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科目: 来源: 题型:053


  A businessman,who always tried to pay as little as possible for what he needed,fell ill one day.He decided to go to a doctor and asked a friend to recommend(推荐)one.

  “Dr.Smith is an excellent(优秀)one,and he has rich experience in treating various(多种)illness.the friend told him.

  “Is he expensive?the businessman aske D.

  “Yes and no.He charges(索款)five hundred dollars for the visit,but only twenty-five dollars for each visit after that.

  “That seems reasonable(合乎情理),the businessman said,and went to visit Dr.Smith.As he walked into the consulting(诊所)room,he said,Well,here I am again,doctor,and put twenty-five dollars on the table.

  The doctor looked at him carefully for a moment,then smiled and put the money into his pocket.Thank you,he said,and what can I do for you today?

  “Examine me,of course,the businessman said,and tell mw what’s wrong with me.

  “Oh,there’s no need for me to examine you again.the doctor said,Just continue taking the medicine I prescribed(开药方)for you when you came to see me last time.

1.What kind of person was the businessman?

 A.He was a person easy to get on with.

 B.He was a very rich and successful person.

 C.He was a person who always tried to pay as little as possible for what he neede D.

 D.He was a person who enjoyed cheating others.

2.Which of the following questions can best take the place of this question.Is he expensive?

 A.Does he charge his patient a lot of money?

 B.Does he cost a lot of money?

 C.Is he a valuable person?

 D.Is he able to pay all the expenses?

3.Why did the businessman say to the doctorWell,here I am again?

 A.He had visited the doctor many times before.

 B.It was his second visit to the doctor.

 C.He had already paid $500 for his visit.

 D.He wanted the doctor to think he had visited him before.

4.What did the doctor do for the businessman?

 A.He gave him a prescription(药方).

 B.He examined him.

 C.He gave him a careful treatment.

 D.He did nothing for the businessman.

5.Why did Dr.Smith smile as he took the $25?

 A.He found the businessman telling a lie(说谎).

 B.He was pleased with the pay.

 C.They were old friends.

 D.Doctors are always polite to their patients.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  By midnight, a group of students, led by their school master,had reached a height(高度)of 1,500 feet which was about 1,000 feet away from the top of the mountain.But at this point they had to stop climbing because one of the boys became seriously ill. The only thing the master could do was to return to the mountain hut(小屋)where they had spent the evening.From there,he telephoned the police.the police immediately decided to send a helicopter(直升飞机)with a doctor on board, for it was the quickest way to make the doctor reach the boy.

  The helicopter soon arrived but the sides of the mountain were so steep(陡峭)that the helicopter could not land(登陆).A helicopter usually lands on four wheels(轮子)but it can land on two.the man who flew the helicopter,therefore(因此),kept it in the air with only one wheel touching the mountainside while the master carried the boy on board.

1.The story took place at the ______ one night.

[  ]

Athe top of a mountain 

Bthe foot of a mountain

Cthe mountainside 

Dthe top of the mountain

2.The first thing that the school master did was to carry the sick boy to the mountain hut because ______.

[  ]

Athey had spent the evening there 

Bhe wanted to use the telephone in the hut

Cthere was a hospital nearby 

Dhe could find a doctor there

3.The police decided to send a helicopter to the mountain hut because ______.

[  ]

Ano other ways could make a doctor reach the sick boy quickly enough

Bit was the quickest means to drop some medicine to the sick boy

Cit was the quickest way to reach the teacher and tell him how to save the boy

Dit could carry a doctor on board

4.______ the helicopter arrived.

[  ]


AIt was a long time before


Bat once



DAbout half an hour later   

5.A helicopter has ______.

[  ]


Aone wheel


Btwo wheels


Ca lot of wheels


Dfour wheels



科目: 来源: 题型:053


Early last Saturday morning,the doorbell rang so loudly that every one of my family was woken up.My husband went to open the door and a few minutes later he came back with a large parcel(包裹)in his hand.The parcel was for Tommy,our son,and it had arrived just in time.

After breakfast Tommy discovered the parcel,and he looked at the stamp on the parcel, “It’s from Uncle Bill,”he shouted excitedly.Even though Bill was in America,he had not forgotten Tommy’s birthday. “Mum,” suggested Tommy, “let’s open the parcel and see what birthday present Uncle Bill has posted to me.” “No,not now.” I stopped him firmly, saying, “Your birthday’s not until tomorrow.” “You should open it in the morning together with your other presents,” Tommy was really a good boy,and he promised not to open the parcel until the following day.

The next day,my husband was just as excited as Tommy when they discovered that there was an electric train set in the parcel. “Let’s go upstairs and put it together.” my husband said.

