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科目: 来源:单元双测同步达标活页试卷 高二英语下 题型:050


  Crime has its own cycles, a magazine reported some years ago. Police records that were studied for five years from over 2400 cities and towns show a surprising link between changes in the seasons and crime patterns.

  The pattern of crime has varied very little over a long period of years. Murder reaches its high during July and August, as do rape and other violent attacks. Murder, moreover, is more than seasonal: it is a weekend crime. It is also a nighttime crime: 62 percent of murders are committed between 6 p. m. and 6 a. m.

  Unlike the summer high in crimes of bodily harm, burglary has a different cycle. You are most likely to be robbed between 6 p. m. and 2 a. m. on a Saturday night in December, January, or February. What is the most uncriminal month of all? May-except for one strange statistic. More dog bites are reported in this month than in any other month of the year.

1.The main idea of Paragraph 1 is ________.

[  ]

A.crime is a serious social problem

B.there is a link between change in the seasons and crime patterns

C.crime is not linked to the change in season

D.2400 towns were studied for five years

2.According to the passage, a murder would most likely occur ________.

[  ]

A.on a weekend night in winter

B.on a weekend afternoon in summer

C.on a Saturday night

D.on a weekend night in summer

3.In Paragraph 2 “it is also a nighttime crime” it refers to ________.

[  ]

B.62 percent
C.weekend crime

4.In Paragraph 3, what is the one strange statistic for May?

[  ]

A.There are more dog bites in May.

B.There are more robberies in May.

C.There is the most crime in May.

D.There are more murders in May.


科目: 来源:单元双测同步达标活页试卷 高二英语下 题型:050


  With only about 1000 pandas left in the world, China is desperately trying to clone the animal and save the endangered species. That's a move similar to what a Texas A&M University researcher has been undertaking for the past five years in a project called “Noah's Ark.”

  Dr. Duane Kraemer, a professor in Texas A&M's College of Veterinary Medicine and a pioneer in embryo (胚胎) transfer work and related procedures, says he salutes the Chinese effort and “I wish them all the best success possible. It's a worthwhile project, certainly not an easy one, and it's very much like what we're attempting here at Texas A&M-to save animals from extinction.”

  Noah's Ark is aimed at collecting eggs, embryos, semen (精子) and DNA of endangered animals and storing them in liquid nitrogen (氮). If certain species should become extinct, Kraemer says there would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the species in the future.

  It is estimated that as many as 2 000 species of mammals, birds and reptiles will become extinct over the next 100 years. The panda, native only to China, is in danger of becoming extinct in the next 25 years.

  This week, Chinese scientists said they grew an embryo by introducing cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit. They are now trying to implant the embryo into a host animal.

  The entire procedure could take from three to five years to complete. “The nuclear transfer of one species to another is not easy, and the lack of available panda eggs could be a major problem,” Kraemer believes. “They will probably have to do several hundred transfers to result in one pregnancy. It takes a long time and it's difficult, but this could be groundbreaking science if it works. They are certainly not putting any live pandas at risk, so it is worth the effort,”adds Kraemer, who is one of the leaders of the Missyplicity Project at Texas A&M, the first-ever attempt at cloning a dog.

  “They are trying to do something that's never been done, and this is very similar to our work in Noah's Ark. We're both trying to save animals that face extinction. I certainly applaud their effort and there's a lot we can learn from what they are attempting to do. It's a research that is very much needed.”

1.The aim of “Noah's Ark” project is to ________.

[  ]

A.implant embryo into a host animal

B.salute the Chinese efforts in saving pandas

C.save endangered animals from extinction

D.introduce cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit

2.How long will the Chinese panda-cloning project take according to the passage?

[  ]

A.1 year.
B.3 to 5 years.
C.2 years.
D.25 years.

3.The word “groundbreaking” can be interpreted as ________.

[  ]

A.especially new

4.What could be the major problem in cloning pandas according to Professor Kraemer?

[  ]

A.Lack of available panda eggs.

B.Lack of host animals.

C.Lack of qualified researchers.

D.Lack of funds.

