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科目: 来源:同步单元练习英语第一册下高中1年级第二学期用 题型:050



  The pig was the last animal to be domesticated(驯养) by the farmer.Unlike the cow and the sheep, it is not a grass eater. Its ancient home was the forest, where it searched for different kinds of food, such as nuts, roots and dead animals, and found in the bushes protection for its almost hairless body from extremes of sun and cold. For many centuries the farmer allowed it to continue there, leaving his pigs to look after themselves most of the time. As the woodlands began to become smaller, the pig slowly began to be kept on the farm itself.But it did not finally come into a shed, where it was fed on waste food from the farm and the house, until the eighteenth century.

  The pig, then became a farm animal in the age of agricultural improvement in Britain in the eighteenth century, but it was given little attention by special animal breeder(饲养者), for the major farmers of the time preferred to develop the larger kinds of animals. There were, however, various less well-known farmers interested in pigs and they based their improvements on new types of pigs from overseas. These were the Chinese pigs, and their various relatives, including the Neapolitan(那不勒斯) pigs, which were descended(后代) from Chinese pigs that had found their way to Mediterranean in ancient time. These were very different from the thin and leggy British woodland pigs. They were wider and squarer, with shorter legs and flatter faces, and they matured(成熟) earlier and produced more delicate meat(精瘦肉). By the end of the eighteenth century these overseas pigs had influenced(影响) the color, shape of the native British pigs a great deal.

  In the early nineteenth century, pig farmers worked at improving all sorts and conditions of pigs. Many of the special pigs they developed are now forgotten, but by the end of the century they had developed most of the kinds we know in Britain today.

1.In their original wild stage pigs ________.

[  ]

A.were grass eaters

B.ate the same food as other animals

C.lived among trees

D.went about in the plains

2.Until the 18th century pigs were not fully domesticated in Britain, because ________.

[  ]

A.they could find food for themselves well enough in woodlands

B.they did not grow well when kept indoors

C.there was no suitable food for them on most farms

D.it was difficult to develop improved types of pig

3.How did Chinese and Neapolitan pigs differ from native British pigs?

[  ]

A.They were taller.

B.They were rounder.

C.They had stronger legs.

D.They had shorter noses.

4.What conclusion may be drawn from the passage?

[  ]

A.The British farmers settled new kinds of pigs.

B.A new type of pig produced more delicate meat.

C.The Chinese pigs were well bred at that time.

D.The British farmers improved the breed of their native pigs in the 18th century.


科目: 来源:同步单元练习英语第一册下高中1年级第二学期用 题型:050



  If someone tells you he fought in the Swiss Navy(海军) and speaks Swiss, don't believe a word he says. Switzerland is a landlocked nation. It hasn't gone to war in over a century. And there's no such a thing as the Swiss language.

  Switzerland is located among the highest mountains of Western Europe. The Aar River flows in the north and the Rhine River cuts through the south. Many beautiful lakes serve as tourist attractions.

  More than 6, 300, 000 people live in Switzerland. The national languages are German, French and Italian. About 70% of the people speak German. Nearly everyone speaks at least two of the national languages.About 49% of the country is Roman Catholic(天主教), and 48% is Protestant(新教徒).

  Zurich is the largest city, with over 375, 000 people. The capital, Bern, is the capital with about 145, 000 people. The city of Geneva is famous. The Red Cross was founded there, and the League of Nations started in Geneva after World War I.

  The Swiss have a 99% literacy rate. This means that 99% of the people can read and write. Many children from other nations enroll in Swiss schools. The Swiss have a high standard of living. Foreign residents, who represent 20% of all workers, are willing to take the lower-paying jobs that the Swiss do not apply for.

  The nation is a federation(联邦政府) of 23 states, which have a history of independence. Since 1848 they have joined to form a common government. But they still keep their independent character.

1.“A landlocked nation” in Paragraph 1 refers to a country ________.

[  ]

A.with a lot of rocks in its land

B.with good sea ports

C.with only a small navy

D.surrounded by land

2.Which of the following is true of the passage?

[  ]

A.Less than 30% of the Swiss can speak French.

B.Less than 20% of the Swiss can speak Italian.

C.Most Swiss speak two languages or more.

D.Most Swiss speak only German.

3.Why do foreign residents prefer to work in Switzerland?

[  ]

A.Because they live there anyway.

B.Because they do not mind the low pay.

C.Because the country is famous for its beautiful scenery.