Tommy was with his father for about an hour but finally got tired of playing the toy train and went into the living-room to see the rest of his presents.

About lunch time,I came into the living-room. “Where is your father?” I asked, “I’ve been looking for him everywhere.”

“He is upstairs,Mum.” Tommy answered, “He put my train set together this morning and he has been playing with it ever since!”

“Oh, he will never change a bit,” I said, “boys will always be boys!”

1.the writer of this passage was a ______.

[  ]


Aman Bboy    Cgirl Dhousewife


2.What fact does the writer give us to show that Uncle Bill loved Tommy very much?

[  ]

AThe fact that Uncle Bill seldom remembered Tommy’s birthday.

BThe fact that he had never forgotten Tommy’s birthday even though he was far away from the boy.

CThe fact that he missed Tommy so much that he wrote to the boy every week.

DThe fact that he sometimes posted Tommy a nice present just before his birthday.

3.The sentence “Your birthday is not until tomorrow” means ______.

[  ]

ATomorrow is your birthday

BTomorrow won’t be your birthday

CYour birthday is two days away

DYour birthday is in two day’s time

4.Tommy ______ the toy train very much because he ______.

[  ]

Adidn’t like/got tired of it after playing if for an hour

Bloved/playing it together with his father for the whole morning

Cwas not fond of/didn’t know how to put it together

Ddidn’t like/had got several toy trains of the same kind on his last birthday

5.What did the writer really mean when she said “boys will always be boys?

[  ]

ABoys will never become grown-ups.

BTommy’s father is still a young boy.

CTommy’s father still has the same interests and characters as a boy has.

DBoys and grown-up men are all fond of playing toy trains.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Light travels at a speed which is about a million times faster than that of sound. In one second, light travels about 300,000 kilometers, but sound travels only 344 metros. You can get some idea of this difference by watching the start of a running match. If you stand quite away from the starter(发令员), you can see smoke come from his gun before the sound reaches your ears.

  The fast speed of light produces some strange facts. Sunlight takes about 8 minutes to reach us. If you look at the light of the moon tonight, remember that the light rays(射线)left the moon 1.3 seconds before they reached you. The nearest star is so far away that the light which you can see from it tonight to travel to you 4 years ago at a speed of nearly 2 million kilometers every minute. The light from some of tonight’s stars started on its journey towards you even before you were born.

  Thus, if we want to be honest, we cannot say, “The stars are shining brightly tonight.” We have to say, “The stars look pretty. They were shining four years ago but their light has just reached out earth.”

1. The best title(题目)of this passage is ________.

[  ]

A. Light Travels Faster than Sound

B. Stars Are Very Far Away from us

C. The Speed of Light

D. It’s Not Correct to Say “The Stars Are Shining Brightly Tonight”

2. If you stand 200 metros away from a man who is firing a gun to start a running match, you will find out that ________.

[  ]

A. light travels a million times faster than sound

B. the smoke of the gun gets into your sight after the sound of the gun-shot

C. sound travels less fast than light

D. the sound of the gun will reach you at the same time with the light of the smoke

3. Sunlight obviously ________ than the light of the moon.

[  ]

A. has to travel a greater distance

B. moves less quickly

C. travels much more quickly

D. is less powerful

4. The scientific way of saying “The stars are shining brightly tonight” should be ________.

[  ]

A. the stars have been shining all the time

B. the stars seen tonight will be shining four years later

C. the stars were shining long ago but are seen tonight

D. the star light seen tonight could be seen four years ago

5. The light of the nearest star you see tonight has been ________ for years.

[  ]

A. on the earth        B. on the moon

C. away from the sun     D. away from itself


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  The story is told about two old people named David and Rosy Jackson. Both of them had very bad memory. For example, Rosy would forget to cook dinner, or David would show up for work on Sunday, thinking it was Monday. One winter they were to take a long plane trip. When they arrived at the airport, there were ten minutes left. In that situation(情况)anyone would get onto the plane right away. But Mr. and Mrs. Jackson did not do so. They went to buy some flight insurance(飞行保险)first. Immediately after they put a two-pound note to a machine, their insurance policy(保险单据)came out. “Who would get the money if the plane crashed(坠毁),I wonder?” asked Rosy. “My mother, of course,” her husband replied, “We’ll post the policy to her, now quick, give me a stamp, will you?” he said. “The plane is going to take off in another minute.” David put the stamp on the envelope(信封),dropped it into a postbox, and suddenly let out a cry. What do you suppose happened to him? He had posted their plane tickets to his mother!

