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科目: 来源:读想用 高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy volunteer(扫盲志愿者).The training I received,though excellent,did not tell me how it was to work with a real student,however.When I began to discover(发现)what other people's lives were like because they could not read,I realized the true importance of reading.

  My first student Marie was a 44-year-old single(单身的)mother of three.In the first lesson,I found out she walked two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she didn't know which bus to take.When I told her I would get her a bus schedule(时刻表),she told me it would not help because she could not read it.She said she also had difficulty once she got to the supermarket because she couldn't always remember what she needed.Since she did not know words,she could not write out a shopping list.Also,she could only recognize(认出,识别)items by sight,so if the product had a different label(标识),she would not recognize it as the product she wanted.

  As we worked together,learning how to read built Marie's self-confidence(自信心),which encouraged her to continue in her studies. She began to make rapid progress and was even able to take the bus to the supermarket.After this successful trip,she reported how self-confident she felt.At the end of the program,she began helping her youngest son,Tony,a shy first grader,with his reading.She sat with him before he went to sleep and together they would read bedtime stories.When his eyes became wide with excitement as she read,pride was written all over her face,and she began to see how her own hard work in learning to read paid off.As she described(描述)this experience,I was proud of myself as well.I

found that helping Marie to build her self-confidence was more rewarding(值得做的)than anything I had ever done before.

  As a literacy volunteer,I learned a great deal about teaching and helping others.In fact,I may have learned more form the experience than Marie did.

1.What did the author do last summer?

[  ]

A.She worked in the supermarket.

B.She helped someone to learn to read.

C.She gave single mothers the help they needed.

D.She went to a training program to help a literacy volunteer.

2.Why didn't Marie go to the supermarket by bus at first?

[  ]

A.Because she liked to walk to the supermarket.

B.Because she lived far away from the bus stop.

C.Because she couldn't afford the bus ticket.

D.Because she couldn't find the right bus.

3.How did Marie use to find the goods she wanted in the supermarket?

[  ]

A.She knew where the goods were in he supermarket.

B.She asked others to take her to the right place.

C.She managed to find the goods by their looks.

D.She remembered the names of the goods.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Marie?

[  ]

A.Marie could do things she had not been able to do before.

B.Marie was able to read stories with the help of her son.

C.Marie decided to continue her studies in school.

D.Marie paid for her own lessons.


科目: 来源:读想用 高二英语(下) 题型:050



  The cowboys who lived in the United States of America,before there were good roads or big modern cities,used to live on the huge spaces of grassland called ranges,because that was where the cows that they looked after could find plenty of grass and water. 1 

  In the early days it was a hard job getting the cows to the markets where they were killed.It was no good killing them on the range because there were no lorries or railways to carry the meat. 2 

  On the trail the leader was the trail boss,who told the men which jobs to do.He decided where they should camp at night.

  Hundreds or maybe thousands of cattle were taken on the trail. 3 

  Of course,the chuck wagon went too.“ Chuck was a cowboy name for food,and so the chuck wagon was where the cook did his work and carried his stores of food.The tail board of the wagon made a good shelf,as the back part of the wagon could open outwards so it served very well as a shelf.The cook was able to feed the cowboys,but the cattle had to find their own food on the trail.They ate as they moved along.

   4  The cowboys worked very hard and had little time to play When they were resting on the trail they would play cards,tell stories,sing cowboy songs and mend their equipment.

   5  The cattle will also arrive fresh and fat when they arrive at the place whereas they would have become tired and thin if they had been taken on the trail.

A.The cattle had to be driven along in a large herd to the towns where they were needed.The places with lots of people who needed meat were often hundreds or thousands of miles away from the ranges.The cattle were rounded up,and those to be sent away were kept together.

B.It was a long,slow job,and the herd covered only about fifteen or twenty miles each day.This meant that the journey to market took many weeks.All this time the cowboy worked in the saddle and slept on the hard ground.They began work the sun rose and they were on their horses for many hours day after day.

C.Because of the danger of the stampede(惊跑),the trail boss and his men did everything they could to keep the cattle quiet.During the day the herd was moved along at a slow,steady pace.At night when most of the men were asleep,a gang of cowboys would ride round and round the herd,singing and whistling softly.This was to let the cows know that everything was all right.

