 0  71519  71527  71533  71537  71543  71545  71549  71555  71557  71563  71569  71573  71575  71579  71585  71587  71593  71597  71599  71603  71605  71609  71611  71613  71614  71615  71617  71618  71619  71621  71623  71627  71629  71633  71635  71639  71645  71647  71653  71657  71659  71663  71669  71675  71677  71683  71687  71689  71695  71699  71705  71713  151629 

科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

The Princeville Country Market was help six days a week. The attendance (顾客) for Thursday, Friday and Saturday was reported as shown below:

    Day     Number of People

    Thursday Friday Saturday 3, 168   5, 879 9,267

    3, 168 is nearer to 3, 000 than to 3, 500, so 3, 000 is a number rounded (四舍五入) to the nearest 500. Can you make a horizontal bar graph(水平线条图) showing the daily attendance at the market for the above three days rounded to the nearest 500?

    The following is a horizontal bar graph showing the daily attendance for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

    The manager of the market studied the horizontal bar graph and found it more careful to his than any other kind of graph, because it showed him most clearly on which day he had the largest attendance. He acted accordingly ( 相应地 ) and thus balanced his buying and selling.

    The Horizontal bar graph showing the daily attendance for Thursday, Friday and Saturday should be ________.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

At 2:30 on December 5, 1945, five US Navy training planes took off in clear weather from the base Lauderdale, FloridaThe planes flew east over the coast… and disappearedThe group was Flight 19, on a run between Florida and Bahamas. Tailor was the group leader.  At about3∶40, Tailor reported that his compasses were not reading properly. The other planes followed their leaders aimlessly, first east, then west, then northeast over the ocean, as Tailor tried to make sure of the direction by radio. Then, suddenly Tailor was heard to give orders to dive…

Quickly, Two giant Martin seaplanes were sent up to search for Flight 19. Several hours later, the wind became strong and visibility (能见度) droppedA return to base was orderedBut only one of the Martin seaplanes landedFore days later, the Navy and Coast Guard combed a100, 000 square miles area with more than 100 planes and ships. No sign was ever shown of the missing planes.

Today, people have noted the disappearance of many ships and planes in the southwest part of the North Atlantic and began to call this area the Bermuda Triangle(百慕大三角区).

The points of the triangle are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and a spot in the Gulf of Mexico, west of FloridaIt is a twofaced water world of tiny islands, bright beaches and beautiful waters. Yet thick fogs, powerful currents (激流) and sudden storms are hidden behind this smiling surface.

1. Why did Flight 19 disappear?

ABecause the wind became strong and visibility dropped

BBecause Tailor was given wrong orders to dive.

CBecause Tailor couldn’t reed his compasses correctly.

DBecause something unknown made the compasses unable to work as usual.

2. In what position did Flight 19 disappear?

AIn the southeast part of the Atlantic Ocean.

BIn the northeast part of the Atlantic Ocean.

CTo the southwest of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.

DTo the northeast of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.

3. How many planes disappeared altogether that day?




DOnly one.

4. The word comb in the passage means________.

Acover with  

Bfly over

Cdo up one’s hair with a comb

Dsearch all over

5. Which of the following shows the correct position of the Bermuda Triangle?

(F = Florida, Bm = Bermuda, PR = Puerto Rico, Bh= Barhamas, MG = the Gulf of Mexico, Atl= the Atlantic Ocean, B= Base)two primary means of transportation





科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

In cars of normal design, the petrol system is made up of three main parts: storage tank, a pump and a carburetor (汽化器).

The petrol tank is fitted at the back of the car where it is out of the way, yet easily filled at a gas station. Tanks are in various capacity (容量) but they usually hold enough petrol for 250 – 300 miles running. Because the tank is at the opposite end of the car from the carburetor, which is fitted high up on the engine, a pump is needed to draw the petrol from one to the other, as it is from the carburetor that the petrol is finally fed into the engine. Pumps can be of two kinds: electrically operated or mechanically driven from the engine.

Choose the picture which shows the correct petrol system described in this passage.




科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Japanese history has been shaped to an important degree by the affect of geographic locationIt is a bit like the British Isles at the other end of the Eurasian LandmassThe Japanese Islands, however, are more independent than the British Isles; 115 miles separate before their defeat in World War Ⅱ , the Japanese had been seriously threatened by foreign attack only in the thirteenth century, The Japanese, therefore, have been close to the mainland to get from the great Chinese civilization (文明), but distant enough to be able to select or reject as they wishIn fact, the Japanese have been unusually quick and clever in what they have brought in from abroadAlthough widely regarded as a nation of borrowers, they have independently developedbecause of their independence in their own way of life.

