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科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  After breakfast Mrs Cotton said to Kurt,“ You really ought to tidy your room.I should have cleaned it weeks ago but it's been impossible because of all your things all over the place.”

  So Kurt went upstairs and began to sort out all his belongings.There were a lot of things that ought to have been thrown out ages ago.Among the things he found some old school reports from St.Mark's Grammar School where he was educated.They had been put into the drawer years ago and hadn't been taken out for ages.Kurt looked through these and thought about some of the boys and masters he used to know.Most of the boys had done much better than he had;they had all either got good jobs or were studying at university.

  Kurt hadn't worked very hard,especially in his last two years at school、Instead he used to waste his time and everybody said he ought to have worked much harder.Unfortunately,he failed his A-level examinations and his parents were very disappointed.In their opinion he should have become a doctor like his father.

  When he left school,he found it very difficult to get a decent(体面的)job.First of all,he became a clerk in an insurance(保险)company.This was a very boring job.He used to sit at a desk all day and copy figures from one piece of paper to another.He then got his job in the library.

  “But I don't really like it there,”he thought,“I oughtn't to stay there all my life.I ought to try and study again and get something good like some of the boys I shall see at the dance tonight Now I ought to get on and tidy my room, I suppose.

1.The first paragraph of the passage tells us that________.

[  ]

A.Mrs Cotton hadn't cleaned Kurt's room

B.Kurt's things are orderly laid

C.Mrs Cotton had cleaned Kurt's room

D.Kurt always cleaned his room by himself

2.“There were a lot of things that ought to have been thrown out ages ago.”This means that________

[  ]

A.these things were of importance to Kurt

B.Kurt always went over these things

C.Kurt had thrown out some of these things

D.Kurt seldom went over these things

3.According to the passage we learn that________.

[  ]

A.St.Mark's Grammar School was a university

B.Mrs Cotton was a chief librarian

C.Kurt hadn't entered university

D.Kurt was happy about his school days

4.Why was it very difficult for Kurt to get a decent job?

[  ]

A.Because he was not tidy.

B.Because he hadn't worked hard at school.

C.Because he couldn't do jobs well.

D.Because he wanted to be a doctor.


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


Why She Turned Herself into Human Torch

  She was a lovely and pretty girl,but now Liu Saying's seriously burnt face and hands tell people that she might never be as happy again.On January 23,2001,the 12-year-old fifth-grade primary school pupil from Central China's Henan Province was taken by her mother to Beijing's Tian'anmen Square,believing she would enter the“Falun World.There the two set themselves on fire.She said she was told“the flames can't hurt you.They will only pass through your body and you will reach heaven in the twinkling of an eye…It is a wonderful world.You could become a‘religious queen' and many people will serve you”.She said her mother and other Falun Gong practitioners said this to encourage her to set herself on fire.However,the flames changed everything.The pain and fear made the young girl cry out for help.She was rescued bypolice and sent to Jishuitan Hospital,China's leading hospital for treating burn patients.

  The hospital found the girl had burns to 40 percent of her body and burns to her face.A healthy girl has been physically damaged for life.Siying had been a well-behaved girl.Her mother taught her to practise Falun Gong last March and she became acquainted with a number of Falun Gong practitioners.The followers often praised her for being clever and said that she could become a“religious queen”in heaven.Doctors at the hospital said it was only after 16 hours at the hospital that the shock caused by the burns was controlled.Her head was bandaged and she was given a skin-transplant operation on her left hand.

  The girl said she set herself on fire because she was“going to heaven.”She said she learnt a about Falun Gong from the book“Zhuan Falun”and her mother.She said she had been“fooled”and said she no longer believed in Falun Gong.Doctors said all her fingers may have to be cut off.

  Scores of days later,Liu Siying died in the hospital.

1.The underlined phrase“in the twinkling of an eye”refers to________.

[  ]

A.Very quickly
C.opening one eye

2.In the eyes of most people in China,what Liu Siying and her mother

have done in Tian'anmen Square is________.

[  ]


3.After knowing the truth of What Liu Siying has done?