D.But when the time came to sell the cows,there were no buyers on the range-they had to be taken into market.

E.The herd was not made to move too quickly-if they rushed along they would get thin and not be worth much at the market.Some cowboys rode beside them,some in front and others at the back.Cows which moved too slowly were hurried along.Cows which tried to get away were made to go back to the herd.

F.When railways were built there were no need to take cattle on the trail.Instead they were put into railway cars and taken quickly to the markets.Today a fast cattle train will take only a few hours to do a journey which once took the cowboys and their herds many days or weeks.


科目: 来源:读想用 高二英语(下) 题型:050


  The basic flag of the United States is one of the world's oldest national flags.Only the basic flags of Austria,Denmark,Great Britain,the Netherlands,Sweden,and Switzerland are older.

  During the discovery and settlement of hat is now the United States,the flags of various European nations were flown over the land,as symbols of possession.later,in the Colonial and Revolutionary War periods,flags representing famous persons,place,and events were flown in the American Colonies.

  The first official flag of the United States was created by Congress on June 14,1777.It consisted of 13 alternate red and white stripes and 13 white stars in a field of blue,representing the 13 colonies that had declared their independence in 1776.Congress adopted a new flag of 15 stars and 15 stripes in 1795,to give representation to the two new states admitted into the Union,Vermont and Kentucky.

  By 1817,there were 20 states in the Union,and it became apparent that adding one stripe for each new state would destroy the shape of the flag.As a result,Congress in 1818 restored the original design of 13 stripes and provided that each state was to be represented by one star.In 1912 President William H.Taft made the first official provision for the arrangement of the stars.He ordered that there be six even rows of eight stars each Previously the arrangement of the stars had been left to the flag-maker fancy.

  The evolution of the Stars and Stripes reflects the growth of the United States.After the admission of Hawaii into the Union in 1959,the flag was officially changed for the 26th time since its creation.

There are many government flown in the United states in addition to the national flag.Among them are the president's and vice-president's flags and those of the federal departments and some federal agencies.Each state in the Union has an official flag.The United States Navy uses special flags for signaling.

1.According to the passage,which of the following possesses one of the world's oldest national flags?

[  ]

B.Vermont and Kentucky
C.The United States

2.In the United States,why were the flags of various European nations were flown over the land initially?

[  ]

A.Because then the United States was the European nations'colony.

B.Because they were representing famous person,place and events.C.Because the United States wanted to show friendship to the European nations.

D.The passage don't tell us.

3.From the passage,which of the following is not true?

[  ]

A.Congress designed the first national flag.

B.Because of the two new states admitted into the Union,the national flag became fifteen stars and fifteen stripes.

C.From the evolution of the stars and stripes,we can understand the history of the United States.

D.The flag was officially changed for the 26th time before the Hawaii admitted into the Union.

4.Which flags now don't exist in the United States?

[  ]

A.The president's and vice-president's flags.

B.Each state's official flag in the Union.

C.Children's flags.

D.The United States Navy's flags.


科目: 来源:读想用 高二英语(下) 题型:050



Personal Information

Norman Bethune

Born in 1890 in Canada

A doctor

Died in 1939 in China

Came to China in 1938

Celine Dion

Born in Canada

A singing star

In 1997,sang My Heart will go On for the film Titanic

Thomas Edison

Born in 1847 in USA

Died in 1931

Made over 1,000 inventions

Bill Gates

Born in 1955 in USA

Owns Microsoft Company

Wrote Business @ the Speed of Thought

Mark Twain

Born in 1835 in USA

A writer

Died in 1910

Wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

1.________is from Canada.

[  ]

A.Bill Gates

B.Mark Twain

C.Thomas Edison

D.Celine Dion

2.The ________ was born in 1835.

[  ]





3.The doctor died in China at the age of________.

[  ]





4.Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]

A.Mark Twain wrote Business @ the Speed of Thought

B.Bill Gates started working for Microsoft Company in 1955

C.Thomas Edison made over,1,000 inventions

D.Celine Dion stopped singing in 1997


科目: 来源:读想用 高二英语(下) 题型:050


  If you have to miss one meal day(or if you want to do so),which meal will cause you fewest health problems if you don't eat it? lf they have to make a decision of this type,most people(especially dieters or very busy people)will choose to skip breakfast.