D.Because the country is rich.


科目: 来源:同步单元练习英语第一册下高中1年级第二学期用 题型:050


  When you feel tired, how do you relax? Drink coffee, take a bath, do some exercise, or play some music and dance?

  For dance music fans and nightclub lovers, the world famous English DJ (disco jockey) Sasha will bring them the world's finest dance music. He is coming to Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai on November 18-20 as part of his world tour in support of his new CD.

  One of the main roles of music has always been to go with dancing. But, today's dance music is very different from the past. The history of dance music goes back to the 16th century. In the Renaissance(文艺复兴) and Baroque(巴洛克) periods in Europe, rich people were expected to be able to dance at social events. Each type of dance gave rise to its own form of music.

  During the 18th and 19th centuries the most popular dances were the Waltz and the Polka(波尔卡舞).In this period, dances were often written for the concert hall. For example, symphonies would have a waltz movement, and piano pieces were sometimes in waltz or polka.

  In the 1970s, dance music moved into new places called discos. The music was faster, had more bass and started to become more electric. Disco music began to develop in the US and around Europe. By the 1980s the music became much faster and even more electronic.

  In the 1990s clubs took over discos. DJs mixed other people's music. Club dance rhythms(韵律) became a major part of popular music. Club dance music has different forms, including drum and bass(低音乐器), hip-hop, R&B. It makes use of technology and DJs play a bigger part in spreading the music.

1.Which of the following does not show the difference between today's dance music and that of the past?

[  ]

A.More technology is made use of.

B.Today's music is more professional.

C.Greater variety of forms.

D.The music is faster.

2.Which of the following is correct according to the order of each type becoming popular?

a.Waltz.  b.Disco music.  c.R&B.

[  ]


3.From the third paragraph, we can see that ________.

[  ]

A.dancing cannot be separated from music

B.in the 16th century, people still did not have much social life

C.people's social needs resulted in the birth of different types of dance music

D.the time of its birth can tell the difference between today's dance music and that of the past

4.Which of the following is not true about dance music?

[  ]

A.Dance music has gone through different stages.

B.Types of dances determine the changes in dance music.

C.Dance music dates back to the 16th century.

D.In different periods, dance music is written for different places.

5.According to the story, a DJ's job is mainly to ________.

[  ]

A.create music for the club

B.put different music forms together

C.develop disco music

D.choose and play music using technology


科目: 来源:同步单元练习英语第一册下高中1年级第二学期用 题型:050


  What's on?

  Oscar Film Themes Symphony Concert

  Film highlights accompanied by live performances of movie theme music by the China Opera and Dance Drama Theatre Symphony Orchestra, which has recorded the music for many films. Familiar tunes will come from such flicks as Titanic, Jurassic Park and Waterloo Bridge.

  Where: Nationality Cultural Palace Theatre

  When: March 8, 7: 30 p. m.

  Admission: 80-380 yuan

  Tel: 6528 7674 ext 508

  Fantastic View All the Way

  The mountains in this area are not very high, but the vistas are excellent.This walk is gentle and very interesting, going through valleys, over passes, along a ridge and through a few little tranquil villages that are located in amazing places. Many sites along the walk offer panoramic view of the surrounding mountains.

  Where: Pinggu, northeast of Beijing

  When: March 9, meet 8: 30 a. m. outside Starbucks at Lido Hotel, or 9:00 a. m. at Capital Paradise front gate, return 5:00 p. m.

  Admission: adults 150 yuan, children 100 yuan

  Tel: 13701003694 e-mail: fjhikers @ yahoo. co. uk

  spring Greetings

  Paintings in bold colors in a traditional Chinese style by young artist Tian Xifeng are displayed to welcome the spring. Tian is a student of famous bird-and-flower painting artist Wang Qing. He has won several prizes at various national painting exhibitions and developed a style emphasizing vivid close-ups of natural scenes.

  Where: Melodic Gallery, 14 Jianwai Dajie, opposite Friendship Store When: till March 31, 9:00 a. m.-5:00 p. m.

  Admission: free

  Tel: 65188123

  Cala, My Dog

  Directed by Lu Xuechang, starring Ge You. The story is about a middle-aged working man, known as Lao Er, whose chief source of stability and comfort in life is his dog, Cala. One day, when his wife is out walking Cala, a policeman confiscates the unregistered canine. As Lao Er endeavors to recover his dog, the difficult circumstances of his life are revealed. Chinese with English subtitle(字幕).

