 0  70454  70462  70468  70472  70478  70480  70484  70490  70492  70498  70504  70508  70510  70514  70520  70522  70528  70532  70534  70538  70540  70544  70546  70548  70549  70550  70552  70553  70554  70556  70558  70562  70564  70568  70570  70574  70580  70582  70588  70592  70594  70598  70604  70610  70612  70618  70622  70624  70630  70634  70640  70648  151629 

科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:054

 We live in the depths of the country, and my whole family agree that it was certainly a winter we shall never forget. Snow began to fall at 1 the beginning of the New Year and continued 2 for 3 ten days.

 At first we were all 4 to see it. It 5 silently in large soft flakes until every 6 piece of land and corner of our rather 7 garden was 8 over and had become a spot- less white 9 . The children soon 10 its 11 by 12 snowball 13 and 14 their footprints all over it. 15 birds too, in 16 of food made very small impressions on its 17 . It was now, when the garden was all in 18 and of a 19 gray colour, that a terrible cold set in;hardening the soft snow into 20 huge piles of iron like ice.

1.A.on B.everywhere C.nearby D. round about

2.A.back and forth  B.to and fro  C.on and off D. up and down

3.A.just  B.hardly  C.About  D. simply

4.A.worried B.worrying C.exciting D. excited

5.A.fell  B.falls   C.is falling  D. was falling

6.A beautiful  B.white  C.green  D. ugly

7.A.orderly B.disorderly C.tidy  D. untidy

8.A.leveled   B.made flat   C.smoothed   D. filled

9.A.blanket   B.roof  C.ceiling D. cover  

10.A.destroyed  B.did harm to C.changed   D. redesigned

11.A.ugly scene   B.disorder   C.beauty   D. pretty

12.A.doing   B.struggling C.having   D. engaging

13.A.battles B.fights C.campaigns  D. wars

14.A.making   B.pressing   C.leaving  D. cutting

15.A.Angry  B.Hungry C.Thirsty  D. Excited

16.A.discovering  B.finding C.finding out D. search

17.A.cover   B.face   C.surface   D. upper part

18.A.complete disorder B.perfect order  C.great neatness D. its natural beauty  

19.A.clean   B.tidy   C.dirty   D. lovely

20.A.nice B.inviting C.ugly D. pretty


科目: 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:054

 The ancient Greeks imagined a whole family of Gods-- creatures who were somewhat like humans but had great powers . These gods were said to live on Mount Olympus. The Greeks 1 stories about each of the gods. One story , concerning or about Prometheus, presents or gives the Greek explanation of 2 man got fire.

 Zeus, chief of all the gods, sent Prometheus, a very wise god, to earth and make 3 . Zeus told him to teach man anything they 4 to know in order to live. There was, in fact , only 5 he could not teach man. That was fire. Prometheus was happy to be of 6 to man.

 After teaching people everything they needed, Prometheus soon found that 7 fire, life on earth was very 8 . Food 9 be eaten raw;houses could not be 10 warm. Tools had to be 11 stone, because there was no fire for 12 . Now, because Prometheus was kind and 13 man to be comfortable on earth, he 14 Athena, a daughter of Zeus, to help him 15 fire from Mount Olympus. She knew that Zeus was 16 and 17 to 18 Prometheus to Mount Olympus 19 a secret 20

1.A.made up   B.wrote up   C.thought up  D. linked up

2.A.how  B.why   C.when   D. where

3.A.man   B.woman  C.people  D persons

4.A.hoped B.needed C.wanted D. wished

5.A.A thing   B.something  C.one thing   D. the very thing

6.A.friend   B.god   C.service  D. goodness

7.A.no B.with no C.there being no D. without  

9.A.might   B.could   C.had   D. had had to

10.A.kept  B.made   C.made to be D. growing

11.A.made up of B.made from C.from D. of

12.A.making steel   B.steel making   C.working metal  D. metal working

13.A.hoped  B.wanted  C.needed   D wished

14.A.called upon B.called out C.called up  D. called for

15.A.gain  B.get  C.for   D. with

16.A.out B.Away  C.on leave D. in trouble  

17.A.Allowed B.permitted C.promised  D. prepared

18.A.bring   B.take C.lead   D. help

19.A.Along   B.on  C.through   D. by  

20.A.drive  B.road C.way  D. path


科目: 来源:人教社新课程2003年审核高一下册练习 人教社新课程2003年审核 题型:054

  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从ll~30各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项.

