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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:001

1. How does the new gym affect the student’s attitudes towards the fee increases?

A. It makes them feel the money was wasted.

B. It makes them feel that they should be angry.

C. It makes them feel the money was well spent.

2. What does the woman promise to show the man?

A. The name of a good station.

B. Safe use of some acrobatic equipment.

C. How to be first class.

3. What does the woman imply she will do?

A. Get more exercise.

B. Go back to work.

C. Continue studying hard.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:001

1. What are the students discussing plans for?

A. A car wash.     B. Thanksgiving.    C. A newspaper.

2. What does the man say he will do tonight.

A. Make a banner.

B. Write an article.

C. Hang up fliers.

3. What does the man think of the woman?

A. She is competition with him.

B. She is quite helpful.

C. She is not practical.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:001

1  What age are the boys in my grandfather’s school?

    A. Thirteen.              B. Between thirteen and eighteen.

    C. Thirteen or eighteen.

2  Why did the speaker think his grandfather was kind and gentle?

    A. Because he told me stories about how kind he was.

    B. Because he always gave presents to his students.

    C. Because he always gave the speaker presents and kindly told him stories when he was young.

3  Which of the following is NOT true?

    A. I think my grandfather was a gentle and kind man.

    B. The boys at his school were afraid of him.

    C. My grandfather threw the book at the boy when he received poor work.

4  Which of the following is true?

    A. My grandfather was very angry with the boy and would let him do it all again when he received a boy’s poor Work.

    B. My grandfather would let him do it all again, again and again when he received a boy’s poor work.

C. My grandfather would throw it out of the door when he received poor work.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:001


1 What does the man need?

    A. A taxi.                B. A train.               C. A bag.

2 When is the man leaving home?

    A. At 2:30.              B. At 3:00.              C. At 3:30.

3 What does the man want the driver to do?

    A. Drive carefully.            B. Be on time.             C. Help him carry his bags.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:001


1 Where does the conversation take place?

A.    In a restaurant.             B. In a hospital.           C. At a food store.

2 What’s wrong with the man?

A. He has been suffering a stomachache for 2 days.

B. He has been using the restroom over 5 times a day.

C. He has not eaten anything for several days.

3. How is the man’s temperature?

A. A little bit lower.        B. Normal.              C. A little bit higher



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:001


1 What has Jack been doing

A. Seeing a film.          B. Listening to the radio.     C. Watching the 100-meter dash.

2 How did Bill get on in the high jump?

    A. He failed.              B. He cleared the l .8 meters. C. He got the seventh place.

3 How many first places has their class got?

    A. Seven.                B. Four.                C. Six.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:001


1 What does the man want to wear?

    A. A sweater.             B. A shirt.               C. An overcoat.

2 Who does the man ask for help?

    A. Mrs. Jones.            B. Mrs. Washington.        C. Mrs. Johnson.

3 Where is the closet (壁橱)?

A. Beside the washroom.     B. Beside the washbasin.    C. Beside the washing machine.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:001

1. What kind of game does the speaker believe football is?

A. Interesting.

B. Stupid and dangerous.

C. Exciting.

2. Why does the speaker believe that football is dangerous?

A. The spectators often get hurt.

B. Many people get killed in the matches.

C. The footballers often get hurt in the matches.

3. What does the speaker think of the football?

A. He likes it.

B. He hates it.

C. It’s just so so.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:001

1. What time is it now?

A. 7:30.                    B. 7:10.                     C. 7:20.

2. Where did they buy the tickets?

A. From the ticket scalpers.

B. From the ticket office.

C. From a person cutting in the line.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:001

1. How does George want to have his hair cut?

A. Don’t cut too short on the sides and the back and thin the top out a little.

B. Don’t thin the top a little and cut the sides and the back as short as possible.

C. Thin the top as much as possible and cut the back short.

2. How is Vidal Sassoon’s hair tonic used?

A. It is used before washing your hair.

B. It is used after washing your hair.

C. It is used to wash your hair.

3. How much does George pay for the haircut?

A. Five dollars and thirty cents

B. Three dollars and fifty cents

C. Five dollars and fifty cents