[  ]

A.we should draw useful lessons from it and fight against Falun Gong

B.people find the way to heaven was closed to the Poor girl

C.the whole nation regarded her as a hero

D.People sang high praise for her brave act

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

[  ]

A.Falun Gong-the evil religion(邪教)should be forbidden.

B.The Chinese government dealt with the affairs of Falun Gong Correctly

C.Why Liu Siying set herself on fire on Beijing's Tian'anmen Square.

D.The affair that Liu Siying set herself on fire promised a worse future for her


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Governors, lawyers and business leaders have to deal with scientists,and every educated person finds his views affected by science.Yet our science teaching of non-scientists,in school and college,has built up mistaken ideas,dislikes,and the common boast,“I never did understand science.”Even those students who arrive at college with plans to become scientists usually bring a mistaken picture of science:some have a collection of unorganized facts about science,and some regard the study of science as a game which includes getting the right answer.

  The first of these attitudes seems to come from a kind of course which provides various kinds of information;the second,from a training course on how to pass examinations that do not ask about the student'S understanding but simply require him to put the numbers in the right formulas(公式).Neither type of courses(in school or college)seems to give students an understanding of science as we find it among scientists.Neither shows students how real scientists work and think,how the facts are gathered,how discoveries are made,and what they mean.Young people need good teaching of science,not so much a great wealth of knowledge as a healthy understanding of the nature of science.They need an understanding of knowledge leading to sympathy with science and an eagerness of the way scientists work.Given these,it is easy to encourage later reading and learning.

1.One of the reasons that cause mistaken ideas of science is due to________

[  ]

A.a mistaken picture in students'mind

B.the unscientific way of teaching of science

C.the fact that students fail to see the influence of science

D.the fact that students have a collection of unrelated facts about science

2.According to the passage,we can safely say that the subject of the passage is________.

[  ]

A.need for good science teaching

B.every person,including governors, lawyers and business leadersshould study science

C.young people should form a correct attitude to science

D.students must know what science is and how scientists work and think

3.A good course of science is________.

[  ]

A.to teach students to do things according to formulas

B.to provide students with all kinds of information

C.to help students have a good understanding and form a correct attitude to science

D.to encourage students to have a good command of knowledge

4.People such as governors,lawyers and business leaders deal with scientists mainly because________.

[  ]

A.scientists are great persons

B.scientists make discoveries and apply them to help people live a morecomfortable,stable and safe life

C.they owe much to scientists'contributions

D.they can be affected by scientists when they are together


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  lf you go to Brisbane,Australia,you can easily get a small book called“Discover Brisbane”free.The book tells you almost everything in Brisbane:the restaurants,the shops,the cinemas,the streets,the buses,the trains,the banks,ect.Here is something about banks on page 49:

  ANZ Banking Group

  Cnr.Greek &Queen Sts……………………………………228  3228

  Bank of New Zealand

  410 Queen Street……………………………………………221  0411

  Bank of Queensland

  229 Elizabeth Street…………………………………………229  3122

  Commonwealth Banking Group

  240 Queen Street……………………………………………237  31ll

  National Australia Bank Ltd

  225 Adelaide Street…………………………………………221  6422

  Westpac Banking Crop

  260 Queen Street …………………………………………227  2666

  Banking Hours are Mon-Thurs 9∶30am to 4pm.Fri 9∶30 am to 5pm.All banks close Sat Sun & Public Holidays.

  Australia has a decimal currency with 100 cents to the Dollar

  Notes available are:$ 100,$50,$20,$10,$5

  Gold coins are:$2&$1.

  Silver coins are:50,20,10&1.

  Copper coins are:2&1 Cent.

1.You can find ANZ bank on________.

[  ]

A.Queen Street

B.Elizabeth Street

C.the corner of Greek Street and Queen Street

D.the corner of Queen Street and Elizabeth Street

2.________seems to be the most important street in Brisbane.

[  ]

A.Greek Street
B.Elizabeth Street
C.Queen Street
D.Adelaide Street

3.On Saturday,you can go to________ to put your money in or take your money out.

[  ]

A.ANZ Banking Group

B.Bank of Queensland

B.National Australia Bank Ltd

D.no bank

4.In Australia,the banks have their longest service hours on________.