5.The best title for the passage may be ________.

[  ]

A.China-the native place of pandas forever

B.China's efforts to clone pandas

C.China's first cloned panda

D.Exploring the Possibility to Clone Pandas


科目: 来源:单元双测同步达标活页试卷 高二英语下 题型:050


  Some radio signals were heard in 1967. They were coming from a point in the sky where there was unknown star. They were coming very regularly, too: about once a second, if they were controlled by clock.

  The scientists who heard the signals did not tell anybody else. They were rather afraid to tell in case they frightened people. The signals were coming from a very small body-no bigger, perhaps than the earth. Was that why no light could be seen from it? Or were the signals coming from a planet that belonged to some other stars? There was no end to the questions, but the scientists kept the news secret. “Perhaps there are intelligent beings out there.” They thought, who are trying to send messages to other planets, or to us? So the news was not given to the newspaper. Instead, the scientists studied the signals and searched for others like them… Well, all that happened in 1967 and 1968. Since then scientists have learnt more about those strange, regular, radio signals. And they have told the story, of course.

  The signals do not come from a planet; they come from a new kind of star called a “pulsar”. About a hundred other pulsars have now been found, and most of them are very like the first one.

  Pulsars are strong radio stars. They are the smallest but the heaviest stars we know at present. A handful of pulsar would weigh a few thousand tons. Their light-if they give much light-is too small for us to see. But we can be sure of this, no intelligent beings are living on them.

1.The radio signals discussed in this passage ________.

[  ]

A.were regular

B.were controlled by a clock

C.were heard in 1967 only

D.were secret messages

2.The radio signals were sent by ________.

[  ]

A.a satellite

B.a planet

C.a sky body which was unknown at that time

D.intelligent beings who were unknown at that time

3.The scientists did not tell people about the signals because ________.

[  ]

A.the signals stood for secret messages

B.people would ask them too many questions

C.they did not want to frighten people

D.they stood for unimportant messages

4.A pulsar is ________.

[  ]

A.a small heavy star which sends out strong radio signals and cannot be seen

B.a small heavy planet which sends out strong radio signals and cannot be seen

C.a small heavy satellite which sends out strong radio signals and cannot be seen

D.a small intelligent being who sends out strong radio signals and cannot be seen

5.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.One of the pulsars found by scientists sends radio signals.

B.Pulsar began to send radio signals in 1967.

C.Scientists have searched for pulsars for many years but found none.

D.Scientists have found many pulsars since 1967.


科目: 来源:单元双测同步达标活页试卷 高二英语下 题型:050


  When Geoff Marcy was 14, his parents bought him a telescope. Every night, he would go onto the roof outside his window to see the wonders of the sky.

  “What excited me most was whether there were planets in other solar systems where life might exist,” he says. “I decided to try to find planets orbiting (沿……轨道运行) other stars like our Sun.” And he did. “My fellow researcher, Paul Butler, and I found our first planet in 1995,”Dr. Marcy says. “We worked for ten years without finding anything! But we stuck with it, and our patience paid off.”

  Since then, the two scientists have discovered 65 of the more than 100 planets found orbiting other stars. Dr. Marcy and Dr. Butler also spotted the first “family” of three planets. In June 2002 they announced another discovery: a Jupiter-like (像木星一样的) planet orbiting star 55 Cancri.

  At first, the two researchers found only planets that orbit close to stars. Recently, the scientists found planets farther out. The planet orbiting 55 Cancri is a major breakthrough: it is the first sighting of a large gas planet about the same distance from the star as Jupiter is from the Sun.

  Why is this important? Scientists think that life on Earth may exist because of two special features in our solar system. The first is Jupiter. “Because it's so big, Jupiter pulls comets and asteroids(小行星), or they all come and hit the Earth.”Dr. Marcy explains. “Without Jupiter, life on Earth would likely have been destroyed.”

