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科目: 来源: 题型:001

How much are the oranges?

A.6 cents a pound.  

B.16 cents a pound.

C.60 cents a pound.



科目: 来源: 题型:001

1What two men are talking here?

AAn Englishman and a Chinese

BTwo Chinese.

CTwo Englishmen.

2What’s the time in China when London is nine o’clock in the morning?

A5 p.mof the next day.

B5 p.mof the same day.

C5 a.mof the first day.

3What do the Chinese probably do at five o’clock in the afternoon?

AGo to work.

BTake a break.

CGo off work.



科目: 来源: 题型:001

What does the man mean?

AHe doesn’t have a cup of tea.

BHe doesn’t like to drink tea.

CHe doesn’t like playing cards.



科目: 来源: 题型:001

1. Who wouldn’t go to the town Meryton?

A. Kitty.               B. Lydia.            C. Mary.

2. To whom did the young ladies pay their attention?

A. An officer.

B. A young man.

C. Two gentlemen.

3. How did the ladies start their talk with the two gentlemen?

A. They knew the two gentlemen before and went up to talk with them.

B. They led the way across the street, pretending to see something in a  shop opposite, and then met them.

C. They said hello to the gentlemen and asked the officer to introduce his friend.

4. What is the young man?

A. He was a soldier.

B. He was a handsome person.

C. He was the officer’s friend.



科目: 来源: 题型:001

1. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Husband and wife.

B. Father and daughter.

C. Customer and salesman.

2. How is the business in the man’s company over the last year?

A. They increase their sales in China ten times.

B. They doubled their sales in China.

C. The sales didn’t increase fast in other countries.

3. What did the woman want to do?

A. Hope to buy more products from the company.

B. Just greet an old friend.

C. Congratulate the man on their success.



科目: 来源: 题型:001

1. What does the woman suggest the man should do?

A. Go to another place for a change.

B. Look for a better job.

C. Find a place in a university.

2. Why does the man like his present job?

A. He likes digging gardens.

B. he can’t find another job.

C. He likes the high pay and fresh air.

3. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man will do the digging forever.

B. The man will change his job.

C. The woman wants the man to go on with his job.



科目: 来源: 题型:001

1. Whom do you suppose they are talking about?

A. Their student.    

B. Their son.

C. Their clerk.

2. How old is Bob?

A.15            B.7            C.17

3. What is the woman’s attitude to Bob’s traveling on his own?

A. She’s worried about it.

B. She’s against it.

C. She’s eager to stop it.



科目: 来源: 题型:001

1. Who was going to give a party for Mary?

A. Mr. Green.

B. Mary’s friends.

C. Mrs. Green.

2. How old was Mary going to be?

A. Thirty.      B. Twenty.      C. Thirteen.

3. What did Mrs. Green buy for the party?

A. Some fruits like apples, oranges and bananas.

B. Some food like cakes, bread and meat.

C. Some drinks like tea, coffee and milk.

4. When did the party begin?

A. At three o’clock.

B. Before three o’clock.

C. After three o’clock.



科目: 来源: 题型:001

1. What do the two speakers want to do in the coming new year?

A. To save some money.

B. To work harder.

C. To lose weight.

2. What did Henry do last year?

A. He joined a health club.

B. He stopped smoking.

C. He got a good job.

3. Who wants to have a nice vacation?

A. Jeff.                       B. Alice.                   C. Henry.



科目: 来源: 题型:001

1. Who is Ken?

A. Beth’s brother.

B. Beth’s boyfriend.

C. Beth’s father.

2. Where did Beth go last night?

A. She went to a bar with her friend.

B. She went to a cinema with Ken.

C. She went to a party with her parents.

3. What does Beth’s brother think she should do?

A. She’d better look for a new boyfriend.

B. She’d better buy something for herself.

C. She’d better ask herself if she wants anything.