[  ]

A.public holidays


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  The next time you try for a high-ranking post,you could let your possible boss listen to a recommending phone call“made”by US President George W Bush or British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

  Of course,neither of them could really do that for youyou would just“borrow”ther voices.

  AT&T labs will start selling speech software that,it says,is so good at reproducing the sounds of a human voice that it can recreate voices and even bring the voices of long-dead famous people back to life.

  The software,which turns printed text into speech,makes it possible for a company to use recordings of a person's voice to say things that the person never actually said.

  Possible customers for the software,which is Priced at the thousands of dollars,include telephone on centers,companies that make software that reads digital files aloud,and makers of automated voice devices.The advances raise several problems.Who,for example,owns the rights to a famous person's voice?(Some experts even believe that new contracts will be drawn that include voice-licensing clauses.)

  And although scientists say the technology is not yet good enough to commit fraud(假冒),would the synthesized(合成的)voices at last be able to trick people into thinking that they were getting phone calls or digital audio recordings from people they knew?

  Even Mr Fruchterman,one of AT&Tlabs,possible first customers,said he wondered what the new technology might bring.“Just like you can't trust a photograph any more,”he said,“You won't be able to trust a voice either.”

1.With the help of the speech software,it is most possible________.

[  ]

A.to improve a famous person's speech

B.to say what you want in another's voice

C.to make a speech much more easily

D.to help you to find a better job

2.If the speech software is widely used,________.

[  ]

A.people would no longer believe each other

B.it would not be necessary to go for a speech by a famous person

C.no radio or TV broadcasters would be needed

D.recording a voice alone would not be taken as a proof in the court

3.According to the passage,you can infer that________.

[  ]

A.the software will turn out to be an immediate success in the market

B.the government will forbid the sale of the software in the market

C.it's hard to decide whether the software will enjoy popularity

D.the software will soon prove to be nothing but rubbish

4.The passage mainly wants to________.

[  ]

A.introduce a new software

B.explain the disadvantage of a new invention

C.advertise a new kind of product

D.describe the future market of a new product


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  One evening,sitting at the window sewing,my mother called me,“Come here,”She said,“ 1 ”.She held my head against her  2 ,and after a puzzled moment I felt a  3  foot drumming on my cheek.“You see?”she said,“It's alive.You can  4  it,can't you?”l accepted it,as l accepted every-thing,without  5  It was good a place for the baby to be as any other and I never  6  about why it got in nor how it would finally get out.

  A baby would come?I  7  noticed.That there were soon to be  8  of us would not make any difference to me.l had my place,star-like in my small universe. 9 ,certainly not a baby,could  10  that.

  I was  11 ,however.I soon found that things had  12  a great deal.I had never been the  13  Now I was no longer the youngest.I was simply the one in the  14  My sister had certain  15  because she was the oldest,and my brother the baby,the son,the much  16  boy.More than that,he had all sorts of things that never came to me.

  As he grew,it became  17  that my brother had been the center of every-thing.People smiled when they saw him.He made them happy  18  by being there.And he had the sort of childish beauty that always turns heads and draws a second  19  He was so charming that he was immediately love able.later he also turned out to be  20 ,although perhaps not quits as clever as I was.


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科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  “Life is speeding up.Everyone is getting unwell.”

  This may sound like something someone would say today.But in fact,an unknown citizen who lived in Rome in AD 52 wrote it.

  We all love new inventions.They are exciting,amazing and can even change our lives.

  But have all these developments really improved the quality of our lives?

  Picture this:You're rushing to finish your homework on the computer.Your mobile phone rings,a QQ message from your friend appears on the screen,the noise from the television is getting louder and louder.Suddenly the computer goes blank and you lose all your work.Now you have to stay up all night to get it done.How calm and happy do you feel?

  Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave us feeling stressed and tired.Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities,who have no telephones,no cars,not even any electricity often seem to be happier?Perhaps because they lead simpler lives.

  One family in the UK went“back in time” to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today.the grandparents,with their daughter,and grandsons Benjamin,10,and Tomas,7,spent nine weeks in a 1940s house.They had no washing machine,microwave,computer or mobile phones.

