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科目: 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


  We always wonder about famous people. What were they really like?

  Sigmund Freud, a world-famous doctor of Vienna, was a thinker who changed the way we look at mental trouble. He was also a man with guts (=courage and determination) .

  Once Freud was walking down a dark street. He was met by the muggers (行凶抢劫者) who wanted to mug him. This was back in 1890.Freud took his cane by the tip and beat off them.

  He did not lose his cool when the Nazis came to his house. The Nazi soldiers found 1500 shillings (about $250) in a drawer. Their sergeant put the money in his pocket. He wrote a receipt, clicked his heels, and was about to leave. “You’re lucky. ”said Dr. Freud.

  “Why? ”asked the young sergeant. “Well, ”said the professor, “I've been a doctor here in Vienna for 40 years, and I never got 1500 shillings for just one visit. ”Freud had guts. He also had a sense of humor. Once at his 70th birthday party, a relative asked Freud if he could put his work into simple words. “Well, ”said the professor, “we take the patient out of his mental trouble, and return him into the common misery. ”

  Freud had three sisters. They had never married. They each lived in a small apartment. Freud and his brother paid the sisters’ bills. The sisters lived simply. The brother risked Uncle Sigi (as Freud was called in his large family) if the sisters could live together. “It’s logical. ”said the brother, “It would save money. ”Freud said, “Yes, it’s logical, but it wouldn’t be psychological. ”The sisters kept their own apartments and the idea was dropped.

  Freud was a devoted son. His mother used to spend her summers in Ischl, a small mountain town in Austria. The Emperor Frazn Josef used to spend hills summers in Ischi, too.

  Grandma Freud, as she was called by the family, used to sit at the window and watch the crowds on Main street. Freud was visiting his mother on her 95th birthday. The band was playing a lively tune. The old lady's memory must have failed her. She heard the band playing, but forgot it was the Emperor's birthday. The professor told his mother, “Mama, the band is playing for your birthday. ”She believed him and had a wonderful day.

1.The writer tells about how Freud used his cane to show ________ .

[  ]

A.how unsafe the streets were in Freud's time

B.that it was normal to carry a cane

C.that Freud was brave

D.that there was poor lighting in the streets in Vienna

2.The author tells what Freud said to the Nazi sergeant to show that he ________ .

[  ]

A.was not afraid of the Nazis

B.had a sense of humor

C.was making out as a doctor

D.did not care about money

3.Freud did not ask his sisters to live together because ________ .

[  ]

A.his brother's logic was wrong

B.it would not be cheaper

C.they might not get along

D.he had plenty of money to support them

4.The author tells how Freud lied to his mother to show that he ________ .

[  ]

A.had a flaw in his make-up

B.did not like the Emperor

C.felt it didn't matter what he said to his mother because she was so old

D.like his mother very much

5.The best title for this passage would be ________ .

[  ]

A.Freud, -A True Man

B.Freud-A Famous Doctor

C.Freud-A Long-Lived Man

D.Freud-A Devoted Son


科目: 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


  Most people agree that there will be changes in the future. However, many people don't agree on what the changes will be, especially as we look further and further ahead.

  One change that most people agree on is that the world will have more people, in part this is because of better health care. Older people will live longer, and fewer babies will die.

  Another change that many people agree on is that oil  products will cost more. Oil is a natural resource. We are beginning to use it all up. As we use up more oil, there will be less left in the world. That will make the remaining oil worth more money, so the remaining oil will cost its users more.

  America built a spaceship. This spaceship will soon travel almost weekly between the earth and space just above earth’s atmosphere. America’s spaceship will change the way we view space travel. In the past, only a few highly trained people went into space, soon the spaceship will take many kinds of people and things. Room on the spaceship has even been bought for the science students in the Clear Creek School District near Houston, Texas. College students are going, too. Businesses are also planning to send workers and machines into space.

1.Which can be the best title of this story?

[  ]

A.Changes That Have Taken Place.

B.Changes That Are Coming Soon.

C.Changes Health.

D.Changes In Spaceship.

2.The world will have more people because ________ .

[  ]

A.the medical treatment will be better

B.older people will do more exercises

C.none of the newly-born babies will die

D.both the old and the young will have better food

3.The remaining oil will cost more money because ________ .

