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科目: 来源:读想用 高二英语(上) 题型:001



1.What's Paul doing?

A.He's making a phone call to Linda.

B.He's knocking at the door.

C.He's talking to someone outside Linda's house.

2.When was Paul in the hospital last year?

A.In April.

B.In June.

C.In July.

3.When is the woman's birthday?

A.April 9.

B.April 19.

C.April 29.

4.What are they talking about?




5.What's Mr Baker?

A.A school teacher.

B.A college professor.

C.A medical teacher.




6.What's the man's telephone number?




7.What's the weather like in Australia?

A.It's warm and sunny.

B.It's hot and windy.

C.It's warm and snowy.


8.When did Mr Smith begin to get fat?

A.When he was 45.

B.When he was 40.

C.When he was 55.

9.What did the doctor say to Mr Smith?

A.The doctor said that Mr Smith was very well.

B.The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with Mr Smith.

C.The doctor said that Mr Smith was very ill.


10.Most of the birds live ________.

A.in holes under the ground

B.in holes in trees

C.in holes in rivers

11.There are always ________ doors in some kind of animal's house.




12.The homes of all the animals in the world are ________.

A.not the same

B.the same

C.not different


13.What did the artist give the first beggar?

A.Some paintings.

B.Some money.

C.Some food.

14.Who had lunch with the artist that day?

A.The second beggar.

B.One of his friends.

C.The waiter.

15.Who paid the lunch at last?

A.The artist.

B.One of his friends.

C.The beggar.

16.Why did the artist want the beggar to go back home with him?

A.He wanted to give the beggar back the money for lunch.

B.He wanted to make friends with the beggar.

C.He had no money to pay for the taxi.


17.What time did the old man come back home for lunch every day?

A.At 12∶30.

B.At 12∶00.

C.At 11∶30.

18.Who brought the old man back home one day?

A.Two neighbours.

B.The friends of Mrs Brown's.

C.Two policemen.

19.What did the old man do when he felt tired that day?

A.He asked the police for help.

B.He made a telephone call to Mrs Brown.

C.He went to the police station.

20.How many years does the old man go there every day?

A.2 years.

B.20 years.

C.25 years.


科目: 来源:设计必修三 英语 人教版 人教版 题型:001



1.People have a holiday and don't go to work on ________.

2.At first St.Valentine's Day was celebrated on ________.

3.The first Father's Day was on ________ in the year ________.


4.When must the girl turn in her term paper?

A.By twelve o'clock.

B.By one o'clock.

C.By two o'clock.

5.What did the woman buy for her husband?

6.What did the woman do during the Chinese New Year?

A.She visited her uncles.

B.She went out often.

C.She met her friends at home.

7.What does the woman say about the weather?

A.It wasn't very cold, and it snowed a little in December.

B.There wasn't much snow but the weather was bad.

C.The temperature dropped below freezing after Christmas.

8.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.The woman's father.

B.A gift for the woman's father.

C.A book about London.



9.According to the conversation, which statement is correct?

A.John's and Sally's families have Christmas trees.

B.John's family has a Christmas tree, but Sally's has not.

C.Sally's father bought one Christmas tree yesterday.

10.Why do John's parents put many boxes under the Christmas tree?

A.Because the boxes are very heavy.

B.Because the tree is full of presents.

C.Because Santa Claus will put his presents in them.

11.Where will Sally put her stockings finally?

A.On the tree.

B.Near the pillow.

C.At the table.


12.What can express the spirit of the holiday most?




13.What kind of music is not mentioned in the passage?

A.Old folk songs.


C.Pop music.

14.Why do concert halls organize large group singing activities?

A.The sound can be spread farther.

B.They can make some money.

C.Large groups can make the songs sound very beautiful.

听第11段材料,并判断下列陈述是否正确(True or False)。

15.Tomorrow is Mother's Day.

16.The brother is unwilling to lend her sister any money.

17.The sister will do cooking while the brother will do cleaning.


18.Whose birthday is it today?


B.Lin Yun's.

C.Wang Fang's.

19.Which song did they sing first?

A.Rockey Mountain High.

B.Red River Valley.

C.Happy birthday.

20.Who can play mouthorgan(口琴)well?

A.Li Yun.

B.Li Yiwei.

C.Wang Fang.