  There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But 1 a few of them are very 2 . English is one of these. Many, many people use it, not only in

  England and the USA, but in other parts of the world. About 200,000 speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a 3 language. Many millions are 4 to do so.

  Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different 5 . Have you ever 6 the ads of this kind in the newspapers or magazines?

  “Learn English in six months, or your 7 back..”“Easy and funny? Our records and tapes 8 you master your English in a month 9 the first day your 10 will be excellent. Just send.” Of course, it never 11 quite like this.

  The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. We should 12 that we all learned our own language well when we were 13 . If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. 14 what a small child does. He listens to what people say. He tries what he hears. When he is using the language, talking in it, and 15 in it all the time, just imagine how much 16 that gets!

  So it is 17 to say that learning English is easy, because a good command of English 18 upon a lot of practice. And practice needs great effort and 19 much time. Good teachers, records, tapes, books, and dictionaries will 20 . But they cannot do the student's work for him.


[  ]

A. not
B. quite
C. only
D. very


[  ]

A. difficult
B. important
C. necessary
D. easy


[  ]

A. native
B. foreign
C. useful
D. mother


[  ]

A. learning
B. enjoying
C. trying
D. liking


[  ]

A. questions
B. problems
C. ideas
D. answers


[  ]

A. found
B. watched
C. noticed
D. known


[  ]

A. knowledge
B. time
C. money
D. English


[  ]

A. make
B. help
C. let
D. allow


[  ]

A. From
B. On
C. Since
D. After


[  ]

A. spelling
B. grammar
C. English
D. pronunciation


[  ]

A. happened
B. know
C. seemed
D. felt


[  ]

A. know
B. remember
C. understand
D. think


[  ]

A. students
B. children
C. babies
D. grown ups


[  ]

A. Imagine
B. Mind
C. Do
D. Think of


[  ]

A. using
B. thinking
C. trying
D. practicing


[  ]

A. time
B. money
C. language
D. practice


[  ]

A. hard
B. easy
C. funny
D. silly


[  ]

A. depends
B. tries
C. has
D. takes


[  ]

A. uses
B. takes
C. gets
D. costs


[  ]

A. do
B. work
C. help
D. master


科目: 来源: 题型:054

  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从ll~30各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项.

  There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But 1 a few of them are very 2 . English is one of these. Many, many people use it, not only in

  England and the USA, but in other parts of the world. About 200,000 speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a 3 language. Many millions are 4 to do so.

  Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different 5 . Have you ever 6 the ads of this kind in the newspapers or magazines?

  “Learn English in six months, or your 7 back..”“Easy and funny? Our records and tapes 8 you master your English in a month 9 the first day your 10 will be excellent. Just send.” Of course, it never 11 quite like this.

  The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. We should 12 that we all learned our own language well when we were 13 . If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. 14 what a small child does. He listens to what people say. He tries what he hears. When he is using the language, talking in it, and 15 in it all the time, just imagine how much 16 that gets!

  So it is 17 to say that learning English is easy, because a good command of English 18 upon a lot of practice. And practice needs great effort and 19 much time. Good teachers, records, tapes, books, and dictionaries will 20 . But they cannot do the student's work for him.


[  ]

A. not
B. quite
C. only
D. very


[  ]

A. difficult
B. important
C. necessary
D. easy


[  ]

A. native
B. foreign
C. useful
D. mother


[  ]

A. learning
B. enjoying
C. trying
D. liking


[  ]

A. questions
B. problems
C. ideas
D. answers


[  ]

A. found
B. watched
C. noticed
D. known


[  ]

A. knowledge
B. time
C. money
D. English


[  ]

A. make
B. help
C. let
D. allow


[  ]

A. From
B. On
C. Since
D. After


[  ]

A. spelling
B. grammar
C. English
D. pronunciation


[  ]

A. happened
B. know
C. seemed
D. felt


[  ]