[  ]

A.it is important natural resource

B.cars, ships and planes use oil

C.there will be less oil for use

D.people like to use oil

4.“America’s spaceship will change the way we view space travel. ”“view”here means ________ .

[  ]

A.look at

5.The spaceship will change the way we view space travel ________ into space.

[  ]

A.more trained people

B.more kinds of people and things

C.college students

D.workers and machines


科目: 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


  The country of Panama is on the narrow strip of land that joins North America to South America. Its two major cities are both on the sea. The center of Panama has hill and mountains that are covered with thick forests.

  The people who live in Panama's forests raise vegetable crops. They often have no close neighbors. Because of many mountains and thick jungles, there are few roads or railroads. People travel on horseback or on foot.

  Most farmers work their land much as the Indians did before Columbus' time. They work by hand, and their most important tool is a long, heavy knife called a machete.

  A farm family may need help clearing the land, harvesting the crops, or building a bam or house. Then they invite their friends and neighbors to a working bee called a junta. Junta is from a Spanish word that means “to join”.

  At the junta, the men do the work and the women cook. The children do their part by taking food to the men.

  When the work is finished, there is a feast for everyone. Some men play the guitars, violins, or drums that they have made by hand. The other people sing folk songs or dance to the pleasant music.

1.On the whole, this story is about ________ .

[  ]

A.the hard work Indians do on farms

B.the life in the country of Panama

C.a visit from Columbus to Panama

D.why people in Panama like singing and dancing

2.The story does not say so, but it makes you think that ________ .

[  ]

A.Panama is not a very large country

B.there are no major cities in Panama

C.all of Panama is wide, open country

D.all the people living in Panama are farmers

3.People who live in Panama s forests have no close neighbours because ________ .

[  ]

A.they are not friendly

B.they live on farms

C.they have their own cars

D.there are many mountains and thick jungles, and there are few roads and railroads

4.Why do people in Panama hold juntas?

[  ]

A.They want the children to have fun.

B.The men want to play the guitars.

C.They wish to help the farmers.

D.The women like to cook.

5.Which statement does the story lead you to think?

[  ]

A.Everybody works at a junta.

B.Panama is filled with large cities.

C.There is too much singing at juntas.

D.Many people like Panama.


科目: 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


  In our country, power plants that make electricity are often built on rivers. Cool water that is used in making electricity becomes warm as it runs through the plant. Then the heated water is returned to the river.

  When large amounts of warm water are dumped into a river, the river itself is heated. The temperature of the water may be raised only a few degrees. Yet these few degrees can change the animal and plant life in the river. Heat causes a loss of oxygen in the water. Fish no longer do well, and some kinds die. Without enough oxygen, bacteria in the river cannot break down waste matter. The river is no longer clean.

  In the coming years, new power plants will be built. Many will be run by nuclear energy. A nuclear power plant heats a river even more than a power plant run by gas, oil, or coal.

  In some states, laws are being passed to protect the rivers. Certain rivers will be called “cold-water rivers”. Power plants will not be allowed to raise their temperature above 69F. The temperature of “warm-water rivers” will not be raised above 83 F. Power plants will have to cool the water before they pour into rivers.

1.Water that is used in making electricity ________ .

[  ]

A.flows fast
B.is used up
C.becomes warm
D.turns to ice

2.The story does not say so, but it makes you think that ________ .

[  ]

A.fish must have oxygen

B.bacteria must be removed from rivers

C.plants need warm water

D.all the power plants are built on rivers

3.Many power plants will be run by ________ .

[  ]

A.cold-water rivers
B.nuclear energy
C.gas, coal or oil
D.drops of water

4.Why are laws being passed to protect our rivers?

[  ]

A.We must save all the water we can to make electricity.

B.People are catching too many fish in our streams and rivers.

C.Without laws, warm water dumped into rivers could kill the fish.

D.Lawyers can have many jobs to do.

5.On the whole this story is about ________ .

[  ]

A.the changes caused by heating rivers

B.how nuclear power plants use electricity

C.why we must build new power plants

D.where we can find dead fish


科目: 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


  These days, experiences, like many other things, are becoming increasingly expensive. One has to pay a lot for them, even an ordinary one.