1. Rosy was David’s ________.

[  ]

A. friend    B. mother

C. sister    D. wife

2. This passage tells us that David and Rosy ________.

[  ]

A. were always short of time

B. always did everything in a great hurry

C. were very forgetful

D. usually broke their word

3. After dropping a two-pound note into a machine, they got ________.

[  ]

A. two tickets   B. an envelope

C. a stamp     D. some flight insurance

4. David meant(意欲)to post his mother ________.

[  ]

A. two policy tickets   B. a two-pound note

C. an empty envelop     D. the flight insurance

5. Mr. Jackson made such a foolish mistake because ________.

[  ]

A. his memory was poor and he posted the letter in a great hurry

B. he had forgotten to bring a stamp for his mother’s letter

C. he was worried about his mother

D. it was the first time for him to take a long plane trip, and he was worried about it


科目: 来源: 题型:053


Men sometimes say: “We are better and cleverer than women. Women never invent things. We do.” It is true that men have invented a lot of useful things; the alphabet, machines, rockets and guns, too.

But scientists and archeologists now agree that women invented one very important thing. It has changed history. They invented agriculture. Before the invention of agriculture men were hunters. They went out every day. Sometimes they killed animals; sometimes animals killed them. Life was difficult and dangerous.

Women had to go out every day, too. They collected roots, fruit and grasses. Then one day more than 10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds(种子). She dropped them near her home in the Middle East. They grewand the first wheat was born.

The idea grew too. Women planted roots and fruit trees. Then they could stay at home and look after the children and the animals. Women like bay animals. Archeologists(考古学家)think that women kept the first domestic(家畜)animals: dogs, cows, sheep and goats.

That idea grew, too. Then their husbands did not have to go hunting for meat. They stayed at home. They built villages and cities. Civilization(文明)began. Men began civilization after women invented agriculture.

1.Before the invention of agriculture life was difficult because ______

[  ]

A. the hunters did not always get meat

B. animals sometimes killed the women and children

C. the women went out to hunt every day

D. hunters sometimes killed other hunters

2. Men were able to develop civilization after the invention of agriculture because they did not have to ______

[  ]

A. stay at home and look after the crops

B. make villages and build cities

C. keep animals and kill them for food

D. spend all their time looking for food

3. Scientists and archeologists now agree that ______ .

[  ]

A. women invented nothing

B. women invented machines

C. women invented agriculture

D. women invented fruit trees

4. Thousands of years ago a woman dropped some seeds when she ______ .

[  ]

A. came back to her home B. was hunting

C. was walking D. was working in the fields

5. The sentence “That idea grew, too.” Means ______ .

[  ]

A. men like baby animals, too.

B. men also kept first domestic animals.

C. men understood that they could raise domestic animals instead of hunting for meat.

D. men gave up hunting ever since.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  People who traveled had to put up with many discomforts which we do not have now ,and of course they traveled far more slowly. Roads were very bad indeed and you often found you could not get along at all because of the mud.In dry weather many places were thick in dust and when it was stormy trees might fall across the road and it was nobody’ s business to clear them away.

  Ordinary people traveled on foot or on horseback, but everyone who had enough money kept private coach(私人马车).There were public coaches ,too ,called “stage-coaches”(驿站马车),because long journeys took several days and were done in stages ,with stops at night at hotels. Some stage-coaches ran only in the summer months ,others all the year round. They were very slow and crowded and passages often became ill on the way because of the shaking of the coaches.

1.It can be inferred________.

A. people travelled more often in the past

B. people enjoyed themselves while travelling

C. travelling used to be much more difficult

D. people liked to travel to faraway places

2.Travellers were often unable to move on because of _______.

A. the mud B. dry weather C. thick dust D. their being busy

3.If trees fell across the road in a storm______.

A. they were moved away immediately

B. businessman would soon take them away

C. they would soon be covered with thick dust

D. perhaps they would remain where they were for a long time

4.According to the article, ordinary people and rich people_______.

A. travellde in the same way

B. travelled in different ways

C. both would rather travel on foot or on horseback

D. both would have coaches of their own

5.Which of the following is true according to the article?

A. all stage coaches ran all the year round.

B. whenever people travelled they had to stop overnight at hotels.

C. usually there were not many people on public coaches.

D. long journeys were tiring and very uncomfortable.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Andrew Whibly worked as a clerk in the War Office. Though he did not have an important position, he was trusted by everyone.

  One day, Whibly arrived at his office in a very expensive car. Although his salary was small, he appeared to have large sums of money to spend. He rented an expensive flat and gave parties for many of his friends. When he was asked how he suddenly got so much money to spend, Whibly explained that he had inherited a large fortune(继承大笔遗产) from an aunt who had died a few months before. However, War Office officials were suspicious(怀疑的) and they asked the police to check Whibly’s story. The police soon discovered that Whibly had not told the truth. They kept a close watch on his flat and noticed that members of the Uranian Embassy(大使馆) often went there.