  The grandmother,said,“It was hard physically,but not mentally.”She believed life was less materialistic.“The more things you have,the more difficult life becomes,”she said.The boys said they had less to fight over,such as their computer.Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a “trendy(时髦),beer-drinking granny,to one who cooked things.”

  Here are some simple ways to beat the stress often caused by our inventions!

  Don't be available all the time.Turn off your mobile phone at certain times of the day.Don't check your e-mall every day.Don't reply to somebody as soon as they leave a text message just because you can.It may be fun at first,but it soon gets annoying.

1.The passage is mainly about________.

[  ]

A.problem with technology

B.improvements of our life with technology

C.the important roles technology plays in our everyday life

D.major changes which will be likely to happen to technology

2.The writer quoted what a citizen in ancient Rome said at the beginning of the story in order to________.

[  ]

A.share a truth about life

B.tell us what life was like long time ago

C.make us wonder what causes such a thing to happen

D.point out that you experience some big problems and they may be the same.

3.Why did the family choose to spend some time in a 1940's house?Be-cause________.

[  ]

A.they liked to live simple lives

B.they were curious about how people lived without modern inventions

C.they were troubled by modern inventions

D.living in a different time would be a lot of fun for them

4.What do you think the underlined word “available” in the lst suggestion offered by the writer mean?

[  ]

A.Busy on line.
C.Be able to
D.Be found by others


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  When we think about people who are leaders,we often get a mental picture of someone who is older,smarter,and wiser than ourselves.Studies of leadership,though,have usually found that there is almost no relationship between skill as a leader and traditional measures of intelligence.

  Some recent research by psychologist Red Fiedle and his colleagues suggests that both intelligence and experience may be importantbut just now how important depends upon how stressful the work situation is and what kind of task is to be accomplished.The researchers obtained measures of intelligence,experience,performance,and stress.

  Overall,these variables did not relate to one another Men with high and low intelligence were equally likely to give good performance,as were men with more and less experience,or more and less stress with their bosses.However,when you look separately at those men who have high stress with their bosses,the picture changes.

  In high stress situations,here was no association between intelligence and performance,but there was between experience and performance.In other words,in difficult situations,it was helpful to“know the ropes.”In low stress situations,the findings were just the opposite.Experience was not related to good performance,but intelligence was.That is,when things are going well,intelligence is very useful in leadership.

  A study of fire fighters'performance under high and low stress conditions also found the experienced officers performed best under situations of stress.None of this is really very surprising.lf you have have ever had a supervisory job,you probably found that at least as much energy went into handling(管理)people as went into handling the job itself.Tests of intelligence at least the ones we have nowdo not predict success in handling people.

1.What kind of people can do the best job in stress situation?

[  ]

A.intelligent people
B.experienced people
C.calm people
D.skilled people

2.In the second sentence of the last paragraph,“a supervisory job”refers to.

[  ]

A.a management job
B.an advisory job
C.a teaching job
D.an organizing job

3.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.In stress situations,there are no association between experience and performance.

B.Some recent research suggests that most leaders are lack of intelligence.

C.In low stress situations,intelligence plays an important role in leadership.

D.Generally speaking,leaders are likely to be cleverer than ordinary people.

4.In the second sentence of the fourth paragraph,“to know the ropes” most probably means________.

[  ]

A.to understand the situation

B.to control the situation

C.to get rid of the situation

D.to make sure what to do about the situation


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


A Tight Situation

  Sometimes funny memories are the most special way to remember a beloved lover.It helps take away some of the feeling of loss.Before he passed away,my husband loved to share this story with our friends.Now,it makes a smile to share this story with you.

  Our neighbor's son was getting married in 1971 at a church,and we were invited.we immediately rushed out of the store,and I bought a nice pink dress with a jacket.The dress was a little tight,but I had a month before the June 30 wedding and I would lose a few pounds.

  June 29 came and,of course,I had not lost a single pound;in fact,I had gained two.But,I thought a new girdle(收腹健美裤)would solve my problem.So on our way to the wedding,we stopped once again at the store.I ran in and told the clerk I needed a size alarge girdle.

  The clerk round the box with the described girdle,marked“L”,and asked if I would like to try it on“Oh,no,alarge will fit just right.I won't need to try it on.