  A second feature is that Earth is a rocky planet where liquid water, which is necessary for life, can exist. Unlike gas planets, rocky planets like Earth have surfaces where water can gather in pools and seas, which may support life. A huge space exists between the Jupiter-like planet and two other planets that lie close to 55 Cancri. Is there an Earth-like planet in the space, too small for us to notice? If so, says Dr. Marcy, “We would have two striking similarities to our solar system: a Jupiter-like planet and an Earth-like planet. And there may be life!”

1.What can we learn about Dr. Marcy from the passage?

[  ]

A.He is fond of watching Jupiter.

B.He is from a scientist family.

C.He dislikes working with Paul Butler.

D.He is interested in finding life in outer space.

2.Which of the following is true of the recent discovery?

[  ]

A.The planet is not as protective as Jupiter.

B.The planet is close to star 55 Cancri.

C.The planet proves to be a gas planet.

D.The planet is as large as Jupiter.

3.How many planets orbiting other stars have the two scientists discovered so far?

[  ]


4.Dr. Marcy thinks that life may exist in the 55 Cancri system because ________.

[  ]

A.he has found the system similar to the solar system

B.he has discovered an Earth-like planet there

C.he has discovered a rocky planet there

D.he has found signs of life in the system

5.“But we stuck with it”(in Paragraph 3) means ________.

[  ]

A.they felt discouraged

B.they carried on with it

C.they failed in their attempt

D.they made some progress


科目: 来源:单元双测同步达标活页试卷 高二英语下 题型:050


  In Glacier National Park, which is in the Rocky Mountains of Montana, there once roamed a little deaf Indian boy. He loved to wander in the forest, and made friends with the animals who lived there. Since he loved animals, he would observe them intently and learn their habits. This little Indian boy's name was John Lewis Clarke.

  John Lewis Clarke's grandfather was a graduate from West Point and a captain in the U. S. Army. He was married to the daughter of a Blackfoot Indian Chief and adopted by the tribe. His son, John Lewis Clarke's father, also married an Indian princess, the daughter of Chief Stands Alone. Sadly, John's grandfather was later killed by Indians of another tribe near Helena, Montana.

  John Lewis Clarke was not born deaf. He became ill at a young age with scarlet fever. Though he survived, he could no longer hear the sounds that the forest animals made. He could not hear his Indian friends when they called to him. Scarlet fever had caused him to lose his hearing. His Indian friends gave him the name Cutapuis (Cu-ta-pu-ee) which means, “man who talks not.”

  Because John could not talk, he could not tell his parents about his many animal friends in the forest and the exciting things that he saw, but he found another way to express himself. He made figures of them out of clay(粘土) from the river banks. Later, when he was older, he learned to carve things out of wood. He loved to carve animals. With an axe and a pocket knife, he carved a life-sized image of a bear from a cedar trunk. The bear looked so real, the only thing missing was its growl.

  When John was old enough to go to school, his parents sent him to the Fort Shaw Indian School. However, since he needed special education, he was transferred to a school for the deaf at Boulder, Montana. He also attended the School for the Deaf at Devil's Lake, North Dakota. When he was older, he enrolled at St. Francis Academy in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he studied wood carving. While he was still in his teens, John returned to Montana and opened a studio. He began to carve all the animals he had known very well in his childhood, and offer them for sale. He made models of animals out of wood, clay, and stone. He painted pictures using water colors and oils, and did excellent pen and ink drawings. He began to make a name for himself as an artist.

  John spent most of his 89 years at his home studio in Glacier Park. Every year when the park season was over, he continued his work in Great Falls, Montana, his second home. Many important people bought John's work. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., the famous multimillionaire, was one of them. John's work was on exhibit in many places in this country. John died on November 20,1970. In his life-time, he literally carved his way to fame.

1.John probably started to use American Sign Language as soon as ________.

[  ]

A.he became deaf

B.he entered a school for the deaf

C.he could make figures out of clay

D.his Indian friends taught him

2.The subject of his artwork was mostly animals. This is most likely because ________.

[  ]

A.the environment he grew up has influenced him

B.he was an Indian

C.it was his way of expressing ideas

D.he did not like people

3.“The bear looked so real. The only thing missing was its growl.” This phrase means ________.

