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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


break down, on the go, take over, add to, call for, in case, be able to,   according to,   come up with, stay in touch

1. —I got the first prize in the English competition

—This     a celebration!

2. I wasn’t planning to buy anything but I took some money just     .

3. During the year Jerry was abroad, she and her boyfriend     by letter.

4. In most companies the salary will be fixed     age and experience.

5. Who’s going to     as assistant when Tim leaves?

6. Jim was late because his secondhand car     again on the way to work.

7. I’m feeling tired out; I’ve been     ever since eight o’clock this morning.

8. Hilary’s parents had invited an entertainer to her birthday party, just to     the fun.

9. A big fire broke out in the hotel, but luckily everyone     escape.

10. Engineers in the company have     new ways of saving energy.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

用所给短语的适当形式完成句子。Give up, bring back, put together, in pieces, give in, fairy tales, pull down, in ruins, set up, look like

1. The city of Berlin was     at the end of World War Ⅱ

2. The vase fell off the shelf and now it is       .

3. My best friend, Lucy, kept inviting me to stay for lunch, and finally I had to       .

4. All the boys were able to swim across the river except two who     half way.

5. The old photographs      memories of his happy childhood.

6. When I was young I read about all the characters in Grimm’s        .

7. The old cinema was         and a new one will be     soon.

8. It     rain; you’d better take an umbrella with you just in case.

9. On last Christmas Day, my sister got more presents than the rest of the family     .



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

1. I like listening to the music while Tom likes reading novels.

2. Have you heard from John Denver, a great country music singer?

3. No matter language we speak, we share the same as music proves.

4. Wang Luobin was one of the world’s best-known performer.

5. Many of the old songs have preserved for future generations to enjoy.

6. What kind of music do you listen?

7. Would you like comforting John after he failed the exam?

8. Folk songs are songs that are made up of common people.

9. I received a gift of my father yesterday.

10. You must agree absolute and not try to change matters later.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

Many students are on the sports field taking part all              1. ________________

kinds of sports. A ball game is going on among Class One         2. ________________

and Class Two. Do you see the students over there? Some         3. ________________

young men are practicing the tall jump. One of them              4. ________________

is a best sportsman in our school. He practices very hard         5. ________________

every day. He want to break the school record at the              6. ________________

sports meeting in next spring. On this corner of the field,        7. ________________

you can see other group of students. Their teacher                 8. ________________

is telling them how throw discus(铁饼). Our students            9. ________________

love sports. They want to keep fit so that to serve                  10. ________________



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

Jim came to New York from England, dreamed                     1. _______

about painting. Hanna came for New York                        2. _______

dreaming about music. Jim and Hanna met a studio.                 3. _______

Before long they were good friends and got marry.                   4. _______

They had only a small house to live, but they were                   5. _______

happy. They loved each other, and they were both interest in art.         6. _______

Everything was fine while one day they found they had               7. _______

spent all their money. Hanna decided to give music lessons. One        8. _______

afternoon she said to husband: “Jim, I’ve found a pupil, a general’s       9. _______

daughter. I was to give three lessons a week and get $5 a lesson. ”       10. _______



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

One day, I was cooking in the kitchen as the                        1. ________________

telephone rings. I went to answer it immediately. It              2. ________________

was one of my closest friend, Lisa. When we were talking         3. ________________

on a phone, the fire alarm sounded. I ran back to the              4. ________________

kitchen. The room full of smoke and the beef was badly           5. ________________

burnt. I quickly turned off the gas, opening all the                     6. ________________

windows, and then went out of the house. In my                 7. ________________

surprise, two fire engines were outside my house. I               8. ________________

was rather worried. I told about the firemen that it                    9. ________________

was my careless cooking which caused the heavy smoke.            10. ________________



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

If there are more people in the world, and there                 1.          

must have more food to feed these people. But food                    2.          

is already problem in today’s world. A third of the                    3.          

world’s population is starving, because there is not                     4.          

enough food. Ten thousand people dying of hunger                   5.          

every day in some parts of the world. And in others                   6.          

parts of the world, people become ill or die because                   7.          

they drink too much food, and they are fat. Some countries                8.          

have not food, but others have too much, and they                   9.          

throw them away. How can tomorrow’s world feed                    10.          

its people?



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

One night, a thief broke in an old man’s house.                      1.          

He made a noise and wake up the old man and his wife.                   2.          

The husband told his wife be silent, while he said                         3.          

loudly, “My dear, these days thiefs are clever. If they                     4.          

take off their clothes and puts them on the table, the people in              5.          

the room will fall asleep and can’t wake up. ”When the thief                6.          

heard this, he took off his clothes and was ready to setting                    7.          

out to work. At this moment the her husband suddenly                       8.          

shouted in loud voice, “Stop thief!”The thief was                      9.          

frightened. He ran away quickly and leaves his clothes on the table.            10.          



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

Yesterday Frank told about his experiences of a            1.          

young man. He is now a head of a large business                 2.          

company, but as a boy he used to working in a                  3.          

small shop. At that time he would work 14 hours one day.           4.          

He saved money for years and in 1938 he had                   5.          

bought a small workshop of his own. During the war             6.          

Frank used to make spare parts for planes. At the end            7.          

of the war the small workshop had been become                 8.          

a large factory hired 728 people. Frank told me                  9.          

that he had had a long way to succeed.                             10.          



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

1. It’s said that more scientists will send to the poor areas by the developed countries soon.

2. How long has your brother joined the party?

3. You’d better go and see your parents every third weeks.

4. This is just the man for whom we’re looking.

5. More than a week have passed already!