科目: 来源:新教材新学案 英语 必修1 题型:001

听力(Listening Comprehension)


1.When will the post office open on a weekend?

A.All day.

B.Only in the morning.

C.The same as during the week.

2.How many pills should the woman take in twenty-four hours?




3.Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.At a doctor's office.

B.At a food shop.

C.At a restaurant.

4.What is true about Bill?

A.He doesn't have enough money to buy a house.

B.He really doesn't want to buy a house.

C.He will have enough money for a house soon.

5.Who suffers from heart disease?

A.Mrs Smith.

B.Her father's family.

C.Her family.



6.What is the most probable relation between the two speakers?

A.They are friends.

B.They are strangers.

C.They are both scientists.

7.Where did the dialogue take place?

A.On a bus.

B.On a train.

C.On a plane.

8.Why is the woman travelling?

A.She is traveling on holiday?

B.She is traveling on business.

C.She is traveling to give some lectures.


9.Who is answering the call?




10.Why is Pat making the telephone call?

A.To tell his friend to attend a party.

B.To tell his friend to hand in the experiment report.

C.To tell his friend to come to work for the Chemistry Department.

11.Which of the following do you think is true?

A.Pat knows Anne.

B.Jean knows Pat.

C.Jackie doesn't know Pat.


12.What's the matter with the man?

A.Headache and a sore throat.



13.Why didn't the man tell the woman?

A.He thought it didn't matter.

B.He thought they might disappear after a night's sleep.

C.He ate some medicine.

14.What did the woman advise him?

A.To take some medicine.

B.To lie down and take a rest.

C.To see the doctor.


15.What does Ben think of the city?

A.Exciting and clean.

B.Exciting, noisy and dirty.

C.Exciting, noisy and clean.

16.What does Janice like about the tourist sights?

A.The Statue of Liberty.

B.The skyscrapers.

C.The monuments and the Statue of Liberty.

17.What's the opinion of Subway?

A.Janice likes it.

B.They think it is OK.

C.Janice hates it and thinks it terribly dirty.


18.Which of the following is true?

A.The population is over 500 million.

B.It is within 14 minutes trip by car from Leeds and Liverpool.

C.It is about three and a half hours by car from London.

19.What kind of traditional industries does Greater Manchester have?

A.Fishing and farming.

B.Flight engineering and transport.

C.Gold mining and cotton manufacture.

20.Where is Greater Manchester?

A.In North East England.

B.In the 230 miles north of London.

C.In the south 187 miles of Edinburgh.


科目: 来源:训练必修二英语人教版 人教版 题型:001




1.When does the woman's brother leave?

A.At 9∶00.

B.At 4∶00.

C.At 10∶00.

2.How much a pound are the oranges?

A.6 cents.

B.16 cents.

C.60 cents.

3.What is the woman doing?

A.Watching TV.

B.Making a phone call.

C.Talking to the man.

4.What does the man want?




5.What did the woman feel when the man said sorry?

A.She forgot it.

B.She was still angry.

C.She accepted his apology.




6.Where are the two speakers now?

A.At the doctor's.

B.In the classroom.

C.In an office.

7.What did the man ask the girl to do?

A.Take a breath.

B.Go to another hospital.

C.Get enough sleep.


8.What will happen if we smell polluted air for a long time?

A.We may lose our lives.

B.Our life will be as good as before.

C.We may feel sick.

9.Where is air pollution?

A.In the countryside.


C.In cities.

10.What's the passage about?

A.It's about air pollution.

B.It's about cars.

C.It's about rubbish.


科目: 来源:设计必修1英语(人教版) 人教版 题型:001




1.When will the man leave?

A.On Monday.

B.On Tuesday.

C.On Thursday.

2.What is the woman going to do this afternoon?

A.To attend a meeting.

B.To see a film.

C.To meet her old friend.

3.Where is the Science Museum?

A.To the east of the zoo.

B.Next to the People’s Park.

C.In the People’s Park.

4.How will they go to the West Hill?

A.By bus.

B.By bike.

C.By train.

5.What will Kate do?

A.Visit Disneyland.

B.Have a test.

C.Go with the man.





6.What did Dad ask Mary to do?

A.To answer the phone.

B.To write a letter.

C.To call Kate.

7.What is Kate doing?

A.Watching TV.

B.Washing her hair.

C.Writing a letter.