  Where: Dongchuang Theatre, 3 Xinzhongjie, Dongzhimenwai

  When: March 13 and 20, 8: 30 p. m.

  Admission: 20 yuan

  Tel: 64169253

1.If you are a music lover you can go to ________ on Women's Day.

[  ]

A.Capital Paradise

B.Dongchuang Theatre

C.Capital Gymnasium

D.Nationality Cultural Palace Theatre

2.The exhibition held in Melodic Gallery ________.

[  ]

A.is open to the public from 7:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m.till April 1st.

B.Presents the works by Tian Xifeng and his teacher

C.is to display some bird-and-flower paintings

D.costs the art lovers much money to visit

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]

A.Both adults and children can take part in the walk in Pinggu.

B.Even you don't know English you can enjoy Cala, My Dog.

C.You'll have to dial 65188123 to book a ticket for the film.

D.You'll have a choice of two meeting places on March 9th.

4.All the advertisements(广告) in this passage are about ________.

[  ]



科目: 来源:同步单元练习英语第一册下高中1年级第二学期用 题型:050



  Many kinds of music are considered popular music. Rock music, Jazz, and music for musical comedies are forms of popular music. Popular music is different from classical or serious music, such as music for operas.

  Popular music in the United States is as old as the country itself.Yankee Doodle, for example, dates from the time of American Revolution. During the Civil War, Julia Ward Howe's Battle Hymn of the Republic was the most popular song in the North. Dixie was the favorite tune in the South. Love was-and is-another major theme of popular songs. Let Me Call You Sweetheart was but one example from the early 1900s, new types of popular music began around this time, such as the blues. W.C. Handy's St.Louis Blues is still popular. The blues were important in the development of jazz.

Popular music reaches new heights of popularity in the 1920s and 1930s, This was brought about by radio, motion pictures, and sound recordings. Al Jolson, Kate Smith, Bing Crosby, and other singers became very famous. After World War Ⅱ , Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, and Peggy Lee were among those who sang to America.

  The world of popular music changed suddenly in the 1950s. Rock and Roll was born. Elvis Presley and the Beatles from England sang a form of popular music that was loved by young people. Rock is still the main form of popular music.

1.Which of the following is not considered as popular music?

[  ]

C.Rock and Roll.

2.In the third paragraph, “motion pictures” most probably means ________.

[  ]

D.picture books

3.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Frank Sinatra and Peggy Lee were famous pop singers in the 1920s.

B.Elvis Presley and the Beatles were from England.

C.“Yankee Doodles” became popular at the time of American Revolution.

D.“Let Me Call You Sweetheart” was an example of love songs in early American History.

4.Which is the best title for this passage?

[  ]

A.Popular Music.
B.All Kinds of Music.
C.American Music.
D.History of Music.


科目: 来源:同步单元练习英语第一册下高中1年级第二学期用 题型:050



  Joan Chen is famous both in China, where she grew up, and in the United States, where she now lives. How did Joan become a famous actress in two countries? It's an interesting story.

  Joan Chen was born in Shanghai in 1961. When she was 14, some people from a film studio(制片厂) came to her school and chose her to study at the studio. She was happy about this chance, but mainly she liked the idea of getting out of school.Soon, however, she discovered that she really liked acting.At age 18, she won the Golden Rooster, China's top film prize.

  In the late 1970s, Joan's parents, who were doctors, moved to the United States. Joan joined them when she was 20 and went to college there. Her parents hoped she would study medicine. Instead, she majored in film and later looked for work as an actress. To work in the United Sates, Joan had to start all over again. She told Hollywood that she was an actress in China, but she only got some small parts in TV shows.

  One day Joan went to speak to a director who was making a movie called Taipan. The interview(会面) didn't go well. As she walked away, a man in a car noticed her. The man was Dino De-Laurntiis, the film's producer. He immediately offered her a leading part. A year later, she starred in Beroardo Bertolucci's The Last Emperor and was on her way to worldwide fame.

1.What was true about Joan Chen when she was 14?

[  ]

A.Some people came to her school and chose her as an actress.

B.She liked studying at the studio just because she wanted to be famous.

C.The most important reason for her going to the studio was that she wouldn't like to stay at school.

D.She found she was fond of acting even before she was 14.

2.When did she move to the United States?

[  ]

A.It the late 1970s.

B.After she graduated from college.