  The next morning was hot,so l waited to get dressed until about forty-five minutes before time to go.I opened the girdle box only to find a new $49.95 girdle in a size small.Since it was too late to find another one and the dress wouldn't't fit right without a girdle,a fight broke out between me and the girdle Have you ever tried to shake twenty pounds of potatoes into a five-pound bag?Finally,my husband, laughing like crazy,got hold of each side and shook me down into it,and I was ready to go.

  As we walked into the church,he asked if could make it.Now,he was getting worried because I was breathing funny.I told him that it would last one hour,twenty-two minutes and eight-and-on-half seconds-the minister blessed everything except my girdle!

  My knees were blue and my legs lost all the feeling.My husband was asking questions and trying to comfort me.

  As soon as the minister pronounced them married,l rushed out with my husband.“Please,just get me out of here!”I said.

  We ran out to our car,and once there he opened the front and back passenger doors against the next car.Right there,before God,human and the wedding party,l took off that girdle.When the girdle flew out of my hand and landed under the car next to ours,my husband was laughing so hard and we drove away.

Over the years,he and l had often wondered what the people of that church thought the next morning when they found $49.95,size girdle in their Parking lot.

1.When she was telling the story,she________.

[  ]

A.was sorry for her husband's death

B.was happy to share her funny memories

C.was wondering who had picked up the girdle

D.still couldn't't forget the trouble on that day

2.She still bought the tight pink dress,because she thought________

[  ]

A.she would save same money

B.she would gain a few pounds

C.she would lose some weight

D.she looked thinner in the dress

3.Which statement is true according to the story?

[  ]

A.she changed the girdle for a larger size.

B.They tried hard to pour lots of potatoes into a small bag.

C.She put on the dress without the girdle in the end.

D.She managed to put on the girdle with her husband's help.

4.The title“A Tight Situation” really means________.

[  ]

A.she was dressed in a tight girdle

B.she dressed herself in a limited time

C.she got herself embarrassed

D.the wedding lasted longer than she expected

5.The writer's purpose of writing this story is________.

[  ]

A.to tell an interesting experience

B.to prove her husband's love

C.to describe her tight girdle

D.to describe her unspeakable feeling


科目: 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Millions of women use cosmetics,often called “make-up”.The cosmetics industry is one of the biggest in the world.Most large stores sell cosmetics,and there are always shops at airports selling them cheaply.

The word“cosmetics”refers to anything that people put on their faces to make them look better.Lipstick,face powder and cream,and eye make-up are the most popular.Although more women than men use cosmetics,there are cosmetics for men as well as women.

  Some people even have cosmetic surgery to make their faces look different.They have the shape of their noses and eyes changed.

  The most widely used cosmetic is probably lipstick,as many women who do not wear any other make-up will often put on a little lipstick.

  Lipstick is made by mixing together different oils and colors.This mixture is then allowed to get hard and is cut into the shape of a small pencil.When a woman presses the lipstick to her lips,the end of it becomes soft,and some of it sticks to her lips,giving them extra color.

  Cosmetics were probably first used in India,but it was the Egyptians,six thousand years ago,who made the most use of them.Rich Egyptian women painted their eyes green and black.Thy used a red color to paint pretty designs on their fingernails,the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet.Pictures of Cleopatra always show her wearing a lot of make-up.

  The Romans also used cosmetics.They liked to make their skin very white and to paint their eyes.They also used a kind of lipstick.

  In England at one time,very rich women had baths in milk to make their skin beautiful.They also used a lot of sweet-smelling powder to stop people smelling their bodies,which were often very dirty because they did not wash very often or change their clothes.

  At one time,some cosmetics were not safe.They were bad for the skin,and some of the lipsticks and powders that people used were even poisonous.Nowadays,people in the cosmetics industry take great care to make sure that everything they use is completely safe.

1.People use cosmetics________.

[  ]

A.only at airports

B.to color their feet

C.to make themselves look better

D.instead of surgery

2.“Cosmetics”refers to________.

[  ]


3.In earlier times,cosmetics were________.

[  ]

A.never used in milk baths

B.never used on the eyes

C.never used on the skin

D.sometimes harmful to the skin

