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科目: 来源: 题型:054


  Linda had to go to Brighton one eveningShe decided she would   1  take a train than   2  carBut when she   3  to the station, she found that only half of trains were running Some of the drivers had gone on strike (罢工)

  Linda wondered if there was any point in waiting Just then she saw Margaret Bick who was going to Brighton,  4  “Come on We’ll push through the crowd.” she said.

  A long queue was waiting in front of the gate for the Brighton train They joined   5  They think they can pay us   6  because we’re women We have to get equal(同等的) rights in pay and everything We have to  7  exactly the same as men

  Just then the gate was   8  Everybody began to pushThe queue became a wild crowd.A man next  9  them pushed Margaret aside and got in front

  “There aren’t any gentlemen   10  any moreMen even don’t know how to treat a woman like a lady any more!” she said loudly


[  ]

Alike   B.better   C.rather   D.to


[  ]

Awith   B.in   C.to   D.by


[  ]

Areached   B.arrived   C.returned   D.got


[  ]

Aalso   B.too   C.neither   D.either


[  ]

Aus   B.them   C.you   D.it


[  ]

Amuch   B.more   C.most   D.less


[  ]

Abe treated   B.to treat   C.treated   D.been treated


[  ]

Aopen   B.closed   C.close   D.opened


[  ]

Ato   B.with   C.on   D.by


[  ]

Ato leave   B.leaving   C.left   D.to be left


科目: 来源: 题型:054


  The Metropolitan Railway in London was the World’s first underground railway It  1  in 1860  2  then, the streets of London were was   3  busy that it was difficult to travel around. An underground railway was first  4  in 1843 and there was a lot of talk about the new idea The government at last gave permission  5  the building of it in 1853

  So, one day in 1860,  6  workmen arrived in various areas they first broke up the road, and then dug a   7  wide trench ()  8  the road had beenThe trench was covered with a roof, which carried the new street on top It  9  the tunnel for the trains This  10  the ‘cut-and-cover’ method of building an underground railway


[  ]

Aused to begin   B.was begun

C.had begun     D.was beginning


[  ]

AEven if   B.Just   C.Only   D.Even


[  ]

Avery   B.too   C.much   D.so


[  ]

Asuggested   B.insisted   C.demanded   D.commanded


[  ]

Afor   B.to   C.with   D.in


[  ]

Aa good many of    B.a great dealof

C.several hundred   D.a large amountof


[  ]

Adeeply   B.deep   C.depth   D.deepened


[  ]

Awhich   B.that   C.where   D.what


[  ]

Ashaped   B.formed   C.turned   D.became


[  ]

Ameans   Bshows   C.is regarded   D.is called


科目: 来源: 题型:054


  Scientists would like to  1  a huge mirror in space above the earth It  2  be sixty miles wide It would be used  3  the rays of the sun It would  4  the sun’s rays upon the earth  5  a child might do to  6  sunlight dance on the wall with a hand mirror

  Why do they want to do this? The sun’s rays could be helpful in many waysThey could  7  up cities by nightThe warm rays could stop frost (霜冻) which might come at night and  8  fruit cropsThey could melt (融化) dangerous icebergs in the ocean

  Perhaps they could change cloud movements and  9  rain  10  it is needed.


[  ]

Aget   B.cover   C.place   D.find


[  ]

Ashall   B.should   C.may   D.might


[  ]

Ato catch     B.catching

C.to be caught   D.being caught


[  ]

Asend for   B.move   C.direct   D.carry


[  ]

Aas   B.like   C.such as   D.such like


[  ]

Aget   B.make   C.feel   D.produce


[  ]

Aset   B.light   C.give light   D.bring light


[  ]

Aache   B.die   C.remove   D.hurt


[  ]

Atake   B.bring   C.fetch   D.carry


[  ]

Awhich   B.in which   C.where   D.that


科目: 来源: 题型:054


    I was extremely excited. The plane had just taken 1 . The sun-light was shining 2 the windows. I 3 good-bye to Mum and Dad, who had taken me to the airport, while I wondered what kind of country was waiting for me 4 the Channel. I was going to England in order to 5 a summer vacation course in one of the many schools 6 can be found all over the country.

    The school was a white building in Georgian style. I was immediately shown into the 7 room 8 the principal was going to welcome us. I remember 9 by the number of people who were assembled(集合)in the room. All of them had come for 10 purpose, but their faces showed that they were 11 different nationalities and ages.

    It was easy to 12 the other students. In fact, lessons were very interesting and enjoyable. They 13 role plays, discussions, games, and language laboratory. This way we often worked together either in groups or in pairs. This method proved to be extremely 14 , not only because we could improve our knowledge of English, but also because 15 helped us to socialize(社交往来)with the other students and know them better.

1AdownB.offC.up D.over
3AsaidB.told C.wavedD.shook
5AjoinB.attendC.take part in D.be present
6AwhereB./C.that D.what
8AwhichB.in thatC.whereD./
9Ato be struckB.being struckC.to strikeD.striking
10Athe oneB.same C.the sameD.a
11A./B.with C.of D.in
12Aget to knowB.know C.have knownD.know about
15AtheyB.itC.the othersD.others


科目: 来源: 题型:054


    The tooth had been bothering David for some time. He knew he 1 have gone to the dentist’s earlier. But in spite of the 2 he had put it off. He always put off going to the dentist’s as long as possible.