  Not long ago, I wanted to invite my friend to lunch. What we really need was a good and quiet place so that we could talk, not a big meal. So I selected one club. I belong to that club, too. What could be nicer? “Let's go to the club.” I told my friend.

  When I ordered a day in advance, I was asked whether I would have a 20 yuan or 30 yuan lunch. I said, “30 yuan.” I didn’t realize until I was asked to pay after lunch. That 30 yuan was for each person. There were five people that day, and all of us were surprised by the quality of the 30 yuan meal (for all, we thought). The bill came at last. It was 216.40 yuan (150 for the five of us plus the money for drinks, fruits and air-conditioning). I paid the bill without a word.

  What could I say? It was not the club's fault. It was my own ignorance (无知) that made me pay the largest bill in my life. On the whole, it was not so bad, we had a good lunch at a quiet place. Besides, this experience will help in other years. To support my idea, I have developed my own calculation 30 yuan for the lunch and 186.40 for the experience. The experience has made me ten times wiser.

1.Now many things are becoming ________ .

[  ]

A.less experiential

B.are not so experiential

C.as expensive as before

D.more expensive

2.What we really wanted to have was ________ .

[  ]

A.a good meal

B.a good and quiet place to talk

C.a club

D.an experience

3.I thought that I had ordered a meal that cost ________ .

[  ]

A.me 20 yuan
B.me 30 yuan
C.us 20 yuan each
D.us 30 yuan each

4.What do you think makes me pay the largest bill in my life?

[  ]

A.My fault
B.My mistake.
C.The club's trick.
D.The club's mistake.

5.“The experience has made me ten times wiser”expresses ________ .

[  ]

A.my thanks to the club

B.my pleasure to be ten rimes wiser

C.my honesty

D.my anger


科目: 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


Disk doctor

  What can you do if you lose the data from your disks? To find an expert, who would recover the lost information for you, is probably the easiest solution. Jack Olson is one of these experts. Jack and a few of his friends set up a company called “Jack’s Disk Doctor Service” in 1990.They work from home and give all the money they earn to charity. The fees are always the same, no matter how precious the data on the disk is. Some people, however, are so grateful that they send extra money to Jack or to the charities his company supports. One oil company offered him $2, 000 for his help and an architect even sent him a blank check.

  It would be difficult to put a value on the things rescued by the Disk Doctor. There have been disks containing medical research, television scripts, manuscripts of whole books, a lawyer's papers for a court case and even Margaret Thatcher's travel plan for a visit to eastern Europe. For this last case, Jack had to go in person to Thatcher's office “for security reasons”!

  Disks are usually sent to the Disk Doctor by post, but some times people are in such a hurry that they can't wait for the mail to come. For example, some radio scripts had to be rushed by taxi to Jack's house because they were needed for broadcasting the next day. When the material has been recovered, the disk is returned to the sender with a diagnosis and a prescription for avoiding the problem in the future. One grateful client, an author, put a “Thank you” to Jack in the front of his book. “Jack saved me from a heart attack.” he wrote. “But,” says Jack, “most people don't take any notice of the doctor's advice! ”


1.Why did the architect send Jack a blank check?

[  ]

A.The architect did not have any money.

B.The architect did it for security reasons.

C.The architect always followed the doctor's advice.

D.The architect thought Jack's service was priceless.

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]

A.Jack’s Disk Doctor Service has only one standard fee.

B.Jack and his company have made a fortune for their service.

C.Margaret Thatcher is a very important person.

D.Jack’s clients are from all walks of life.

3.From the statement“But.. . most people don't take any notice of the doctor’s advice”, we can infer that________ .

[  ]

A.most people don’t take medicine regularly

B.many of Jack’s patients would probably get sick again

C.many of Jack’s clients have sought for his help more than once

D.most people don’t read the instruction when using a computer


科目: 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


  When researchers made their first clone of an animal, Dolly, the sheep, in 1997, one doctor said, “The genie is out of the bottle. ”But then he tried to actually create the “genie” by making a human clone.

  Dr. Panayiotis Zavos told the public on October 5 that he could create the first cloned human before the end of the year. He is an expert on human copying and raising from the University of Kentucky in the United States.

  His workers have been stopped from carrying out research in most European Union countries, but Zavos said that fact was not slowing progress.