8.Which of the following is TRUE about the dialogue?

A.They don’t know each other.

B.They are good friends.

C.They know each other.

9.What did the man go to Hong Kong for?

A.On business.

B.For sightseeing.

C.To meet a friend.

10.How did the man find the trip?





11.What is the woman?

A.A manager.

B.A waitress.

C.A doctor.

12.What is the man asking for?

A.The key to his room.

B.Some help.

C.A new roommate.

13.When did the woman begin to work there?

A.Yesterday morning.




14.What is the man looking for?

A.Somewhere to study.

B.Somewhere to stay.

C.Somewhere to sing.

15.When do the banks close?

A.At 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

B.At 7:30 in the evening.

C.At 7 o’clock in the evening.

16.What does the man want to do at the bank?

A.To get some changes.

B.To draw some money.

C.To change some money.


17.What is the date in the story?

A.Saturday,May 12.

B.Saturday,March 12.

C.Sunday,March 22.

18.What happened last night?

A.A taxi driver saw a man stealing the computer.

B.A thief stole a computer from the school.

C.A thief stole a taxi driver’s computer.

19.Which is the right number to ring?




20.What time does the new Sports Centre open tomorrow?

A.At 9∶30 a.m.

B.At 3∶00 p.m.

C.At 9∶13 a.m.


科目: 来源:设计必修1英语(人教版) 人教版 题型:001




1.How did the woman get here?

A.She flew here.

B.She drove here.

C.She walked here.

2.What is the woman’s sister?

A.A teacher.

B.A doctor.

C.A nurse.

3.Where is Mr King?

A.In hospital.

B.In a factory.

C.In the country.

4.What time will the woman go to visit Mr Little?

A.At 8∶00 p.m.

B.At 9∶00 p.m.

C.At 11∶00 p.m.

5.What is Faith Parker?

A.A writer.

B.A book seller.

C.A novel on science.




6.How often does Susan go swimming?

A.Every day.

B.Once a week.

C.Twice a week.

7.Which exercise does Susan like most of all?


B.Riding a bicycle.


8.Where will they meet tonight?

A.Outside the swimming pool.

B.Outside the park.

C.Outside the garden.


9.What’s the relationship of the two speakers?


B.Teacher and student.

C.Father and daughter.

10.How does Tom feel about his work?

A.He didn’t like it.

B.He likes it.

C.He is unsatisfied.

11.Why is Billy away from school?

A.Because he’s ill.

B.Because it’s Sunday.

C.Because he doesn’t like school.


12.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a kitchen.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At a concert.

13.What produces the smoke?

A.A fire.

B.A cigar.

C.The meat.


14.Why hasn’t Mary seen John lately?

A.He went to a camping trip.

B.He was visiting his brother.

C.He’s been studying.

15.Who will go camping with John?

A.John’s brother.


C.John’s classmates.

16.What does John think of Mary’s idea about camping?

A.It’s wonderful.

B.It’s unsafe.

C.It’s expensive.


17.How old was Miss Jenkins?

A.Less than twenty.


C.More than thirty.

18.Why did Miss Jenkins get fatter?

A.Because something was wrong with her.

B.Because she liked fat and sugar very much.

C.Because she never had any sports.

19.Why couldn’t Miss Jenkins get on well with her workmates?

A.Because she was richer than her workmates.

B.Because she was fatter than any of her workmates.

C.Because she was often laughed at.

20.With whom did Miss Jenkins go to the restaurant?

A.With her servants.

B.By herself.

C.With her friends.


科目: 来源:新教材新学案 配合普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语4必修(人教版) 人教版 题型:001

听力(Listening Comprehension)

第一节 听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.

1.What does the man mean?

A.The old bike isn't worth repairing.

B.He can repair the bike himself.

C.The new bike is very cheap.

2.Where are the English teachers meeting?

A.In the teachers' office.

B.In the meeting-room.

C.In the reading-room.

3.What does the woman mean?

A.She could only get one ticket.

B.The concert starts at eight.

C.They won't be able to sit together.

4.Why is Barbara free to help with the experiment?

A.Because she has already heard the lecture.

B.Because she can use Cathy's notes later.

C.Because Cathy will give the lecture instead.

5.Where has the man been?

A.He hasn't been to anywhere.

B.He has just had a trip abroad.

C.He toured a few cities in his own country.