  The police entered Whibly’s flat when he was out and discovered copies of several secret documents(文件) and a radio transmitter(发报机) which had been hidden inside a piano. After Whibly was arrested, he confessed(供认) that he had been receiving large sums of money from the Uranian Embassy which had obtained(获得) official secrets from him.

1. Andrew Whibly suddenly became rich because ______.

[    ]

A. he got a large sum of money from his aunt

B. he got a good salary from the War Office

C. he robbed the Uranian Embassy

D. he let the Uranian Embassy get some official secrets

2. When Adrew Whibly arrived at his office in an expensive car, his fellows ______.

[    ]

A. felt happy

B. became unhappy

C. got very angry

D.felt doubtful

3. The police ______.

[    ]

A. believed what Andrew Whibly said

B. found what Andrew Whibly said was a lie

C. discovered nothing in Andrew’s room

D. were sure Andrew was a good man

4. Andrew Whibly confessed ______.

[    ]

A. he had robbed the Uranian Embassy

B. he kept in touch with some rich men

C. he had been given a lot of money for official secrets

D. he made some friends with some members of the Uranian Embassy

5. According to the passage above, Andrew Whibly was _______.

[    ]

A. a spy        B. a trusted man

C. an honest man    D. an ordinary clerk


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Man always wanted to fly. For hundreds of years they watched birds flying and wished that they could fly too. Birds fly very easily. Then they spread their wings and float on the air. The air keeps them up. Men know how to make kites hundreds of years ago. Kites could stay in the air for many hours. “If birds and kites can stay up in the air, perhaps we can,” they thought.

  At first they made wings like birds. Then they jumped off high buildings and tried to fly. Many men did this but they all failed. After many failures they stopped trying to fly with wings. Then two brothers tried another way. They tried balloons. “Hot air is lighter than cold air,” they said, “That is why hot air goes upwards. If we fill a balloon with hot air, it will go upwards.”

  After many experiments, they made two men go up in balloon full of hot air. A great crowd of people watched. The balloon rose to a height of 900 meters. The wind blew it along for nine kilometers. Then it came gently back to earth. For the first time man traveled through the air.

1. Hundreds of years ago man realized that birds fly easily because ______.

[    ]

A. there is air   B. they are small

C. they have wings  D. they are light

2. When some men tried to fly with wings, ______ succeeded.

[    ]

A. only a few of them   B. only the two brothers

C. many of them     D. none of them

3. Which of the following did men first think of when they wanted to fly?

[    ]

A. birds   B. hot air   C. balloons   D. high buildings

4. Balloons seemed not a good way to travel because ______.

[    ]

A. they went too high   B. they went too low  

C. they were too big    D. they were not easy to operate

5. Which of the following is not true?

[    ]

A. The first balloon were filled with hot air.

B. The first successful flight of man failed to be controlled by himself perfectly.

C. The balloon carrying people for the first time landed safely.

D. The first flight of man doesn’t seem to have much to do with their final success.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  The President's helpers work in office buildings. But the President does his work in the White House. This is where he and his family live. A few lucky children have called the White House “home” for a while.

  All of our Presidents except George Washington have lived in the White House. Americans are proud of this fine building.

  At first the White House was not white. It was made of gray stone and called the President's Palace. President Adams made his home there in 1800, even though the building was not finished. Mrs. Adams used to hang her washing in the East Room to dry! Today the white-and-gold East Room is quite different. It is used for great occasions, not for hanging up the wash!

  During the war of 1812, the President's Palace was burned by British soldiers. Afterwards, it was rebuilt. The walls were painted white to cover up marks of the fire. People then began calling the President's home the “White House”. The name caught on and has remained in use ever since.

1. This article as a whole is about ________.

[  ]

A. the house where the President works and lives

B. Mrs. Adams and her washing

C. the President's Palace

D. the President and his family

2. While not stated in the article, you can tell that ________.

[  ]

A. all the Presidents of the US. Have lived in the White House

B. the East Room is no longer used for hanging up the wash

C. President Lincoln lived in the White House

D. The walls were painted white to cover up marks of the fire

3. The work white in the fourth paragraph, third sentence, is a (an) ________.

[  ]

A. adverb   B. adjective   C. noun   D. verb

4. George Washing lived in the President's Palace.

[  ]

A. Yes.        B. No.

C. Not mentioned.   D. Yes, but before it was burning.

5. Which one of these sentences is not true?

[  ]

A. President Adams had lived in the President's Palace before the building was finished.

B. British Soldiers once set fire to the President's Palace.

C. The President's Palace was completely burned down by British soldiers.

D. The White House was formerly called the President's Palace.