    Which of the following diagrams shows the correct geographic location of the British Isles, Japan and the Eurasian Landmass?

(B-British Isles; E-Eurasian Landmass; J-Japan)



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    Last week, we published an article about modern marriageA recent research showed that in England 51% of married women go out to workPeople were asked what they thought of “working wives”The results were as follows:

          Men     Women

    In favor    70%     80%

    Against     10%    20%

    Don’t know   20%    0%

    We asked readers to write and tell us their opinionsHere are some of the hundreds of letters we got.

    I’m a woman photographerI make plenty of money, travel a lot, and see a lot of peopleI enjoy my work, and wouldn’t have to stay at homeI would never marry a man who wanted me to give up my work .

Ms Joji O’Leary Hampstead

    At present there are over 1,000,000 men who were out of work in BritainIf a woman gets a job, she puts one more man out of workPerhaps that man has a wife and twelve children to supportLet women stay at home as they used to.

Ted Stubbs    Southend

    I’m the mother of twelve childrenWhen I go to work, my husband, looks after the childrenHe is good with children and enjoys staying at home with themAnd I enjoy the job as a bus driver.

Mrs. FBoot    Battersea

1________of men are on the side of working wives.




DA few

2The Woman photographer would not marry a man who ________.

Ahad less money than her

Bforbade her to work

Cwas not very gentle

Dwanted to stay at home

3Ted Stubbs thought that women’s going out to work would ________.

Aweaken the rights of the husband at home

Bbe better than men

Cmake men lose chances

Dmake their husbands useless for work

4in England, 51% ________.

Aofworking women are married

Bof the women who have been married go out to work.

Cof the married women want to go to work

Dof the people are in favor of married women’s going out to work



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    Wouldn’t you like to be able to buy a book and then get back the money it cost after finishing reading it?

    That’s what the library is offering to do in Zhongshan, Guangdong ProvinceBut the books have to be about technical and scientific matters.

    The plan was recently announced by Zhongshan’s Association of Science and Technology and the local(当地的) library.

    Zhongshan lies near Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province, It has attracted a good many technicians(技术员)and scientists from inland provinces in recent years due to the fast economic(经济) development.

    But the book stores and libraries in Zhongshan cannot meet the reading demand of these professionals(专业人员).

    One engineer complained(抑怨)“We cannot keep up with the most up to date(新式的) scientific and technological developments without reading new books.”

    To solve the problem, early this month, with the support from the Association of Science and Technology, Zhongshan library adopted (采取) the “book reimbursing system.”

    Professionals who buy books on their business tour (任职期) can reimburse their expenses on the books after reading them and sending them to the library.

    The new system will increase the book storage of the library and can guarantee (保证) that readers can share different books.

1The library has adopted the new system because ________.

Abooks on science and technology are getting more expensive

Bthere are not enough books for the professionals to read

Cprofessionals haven’t enough money to buy books

Din this way the bookstore can sell more books

2Under the “book reimbursing system” professionals can ________.

Aborrow any kind of books from the library

Bget back the money they spent on the scientific or technical books

Cbuy books on science and technology for less money

Dget back their money on the books after they read them and send them to the library

3The main advantage (优点)of the new system is that ________.

Aprofessionals can spend less money on books

Bthe book storage of the library can be increased

C professionals can read more different books

Dit can attr?-fX?x-堦x-font-size:10.5pt;font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"'>.murder Futabayama

Chelp the referee

Dbreak a record


nt-size:10.5pt;font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>.From the two pieces of news we can believe that ________.

Athere are at least two fire accidents at the Seabreeze Hotel that year

Bthe bedroom lamps were very old in some hotels in Beldon

Cfiremen went to the hotel to put out the fire

Dfire accidents never happened in Canfield


act more professionals from inland provinces

4Which of the following phrases can take the place of the phrase due to in the 5th paragraph?

Abecause of

Baccording to

Cabout to

Dout of



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

  Beijing Library

  To Susan Chan,

  Just to remind you that you have four overdue books

  Title Author

  Rose Meets Mr. Wintergarten Bob Graham

  due 22/1

  My friend Whale Simon James due 23/1

  Edward the Emu Sheena Knowles due 24/1

  Imagine Alison Lester due 25/1

  Please return these tomorrow Other people

  may be waiting to borrow them

  Mrs. Josie Jones


  Date 3/2/98

  Note: You may not borrow any new books

  until these books have been returned

1This note was sent to________

AJosie Jones

BSusan Chan

Cthe librarian

DAlison Lester

2The book Imagine was written by ________

ABob Graham

BSimon James

CSheena Knowles

DAlison Lester

3On what date was My friend Whale due to be returned to the library?

