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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Recently, a professor of philosophy in the US has written a book called money And The Meaning Of Life. He has discovered that how we deal with money in our day-to-day life has more meaning than we usually think. One of the exercises he asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they spend for a week. From the way they spend their money, they can see what they really value in life.

He says our relation with others often become clear in meaning, when money enters the picture. You might have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends. But you will know him only when you ask him to lend you some money. If he does, it brings something to the relationship that seems stronger than ever before. Or it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesn’t. This person may say that he had a certain feeling, but if it is not carried out in the money world, there is something less real about it.

Since money is so important to us, we consider those who have a lot of it to be very important. The author interviewed some millionaires in researching his book.

Question: What is the most surprising thing you have discovered about being rich, because you are self-made man?

Answer: The most surprising thing is how people give me so much respect. I am nothing. I don’t know much. All I am is rich.

People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it for? How much do I need for any given purposes in my life? In his book, the professor uncovered an important need in modern society, to bring back the idea that money is an instrument rather than the end. Money plays an important role in the material world, but expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.

1. The author seems to believe that asking your friend to lend you some money __________.

A. is a good way to test your friendship

B. will do harm to your friendship

C. will strengthen your friendship

D. is a good way to break off your friendship

2. What can we learn about the millionaire from his answer in the interview?

A. He doesn’t feel that he is well educated.

B. He doesn’t think that he is a very important person.

C. He doesn’t think that being rich gets so much attention.

D. He doesn’t consider himself to be very successful.

3. What does the American professor of philosophy want to explain in his book?

A. Money is an end.

B. Money is a means.

C. Money is everything.

D. Money is unimportant.

4. Which of the following might the author disagree with?

A. Money is important in modern society.

B. The meaning of life does not completely lie in money.

C. Wealth will surely bring the owner happiness.

D. Happiness is not necessarily the result of wealth.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found under the narrow streets.

The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen status were found. Each of these stood for a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully kept in good condition. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.

1. The city enjoyed a high level of civilization, because __________.

A. some of the houses were built only one story high

B. a great number of fragments were found in the temple

C. the city had been built in clay

D. advanced techniques had been employed in building and decorating

2. Which of the following is true according to the article?

A. An American team found an ancient tower on an lonely island.

B. The statue of a goddess was first discovered by the American team.

C. The goddess was very graceful because she looked very young.

D. The temple the archaeologists found was once used as a worship place.

3. What is the interesting discovery made by the American team?

A. The statue of a goddess.

B. The old temple.

C. The ancient city on the Aegean Island of Kea.

D. The full-length skirt the goddess was wearing.

4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. An Ancient Prosperous City

B. An Unknown Goddess

C. A Sacred Tower

D. Rescuing the Old Temple



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

August has always been difficult for me. It is the time when I realize that the books my English teacher assigned to me are not going to read themselves and that I have a difficult month in front of me.

You might think that I don’t want to spend my summer reading, but that’s not the problem: I love reading. On the first day of my summer holiday this year, I went to the library and got A Gathering of Old Men by African-American writer Ernest Gaines. I enjoyed it very much. I read all the magazines that my parents subscribe to(订阅) and spend about 30 minutes every day with the morning paper.

So why do I hate summer reading for school? Because the books on summer reading lists are often slow-going and just uninviting(不吸引人的) .Teachers and librarians don’t understand that summer reading can be entertaining as well as educational.

They choose books that a friend of my mother’s calls “spinach books”: good for you, but not much fun to take in. Every summer, I read them, hate them and get bitter about the experience.

This bitterness started three years ago when I was about to begin high school. As preparation, my English teacher told me to read The Age of Innocence(《纯真年代》)  by American author Edith Wharton. I’m sure there are many people who enjoyed The Age of Innocence —some might even say it’s their favorite book.

But I don’t think any of these people read it as 14-year-old boy on his summer vacation.

The Age of Innocence is the story of a forbidden romance in New York 100 years ago. At 14,my only experience with romance was my love for baseball. I couldn’t imagine being in love, much less being in love in 1900.The Age of Innocence was totally different to my life.

Most of my required summer reading has been like that—books written in a style that plays up the adjectives and plays down the verbs. I guess teachers don’t think exciting plots make for “good literature”. To me, though, a good writer describes events and characters in a way that makes the reader want to know what happens next.