C.In the late 1980s.

D.In the early 1980s.

3.The interview with a director ________.

[  ]

A.made her on the way to being famous in the world

B.led to no immediate good result

C.made her play a leading part in Tai-pan

D.gave her a chance to act in The Last Emperor


科目: 来源:同步单元练习英语第一册下高中1年级第二学期用 题型:050



A Letter to the Editor(编辑)

  13 October

  Dear Editor,

  I am writing to ask what has happened to our youth. They are not as polite, hardworking or clever as my generation. I'll give you an example.

  Last Friday, I got on the underground at 9:15 a. m..It was very busy so there were no free seats. There were some teenagers(青少年) sitting on the seats nearest me. I don't know why they were not at school. They were talking loudly and laughing. It was difficult to read my newspaper with all the noise. A heavily pregnant(怀孕) woman and her daughter got on at the next stop, with lots of shopping bags. I expected the teenagers to let them sit down. They slowly did so but gave me a rude look. I got off at the next stop and was glad that the teenagers didn't follow me.

  I worried about the future of our country. How could these young people become responsible(负责的) workers and parents? They sit around McDonald's after school instead of going to the library like I did at their age. Maybe they have too much money. Perhaps another reader can give us an idea about what to do with this “lost generation”(垮掉的一代).

  Franz Johnson.

Reply to Mr. Johnson's Letter

  20 October

  Dear Editor,

  I read Mr. Johnson's letter about the problems of today's youth with much interest. He described teenagers on a train not giving a seat to a pregnant woman and her daughter. I was the woman. We must have seen things differently. I found the teenagers helpful and kind. Did Mr. Johnson see the teenagers help me off the train? Did he see them carry my shopping bags to a taxi for me? Did he see them friendly to my daughter? Obviously(显然地) not.

  “Older” people often say today's youth isn't as good as their generation. Their parents said that about them. Mr. Johnson must accept that the world is changing and young people change with it. I find today's youth mostly kind and more fun than my generation.

  Perhaps Mr. Johnson should really try to get to know some young people before he calls them the “lost generation”.

Linda Black.

1.Which of the following is the correct order of what happened?

a) Mrs. Black wrote to the news paper.

b) Mrs. Black got on the train with her daughter.

c) Mr. Johnson asked the young people to give her seat.

d) Mr. Johnson thought the young people might follow him.

e) Mrs. Black took a taxi with her daughter.

[  ]

A.b), c), d), e), a)
B.b), d), e), c), a)
C.d), b), c), a), e)
D.e), c), a), d), b)

2.Mr. Johnson wrote the letter to ________.

[  ]

A.ask for help from the newspaper

B.find the way to solve the problem

C.show his worry about the young

D.teach the young people a lesson

3.In the second letter, Mrs. Black ________.

[  ]

A.told another story to support Mr. Johnson

B.wanted to show her thanks to the young

C.discussed the youth problem with the old

D.called for the understanding toward the young

4.W hat can we learn from the two letters?

[  ]

A.Young people enjoy fast food.

B.People have different opinions about the young.

C.Older people are more helpful.

D.People should talk more about the same story.


科目: 来源:同步单元练习英语第一册下高中1年级第二学期用 题型:050



  The school about schoolboy magician Harry Potter has gained crazy popularity throughout the world since its release last month.

  Hopeful children throughout Britain will be delighted when they look under their Christmas tree to find Santa has conjured up(用魔术变出) that longed for Harry Potter gift.In toy shops, everything about Harry Potter, from models of Hogwarts Express to toy castle sold out.

  The Harry Potter craze has spread far beyond the young magicians home country. In Australia, Harry Potter has caused a rise of interest in wizardry(巫术).And young Harry Potter fans are following in the footsteps of their idol-there is now a real-life school for wizards and witches.

  To gain their “sorcerer's(巫师) diplomas”, three classes of students at the school, in Klagenfurt, southern Austria, take a six-part course.

  They are taught about astronomy(天文学) and they learn to make medicine and cast spells(念咒). “I hope I learn and use power to communicate between the visible and invisible worlds,” said a female student.

  Having completed a final examination, the student witches and wizards receive certificates to show their achievements. But even the ancient art of wizardry has had to give ground to the computer age: the course can be studied by distance learning on the Internet.

  In the US, the film has been laughing all the way on the top of the box office and has stayed there for the third week in a row.