第二节 听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项.每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.


6.Why did the woman go to the doctor's a few days ago?

A.She had a bad tooth taken out.

B.She had her new tooth examined.

C.She had a false tooth filled in.

7.Why did the woman's new tooth hurt?

A.Because it didn't fit quite right.

B.Because she didn't take good care of it.

C.Because she didn't use it properly while eating.

8.What time did the doctor ask the woman to get there?

A.After 11∶00.

B.Before 11∶00.

C.At 11∶00 sharp.

10.How did the man learn about the house?

A.He read about it in the newspaper.

B.He saw it on South Florida Street.

C.The house owner told him about it.

11.What's the price of the house?

A.$ 40,000.

B.$ 150,000.

C.$ 190,000.


12.Why hasn't Mary seen John lately?

A.He went on a camping trip.

B.He was visiting his brother.

C.He's been studying.

13.Why did Mary suggest John camping?

A.John can get in touch with the nature.

B.John can have a good rest.

C.John can go to a good rest.

14.What wrong idea did John have about camping?

A.Camping was so expansive.

B.He could camp anywhere he wanted.

C.Camping was unsafe.


15.What services will Mr.Moore have?

A.A radio, a TV set and a telephone.

B.A TV set, a telephone and a bath.

C.A TV set, a telephone and a newspaper.

16.What's Mr.Moore's telephone number?





17.What were the eight people doing after the boat sank?

A.Saving the others.

B.Swimming to the shore.

C.Helping the captain.

18.When did the robbers break into the bank?

A.In the afternoon.

B.At midnight.

C.Early in the morning.

19.Who was the first to report this to the police?

A.A guard working in the bank.

B.Somebody working in the shop opposite.

C.A passerby who saw them breaking into the bank.

20.What was said about the man?

A.Tall and strong.

B.Strong with short hair.

C.Fat and well-built.


科目: 来源:新教材新学案 配合普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语4必修(人教版) 人教版 题型:001

听力(Listening Comprehension)

第一节 听下面五段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.

1.What can we learn about the weather?

A.It was windy yesterday.

B.It is fine today.

C.There is a wind.

2.Why doesn't Sam eat his cake?

A.He doesn't like it.

B.He has a toothache.

C.He wants to save it.

3.Why doesn't Jimmy go to bed?

A.He has to finish his homework.

B.He doesn't know it is late.

C.He can't fall asleep.

4.What can be concluded from the dialogue?

A.The room is full of people.

B.The man is smoking.

C.The speakers are troubled by smoking.

5.Who bought the pot for them?

A.Tom's sister.

B.Tom's aunt.

C.Tom's father.

第二节 听下面五段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题.从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.


6.Where is Li Mei going?

A.To the East Coast.

B.To Salt Lake City.

C.To Los Angeles.

7.Where are they having the dialogue?

A.In a plane.

B.At the railway station.

C.In a car.


8.Why doesn't the woman like the first sort of shirts?

A.They aren't made of cotton.

B.They need to be ironed.

C.They are not cool.

9.How many shirts does the woman buy?





10.What is the size of the shoes the man has bought?

A.Size 7.


C.Not known.

11.How much do the shoes cost the man?

A.$ 39.95.

B.$ 19.19.

C.$ 19.90.

12.In what case can the man come again for another pair?

A.If he doesn't like the colour any mare.

B.If he finds the shoes are dirty.

C.If the shoes are not fit.


13.What is the relation between the two speakers?


B.Wife and husband.

C.Doctor and nurse.

14.Where do you think they are having the conversation?

A.At the hospital

B.At home.

C.On the street.

15.What do you think the man is?

A.A doctor

B.A patient

C.Not known.

16.What can we learn about the man they met?

A.He is a specialist

B.He is not a doctor at all.

C.He is not a good doctor.


17.Where are they having the conversation?

A.At the woman's home

B.At the man's home.

C.At their home.

18.What will the man do?

A.Help the woman

B.Boil water.

C.Learn cooking.

19.What has happened to the woman?

A.She has dropped the pot of oil

B.Her skirt has been made dirty.

C.She has put some salt on herself.

20.What is burnt?

A.The teapot

B.The pan.

C.The knife.


科目: 来源:新教材新学案 配合普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语⑤ 必修(配人教版) 人教版 题型:001

听力(Listening Comprehension)



1.What has the man been doing?