A. know
B. remember
C. understand
D. think


[  ]

A. students
B. children
C. babies
D. grown ups


[  ]

A. Imagine
B. Mind
C. Do
D. Think of


[  ]

A. using
B. thinking
C. trying
D. practicing


[  ]

A. time
B. money
C. language
D. practice


[  ]

A. hard
B. easy
C. funny
D. silly


[  ]

A. depends
B. tries
C. has
D. takes


[  ]

A. uses
B. takes
C. gets
D. costs


[  ]

A. do
B. work
C. help
D. master


科目: 来源: 题型:054

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项的最佳答案。

Dear Jones,

      You have asked me for suggestions on how to get along in the United States. It is difficult to give advice, but I have found the following "dos" and "don'ts" helpful.

       As a 1 , it isn't easy to find anyone to 2 in a big city. However, here are some suggestions. 3 , get or borrow 4 ! Walk him several times a day!   Americans love dogs and usually stop 5 to anyone with dog. 6 ,try to eat in a cafeteria (自助餐厅) .

       People generally 7 the same tables and will sometimes talk to you 8 they see that you are a 9 .

       Next, take your dirty 10 to a laundry (洗衣店) ! It takes about an hour to wash and dry, and many people 11 there. They often pass the 12 talking to the other customers (顾客) . 13 ask for information from a woman, if you are a 14 , and from a man, if you are a woman. It seems to get 15 results for a reason I can't understand. Learn the 16    :"Please", "Thank you ", and "You're welcome" before you come and use them all the time! They usually work like magic (魔术) .     

       There are some things you 17 . Don't tell the truth when people 18 "How are you ?" They only 19 the answer to be "Fine". Never ask people their 20 —especially women! Everyone wants to be young. Don't tell heavy people they are 21 . Tell them they are losing 22 . Everyone   here wants to be 23 . Don't be late for appointments (约会) ! When someone says six o'clock, 24 be there by six. Americans respect 25 and expect everyone to be "on time".     

       Above all, don't worry! Just follow my advice and bring a lot of money, you will get along. I hope I have been of some help to you.

Cordially yours,


1. A. result       B. law    C. beginning    D. rule               [  ]
2. A. smile      B. shout    C. talk to      D. run for              [  ]
3. A. At first     B. First    C. One        D. At once              [  ]
4. A. a dog      B. much money    C. a map      D. a bike               [  ]
5. A. talking      B. and nod    C. to talk      D. to wave              [  ]
6. A. After it     B. Then    C. Later      D. At the same time         [  ]
7. A. have       B. eat    C. buy        D. share              [  ] 
8. A. although     B. before    C. since      D. if                 [  ]
9. A. American     B. stranger    C. worker       D. student              [  ]
10. A. shoes       B. water   C. clothes     D. day                [  ]
11. A. wait      B. said nothing   C. work      D. become kind            [  ]
12. A. cards       B. time   C. clothes     D. discussion             [  ]
13. A. Never       B. Seldom   C. Always      D. Sometimes            [  ]
14. A. policeman     B. girl     C. man       D. stranger             [  ]
15. A. worse       B. better   C. fewer       D. no                 [  ]
16. A. English     B. pronunciation   C. spelling    D. expressions            [  ]
17. A. shouldn't do  B. can do sometimes   C. should do     D. will forget            [  ]
18. A. say       B. talk   C. tell      D. ask                [  ]
19. A. expect      B. find   C. reply to    D. hope               [  ]
20. A. pay       B. age   C. family      D. life               [  ]
21. A. strong      B. young   C. fat       D. weighty              [  ]
22. A. their way     B. something   C. light       D. weight               [  ]
23. A. thin      B. strong   C. fat       D. heavy              [  ]
24. A. be sure to    B. don't   C. never       D. have to              [  ]
25. A. time      B. elders   C. knowledge     D. women              [  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:053

  Man’s first real invention ,and one of the most important inventions in history , was the wheel. All transportation(运输)and every machine in the world depend on it.

  The wheel is the simplest yet perhaps the most remarkable(惊人的)of all inventions because there were no wheels in nature──no living things was ever created(创造)with wheels .How ,then, did man come to invent the wheel?