    The dentist smiled pleasantly at first. David 3 him that the tooth had kept him awake the 4 before. Then the dentist looked 5 his mouth, but he did not look only at the one tooth. Instead he looked at them all over.

    “Hmm,” he said, “I’m afraid several of your teeth need 6 to. ” He sailed again. But this time it was a rather grim(可怕的)smile. He began to describe exactly 7 he needed to do.

    David asked about the tooth that had been aching. “I may be able to 8 it,” the dentist said, and smiled grimly again. He got his electric drill ready. “Now,” he said with 9 grim smile, “this 10 hurt too much.” He came nearer.

1Acan B.might C.should D.would[  ]
2Adifficulty B.discomfort C.pain D.trouble[  ]
3Aasked B.spoke C.talked D.told[  ]
4Aafternoon B.day C.evening D.night[  ]
5Aat B.for C.into D.out[  ]
6Achecking B.examining C.looking D.seeing[  ]
7Athat B.what C.where D.which[  ]
8Alose B.pull C.save D.take[  ]
9Aanother B.any C.one D.other[  ]
10Acan’t B.couldn’t C.mightn’t D.shouldn’t[  ]


科目: 来源: 题型:054


  Experiments have 1 that children can be instructed in swimming 2   a very early age. At a special swimming pool in Los Angles, children become expert at 3   breath under water before they can walk. Babies of two months 4 do not appear   to be reluctant (不愿) to enter the water. It is   not long 5 they are so accustomed to swimming that they can pick up weights from   the floor of the pool. A game that is very popular with these young swimmers is the   underwater tricycle (三轮车) race. Tricycles   are 6 up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water. The children compete (比赛) against each other to 7 end of the pool.   Many pedal () their tricycles, but most of them   prefer to push or drag them. Some children can 8 the whole length of the pool   without coming up for a breath even once. Whether they will ever become future Olympic   champions, only time will 9 . Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who   cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for 10 .

1AdoneB.succeededC.failedD.proved[   ]
2AatB.for C.inD.of[   ]
3AkeepingB.holding C.takingD.having[   ]
4AtimeB.long C.old D.age[   ]
5AwhenB.beforeC.afterD.since[   ]
6ApickedB.stoodC.set D.lined[   ]
7AtheB.the otherC.anotherD.other[   ]
8AgoB.walk C.coverD.run[   ]
9AtellB.sayC.speakD.talk[   ]
10ArestB.stop C.air D.while[   ]


科目: 来源: 题型:054


    Dolphins(海豚) are social   animalsMany of them even 1 around humans 2 being playful, they are helpful to menFor example, 3 400 B.C.the Greek poet   Arion was saved from 4 by a dolphin 5   , dolphins have been helping swimmers 6 in troubleSwimmers, however, are not 7 humans they helpIn some parts of the world, they help men 8 fish

    Dolphins are very clever   9 brain is even larger than a human brainTherefore,   some people think a dolphin 10 smarter than a manBut   11 , brain size is not the only measure of clevernessBesides, 12 dolphins’ cleverness in other ways is not   possible 13 men cannot talk with themBut   we can almost 14 which seem to be 17 a form of languageUp to now men 18 able to find out how dolphins are talkingSo no one really knows 19 they have in mind.If   we could talk with them, perhaps they could teach us to be 20 they seem to be


1.    A.enjoy    to be


Bare    used to be      


  Cenjoy being


Dfond of being      

2.    AIn    addition B.In    addition to      
  C.Except for D.With the exception of      

3.    A.as    far as


Bas    long as      


  Cas soon as


Das early as      

4.    Adead B.being    dead      
  C.drowning D.killing      

5.    A.Since


BEver    since then      


  CUntil then


DFrom now      

6 Ato    be B.who      
  C.who being D.who are      

7.    A.only


Bthe    only      


  Cjust only


Dthe just      

8.    Acatching B.catch      
  C.being caught D.caught      

9.    A.A    dolphin


BA    dolphin and his      


  CA dolphins



10Awill    be B.must    be      
  C.can’t be D.mustnt    be      

11.A.of    course


Bin    the end      


  Cby nature


Don the contrary      

12Ameasure B.for    measure      
  C.measuring D.for measuring      








14Asure B.certain      
  C.be sure D.be certainly      







Deach other      

16Avoice B.noise      
  C.sounds D.cries      

17.A.at    least




  Cnothing like



18Ahave    been B.havent been      
  C.will be D.wont    be      








20Ahappy    like B.happily    like      
  Cas happy as Das happily as


科目: 来源: 题型:054


    It was a Sunday morningFree from school, the child, in his straw hat and with a flower in his mouth, was as merry as birds 1 the sky 2 the bridge, he noticed the fish swimming in the water 3 to catch it!” thought the boyCarefully, he bent lower and lower towards the waterUnfortunately, he stretched down too 4 and down he fell