If I were making up a summer reading list, it would include The Friends of Eddie Coyle by George V.Higgins, The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe, and Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. These are all books that have literary value but, just as important, can also entertain kids on vacation. If the teachers could stand a little fun in the books they assign, my Augusts would be a lot more enjoyable.

1. The author thinks he/she will have a difficult August because __________.

A. he/she doesn’t like reading in summer vacation

B. he/she is to read the books, boring and not right for kids

C. he/she hates the English teacher assigning homework

D. he/she hates August

2. What can make student interested in August reading ought to be __________.

A. romantic

B. out of date

C. entertaining and educational

D. pure

3. The author listed such books as The Friends of Eddie Coyle because he/she thinks __________.

A. they can change his/her opinion

B. he/she can learn a lot more from them

C. they are of literary value and enjoyable

D. he/she has to do as teachers tell

4. In the opinion of the author of this passage, a good writer should be__________.

A. one who describes events and characters in different ways

B. one who uses a way of describing that makes the reader wish to know what to happen next

C. one who is learned

D. one who is full of imagination

5. The best title of this passage should be__________.

A. Why Can’t Teacher Set Us Books that Are Fun?

B. I Don’t Like Reading on the Vacation

C. Teachers, don’t Set Us Any Reading Assignments

D. Teachers, Set Us Free



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Our good habits are very important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most of us would rather eat sweets and ice cream than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad if eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite. It is important for us to eat our meals at the same time each day. When we feel hungry, it is a sign that our body needs food. When we are angry or excited, we may not want to eat. A long time ago, in England, some judges used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread. If the man could not eat the bread, it showed that he was telling lies. Although this seems very strange and rather foolish, it is indeed a very good way of finding out the fact. A man who is worrying about something has difficulty in eating anything dry. Because he is worrying, he loses his appetite and does not want to eat.

1. We must have good eating habits because __________.

A. we want to eat more

B. we want to enjoy ourselves

C. we want to be healthy and strong

D. we want to save time

2. It is good to eat sweets and ice cream__________.

A. when we are hungry

B. when we want to eat

C. after the meal

D. before the meal

3. We’d better have our meals__________.

A. at the same time each day

B. when our work is over

C. when the meal is still hot

D. when the meal is ready

4. According to the judge in England, if a man tells a lie, he__________.

A. eats dry bread easily

B. eats dry bread with difficulty

C. eats a lot of dry bread

D. drinks milk with difficulty

5. A man who is angry__________.

A. has a better appetite

B. likes to tell lies

C. likes to eat ice cream

D. has a poor appetite



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

New York has a larger population than any other city in America. In 1970,its population was about 8 000 000.Chicago has the second largest population. More than 3 000 000 people lived in Chicago in 1970.The third largest city is Los Angeles, with a population of 2 810 000 people. Philadelphia is the fourth largest city. More than 2 000 000 people live in Philadelphia, the first capital city of the US. New York, Chicago, Los Angles, and Philadelphia are all larger than the nation’s capital city, Washington D.C.

The population of Washington is more than 700 000,but several cities have a larger population than that. Washington is one of the most beautiful cities in America, but it is only the ninth city in size.

1. __________ has the largest population in the United States.

A. New York                      B. Washington

C. Chicago                   D. Los Angeles

2. __________ was the first capital of the US.

A. Chicago                       B. New York

C. Washington                      D. Philadelphia

3. The nation’s capital city is __________ now.

A. Philadelphia                      B. Washington D. C.

C. Los Angeles                     D. Chicago

4. Washington is one of the __________ cities in America.

A. smallest                       B. largest

C. most beautiful                    D. beautiful

5. The passage tells that__________.

A. America has a larger population

B. though Washington is a capital, it is one of the smallest cities in America

C. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Philadelphia are the four largest cities in America

D. all the above



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Children have their own rules in playing games. They seldom need a referee(裁判)  and rarely trouble to keep scores. They don’t care much about who wins or loses, and it doesn’t seem to worry them if the game is not finished. Yet, they like games that depend a lot on luck, so that their personal abilities cannot be directly compared. They also enjoy games that move in stages, in which each stage, the choosing of leaders, the picking-up of sides, or the determining of which side shall start, is almost a game in itself.