  Perhaps some early hunters found that they could roll the heavy animal they had killed through the forest on logs more easily than they could carry it. However ,the logs themselves weighed a lot.

  It must have taken a great thinker some time in ancient times to imagine two thin pieces of log connected at their centers by a strong stick. This would roll along just as the logs did yet be much lighter and easier to move by hand .Thus the wheel and axle(轮轴)were invented ,and with them the first cart.

1.The wheel important because _______.

[  ]

A.it was man’s first real invention

B.all transportation depends on it

C.both A and B

D.every machine depends on it

2.The wheel is called ________.

[  ]


3.It was remarkable of man to invent the wheel because ________.

[  ]

A.it led to many other inventions

B.man had to use for it then

C.there were no wheels in nature

D.all of the above

4.The wheel was probably invented by ________.

[  ]

A.a group of early hunters

B.the first man on earth

C.a great thinker

D.the man who made the first cart

5.This passage says that the first wheel may have been a________.

[  ]

A.round piece of stone

B.Heavy log

C.piece of metal

D.piece of log


科目: 来源: 题型:053

  Thirty children from China and eight from other countries and regions who won prizes in an international competition(竞赛)received their rewards(奖赏)in Beijing at the Great Hall of the People yesterday.

  The nine-month 1989 Sea-Ball Cup International Children Drawing Competition started last April.

  It received more than 6,000 works including 300 pieces of art from countries and regions outside china─the United States, the Soviet Union, the Philippines, Chili, Romania and Japan.

   “All the paintings express children’s longing for a peaceful world, their love for nature and dreams for the future,”said Fan Zeng , the well-known Chinese painter and chairman of the evaluation commission(评委会)of the competition.

  The Gold Prize was granted to five works, one of them is from the Soviet Union. Another 10 children were awarded the Silver Prize.“The prizewinning works are outstanding(杰出的)in the imagination and creativity(创造性),”Fan said. A Chinese boy at the age of five was the youngest prize winner, who won a Bronze Prize.

  Marjorie Michelle Villa, a Philippine girl at the age of thirteen, who won a Silver Prize, flew to Beijing for the award ceremony and gave a speech to an audience(听众)which included senior Chinese leaders and foreign diplomats(外交官)who received prizes on behalf of the winners from their countries.

1.No children from ________ sent their paintings for the competition.

[  ]


2.From their works we can see the children _______.

[  ]

A.love their own countries

B.have a strong good feeling for peace and nature, and they dream of a happy future

C.are proud of their own paintings

D.are sure of their bright future

3.A girl prize winner ________.

[  ]

A.took a plane to Beijing to tell the Chinese leaders about her paintings

B.attended the ceremony and visited Beijing

C.was absent from the ceremony

D.was present and spoke at the ceremony

4.The competition is ________.

[  ]

A.a full success

B.a successful experiment

C.a pleasnt surprise

D.a good imagination

5.The best title for the passage is ________.

[  ]

A.Boys and Girls Are Fond of Paintings

B.Children Are Praised for Their Love of Paintings

C.Children Painters Receive Their Prizes

D.Children Come to Beijing from Different Countries


科目: 来源: 题型:053


 The racoon or coon is a clever animal about the size of a small dogIt sleeps during the day and is active at nightHunters use dogs with a good sense of smell to try to catch the animal in the darkThe coon uses many tricks to escape the dogsOften he will travel for a while through the shallow water of a stream to hide his smell from the dogsHe also will climb into a tree to rest, leaving the dogs to bark below himThe bunter finds the tree by walking to the sound of his dogsHe uses a light to try to see the coon and shoot himSometimes, however, the coon is not in the treeHe has jumped to another tree and escaped, leaving the dogs barking at the wrong tree

(1)A racoon is a ________ animal

[  ]

Abig   Bsmall   Ctiny   Dneither small nor big

(2)People think the racoon is a clever animal because ________

[  ]

Ait is as clever as the dogs that want to catch it

Bit can sometimes make a fool of a person trying to catch it

Cit can walk in shallow water to avoid being caught by the dogs

Dit can play tricks on the dogs that are trying to catch it

(3)If you want to catch or shoot a racoon you have to take ________

[  ]