1.This passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]

A.an introduction of a film

B.the influence of a film

C.a school for children to learn wizardry

D.how to get a “sorcerer's diploma”

2.According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

[  ]

A.Many schools have offered selective class on wizardry.

B.Harry Potter gifts are sold well throughout the world.

C.People can learn wizardry even on the Internet.

D.Harry Potty is most popular in the United States.

3.It can be inferred from the text ________.

[  ]

A.children are crazy about Harry Potter

B.many children want to become magicians

C.it is difficult to get a “sorcerer's diploma”

D.it is possible to communicate with the unseen world


科目: 来源:同步单元练习英语第一册下高中1年级第二学期用 题型:050



Bugs Bunny Is Back for More

  MICHAEL Jordan helped him win his freedom in Space Jam(《空中大灌篮》) but this time it's Bugs Bunny who is the one offering support. And the future of the whole world rests upon his efforts.

  It all begins when the argumentative Daffy Duck is fired by Warner Bros (华纳兄弟影业公司) along with studio guard DJ Drake. Drake wants to use his free time to look for his father, a star actor who has mysteriously disappeared. And he doesn't appreciate the unemployed duck's offer of help.

  However, unknown to Drake, his father is actually a spy who has been captured by some evil men who want to know where the Blue Monkey Diamond is. This special diamond can change men into monkeys and the evil men intend to place it on a satellite and use it against mankind.

  Drake must find the diamond before the evil men do, helped by Daffy, Bugs and Kate, vice-president of Warner Bros. It was Kate who fired Daffy and, realizing she was wrong, she tries to persuade the duck to come back.Their long journey ends in the forest of Africa. The diamond is discovered there-but which side will win control of it?

  Looney Tunes: Back in Action(《华纳巨星总动员》) will be firstly on show in China on April 23. It will be released nationwide during the May Day holiday.

1.In the first line, “him” refers to ________.

[  ]

A.Bugs Bunny
D.Daffy Duck

2.This passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]

A.a new cartoon film

B.a spy story

C.a duck who loses his job

D.a father who disappears

3.Which of the following statemetsnts is true?

[  ]

A.The blue diamond comes from space.

B.Daffy Duck doesn't want to help Drake.

C.We don't know the result of the story.

D.Drake's father has become a monkey.


科目: 来源:同步单元练习英语第一册下高中1年级第二学期用 题型:050



  Valentine's Day is on 14 February each year. It is a day for lovers, and one of the loveliest holidays in the United States.

  Very few Americans know the story of Valentine's Day. One English story tells that birds select their mates on February 14. Another story says that more than 2, 000 years ago the ancient Romans celebrated a holiday for lovers. As part of the celebration, girls wrote their names on pieces of paper and put them in a large container. Boys reached their hands into the container and pulled one out. The girl whose name was written on the paper became his lover or sweet heart for a year. Then came a Roman priest Valentinus, who secretly married many young lovers against the Roman king's order. The Roman Emperor got angry and ordered the killing of Valentinus on February 14, 269 AD.

  It is very popular to send cards decorated with hearts and flowers to express love. Today many Americans like to exchange humorous cards with their husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, relatives, and even special friends. Some enjoy the joke of sending “Guess Who” cards to a person he or she secretly admires. Sometimes they put their love message in a heart-shaped box of chocolates, or a bunch of flowers tied with red ribbons(丝带). Candy, perfume, jewelry or a picture with a heart and Cupid (the Roman God of love), who is armed with a bow and arrow, are also sent to express love. Many couples arrange romantic dinners by candle light for this occasion. Universities also hold a Sweetheart Ball for the young students to celebrate Valentine's Day.

1.Valentinus was killed in ancient Rome because ________.

[  ]

A.he was a priest.

B.he was a foreigner

C.he secretly helped many young lovers

D.he told people how to celebrate Valentine's Day

2.According to the text, nowadays on Valentine's Day university students will ________.

[  ]

A.put a letter in a bottle

B.take part in a Sweetheart Ball

C.send cards to the persons they love

D.have dinner with their friends

3.The passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]

A.an introduction of Valentine's Day

B.festivals in the western countries

C.how students celebrate Valentine's Day

D.the story of a brave priest

4.Which of the following is true according to the text?

[  ]

A.“Guess Who” card must be sent with candies.

B.family members don't celebrate Valentine's day together

C.all the Americans know the history of Valentine's day

D.a saying of Valentine's day has something to do with birds