[  ]

A.John forgot to add one more thing

B.the bear was missing

C.the bear missed growling

D.the bear looked perfect except that it could not make any sound

4.During the course of his education, John attended ________.

[  ]

A.two schools

B.only a residential school for the deaf

C.four different schools

D.a school in Maine


科目: 来源:单元双测同步达标活页试卷 高二英语下 题型:050


Main idea

  The main idea of a paragraph is what all the sentences are about. Read the paragraph and ask, “What's your point?” That will help you zero in on the main idea.

  Read each paragraph carefully. Choose the best answer to the following questions.

  1.John loves to play games. His favorite game is chess because it requires a great deal of thought. John also likes to play less demanding board games that are based mostly on luck. He prefers Monopoly because it requires luck and skill. If he's alone, John likes to play action video games as long as they aren't too violent.

  2.Maria is watching too much television. A toddler shouldn't be spending hours staring blankly at a screen. Worse yet, some of her wild behavior has been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches. We need to spend more time reading books with her and pull the plug on the TV!

  3.Samantha, I can't eat or sleep when you are gone. I need to hear your scratchy voice and see your lovely toothless smile. I miss that special way that you eat soup with your fingers. Please come home soon!

  4.Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants. They will look and behave much like real humans. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind. Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience. They will be smart, strong, and untiring workers whose only goal will be to make our lives easier.

1.What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?

[  ]

A.John dislikes violence.

B.John likes to think.

C.John enjoys Monopoly.

D.John enjoys playing games.

2.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?

[  ]

A.Watching a lot of television isn't good for Maria.

B.Books are good.

C.All cartoons are bad.

D.Some cartoons are bad for Maria.

3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

[  ]

A.Samantha, you have bad manners.

B.Samantha, you should see a dentist.

C.Samantha, I miss you.

D.Samantha, I have lost my appetite.

4.Which sentence from the Paragraph 4 expresses the main idea?

[  ]

A.Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants.

B.We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind.

C.They will look and behave much like real humans.

D.Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience.


科目: 来源:单元双测同步达标活页试卷 高二英语下 题型:050


A little advice

  Allow me to give you a little advice about writing fiction. First, make your characters believable. Make sure that they behave and talk as individuals. In real life, everyone is unique. If all your characters speak the same way and react to things in the same way, you'll lose your readers from the start.

  Once your readers believe in your characters, you must get them to care. Each reader must be able to identify with at least one character, to almost become that character in his or her mind. You can do this by developing characters with genuine human traits, both good and bad. The individuals who populate your story should have human strengths and weaknesses.

  Now it's time to weave your tale, to create a plot. Your readers are part of the story now; they are involved.

  One last thing. Your story must touch the readers' emotions. If you can make them laugh and cry along with your characters, you will be a successful writer.

1.The first step to make your reader interested in your fiction is ________.

[  ]

A.to make him believe it is written to him only

B.to make your characters believable

C.to touch the readers emotions

D.to create interesting plots

2.How many pieces of advice does the writer give?

[  ]


3.The underlined part in the first paragraph probably means ________.

[  ]

A.this kind of persons can only be found in fictions

B.they are honest persons in whom you can believe

C.the characters just behave and talk as the persons in real life

D.you can take the characters as examples


科目: 来源:单元双测同步达标活页试卷 高二英语下 题型:050


  Most people do not know that Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of the Girl Scouts of America, was deaf. She began to lose her hearing when she was 17, and became almost totally deaf in her adulthood.

  Juliette Gordon was born on October 31,1860, in Savannah, Georgia. Her family and friends all called her Daisy. When she was 14 she was sent to a school in Virginia that was run by some of Thomas Jefferson's granddaughters. A few years later, at the age of 17, she transferred to a school in New York.

  Juliette married William Mackay Low and they went to England to live. Juliette became interested in the Girl Guides Association there. She observed their meetings and was very impressed because the girls acquired many useful skills. They learned how to cook, knit, tie knots and give first aid. They also learned about the history of the flag. Moreover, they developed important social skills as they learned how to work together. Juliette thought that girls everywhere should have this opportunity, so she decided to organize more troops.