Aa gun, a small dog and a light

Ba gun, a sharp-nosed dog and a light

Ca gun, a big dog and a light

Da gun, an ordinary dog and a light

(4)When a racoon climbs into a tree, you can ________

[  ]

Ashoot or get it at all times

Bfind and get it any times

Coccasionally find and get it

Dshoot and get it most of the times

(5)This passage tells us something about ________

[  ]

Athe foolish dogs   Bthe stupid hunters

Ca clever animal    Da small dog


科目: 来源: 题型:053


 Martin Luther King JrWas born in Georgia in 1929When he was still a boyMartin learned that his people, the black Americans, were often treated differently from most of their fellow AmericansMany could not attend good schools, get good jobs, or live in nice houses because of the color of their skinMartin knew that in a free country this was wrongHe wanted to help his black brothers and sistersSo he decided to go to school and become a ministerHe became a pastor (牧师) in Montgomory, AlabamaThis is where Martin Luther King's peaceful fightfirst began

 DrKing worked for equality (平等) in other cites tooHe knew that the only way people could win their rights was to remain peaceful, even in face of dangerDrKing won the Nobel Prize in 1964 for his achievements and courageThe whole nation mourned the terrible event that happened on April 4,1968 in Memphis, TennesseeMartin Luther King Jrwas shot The man who had preached (宣扬) nonviolence (非暴力) died violently

 But DrKing's dream can never dieMany Americans are still struggling to make that dream come true

(1) What impressed young Martin most in the USA? .   

[  ]

AThe poverty of most Negroes

BThe riches owned by the whites

CThe equality enjoyed by the whites

DThe unequality between the blacks and the whites

(2) Martin held the view that the black Americans should ________.   

[  ]

Agive up struggle

Bwin their rights through peaceful struggle

Cuse violence in the fight

Dwin their rights without struggle

(3) Martin preached nonviolence but died violentlyThis proves that________


[  ]

Asome whites in the USpreferred violence

Bthe black Americans were not tough and rude

Chis dream will never be realized

Dhis peaceful fightdid not work

(4) Which of the following is the best title of this passage?   

[  ]

AWinner of Nobel Prize for Peace

BBlack Americans Leader Killed

CDrKing and His Peaceful fight

DMan Preaching Nonviolence Dies from Violence


科目: 来源: 题型:053


 Farming is important in the economy(经济)of Canada. Farm products -- wheat, meat fruit and dairy(奶制品)products -- make up about 20% of Canada's exports(出口), but Canada has very little good farmland. Only 7% of the country is for farming. Today Canada has a serious problem. The cities are growing bigger and taking up good land. More farmland is being taken up by the new wide roads between the cities.

 Canada's two main farming regions(地区)are the Prairies in the middle of the country and the lake Peninsula. About 80% of all the farmland is in the Prairies. Here the conditions are excellent for growing wheat.

 The Lake Peninsula region has many cities and towns. Here the farmers grow vegetables and fruit for the people and they keep dairy cattle for milk.

 The average size of the Canadian farms is 560 acres (3,360mu). But Prairies farms are much bigger than this and farms in the Lake Peninsula and other places are smaller. The farmers use a lot of machines. There are not many farmers and farm workers. Because machines are used, the farmers can produce a lot of food. It is said that one farm worker can produce food for 60 people.

(1) Farmland covers ______ of Canada.   

[  ]

A80%   B20%   C7%   D10-20%

(2) Conditions in the Prairies are very good for ______.   

[  ]

A. wheat   Bcorn   Cvegetables   Dfruit

(3) Farmland becomes smaller and smaller because ______ growing bigger.

[  ]

Athe population is   Bfarms re

Croads are      Dcities are

(4) Which of the following is not mentioned?      

[  ]

AFarm products make up 20% of Canada's exports.

BCanada is losing its farmland.

CCanada buys farm products from abroad each year.

DMost of the farmland is in the middle of Canada.

(5) What's the best topic for the passage?      

[  ]

AFarming in Canada      BCanada's exports

CCanada's farming regions   DPopulation growth