  “It is going well enough, so we may try the first production of cloned embryos in the very near future. That is, three or four months from now,” Cypriot-born Zavos said. He moved to the United States over 30 years ago.

  Human cloning could, in effect, create a copy of another living or dead person.

  But Zavos insisted there was nothing harmful in the project. As an expert on human reproduction, he said he is only interested in helping couples who cannot naturally have babies to have a child. “We are not interested in cloning people like Bin Laden, Michael Jackson or Michael Jordan, ”the doctor added.

  “We are only interested in helping a father who does not have the ability to have a biological child of his own. ”

  Zavos said thousands of childless people from all over the world are helping in their research. He would not say where the research is under way. but indicated that it was in more than one country.

1.Which is the best title for this news report?

[  ]

A.Dr. Panayiotis Zavos’ Plan.

B.Nothing Harmful in Human Cloning.

C.First Human Clone May Arrive Soon.

D.Good News for Childless People.

2.According to Dr. Zavos, ________ .

[  ]

A.it will take only three or four months to clone a human being

B.human cloning could only produce a copy from a living person

C.it is dangerous to clone a human being

D.they would not clone famous people like Bin Laden or Michael Jordan

3.We can learn from the text that ________ .

[  ]

A.most European countries forbid carrying out the research of human cloning

B.Dr. Panayiotis Zavos is a native American

C.a single man will soon have the ability to have a biological child of his own

D.nobody supports Dr. Zavos'project

4.What did the doctor mean when he said“The genie is out of the bottle”?

[  ]

A.A lot of bad things will be copied with the development of the clone technology.

B.The development of the clone technology will bring harm to the human world.

C.The development of the clone technology will bring good to the human world.

D.He just made a joke about Dolley the Sheep.


科目: 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


  On August 27, 2003, Mars was recorded as being just 34,646,418 miles away from us. The planet moved closer to earth than at any time in the last 5,000 years. If that doesn't sound close, just remember that it was five times as distant only six months ago.

  “You can't miss Mars. It's bright and red.”said Myles Standish, an American astronomer. Mars is so close because of something called "opposition". This means the sun. the earth and Mars are positioned in a straight line and, as a result, they're closer (remember, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line) .

  For the next few weeks the planet should shine brighter than any other star, apart from the moon and Venus (金星) .

  It won’t be difficult to see Mars. You can use a telescope if you have one, but you won't need it. Mars will be so bright that even the lights of the city shouldn't get in the way. All you need to do is to go outside and look up at the sky. Mars can be found a little to the south and a little to the east.

  But the planet will not seem very big; it will shine like a coin seen from 500 feet away. Even though Mars is twice the size of the moon, it is 145 times as distant. And it might not be red, either. If there are dust storms on Mars, it will look mostly gold. If you do see red, then you’re seeing the surface of the planet.

  Make sure you go outside and have a look: the next time Mars will be this close will be August 28, 2287.

  Cool facts about Mars:

  The last time it rained on Mars was about 3 billion years ago. You’d have more time on Mars. The Martian day is 24 hours 37 minutes. What would you do with an extra half hour? Gravity (引力) is less on Mars than on the earth. So someone who weighs 100 pounds here would weigh only 38 pounds on Mars.

1.On February 27, 2003, Mars was about-miles away from the earth.

[  ]

D.17, 323,209

2.Why was Mars so close to us on August 27, 2003?

[  ]

A.Because something is called“opposition”.

B.Because it has been moving to us in the last 5, 000 years.

C.Because the sun, the earth and Mars are positioned in a straight line.

D.Because of some unknown reasons.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about Mars?

[  ]

A.Mars will be the third brightest star in the night sky for the next few weeks.

B.For the next few weeks, Mars will be the brightest star in the night sky.

C.Mars will look red if there're dust storms on it.

D.Mars is 145 times larger than the moon.

4.If you stayed on Mars for a week, you actually stayed there for ________. And if you weighed 46 pounds on Mars, you would weigh about ________ pounds on the earth.

[  ]

A.less than 7 days; 110

B.six days and four more hours; 175

C.more than 7 days; 175

D.seven days and four more hours; 121


科目: 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


  There is a real joke. When some guys were talking heatedly about“F4”in the living-room, the father came in and interrupted: “Which is more powerful. F-4 or F-16? ”The boys burst into laughter. Obviously, the father took F4 for a type of fighter plane. He didn’t know that F4 is a pop group extremely popular among young people these two years.