  Juliette organized several Girl Guides troops in both England and Scotland. Since she could not do all the work herself, she had to ask other women to help her. Sometimes the women were reluctant to give their time due to family responsibilities. However, Juliette was a very determined woman. When the women refused, she would pretend that she didn't understand what they said. As a result, the women helped her in spite of being busy.

  Juliette always persevered until she motivated others to help her with her goals. One encounter that required her persistence happened while she was in Scotland. She was walking along a road one day when she came to a stream. The only way across the stream was by a foot log, and Juliette was afraid to cross it alone. She was wondering what to do when she saw a peddler coming down the road. She told the peddler to go across the bridge first, and she would follow with her hand on his shoulder. Although the peddler started to protest, her stubborn insistence again paid off. He reluctantly led her across the foot bridge. Once they were safely on the other side, the peddler explained to her that he was blind!

  When Juliette came back to America for a visit, she started the first Girl Guides troop in the country in her home town, Savannah. By the time she went back to England six months later, there were six Girl Guide troops in Savannah. At that time, the girls each made their own uniforms.

  In 1913, the Girl Guides changed its name to the Girl Scouts. Juliette Low came back to Savannah that same year. She decided that there should be Girl Scout troops all over the United States, so she worked toward that goal. The first national Girl Scout convention was held in Washington, D. C., on June 10,1915.

  Juliette died in Savannah on January 17,1927. Thanks to her, there are now Girl Scouts all over the world. Juliette's home in Savannah is a national Girl Scout center.

1.Juliette started having trouble with her hearing when ________.

[  ]

A.she had a very high fever

B.she was 17 years old

C.she got married

D.she organized the Girl Scouts

2.“Sometimes the women were reluctant to give their time due to family responsibilities.” This sentence means ________.

[  ]

A.the women were eager to help her start Girl Guides troops

B.the women wanted to help, but had something due that they needed to work on

C.the women were in charge of other families

D.the women didn't want to help her because they were too busy with their families

3.The main idea of this passage can best be stated as ________.

[  ]

A.Juliette Low, a deaf woman, used determination and persistence to start Girl Scout troops all over the world

B.Juliette Low, a deaf woman, was very pushy and always got what she wanted

C.Juliette Low, a deaf woman, traveled to many different places in her life time but ended up back in Savannah

D.Without Juliette, the Girl Scouts would still only be a British phenomenon

4.“…Juliette started the first Girl Guides troop in the country in her home town of Savannah. By the time she went back to England six months later, there were six Girl Guide troops in Savannah.” From this statement we can assume that ________.

[  ]

A.Juliette liked the uniforms they Girl Guides wore

B.other people set up their own troops because they were jealous of Juliette

C.Juliette helped to start all six of these troops

D.the girls in the first troop argued and had to be separated into six different troops

5.Juliette did things in this order ________.

[  ]

A.went to England, married William, watched the Girl Guides meetings, organized her own Girl Guides troops

B.watched the Girl Guides meetings, went to England, married William, organized her own Girl Guides troops

C.married William, went to England, organized her own Girl Guides troops, watched the Girl Guides meetings

D.married William, went to England, watched the Girl Guides meetings, organized her own Girl Guides troops

6.After reading the passage, we can assume that ________.

[  ]

A.Juliette had to work because her husband didn't make enough money

B.Juliette enjoyed being busy and helping others

C.Juliette wanted to be a Girl Guide herself, but she was too old

D.Juliette's husband didn't approve of her involvement in this association


科目: 来源:单元双测同步达标活页试卷 高二英语下 题型:050


What is disabled sports USA?

  A national nonprofit organization established in1967 by disabled Vietnam veterans(老兵) to serve the war injured, DS/USA, now offers nationwide sports rehabilitation(康复) programs to anyone with a permanent physical disability. Activities include winter skiing, water sports, summer and winter competitions, fitness and special sports events. Participants include those with visual impairments, amputations, spinal cord injury, dwarfism, multiple sclerosis, head injury, cerebral palsy, and other neuromuscular and orthopedic conditions.

