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科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


Human Blood Types

  You have been badly injured in a car accident it is necessary to give you a blood in blood transfusion because you lost a great deal of blood in the accident,however,special care must be taken in selecting new blood for you.If the blood is too different from your own,he transfusion could kill you.

  There are four basic types of blood:A,B,AB and O.A simple test can tell us a person's blood type.Everybody is born with one of these four types of blood.Blood type,like hair color and height,is inherited from Parents.Because of the substances contained in each type,the four group must be trans-fused carefully.Basically,A and B cannot be mixed.A and B cannot receive AB,but AB may receive A or B.O can give to any other group;so it is often called the universal donor.For the opposite reason,AB is sometimes called the universal recipient.However,because there can be so many reactions in trans-fusions,patients usually receive only salt or plasma(血浆)until their blood can be matched as exactly as possible in the blood bank of the hospital.In this way,it is possible to avoid any bad reactions to the transfusion.

  There is a relationship between your blood type and your nationality.A-among the Europeans,about 42 percent have type A while 45 percent have type O.The rarest is type AB.Other races have different percentage.For example,some American Indian groups have nearly 100 Percent type O.

1.Which of the following diagrams shows the correct relationship in blood transfusions?(giving blood to→、)

[  ]





2.Usually,a person who as been injured and lost too much bloodshould be given a blood transfusion________.

[  ]

A.after he has a good rest

B.after he receives salt or plasma

C.immediately after the accident happens

D.before there are so many reactions

3.If the blood is too different from the injured,the transfusion________.

[  ]

A.can help him greatly

B.could save him

C.could kill him

D.can injure him

4.The writer suggests that the third most common blood type among the Europeans is________.

[  ]





5.The passage mainly tells us that________.

[  ]

A.there is only one type of blood in a person's body

B.a person's blood type is decided by hair and height

C.a person's blood type can be changed into another

D.there are four basic types of blood in a person's body


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  With a good shopping position and the right amount(数量)of money,any educated person ought to make a living out of a bookshop.It is not a difficult trade to learn and the large chain-stores can never force the small bookseller out of existence as they have done to the corner shop.But the hours of work are very long-I was only doing a part-time job,but my boss put in a seventy-hour week,besides regular journeys out of shopping hours to buy books.

  The real reason why I should not like to be back in the book trade for life,however,is that while I was in it I lost my love of books.A bookseller cannot always tell the truth about his books,and that gives him a dislike for them.There was a time when l really did love books-loved the sight and smell and feel of them-if they were fifty or more years old,that is.Nothing pleased me quite so much as to buy a bargain lot of them on sale for several pounds.There is a peculiar flavour(独特的味道)about the unexpected books you pick up in that kind of collection:little-known eighteenth-century poets,or out-of-date geography books.For occasional(偶尔的)reading-in your bath,for example,or late at night when you are too tired to go to bed-there is nothing as good as a very old picture story-book.

  But as soon as l went to work in the bookshop l stopped buying books.

  Seen in a mass,five or ten thousand at a time,books were dull and even a little tiresome.Nowadays I do buy one occasionally,but only if it is a book that I want to read and can't borrow.and I never buy rubbish.

1.According to the passage,________is one of the necessary conditions to run a bookshop.

[  ]

A.an educated shop-owner

B.a good position at a street corner

C.a regular journey out of the shop

D.the force of large chain-stores

2.The author should not like to be back as a bookseller for life because________.

[  ]

A.he hated his job of selling books

B.selling books was only a part-time job

C.the books in the shop gave him a dislike

D.he was unable to be honest about the books he sold

3.The books preferred by the author should be those________.

[  ]

A.stories making readers sleepless

B.valuable ones bought on sale

C.peculiar ones with great expectation

D.geography ones from the eighteenth century

4.The author will only buy new books________.

[  ]

A.if he feels dull and tired

B.after he gives up his job as a bookseller

C.which are interesting but hard to borrow

D.when he throws away old ones


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Before a new type of airplane goes into service,every part of it is tested again and again.But there are two tests that are more important than all the others.

  The first is called the“tank test”.A modern airplane must fly very high in the sky.Air must pumped into the plane so that the passengers can breathe,The metal structure(结构)of the plane has to be very strong for this reason.When the plane as filled with air,the air presses against the skin of the plane inside.The pressure(压力)on a small window is like a huge foot that is trying to get out.If a small part of the plane were to fail,the plane would explode in the sky TO test the structure of the plane,the plane is lowered into a huge tank or container of water.Then it is filled with air.The pressure inside the plane is greater than it ever will be when it is high up in the air.Finally,there is an explosion.This does not cause so much damage inside the water tank as it would anywhere else.Engineers can discover which part of the plane has broken.Then that part is made stronger.