  However,many experts in the field of health consider breakfast(the meal which “breaks”your“fast”which started the night before)to be the most important meal of the day.If we eat a good breakfast,they say,we will have the energy and nutrients we need to begin our working day with vigor and hopefully with good humor.Nevertheless,many people skip breakfast or substitute a donut and a cup of coffee for a well-balanced meal.What hap-pens if we ignore the importance of breakfast?

  One recent study conducted in the United States tested a large number of people.Participants included both males and females who ranged in age from 12 to 83.During the experiment,these people were given a variety of breakfasts,and sometimes,they had to skip breakfast completely.Special tests,including blood tests and endurance tests,were set up to analyze how well the participants'bodies functioned when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast.

  The results showed that if a person eats an adequate breakfast,he or she will work more efficiently and more productively than if he or she skips breakfast or eats a very poor breakfast.This fact appears to be especially true if a person's work involves mental activity.The study showed that if schoolchildren eat fruit,eggs,bread,and milk before going to school,they will learn more quickly and will be able to concentrate on their lesson for a longer period of time than if their breakfast diet is inadequate.

  The study also showed that,contrary to what many people believe,if you skip break-fast,you will not lose weight.This is because people become so hungry if they skip breakfast that they eat too much for lunch and end up gaining weight instead of losing.So remember,if you are on a diet,skipping breakfast will not help you.You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.

1.According to the passage,if people must miss one meal a day,most of them would skip________.

[  ]


2.In many experts'eyes in the field of health,which of the following is the most important meal of the day?

[  ]


3.From the recent study,we can find________.

[  ]

A.if a person skips breakfast or eats a very poor breakfast,he or she will work more efficiently and more productively

B.if a person eats an adequate breakfast,he or she will gain weight

C.if a person's work involves mental activity eats a rich breakfast,he or she will work efficiently

D.if a child doesn't eat breakfast,he will learn more quickly

4.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.If you skip breakfast,you will work with energy

B.If you skip breakfast,you will lose weight

C.Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

D.If you are off on a diet,you can skip breakfast


科目: 来源:读想用 高二英语(下) 题型:050


  WASHINGTON Mar.2th,2005-More people than ever are driving under the influence of their,cell phones,according to a survey(调查)published Tuesday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

  The survey showed 8 percent of drivers,or 1.2 million people,were using hand-held or handsfree cell phones during daylight hours last year,a 50 percent increase since 2000 and a 100 percent rise in four years.

  All that talking is a potential safety problem,said NHTSA spokesman Pale Tyson.“While we don't have hard proof that there's been an increase in the number of accidents,we know that talking on the phone can affect drivers'performance,”he said.

  The District of Columbia and New Hampshire no longer allow talking on hand-held cell phones while driving,according to the Governors of the Highway Safety Association.

  Some communities,such as Brookline,Mass,and Santa Fe,require handsfree cell phones,but about a half-dozen states prevent local governments from limiting cell phones use in cars.Young drivers,between 16 and 24,increased their talking on cell phones by 60 percent between 2002 and 2004.

  The National Transportation Safety Board said it wants all 50 states to ban those with learner's permits from using cell phones or other wireless devices while driving.New Jersey and Maine are the only two that have passed such laws.

  The survey was carried out between June 7th and July 11th,2004,at,1,200 road sites across the country and,in some cases,done by telephone.

1.Which of the following shows the right number of drivers who used cell phones while driving?

[  ]


2.The underlined word“potential” in Paragraph 3 probably means________.

[  ]


3.It can be inferred that________.

[  ]

A.there isn't hard proof that using cell phones while driving will cause more accidents

B.some districts will no longer allow drivers to talk on hand-held cell phones

C.people hold different opinions as to whether cell phones use in cars should be limited

D.only two states have passed laws to ban drivers using cell phones while driving

4.The main purpose of this text is to________.

[  ]

A.encourage drivers to use handsfree cell phones

B.inform people about cell phones use while driving

C.advise drivers to use cell phones carefully

D.warn people not to use cell phones in cars


科目: 来源:读想用 高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Rushing for the showers,no one noticed Mayo's empty bunk.In any event,he usually go up earlier to join the other special assignment Marines for an hour of physical training.But Mayo's fellow Marines assumed he was fulfilling naval duties at the hazardous-materials division.No one went looking for him.