A.Filling out a form.

B.Talking with his friend.

C.Asking for information.

2.What's her opinion of Linda's brother?

A.He is a very kind man.

B.He doesn't like to talk.

C.He is not a pleasant person.

3.What has happened to the woman?

A.She has lost her car.

B.She has lost her keys.

C.She has lost her way.

4.How did Charles travel?

A.By car.

B.By bus.

C.By plane.

5.What most probably is Mary?

A.A student.

B.A nurse.

C.A professor.




6.What is the most probable relationship between Bob and Jane?




7.When will Bob and Jane meet?




8.Where are they going to have supper?

A.In a restaurant.

B.At Bob's place.

C.At Jane's place.


9.When did the woman come to Germany?




10.How did the woman learn German?

A.She learned German in school.

B.She spoke German to her friends.

C.She stayed abroad for a long time.

11.What was the woman?

A.An officer.

B.A secretary.

C.A teacher.


12.What is wrong with the carpet in the living room?

A.It is really worn out.

B.It is dirty in several places.

C.It has a few holes here and there.

13.What does the man think of the house?

A.He thinks the place is all right for its cheap rent.

B.He doesn't think he can fix all the problems in the house.

C.He thinks it is hard to survive under these conditions.

14.What does the woman probably do at the end of the conversation?

A.She helps him fix up the house.

B.She agrees to rent the house.

C.She decides to look for another place.


15.How long is the man going to stay in Helsinki, Finland?

A.About one week.

B.About one month.

C.About three days.

16.On what day is the man leaving?




17.How long will the man wait between his two flights?

A.Less than an hour.

B.Less than two hours.

C.Less than three hours.


18.What is yeast?

A.It's a kind of wheat.

B.It's a kind of honey.

C.It's a kind of powder.

19.How many times do you let it up before putting it in the oven?


B.Three times.

C.Four times.

20.What is NOT a step in making bread?

A.Clean up.

B.Mix the flour.

C.Shape the bread.


科目: 来源:新教材新学案 配合普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语⑤ 必修(配人教版) 人教版 题型:001

听力(Listening Comprehension)



1.What does the man mean?

A.He doesn't want to buy a printer now.

B.He lost the money he was saving lately.

C.He doesn't have enough money to buy a printer now.

2.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Ask Carol to play tennis.

B.Get a tennis lesson from Carol.

C.Ask Carol if she's going to class.

3.What can be inferred about the woman?

A.She sleeps too much.

B.She has bad study habits.

C.She's an excellent student.

4.What will the man probably do?

A.Buy the woman some magazines.

B.Go to the store for some medicine.

C.Help the woman find a new doctor.

5.What does the man suggest they do?

A.Leave early for the airport.

B.Change their vacation plans.

C.Check their flight schedule in the morning.




6.What is Wang going to do?

A.To travel to Spain.

B.To study Spanish history.

C.To visit his friends in Spain.

7.How long will he stay there?

A.4 nights.

B.40 days.

C.2 weeks.

8.How long is the journey?

A.4 hours.

B.8 hours.

C.16 hours.


9.Why does Jack keep empty cans?

A.He wants to use them again.

B.His mother collects them as a hobby.

C.He wants to sell them to the dustman.

10.What is NOT mentioned as reusable in China?




11.What does the government do to avoid waste?

A.It limits the use of plastic.

B.It produces a lot of bamboo chopsticks.

C.It encourages the use of paper fast food boxes.


12.How long is the castle open?

A.5 hours.

B.6 hours.

C.All day.

13.How much will it cost the woman and her son to visit the museum?




14.What month is it when the speakers are having the conversation?





15.How many packages of hot dogs do they decide to buy?




16.How many potato chips will they buy?

A.5 bags.

B.6 bags.

C.8 bags.

17.Which of the following DIDN'T they buy for the picnic?


B.Soft drinks.



18.When will the basketball team of the University of Colorado play the Oklahoma Sooners?

A.Friday night.

B.Saturday night.

C.Sunday night.

19.How can one book a ticket to the Walter Murphy concert?

A.Go to the office of the Union.

B.Call the Student Union at 666-5771.

C.Stop by the box office of the Museum.

20.How long will the University Museum be open every day?

A.5 hours

B.7 hours

C.10 hours.