Grown-ups can hardly find children’s games exciting, and they often feel puzzled at why their kids play such simple games again and again. However, it is found that a child plays games for very important reasons. He can be a good player without having to think whether he is a popular person, and he can find himself being a useful partner to someone of whom he is ordinarily afraid. He becomes a leader when it comes to his turn. He can be confident, too, in particular games, that it is his place to give orders, to pretend to be dead, to throw a ball actually at someone, or to kiss someone he has caught.

It appears to us that when children play a game they imagine a situation under their control. Everyone knows the rules, and more importantly, everyone plays according to the rules. Those rules may be childish, but they make sure that every child has a chance to win.

1. Which is true about children when they play games?

A. They can stop playing any time they like.

B. They can test their personal abilities.

C. They want to pick a better team.

D. They don’t need rules.

2. To become a leader in a game the child has to __________.

A. play well

B. wait for his turn

C. be confident in himself

D. be popular among his playmates

3. What do we know about grown-ups?

A. They are not interested in games.

B. They find children’s games too easy.

C. They don’t need a reason to play games.

D. They don’t understand children’s games.

4. Why does a child like playing games?

A. Because he can be someone other than himself.

B. Because he can become popular among friends.

C. Because he finds he is always lucky in games.

D. Because he likes the place where he plays a game.

5. The writer believes that__________.

A. children should make better rules for their games

B. children should invite grown-ups to play with them

C. children’s games can do them a lot of good

D. children play games without reasons



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

He was the baby with no name. Found and taken from the north Atlantic 6 days after the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, his tiny body moved the salvage救援workers so that they called him “our baby”. In their home port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, people collected money for a headstone in front of the baby’s grave, carved with the words: “To the memory of an unknown child.” He has rested there ever since.

    But history has a way of uncovering its secrets. On Nov. 5, this year, three members of a family from Finland arrived at Halifax and laid fresh flowers at the grave. “This is our baby,” says Magda Schleifer, 68, a banker. She grew up hearing stories about a great-aunt named Maria Panula, 42, who had sailed on the Titanic for America to be reunited with her husband. According to the information Mrs. Schleifer had gathered, Panula gave up her seat on a lifeboat to search for her five children—including a 13-month-old boy named Eino from whom she had become separated during the final minutes of the crossing. “We thought they were all lost in the sea,” says Schleifer.

    Now, using teeth and bone pieces taken from the baby’s grave, scientists have compared the DNA from the unknown child with those collected from members of five families who lost 5 relatives on the Titanic and never recovered the bodies. The result of the test points only to one possible person: young Eino. Now, the family sees no need for a new grave. “He belongs to the people of Halifax,” says Schleifer “They’ve taken care of him for 90 years.”

(Adapted from People, November 25, 2002)

1. What is probably the boy’s last name?

  A. Schleifer               B. Eino

  C. Magda                  D. Panula

2. The baby traveled on the Titanic with his ________.

  A. mother                 B.parents

  C.aunt                    D.relatives

3. Some members of the family went to Halifax and put flowers at the child’s grave on Nov. 5, ________.

A.1912    B.1954    C.2002    D.2004

4. This text is mainly about how ________ .

A. the unknown baby’s body was taken from the north Atlantic.

  B. the unknown baby was buried in Halifax, Nova Scotia

  C.people found out who the unknown baby was

  D.people took care of the unknown baby for 90 years



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

More than 4000 years ago, a primitive artist carved a portrait on the side of a rock in Northern Norway. The carving portrayed a man on a pair of skis. Today, more than a million Americans have something in common with that Stone Age character—they have joined in a fast-growing sport called “ski touring”.

    Ski touring is healthy, cheap, unpretentious fun—and an ideal winter family activity. It Is a more demanding sport and requires first-class physical condition and a good deal of stamina(精力). To a ski tourer, the joy of this sport lies in its simplicity. It can be enjoyed wherever there is snow on an open field or road.

As ski touring grows more popular, facilities for the sport are expanding, too. There are now chains of commercial ski touring centres renting and selling equipment and providing instructions. While some members of the family may be chicken about schussing(作直线下滑)down mountainsides, today everybody can go on a touring trip.