  The most dangerous test happens when the new plane is going through test flights in the air.The test pilot must find out exactly what happens when the engines(发动机)are all shut off at once.The plane begins to fall like a stone.It is the pilot's job to find out how he can get control of the plane again.These two tests are examples of how planes are made safe before they ever carry passengers.

1.By doing the“tank test',the engineers can find out________.

[  ]

A.the amount of air in the plane

B.the strength of the plane structure

C.the pressure inside and outside the plane

D.the power of the airplane engines.

2.What will happen to the plane under the“tank test”?

[  ]

A.It will be broken.

B.It will be made stronger.

C.It will be filled with water.

D.It will be tested by pilots.

3.According to the text,Why are test flights most dangerous?

[  ]

A.The plane may explode in the air.

B.The pilot may lose control of the plane.

C.The engines may be damaged.

D.Too much air may get into the plane.

4.What might be the most suitable title fro the text?

[  ]

A.Two Important Tests on Airplanes

B.The Importance of Flying Safely

C.The Danger of Testing Airplanes

D.How Airplanes Are Made and Tested


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  In recent years,especially during the 196bs,there was much discussion about“the brain drain(排干,流失)”,which dealt with the problem of students and learned people who left their own countries for other countries that offered better chances for study, research and employment.For example,according to a report from UN ,between 1962 and 1966 more than 50 percent of all engineering graduates of Iran and 14 percent of Iranian scientists left their country for work abroad .Over 30 percent of Chilean engineers and 15 percent of Turkish physicians also went to work in other countries.Probably the greatest brain occurred among young scientists who had gone abroad to study.Many of them had planned to return to their countries to teach but chose to remain in more industrialized nations where they were able to continue their work and their research in fields in which there were no job possibilities at home.The countries that attracted most of these scientists were the United States,Great Britain,Germany,France,Canada,and Australia.

  Recent studies show that the brain drain to the United States may be decreasing.Many foreign scientists are going home again,and in some cases American scientists are leaving the United States for employment in other countries.The main reasons are that good jobs are becoming fewer here,money for national research has been sharply cut,and university fellowships reduced too However,in the field of medicine the drain to the United States still goes on.Today more than one of every five American doctors is foreign-born,and several thousand foreign doctors immigrate to the United States each year.Over eighty countries have asked the State Department to send students who are skilled in important fields such as medicine back home when their study programs are over.

1.Which of the following is not the reason for“the brain drain”?

[  ]

A.Better chances of study.

B.Better research condition.

C.Good job possibility.

D.Good housing.

2.The brain drain to the United States may be decreasing mainly because.

[  ]

A.many foreign scientists are ordered to return to their motherlands

B.there are fewer and fewer good jobs in the USA

C.they don't need any foreign scientists now

D.the universities refuse to provide money for the foreign scientists

3.How many American doctors are foreign-born?

[  ]

A.More than 20 percent.
B.About half of them
C.Several thousand.
D.About 15 percent

4.Which is the best title for this passage?

[  ]

A.How to seek a job in the USA.

B.Doctors'immigration to the USA.

C.The brain drain.

D.A strange case.


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Besides this question of the time given to pronunciation,there are two other requirements for the teacher:the first,knowledge;the second,technique.

  It is important that the teacher should be in possession of the necessary information.This can generally be go form books.It is possible to get from books some idea of the speech;and of what we call general phonetic rules.It is also possible in this way to get a clear mental picture of the relationship between the sounds of different languages,between the speech habits of English people and those,of your students.Unless the teacher has such a picture,any explanations he makes on his students'pronunciation are unlikely to be of much use,and lesson time spent on Pronunciation may well be wasted.

  But it does not follow that you can teach pronunciation successfully as soon as you have read the necessary books.It depends,after that,what use you make of your knowledge;and this is a matter of technique.

  Now the first and most important part of a language teacher's technique is his own performance,his ability to show off the spoken language,in every detail of sound as well as in fluent speaking,so that the student's ability for imitation is given the fullest space and encouragement.The teacher,then,should be as perfect a model in this field as he can make himself.And to make his own performance better,however satisfactory this may be,the modern teacher has in his hand recordings and a radio,to supply the real voices of native speakers,or,if the teacher happens to be a native speaker himself,or speaks just like one,then to change the method of presenting the language material.

