to imagine ...”because ________.

  Athe figures of the boys in the photographs were small and blurred

  Bthe children had never experienced life like that of grandfather

  Cthe photographs grandfather showed them were brown and faded

  Dgrandfather failed to tell them about his childhood in detail



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

  Ralph Wiley was born in 1926, on March 20. There were eight boys and four sisters, yet he says it wasn’t a hard life. His father worked in a sawmill(锯木厂)in the woods. When Ralph was in the fifth grade, the teacher told him to go outside to get a whip(鞭),because she wanted to whip one of the students.

  He walked outside, got the whip and stood in the doorway with it. “If you want it bad enough, ”he told the teacher, “ come and get it, because I’m not coming back in. ”

  That was his last day of school.

  Ralph never did marry. He lived with his brother, Cliff. And he worked on a farm, with fifty whiteface cows.

  Then he started collecting bottles and cans for the recycling(回收)center.

  Then his brother died, and Ralph developed diabetes(糖尿病)and lost both legs.

  Now he lives here in Bradbury Manor Nursing Home, and he likes it. He rolls around in his wheelchair all over the place. He’s a happy person who feels life has been good to him.

  Why? After all, so many people would feel disappointed if they had never married ... If they hadn’t finished school ... If they were old and lost both their legs and were living in a nursing home. Why does Ralph Wiley feel life has been good to him?

  “I just do, ”he says, “I get in bed by myself. I go to the bathroom by myself. I made my bed myself yesterday. ”

  We all make our own beds, and we all have to lie in them. Ralph has made his exceptionally comfortable. Which is why he shall surely rest in peace.

  1Ralph’s childhood must have been________.




  Dfull of imagination

  2Why did Ralph leave school?

  ABecause he made a serious mistake and was dismissed(开除)from school.

  BBecause the teacher whipped him and he was afraid to go back to school.

  CBecause he’s unwilling to see cruel punishment to happen in the classroom.

  DBecause he’s tired of going to school.

  3What kind of people is Ralph? pessimistic(悲观的)optimistic(乐观的)timid(胆小的)carefree irresponsible kind





  4What is the best title of the passage?

  ALife Is Good.

  BFrom a Child to an Adult.


  DRalph Wiley.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

  Star talks of better half

  The British film star Hugh Grant can’t seem to work out what women want.

  “There’s no girl who only wants bastards(坏种),and no girl who wants a nice guy(伙计).Women want both, ”the British star tells the May issue of Talk magazine.

  “And, really, they’d like to alternate(交替)on a weekly basis. Can any man be both? I like to keep women guessing. ”

  Since Grant’s breakup last year with his longtime girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley, the thought of plunging into(投身于)another big relationship doesn’t seem like it’s in the cards.

  “How easy do you think it is to find someone you can share   14   years of personal jokes with? Not easy. And I don’t know that I will,” he says.

  Still, the 40-year-old star admits he can’t help thinking that his clock is ticking.

  “In the end, I want to have kidschildren. But in the back of my mind, I never wanted to have kids until I’d done something I’m proud of—written a book, had my name on something really worthwhile , ”he says.

  “I’m so determined not to be in front of the cameras anymore.”

  With all of these concerns(心思)inside, has Grant ever considered seeing a psychiatrist to sort things out?

  “I don’t think I need therapy(治疗),thank you, ” sniffs the star.

  “I’m frightened of those people. And more than that, I don’t want to know what lies beneath. ”

  1Judging from what Hugh Grant says, the film star may consider himself________.

  Aeither a bastard or a nice guy

  Bboth a bastard and a nice guy at the same time

  Ca bastard in one week and a nice guy in the other

  Dneither a bastard nor a nice guy

  2Hugh Grant________.

  Ais looking for another girlfriend at the present time

  Bnever feels sure of finding a girlfriend who can take the place of Elizabeth Hurley

  Cconsiders it a shame to look for another girlfriend

  Ddoesn’t value much the relationship he had with Elizabeth Hurley

  3The underlined clause “his clock is ticking” possibly means________.