1. Ski touring probably began in ________.

    A. Northern American

    B. Southern American

    C. Northern Europe

D. African

2. Which of the following statements about ski touring is NOT mentioned?

    A. It is a fast-growing sport in the US.

    B. It is a healthy activity that can be enjoyed by a family.

    C. It is in need of energy and heath.

D. It is very difficult to learn.

3. The word “demanding” probably means ________.

    A. requiring more energy

    B. easy to learn

    C. enjoyable

D. dangerous

4. Although the sport is very popular, some people are still ________.

    A. expanding its facilities

    B. asking for instructions

    C. afraid of dashing down the mountainsides

    D. curious about the sport



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Saddam Hussein has been a familiar name since the Persian Gulf War in 1991.But, as the US again weighs the prospect(前景)of war with Iraq, the question of what to call the Iraqi president is becoming a bit of a media problem.

    The US’s largest newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post, refer to the Iraqi leader as Hussein. Hussein is the name he inherited(继承)from his father, so some people use it as a surname. By contrast, USA Today is sticking with his first name Saddam, as is The Associated Press (AP), which sets style rules for 1700 US newspapers and 5000 television and radio outlets across the US.

    CNN splits the difference(折中)using neither Saddam nor Hussein on second reference, but rather Saddam Hussein, or “the Iraqi president”.

    The AP recently reminded papers of the Saddam-on-second-reference rule. Although AP style is not binding on member papers, its rulings tend to be respected, if only because changing the name in every story sent by AP could be time-consuming(费时的)and could lead to errors.

    One reason some newspapers adopted the Saddam usage for the last war is that King Hussein of Jordan (he had one name only, like Queen Elizabeth), was still alive, and there was concern about confusing the two.

But the king died in 1999, and now what binds Saddam to US readers and listeners is more habit than anything else.

                        (From Los Angeles Times)

1. In the first paragraph, “weigh” probably means ________.

    A.consider                  B.value

C.understand                D.wish

2. This report mainly talks about ________.

   A. how to fight the war against Iraq

   B.how to call the Iraqi president

   C.Why Saddam Hussein has been a familiar name

   D.the difference between first name and surname

3. It can be inferred that the writer tends to call the Iraqi president ________.

    A.Hussein                   B.Saddam

    C.Saddam Hussein             D.the Iraqi president



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Forty years ago the idea of disabled people doing sport was never heard of. But when the yearly games for the disabled were started at Stoke Mandeville, England in 1948 by Sir Ludwig Guttmann, the situation began to change.

    Sir Ludwig Guttmann, who had been driven to England in 1939 from Nazi Germany, had been asked by the British government to set up an injuries center at Stoke Mandeville Hospital near London. His ideas about treating injuries included sport for the disabled.

    In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part. The next year, 1949, five teams took part. From those beginnings, things have developed fast. Teams now come from abroad to Stoke Mandeville every year. In 1960 the first Olympics for the disabled were held in Rome, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games. Now, every four years the Olympic Games for the disabled are held, if possible, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games, although they are organized separately. In other years games for the disabled are still held at Stoke Mandeville. In the 1984 wheelchair Olympic Games, 1064 wheelchair athletes from about 40 countries took part. Unfortunately, they were held at Stoke Mandeville and not in Los Angeles, along with the other Olympics.

The Games have been a great success in helping the progress of international friendship and understanding, and in proving that being disabled does not mean you can’t enjoy sport. One small source of disappointment for those who organize and take part in the games, however, has been the unwillingness of the International Olympic Committee(委员会)to include disabled events at the Olympic Games for the able-bodied. Perhaps a few more years are still needed to persuade those fortunate enough not to be disabled that their disabled fellow athletes should be included.

1. The first games for the disabled were held ________ after Sir Ludwig Guttmann arrived in England.

    A.40 years            B.21 years

    C.10 years            D.9 years

2. This text tells us that Sir Ludwig Guttmann ________.

    A.is an early organizer of the games for the able-bodied

    B.is welcomed by the British government

    C.is an injured soldier

D.is from England

3. From the passage, we may know that the writer is ____________.

    A. one of the organizers of the games for the disabled

    B.a disabled person who once took part in the games

    C.against holding the games for the disabled

    D.in favour of holding the games for the disabled