  A Wide Variety of Recreational(消遣的, 娱乐的) Opportunities

  Disabled Sports USA is a nation-wide network of community-based chapters offering a variety of recreation programs. Each chapter sets its own agenda and activities. These may include one or more of the following: snow skiing, water sports (such as water skiing, sailing, kayaking, and rafting), cycling, climbing, horseback riding, golf, and social activities.

  Sports as Rehabilitation: Gaining Confidence and Dignity

  Rehabilitation professionals and even the Federal Government recognize the importance of sports and recreation in the successful rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities.

  When first faced with the reality of a disability, many experience a loss of confidence, depression, and believe their lives have ended. They are often alienated from family and friends because there are no shared positive experiences. Sports and recreation offers the opportunity to achieve success in a very short time period; to use this success to build self-confidence and focus on possibilities instead of dwelling on what can no longer be done. The ability to participate in a sport, such as cycling, skiing and sailing, to name a few, provides the opportunity to reunite with family and friends in a shared activity.

1.From the passage we can infer that ________ can take part in the Disabled Sports.

[  ]

A.people from all over the world

B.disabled people from all over the world

C.disabled people from the USA

D.injured people who served the Vietnam War

2.DS/USA is ________.

[  ]

A.part of Olympic Game

B.a kind of sports

C.an organization established by the government of the USA in 1967

D.an organization established by disabled Vietnam veterans

3.Taking part in the activities in DS/USA can offer oneself the opportunities of the following except ________.

[  ]

A.gaining confidence and dignity

B.gaining recreational opportunities

C.gaining the opportunity of rehabilitation

D.gaining gold medals

4.Many disabled people once ________ when first faced the reality of disability.

[  ]

A.felt very disappointed

B.decided to end their lives

C.were full of confidence

D.shared many positive activities with their families

5.After reading the passage we can conclude that ________.

[  ]

A.never loss heart when facing problems

B.you can always take sports when you are disabled

C.disabled Vietnam veterans like sports very much

D.sports is the only way to for people with disabilities to rehabilitate.


科目: 来源:单元双测同步达标活页试卷 高二英语下 题型:050


Using inference

  Sometimes someone will try to tell you something without coming right out and saying it. He will imply it. When you understand what is implied, you infer. Sometimes you can infer the truth even when the speaker or writer isn't trying to be helpful. That's called “reading between the lines”.

  See if you can infer an implied or hidden message in each of the following selections.

  Turner almost wished that he hadn't listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning.

  “Larry, as your boss, I must say it's been very interesting working with you,” Miss Valdez said. “However, it seems that our company's needs and your performance style are not well matched. Therefore, it makes me very sad to have to ask you to resign your position effective today.”

  No, Honey, I don't want you to spend a lot of money on my birthday present. Just having you for a husband is the only gift I need. In fact, I'll just drive my old rusty bucket of bolts down to the mall and buy myself a little present. And if the poor old car doesn't break down, I'll be back soon.

  Bill and Jessica were almost done taking turns choosing the players for their teams. It was Jessica's turn to choose, and only Kurt was left. Jessica said, “Kurt.”

1.Which probably happened?

[  ]

A.Turner realized that he had an unnatural fear of falling radio parts.

B.Turner had promised himself to do something silly that morning.

C.Turner had heard a weather forecast that predicted rain.

D.Turner planned to trade his umbrella for a bus ride.

2.What was Miss Valdez telling Larry?

[  ]

A.She would feel really bad if he decided to quit.

B.He was being fired.

C.He was getting a raise in pay.

D.She really enjoyed having him in the office.

3.What is the message?

[  ]

A.I don't want a gift.
B.Buy me a new car.
C.The mall is fun.
D.I'll carry a bucket for you.

4.We can infer that ________

[  ]

A.Kurt is not a very good player.

B.Jessica was pleased to have Kurt on her team.

C.Kurt was the best player on either team.

D.Jessica was inconsiderate of Kurt's feelings.