  However,the process of showing pronunciation,whether by personal ex-ample or with the help of machines,is only the beginning of teaching pronunciation.The technique of teaching each sound also needs to be considered.

1.How might the teacher find himself wasting lesson time?

[  ]

A.By spending lesson time on pronunciation.

B.Bu making ill-informed explanations upon pronunciation.

C.By not using books on phonetics in the classroom.

D.By not giving students a clear mental picture of the difference between


2.Students have an ability for imitation which is________.

[  ]

A.plain and obvious

B.well developed

C.not yet developed

D.too weak to be useful

3.What is the main point the author makes about imitation of the teacher?

[  ]

A.It is a matter of secondary importance.

B.Students should be given every chance for it.

C.It depends on the student's ability.

D.Teachers are perfect models for students to imitate.

4.TO Someone teaching his own language to foreigners mechanical aids can________.

[  ]

A.improve his own performance

B.replace his own performance

C.provide examples of native speech

D.make his voice louder

5.Showing pronunciation is to be regarded as ________.

[  ]

A.a part of teaching pronunciation

B.an exercise of value in itself

C.an example of the use of mechanical aids

D.a technique for teaching separate sounds


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  One fine afternoon l was walking along Fifth Street,when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks.Why l wished to buy only one pair was unimportant.I turned into the first sock shop that caught my eye,and a boy clerk who could not have been more than seventeen years old came forward,“What can I do for you,sir?”“I wish to buy a pair of socks,”His eyes shone.There was a note of excitement in his voice,“Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks?”I had no idea of that,as my entrance had been accidental.“Come with me,”said the boy,eagerly.I followed him to the back of the shop,and he began to pull down from the shelves box after box showing their contents for my choice.

  “Hold on,lad,l am going to buy only one pair!”“I know that,”said he,“but I want you to see how beautiful these are.Aren't they wonderful!” There was on his face an expression of seriousness and pride and delight as if he were showing to me the secrets of his religion.I became far more interested in him than in the socks.I looked at him in amazement.“My friend,”。Said I,“if you can keep this up,if this is not merely from having a new job,if you can keep up this high spirit and excitement day after day,in ten years you will own every sock in the United States.

1.What did the writer want to buy one fine afternoon?

[  ]

A.A pair of shoes.
B.A pair of socks.
C.Two pairs Of socks.
D.A set of books.

2.Which is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.The shop was on the Second Road.

B.The boy was 18 years old.

C.The boy was not in high spirits.

D.The wrier entered the shop by chance.

3.What the writer said in the last paragraph means that________.

[  ]

A.if you don't work hard,you will lose the job

B.you should keep on following your customs

C.If you keep up your great interest in your work,you will succeed in the future

D.if you are too hardworking,you will fail


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  In general,people talk about two groups of colors:warm colors and cool colors.Researchers in psychology think that there are also two groups Of people:people who prefer warm colors and people who prefer cool colors.

  The warm are red,orange and yellow.Where there are warm colors and a lot of light,people usually want to be active.People think that red,for example.is exciting.Sociable people,those who like to be with others,like red.The cool colors are green,blue and violet.These colors,unlike warm colors,are relaxing.Where there are cool colors,people are usually quiet.People who like to spend time alone often prefer blue.

  Red may be exciting,but one researcher says that time seems to pass more slowly in a room with warm colors than in a room with cool colors.He suggests that a warm color,such as red or orange is a good color for a living room or restaurant.People who are relaxing or eating do.not want time to pass quickly.Cool colors are better for offices of factories if the people who are working there want time to pass quickly.

  Researchers do not know why people think some colors are warm and other colors are cool.However,almost everyone agrees that red,orange,and yellow are warm and that green,blue,and violet are cool.Perhaps warm colors remind people of warm days and the cool colors remind them of cool days.Because in the north the sun is higher during summer,the hot summer sunlight appears yellow.

1.Which of the following colors belong to cool colors?

[  ]


2.Which Of the following statements is not true?

[  ]

A.Sociable people like warm colors.

B.Warm colors can make people excited.

C.People who like to be with others don't like red.

D.Where three are warm colors, people want to be active.

3.Which is the right color for different rooms?

[  ]

A.Red or orange for offices.