  Ahe’s having a good time

  Bhe can’t stand being single

  Chis life is going to end soon

  Dhe is getting old

  4Hugh Grant thinks that he is not yet successful enough to be________.

  Aa father

  Ba film star

  Ca husband

  Da nice guy



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

  For 30 years, Randy J. Murphy drove without being stopped by the police—and without a driver’s license.

  The 46-year-old man’s luck came to an end last May. On his way home from his job as a dishwasher, he turned up the radio in the car.

  “I just turned the corner, and there was Mark,” Murphy said of the police officer who has since made such a difference in his life.

  Officer Mark Taylor had stopped the car as he heard the blaring music. When he asked for a driver’s license, Murphy said that he didn’t have one.

  Murphy told Taylor he couldn’t read well enough to take the written part of the licensing test. “He said people just don’t help any more. I told him if he was willing, I’d help him, ” said Taylor. He gave Murphy his phone number. That afternoon Murphy called the officer.

  For the next three months, the men met several times a week to review the questions which might appear in the test. When Murphy took the test, Taylor went with him. Murphy passed on his sixth attempt. He then sailed through the road test. On September 5, he got his license.

  Taylor’s act of kindness won him the Officer of the Month award from Knoxville Police Department. “People should help each other if they can, ”Taylor said. “Randy did all the work. I just guided him along. ”

  Although Murphy has overcome the difficulty that kept him from getting a driver’s license, he hasn’t stopped there. “We still meet once a week to read, ”Taylor said. “We’ve also become friends. ”

  “I m glad he pulled me over now, ”said Murphy.

  1Why did Taylor stop Murphy’s car one day?

  AThe music in his car was too loud.

  BHe drove without a driving license.

  CHe made a wrong turn at a comer.

  DHe listened to the radio while driving.

  2After learning Murphy’s situation, Taylor decided________.

  Ato put an end to his luck

  Bto help him learn how to read

  Cto take away his driving license.

  Dto stop him from doing silly things

  3The underlined phrase” sailed through” in the passage is close in meaning to________.

  Atried his best in

  Bnearly failed in

  Csuffered a lot in

  Deasily succeeded in

  4According to the passage, Taylor helped Murphy pass the licensing test because________.

  Ahe felt sorry for the bad situation of the workers

  Bhe wanted to win the Officer of the Month award

  Che hated to see people in need of help were not helped

  Dhe thought it was a policeman’s duty to help people read



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

  Trogmire Troll was dealing with a crisis. The new girl in class really liked him a lot. Trogmire was not happy about it.

  Trogmire’s good friend, Tremor Troll, tried to comfort him. “What’s the big deal? I think Treasure Troll is kind of cute(可爱的).And she seems to be nice enough. ”

  Trogmire swallowed his last bite of poison sumac salad and glared at Tremor. “Then why don’t you ask her to be your girlfriend? There she is, sitting all by herself at the other end of the cafeteria. March over there and ask her to be your sweetiepoo!”

  “She’s crazy about you, not me, ”Tremor replied. “Well, I don’t want any girlfriend, especially not a weird(古怪的)annoying(烦人的)one like her

  Trogmire growled.

  Tremor wouldn’t give up. “The only thing annoying about her is that she keeps writing you those notes and she stares.”

  “Yucky love notes!” Trogmire interrupted. He took another sip of mole milk. “Did you notice those strange brown eyes? Why aren’t they normal red or pink?”

  Tremor took another look at Treasure. “I think her face is a lovely shade of green. And her dark green curly hair is quite pretty. Besides, she’s very sweet and that’s what really matters. ”

  Trogmire stuck out his tongue. “I think I’m going to be sick! I’d better save my apple pies for later. ”He crammed a small bag of Maggot Munchies into his even smaller shirt pocket. “The fact is, I have a problem.

  That girl is getting on my nerves!”

  Tremor followed Trogmire’s example and decided to save his apple pies for later. However, he carefully placed the bag into his lunch box. “Do you have any ideas about how to solve your problem?” Tremor asked.