  Then what does the “F” in F4 stand for? Fever or fortune? It is certainly not “failure”, for sure! We look at the success and appeal of these four stars from the popular drama Meteor Garden (流星花园), who took the island by storm during their brief visit here in November. For sure, they look good. Each of them being 1.80 metres tall, Jerry Yan, Vie Zhou, Ken Zhu and Vanness Wu are all very popular throughout the world.

  But what exactly is the appeal of these four young guys? Nobody can tell. Maybe some young students are just following the fashion. Then why is Meteor Garden stopped from being shown on TV in China? Well, some young people just could not agree. But fact is fact. In fact, the students are not too young to tell black from white. And they must be clear that every coin has two sides.

  While they find interest in F4, they must be clear what bad that drama will do to us.

1.The writer wants to make it clear to us that ________ .

[  ]

A.older people don't know about“F4”at all

B.“F4”has become the most famous pop stars in the world

C.not everything about“F4”seems good

D.“F4”is not really popular

2.What does the letter“F”in“F4”stand for?

[  ]




D.The writer doesn't tell us.

3.Which of the following can we learn from this text?

[  ]

A.Some young people are not happy when Meteor Garden is stopped from being shown on TV in China.

B.The writer thinks it wrong that Meteor Garden is stopped from being shown on TV in China.

C.None of the older people really like F4 and Meteor Garden.

D.F4 is no longer allowed to come to the Chinese mainland.

4.The writer wants to tell young people that ________ .

[  ]

A.when they think about something, they must throw a coin

B.unlike young people, old people can tell the difference between black and white

C.the drama Meteor Garden is wrong, so they should not watch it

D.they must know that everything has its bad effect as well as its good effect on us


科目: 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


  The American cowboy was a great national hero through facts and stories. In history, the real cowboy was a simple farm worker on the horseback. He spent twelve to fourteen hours a day outdoors working with cows. The work was dirty, tiresome and not very well paid. In winter, most cowboys had to find other jobs. They were seldom alone.

  Most of them worked in teams of eight to ten. People could raise beef cattle at low cost in the western states and send them by train to the eastern markets. But someone had to look after the cattle on the open land and get them to the nearest railroad. This was the job of a cowboy. Sometimes the railroad was more than a thousand kilometers away and it could take as long as six months to move the cattle. The cowboy moved the cattle slowly so that the cattle would not lose weight.

  Most cowboys were young, unmarried men. A cowboy's horse was his most important tool. A good horse made the job of moving cattle much easier. A good cowboy understood cows and knew how to control them. At night, he sang to the cows to keep them calm.

  The cowboy quickly received popular praise. Historians say that was because the cowboy appeared during a time of change in American life. In the late 1800's, America was changing from a nation of farms to one of factories and cities. The cowboy seemed free and more independent than other Americans.

  Today, the life of real cowboys has changed greatly. One change has been the use of trucks. There is no need for the modem cowboy to sleep on the ground. Modern cowboys are better paid. They are likely to be married. Today cowboys are found in almost every state of the United States. Some of them are farmers or teachers or truck drivers. Some work for big companies. But at night and on weekends they became cowboys. Most have less than a thousand cows, and some have only two or three, those part-rime cowboys increase the total production of meat, keeping beef price low. Most modem cowboys do not make much money from raising cattle. Many do it because they love the cowboy life.

1.In the past, the cowboy’s work ________ .

[  ]

A.was covered with dirt

B.cost much labor

C.was less paid

D.all of the above

2.Sometimes it took the cowboys ________ to move the beef cattle from the western states to the eastern markets.

[  ]

A.a week
B.a month
C.half a year
D.a year

3.The cowboys quickly received popular praise because they appeared ________ .

[  ]

A.in the western parts of the United Slates

B.in the eastern markets every year

C.in the time of great changes in America

D.in the early 1800’s

4.Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]

A.The modem cowboys not only use their horse hut also their trucks.

B.The modem cowboys still have to sleep on the ground outdoors.

C.The modem cowboys are badly paid.

D.Most modem cowboys don't love their work.