  The sun was burning off layers of fog over the sea when Mayo paused to re-inflate his coveralls.After eight hours in the ocean,his throat was raw with thirst.Every muscle in his body cried for rest.

  Inspecting the closely,Mayo spotted a pencil-size hole.He removed his watch the cinched fabric. The coveralls retained air for ten minutes at a time now,but the effort of keeping them inflated was becoming increasingly difficult.

  Mayo resisted an impulse to check the time.If he kept looking at his watch,he decided-ed,that would just heighten his anxiety.Besides,the sun told him it was midmorning.By noon,he thought,search planes from the carrier should be over his position.

Now the sun was low in the sky.Where are the airplanes?They had to come in day-light for him to be seen.He peered from horizon to horizon until the glare caused his eyes to tear.

  Mayo watched the fiery red sun about to sink below the horizon.Desperately he scanned the sky for search planes.God,let them come.Then abruptly the sun dipped out of sight,and darkness crept over the sea.Mayo felt exhausted to the marrow(骨髓)of his bones.Just last as long as you can,he told himself.

  But he had fought the ocean for more than 24 hours,and he past his limit of endurance.His dehydrated(虚脱的)body,wooden with fatigue,was of closing down.As the waves subsided,his eyes clamped shut,and his head slumped forward on the bulge of coveralls at his chest.When,someone had found his missing and informed his parents Stan and Cindy Mayo.

  The jangle(响声)of the telephone in the living room awakened Stan and Cindy Mayo at 4 a.m.On Wednesday,November 29.Dashing down the hall,Stan had the phone off the look with seconds.“ Hi,”someone said,“ How are you doing?”

1.Which is true according to the first paragraph?

[  ]

A.The companies of Mayo noticed his missing and informed it to the captain that morning.

B.Mayo was fulfilling naval duties at the hazardous-materials division.

C.Mayo was joining the physical training.

D.No one knew he was fallen into the sea.

2.Why did it become more difficult to keep his coveralls inflated?

[  ]

A.Because Mayo had no enough energy to reinflate it.

B.Because it is too wet.

C.Because it is hard to reinflate.

D.Because the coveralls had been broken.

3.The hope of Mayo when he was in the sea is________.

[  ]

A.a ship would turn up

B.an airplane would search and save him

C.to see his parents

D.to see his girlfriend

4.We can infer from the passage that________.

[  ]

A.the man who spoke most be Mayo

B.he was saved at last

C.may he someone informed the parents about Mayo's death

D.it may be the parents'friend who called to them


科目: 来源:读想用 高二英语(下) 题型:050


   1  Peru,South American

  Strange pictures which are difficult to explain were created 2,000 years ago on the driest desert on earth.Now these wonders have brought about a modern tourist industry(旅游业),attracting travelers from all over the world.

   2  London

  There is a system of tunnels(地下通道系统)in London that is known about and used by millions.Every year so many people as equal to the population of Australia travel through a 250-mile network of subway tunnels.It's known as the tube(地铁).But these spaces have not always been used for transport(交通).The hundred and thirty thousand people who sleep in tube station every night bring about a good many problems.They get here early and so need something to eat long before bedtime.

   3  Stonehenge in England

  Tourists flood to see Stonehenge in England.And in the surrounding(周围的)country-side,new wonders still appear today.Vast crop of circles appear almost overnight.But how and why are they made?And who creates these wonders of the fields?Nobody knows how to explain such things.

   4  The Bermuda Triangle

  Over the past 50 years three thousand ships and a hundred planes have gone missing in a mysterious(神秘的)stretch of water in the Atlantic Ocean.One minute they are there,the next they've disappeared.They all have one thing in common.They all ventured(冒险)into “the Bermuda Triangle”.

   5  The Bahamas

  The Bahamas attracts 4 million visitors each year.Nearly half the population work in the tourist industry.Boating is one of the most popular attractions among the 700 islands.The main danger around here in the Bahamas is a very beautiful place,because there may be cold fronts(锋)that sweep across from Florida and in a matter of an hour can change the weather from just the most pleasant day to a nightmare(噩梦).