A23rd January

B24th January

C26th January

D3rd February

4This note could best be described as a________


Breport card

Creminder letter

Dset of instructions

5From this note we know that________

ASusan does not like reading

Bthe library has many books to lend

Csomeone else has borrowed these books

DSusan may not borrow any new books at the moment



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    It’s seven in the morningMr. Li needn’t go to work todayHe knows English and is now looking through a list of TV programs in today’s newspaper

    Friday, September 30

  Channel 2

  9:55 Olympic Games: men’s basketball final

  11:40 Olympic Games: special

  20:22 1988 National Day Evening Party

  22:09 TV drama: Li Juan and Her Braised

  Duck Ship

  22:57 Olympic Games: men's basketball final

  Channel 8

  9:40 Film: Daughter of the Sea

  14:20 Olympic Games: men’s tennis single final

  15:50 TV Serial: Red leaves beyond the mountain

  16:37 TV Drama: Zhu and orchid(兰花)

  18:00 Olympic Games: Women’s table tennis double final

  CCTV English Service

  22:10 News

  22:30 Olympic special

1Suppose Mr. Li wants to watch TV in the morning and he doesn’t have much interest in sports and games Which program would he like to choose?

AChannel 2, 1988 National Day Evening Party

BChannel 8, Film: Daughter of the Se

CChannel 8, TV drama: Zhu and Orchid

DCCTV English Service: News

2At night Mr. Li wants to know some result of the Olympic games so he chooses ________

AChannel 2, Olympic Games: men’s basketball final

BChannel 2, Olympic games: Special

CChannel 8, Olympic Games: women’s table tennis double final

DCCTV English Service, Olympic Games, special

3Mr. Li is a football fan What will he feel after he has read through the list?





4By watching TV today, Mr.Li can at least get to know the results of ________ finals if he would like to







科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    Mr. White was the owner of a small newspaper He always tried to bring his readers the latest news

    One day, he received an exciting telephone call from someone He told Mr. White that there was a sudden flood somewhere in the north and several people had disappearedMr. White was glad to see that no other paper had known the news

    But the next day, another person telephoned him and told him he was trickedSo in the next day’s paper he wrote: “We were the first and the only newspaper to report yesterday that the village in the northern mountain was caught in a floodToday, we are proud to tell you that we are again the first newspaper to bring our readers the news that yesterday’s story was not true

From the passage above we can learn that ________

AMr. White’s newspaper was the best

BMr. White was fit for his job

CMr. White always printed the latest news

DMr. White was unfit for his work



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Dear Mrs. Hogget

    You may remember that we have discussed the noise your children make while practicing their musical instruments(乐器) You agreed to make sure that they would stop practicing in the evenings

    You can imagine my astonishment, then, when I realized that nothing had changed and the situation was continuing as before I find it difficult to stay in the house and invent any excuse to go out for the evening to be away from the terrible noise Much as I like music, I have had enough, and to be frank (坦诚的), I am not prepared to put up with the situation any more

  I think it high time you realized your duty as a member of the community (团体), and I must warn you that unless you do something about the situation I will be forced to take legal (法律) action

I have sent a copy of this letter to my lawyer

1. In their discussion, Mr. Barge________

Aexpressed his astonishment

Bshowed his anger to Mrs. Hogget

Cmade Mrs. Hogget’s children not practice their musical instruments in the evenings

Dwas told that he wouldn’t be troubled by the noise in the evenings any more

2Mr. Barge feels angry because ________

AMrs. Hogget’s children play their musical instruments so badly

BMrs. Hogget’s refused to talk about the noise problem with Mr. Barge

CMrs. Hogget does not allow her children to play their musical instruments in the evening

DMrs. Hogget has broken her promise

3.Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?

AMr. Barge is not fond of the music

BMr. Barge likes music, but he doesn’t like the noise

CMr. Barge often goes out in the evenings to give music lessons

DMr. Barge expects a reply from Mrs. Hogget

4. Mr. Barge is prepared to________

Ahelp Mrs. Hogget to persuade her children not to play their musical instruments any more

Btake his duty as a member of the community

Csue (诉论)Mrs. Hogget for the noise made by her children

Dforce Mrs. Hogget to send a copy of his letter to her lawyer