  “I’m going to be mean and rude to her,” Trogmire announced. “I’ll call her name and make ugly faces at her.”

  “That’s how you treat everyone”, Tremor reminded his friend.

  Trogmire nodded. “It’s time that Treasure got to know the real Trogmire Troll!”

  1How did Treasure Troll feel about Trogmire Troll?

  AShe didn’t like him because he was rude.

  BShe was annoyed by his strange appearance.

  CShe didn’t have any strong feelings about him.

  DShe liked him a lot.

  2How did Trogmire feel about Treasure?

  AHe felt annoyed.

  BHe enjoyed the attention.

  CHe didn’t realize that she existed.

  DHe was crazy about her.

  3Who did Trogmire want for a girlfriend?

  ANo one.

  BTremor’s sister.



科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高一英语 人民教育出版社(新课标 2002年审查) 人教版 题型:050


Patrick arrived in America a week ago.At first he thought his English learned in the middle school was good enough.He was sure he could do with any situation.He thought he would call a taxi on his arrival and talk with the driver to ask about the American ways.But to his surprise he found he could hardly understand the driver, nor did the driver understand him.It seemed to him that his efforts in those years learning English had gone to waste.Reading his mind the driver said,“Well, don‘t be nervous!Never lose heart.In a few months, you’ll be able to speak English as well as I do.”Yes, Patrick thought.He would put in more practice.He would regard himself as a complete beginner in American English.


Patrick is ________.

[  ]


an American


an Englishman


from an English-speaking country


from a country whose language is not English


Partick had thought to ask about the American ways because ________.

[  ]


he wanted to know the American habits and customs(风俗习惯)


he was afraid of traffic accidents


an American city has a lot of roads


he wanted to know the way to some place


Patrick and the driver didn’t understand each other ________.

[  ]


because Patrick spoke too fast


because of the generation gap(代沟)


because of the language problem


because the driver was impolite


“Reading his mind”means that ________.

[  ]


the driver was looking at him


the driver didn’t mind what he had said


from his expression the driver had guessed what he thought


the driver understood him


The last sentence implies(含意为)________.

[  ]


he decided to make a new start in English


he was a beginner in English


British English and American English are different


he would learn American English from the very beginning


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高一英语 人民教育出版社(新课标 2002年审查) 人教版 题型:050


A traveller was staying in an Egyptian village.One day, she held up her camera to take pictures of the children.Suddenly the young ones began to shout at her.The traveller’s face turned red and she apologized to the head for what she was doing, and told him she had forgotten that people in some places believed a person would lose his soul(灵魂)if his picture was taken.She explained to him the operation of a camera for a long time.Several times the head tried to say something, but he couldn’t.When she believed that the head didn’t fear any longer, the traveller then let him speak.With a smile, he said,“The children were trying to tell you that you forgot to take off the lens(镜头)cap!”


The children shouted when the traveller was taking pictures of them because ________.

[  ]


they didn‘t want to stop playing


the traveller forgot to take off the cap on her head


they didn’t want to have their pictures taken


the traveller was not doing well with her camera


The traveller made an apology to(向……道歉)the head because ________.

[  ]


she thought it was not right to take people‘s pictures without telling them beforehand(事先)


the children would lose their souls


she had stayed in the village too long


she didn’t take a picture of the head first


The traveller explained how to use a camera to the head because ________.

[  ]


the head was very interested in her camera


the head wanted to learn to take pictures


she was afraid of the head


she wanted the head not to worry about what she was doing


When the head smiled, it‘s clear that ________.

[  ]


the children wanted to play with her


the traveller didn’t know what the children meant


he wanted the traveller to tell him something else


the traveller didn‘t let him speak


Which of the following is NOT right?

[  ]


The traveller knew something about people in some countries.


The children wouldn’t mind if the traveller took pictures of them.


The head was afraid that the traveller’s camera would hurt the children.


The traveller didn’t understand why the children shouted.