A.There appear new wonders such as great crop circles.

B.People go there to see pictures that date back 2,000 years.

C.There tourists may go through a very sudden change of the weather.

D.As millions of people use it going around the city,It's also home to thousands of others.

E.Many tourists had got lost while they were boating there.

F.People would be afraid to fly over there.


科目: 来源:读想用 高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Good afternoon,and welcome to England.We hope that your visit here will be a pleas-ant one.Today,I would like to draw your attention to a few of our laws.

  The first one is about drinking.Now,you may not buy alcohol(酒)in this country if you are under 18 years of age,nor may your friends buy it for you.

  Secondly,noise.Enjoy yourselves by all means,but please don't make unnecessary noise,particularly at night.We ask you to respect other people who may wish to be quiet.

  Thirdly,crossing the road.Be careful.The traffic moves on the left side of the road in this country.Use pedestrian crossings(人行横道)and do not take any chances when crossing the road.

  My next point is about litter(throwing away waste material in a public place).It is an offence(违法行为)to drop litter in the street.When you have something to throw away,please put it in your pocket and take it home,or put it in a litter bin.

  Finally,as regards smoking,it is against the law to buy cigarettes or tobacco(烟草)if you are under 16 years of age.

  I'd like to finish by saying that if you require any sort of help or assistance,you should contact your local police station,who will be pleased to help you.

  Now,are there any questions?

1.The main purpose of this speech would be to________.

[  ]

A.prepare people for international travel

B.declare the laws of different kinds

C.give advice to travellers to the country

D.inform people of the punishment for breaking laws

2.How many laws are there discussed in the speech?

[  ]


3.What can we learn from the speech?

[  ]

A.In this country,if you are under 18 years of age,you may not buy alcohol,but your friend can buy it for you.

B.You may not buy cigarettes or tobacco unless you are above 16 years of age.

C.Because the traffic moves on the left side of the road,you must use pedestrian crossings when crossing the road.

D.You can't make noise except at night.

4.The underlined word“contact”in the seventh paragraph means________.

[  ]

A.keep in touch with
B.get in touch with

5.Who do you think is most likely to make the speech?

[  ]

A.A policeman
B.A lawmaker
C.A teacher
D.A lawyer.


科目: 来源:读想用 高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Many university students dislike studying history because there is little to get excited about when historical events are presented(介绍,陈述)in a boring manner.However,I'll never forget my American History professor,Dr.Williamson.Each event leaped from the pages of our text and became as real(真实)as the daily news report on the radio.My favorite lecture concerned(关于)the American Revolution.Dr.Williamson set the mood for the story by imitation(模仿)Paul Revere,a well-known silversmith(银匠),working in his shop.The American colonists(殖民地开拓者)were angry because of the British control over their lives.Revere felt that war between the British and the colonists was to come soon.Then,Dr.Williamson told us about Revere rowing across the Charles River from Boston on April 18,1775.I can see the professor now as he raised his hand to his forehead as if he were looking acorss the Charles River to the Old North Church in Boston.Suddenly,Revere saw two lanterns(灯笼),a signal which meant that the British would attack by sea.He jumped on to his horse to warn the villagers of the attack.Professor Williamson reminded us that the first battles of the American Revolution were fought at Corncord and Lexington,Massachusetts,the year before the Declaration of Independence(独立宣言)was signed in 1776.Never before had history seemed so alive to me.And all because a professor cared enough to put his heart into his teaching.

1.Why does the author feel that most students dislike history?He believes that________.

[  ]

A.history professors are poorly prepared

B.professors fall to present facts is in an interesting way

C.most students are lazy

D.most students feel that history is a waste of time

2.How did Paul Revere earn a living?He was a________.

[  ]


3.Where was the Old North Church located?

[  ]

A.In Boston
B.In Corncord
C.In Lexington
D.In Britain.

4.What did the two-lantern signal tell Revere? The British________.

[  ]

A.would attack by sea

B.would attack from the Charles River

C.were willing to sign the Declaration of Independence

D.had won the first two battles of the Revolution

5.In which year we the first battles of the Revolution fought?

[  ]

A.In 1774
B.In 776
C.In 1775
D.In 1777