    “ 5 !” the boy cried.A traveller walked to the edge of the bridge and began to criticize him 6 his carelessness

    “Save me now,” cried the boy, “you can 7 me a lecture later on when I’m safe”But the traveller went on 8 without paying any attention to what the boy had said. 9 the time he finished his lecture, there was, he saw, only the straw hat flowing 10 the surface of the water

1A.on B.at C.in D.among
2A.Cross B.Acrossing C.Crossed D.Crossing
3A.What a good idea   

C.How good idea

B.What good idea   

D.How a good idea

4A.farther B.far C.further D.furthest
5A.Save B.Safe life C.Danger D.Help
6A.for B.about C.on D.in
7A.make B.give C.take D.have
8A.saying B.speaking C.telling D.shouting
9A.In B.On C.To D.By
10A.in B.on C.at D.above


科目: 来源: 题型:054


  Tom's father is doctor, and 1 Tom was a little boy his parents have wanted 2 a doctor too Tom, however, 3 be an artist All his life Tom has loved to draw and paint, and he has painted 4 fine pictures People say that he is a 5 artist

  Tom's parents say it would be 6 for Tom to become an artist His father tells him that doctors help people and artists 7 His mother tells him that artists can't even make 8 money to support themselves Tom has no choice but 9 his parents

  Tom is now in a medical school, 10 he is not very happy He doesn't 11 doing hard work, but he finds studying medicine 12 He doesn't like hospitals, and he gets sick every time he sees 13

  Tom is still thinking 14 becoming a professional(职业的) artist, but he isn't sure whether his dream 15 He doesn't know 16 he will support himself if his parents don't help him He wishes he 17 worry about money He wants to please himself and 18 his parents happy too But he has 19 idea how he can 20 Tom is sad all day

   1Aever since          Bduring          Cfrom          Dwhen      
   2ATom becoming

   CTom to become

   BTom's becoming

   Dfor Tom to become

   3Ahas better

   Cwould like

   Bhad better

   Dfor Tom to become

   4Aa great many

   Ca lot

   Ba great deal

   Da large quantity

   5Aborn          Bfamous          Cbig          Dwell-know      
   6Agood          Bright          Cclever          Dfoolish      
   7Acan't          Bdon't          Cwon't          Dmustn't      
   8Aany          Bsome          Cenough          Dplenty of      
   9Aobey          Bto obey          Cobeying          Dobeys      
   10Abut          Band          Cunless          Dotherwise      
   11Acare          Bworry          Cmind          Dlike      
   12Aexcited          Bexciting          Ctired          Dtiring      
   13Ablood          Bfood          Cmedicine          Dliquid      
   14A/          Bof          Cto          Dthat      
   15Acomes true

   Cwill come true

   Bshould come true

   Dwould have come true

   16Athat          Bhow          Cwhy          D      
   17Adidn't have to

   Cdoesn't have to

   Bneedn't to

   Ddidn't need

   18Amake          Boblige          Clet          Dhave      
   19Aa few          Ba little          Cnot          Dno      
   20AThat's          BSo          CSince then          DHowever      


科目: 来源: 题型:054

  Some people are right-handed(惯用右手的)and some are left-handed 1 knows the reason why a person becomes right-handed or left-handed It is not true that it is caused by the 2 in which his parents educate him In other words, a person is 3 to be right-handed or left-hand-ed Moreover, the left-handed and the right-handed "think" differently 4 use the hand you're not 5 can be very upsetting

  One day I tried an experiment: 6 hands while eating rice with chopsticks(筷子).Being a right-hander, I hoped it would not be too 7 for me to take the food with my left hand Soon after I started, I realized I didn't know what I was 8 So I moved in front of a big mirror in order that I could observe my 9 clearly Looking at myself in the mirror, I found I looked 10 a man who had 11 used chopsticks I grew more and more nervous and finally I had to 12

  My experience shows, being 13 to use the hand one is not used to affects(影响)a person's mind So we should not try to change a left-hander to a right-hander Some people still think 14 is bad, but luckily this idea is 15

   1Aone          BSomebody          CThe scientist          DOne's parent      
   2Aplan          Bway          Cskill          Drule      
   3Ataught          Bborn          Casked          Dmade      
   4ANeed to          BForced to          CHaving to          DIn order to      
   5Afond of          Binterested in          Ceager to          Dused to      
   6Achanging          Busing          Cholding          Dwatching      
   7Aharmful          Bhard          Ctired          Ddisappointing      
   8Aeating          Bwatching          Cdoing          Dholding      
   9Aface          Bchopsticks          Cright hand          Dactions      
   10Afor          Blike          Cthrough          Dafter      
   11Aalways          Boften          Cusually          Dnever      
   12Agive it up          Bgive it in          Cgive it out          Dgive it off      
   13Aable          Bunable          Cforced          Dwilling      
   14Abeing left-handed

     Cusing one hand

   Bbeing right-handed

   Dusing either hand

   15Achanging          Bnot changing      