B.Orange for dining-rooms.

C.Blue for bedrooms.

D.Red for studies.

4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

[  ]

A.It shows the reason why people think some colors are warm and others are cool.

B.Warm colors remind people of warm days.

C.Cool colors remind people of cool days.

D.People have an agreeable opinion of warm colors and cool colors.


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Some people have complained about this year's collection,New Writing 3,although I cannot understand why.Surely 500 pages of original writing of this quality,for £6.99,is pretty amazing?

  Fiction-both parts of novels and complete short stories-makes up most of the book.There are some enjoyable pieces by famous writers,such as Candia Mc William and Rose Tremain.It's a strange fact that the less well-known people seem to have written mainly about food.Take my advice about Jane Harris's Those Nailsthis piece should definitely not be read just after meals.It contains some very unpleasant scenes which could turn your stomach!

  There is fine work from nineteen poets,including R.S.Thomas and John Burnside.There are pieces from novels-in-progress by Jim Crace and Jane Rogers.Finally,there is a little non-fiction,which includes a very funny article by Alan Ursula Owen.This is an exceptional collection and l for one can't wait to see what next year's choice will include.

1.The writer of this passage is trying to give________.

[  ]

A.her opinions about a new book

B.some information about new writers

C.some advice to new writers

D.her opinion of newspaper journalists

2.The readers would ________after reading the text.

[  ]

A.find out more details about New Writing 3

B.learn what next year's collection will contain

C.find out about Alan Rusbridger's new novel

D.have no idea how to read a good book

3.The writer suggested that you might feel ________after reading Jane Harriss Piece.

[  ]


4.Which of the following best describes New Writing 3?

[  ]


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050






1.Marta wants a course in English,starting in September.She wants a college which will organize visits,so she should go to________.

[  ]

A.Lowton College
B.Bristow College
C.Shepton College
D.Frampton College

2.Jean wants to attend classes for a few hours a week in July.He wants to stay in a city,with a family,so he should go to________.

[  ]

A.Lowton College
B.Bristow College
C.Shepton College
D.Frampton College

3.Shepton College allows students to live________.

[  ]

A.with a family
B.in flats and houses
C.in the college
D.in students hostels


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  It was midnight in Paris we were rolling toward the Avenue Bosguet.As we came to the Pont Alexandre Ⅲ,the taxi slowed down,for the traffic light was red against us,and then without stopping ,we sailed through the red light in a sudden burst of speed.The Same performance was repeated at the Alma Bridge.As l paid the driver,I asked him why he had driven through two red lights.

  “You ought to be ashamed of yourself ,breaking the law and endangering your life that way,” I protested.

  He looked at me,astonished.“Ashamed of myself?I am a law-abiding (守法的)citizen and have no desire to get killed either.”He cut me off before I could protest.“No,just listen to me before you complain.What did I do?Went through a red light.Well,did you ever stop to consider what a red light is,what it means?”

  “Certainly,”I replied:“It's a stop signal and means that traffic is rolling in the opposite direction.”

  “Half-right,”said the driver,“but incomplete.It is only an automatic (自动的)stop signal.And it does not mean that there is cross traffic.Did you see any cross traffic during our trip?Of course not.I slowed down at the light,looked carefully to the right and to the left.Not another car on the streets at this hour.Well,then!What would you have me do?Should l stop like a stupid animal because an automatic,brainless machine turns red every forty seconds?No,sir,” he shouted.“I am a man,not a machine.I have eyes and a brain and judgment,given me by God.Ashamed of myself,you say?I would only be ashamed of myself if I let those blinking lamps do my thinking for me.Good night,sir.”

  Is this bad,is this good?Frankly I no longer am sure.

1.At the Alma Bridge________.

[  ]

A.the writer stopped the taxi and paid the driver

B.the taxi went through a red light again

C.there was a performance the writer had already watched

D.the writer began to criticize the driver

2.To the taxi diver,a red light________.

[  ]

A.was not a stop signal

B.should not work at midnight

C.sometimes made mistakes in judgment

D.didn't always mean that there was cross traffic

3.The main the driver dared to drive through the red light was that________.

[  ]

A.he found there was cross traffic there and then

B.he though it a shame to be controlled by a machine

C.he knew no other driver would see him at this hour

D.he didn't trust any brainless machine

4.According to the passage,the driver though of what he had done as.

[  ]



C.something to be proud of

D.something to be ashamed of

