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科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审) 人教版 题型:050

  And connect with a rail, which is similar to those powering subway train, electrically.Once joined to the rail, the car will become electrically powe from the system, and control of the car will pass to a central computer.The computer will then monitor all of the car’s movements.

  The driver will use the telephone to dial instructions about his position and the place he heads for into the system.The computer will find the best way and reserve space for the car all.the way to the correct exit from the highway.The driver will be free to relax and wait for the call that will warn him of his coming exit.It is believed that an automated highway will be able to deal with 10,000 cars per hour, compared with the 1,500 to 2,000 cars that can be carded by present-day highway.


What is the main concern of the author of the passage?

[  ]


How to make cars pollution-free.


How to make cars smaller and safer.


How to solve the problem of traffic jam.


How to develop an automated highway system.


We can infer from the passage that ________.

[  ]


the car connected to the rail on the highway will be powered by electricity


the lack of oil is forcing people to find new means to power automobiles


the driver under the system will be told where to get out of the highway


the future car will become larger, faster, prettier and less expensive


What provides cars with electric power in an automated highway system?

[  ]


An engine.


A rail.


A computer controller.


A small arm.


Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[  ]


The driver puts his in-formation in the system by e-mail.


The new system can deal with 10 times as many cars as the present one.


Alter entering the automated system, the driver needs to do nothing but relax himself.


Some experts are not confident of the future, while the author is in favor of the opposite view.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审) 人教版 题型:050

  Hunting for a job is a painful experience, which nearly everyone must endure at least once in a lifetime.Books are published and magazine articles are written on the subject, all trying to tell job seekers what they should do or avoid in order to win the game.They can’t calm the nervous applicant but they do offer some advice.

  To begin with, it is not a good idea to be late.Job interviewers don’t think very highly of the candidate(应聘者)who arrives twenty minutes after the appointed time.The wise job seeker explores the place the day before.Next day he arrives early for the appointment.

  What makes a good impression?Being on time does, then, appearance.It is essential for the candidate to be dressed properly and to look alive.It is also very important to look the interviewer in the eye because this "eye contact" gives a strong impression of sincerity and openness.

  Many candidates waste a good part of the interview explaining why they want the job; the man or the woman on the other side of the desk is waiting to hear why the would-be employee would be good for the position and for the company.

  It is a very difficult task to display oneself to a possible employer:one must not be too humble, since it is essential to show one’s good points and experiences.However, bragging(说大话)doesn’t make a very good impression.One thing is certain:interview time is a time for honesty.The interviewer is trying to discover not only the professional worth but also the character of the man or the woman he is meeting.Therefore, he must rely on his observation of the applicant, her manners, what she says and how she says it.

  While this examination is going on, the job seeker should remember that she too has a fight to be curious.It is recommended that the applicant ask some serious questions about the job, the company, and its future.If the questions are intelligent, they will impress the interviewer favorably.


The writer’s purpose in writing the passage is to ________.

[  ]


offer tips on job seeking


ware applicants not to be nervous


analyze the thinking of interviewers


stress the difficulty of job seeking


Which of the following shows whether an applicant could benefit the company?

[  ]


How early he/she is.


What he/she is wearing.


His/Her explanation for the job.


His/Her manners.


The underlined word "humble" probably means ________.

[  ]










Which of the following statements would the writer agree with?

[  ]


Job seekers should be as early as possible.


Job seekers should be dressed as well as possible.


Interviewers pay a lot of attention to applications’ behaviors.


Interviewers encourage applicants to ask questions.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审) 人教版 题型:050

  Betty and Harold have been married for many years.But one thing still puzzles Harold.How is it that he can leave Betty and her friend Joan sitting on the sofa, talking, go out to a ballgame, come back three and a half hours later, and they’ re still sitting on the sofa?Talking?

  What in the world, Harold wonders, do they have to talk about?

  Betty shrugs.Talk?We’re friends.

  Researching this matter called friendship, psychologist Lillian Rubin spent two years, interviewing more than two hundred women and men.No matter what their age, their job, their sex, the results were completely clear:women have more friendships than men, and the difference in the content and the quality of those friendships is “marked and unmistakable.” More than two-thirds of the single men Rubin interviewed could not name a best friend.Those who could were likely to name a woman.Yet three-quarters of the single women had no problem naming a best friend, and almost always it was a woman.More married men than women named their wife/husband as a best friend, most trusted person, or the one they would mm to in time of emotional distress “Most women,” says Rubin, “identified at least one, usually more, trusted friends to whom they could mm in a troubled moment, and they spoke openly about the importance of these relationships in their lives.”

  “In general,” writes Rubin.in her new book, “women’s friendships with each other rest on shared emotions and support, but men’s relationships are marked by shared activities.” For the most part, Rubin says, interactions between men are emotionally controlled by the social requirements of “manly behavior.”

  “Even when a man is said to be a best friend,” Rubin writes, “the two share little about their innermost feelings.Whereas a woman’s closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage, it wasn’t unusual to hear a man say he didn’t know his friend’s marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa.”


What old Harold cannot understand or explain is the fact that ________.

[  ]


he is treated as an outsider rather than a husband


women have so much to share


women show little interest in ballgames


he finds his wife difficult to talk to


Rubin’s study shows that for emotional support a married woman is more likely to turn to ________.

[  ]


a male friend


a female friend


her parents


her husband


According to the text, which type of behavior is NOT expected of a man by society?

[  ]


Ending his marriage without good reason.


Spending too much time with his friends.


Complaining about his marriage trouble.


Going out to ballgames too often.


Which of the following statements is best supported by the last paragraph?

[  ]


Men keep their innermost feelings to themselves.


Women are more serious than men about marriage.


Men often take sudden action to end their marriage.


Women depend on others in making decisions.


The research done by psychologist Rubin centers around ________.

[  ]


happy and successful marriages


friendships of men and women


emotional problems in marriage


interactions between men and women


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审) 人教版 题型:050


  Our town is in the eastern part of our country.Once a year, we elect a girl to show how beautiful and great our town is.All the girls are eager to get this position in an effort to become popular.

  It was not an easy choice this year, since there were eight girls to choose from.The elder judge finally decided that either Sara or May would get the position.Both girls were beautiful with extraordinary appearance.Besides, they had good education and cared about how pollution had a bad effect on the earth.Most important, both girls got up early to eat eggs at their breakfast.Eggs were important to people of the east because our economy depended mainly on the production of eggs.

  “Either girl will win, ”my father said.“But someone will cry in the end.”

  “Either will be fine,” I said.“They are both great girls.”

  The final round was held at east edge of our town.Sara lived nearby, so she did not need to get up early to arrive.However, she was the first person there.“You know what they say about the early bird.” she said with a smile.

  However May arrived fifteen minutes late to the competition.“It’s the taxi driver’s fault,” she said.“I told him to head east, but he was in one ear and thought I said Bread Cheese.” You know, Bread Cheese was the name of our neighboring town.

  I thought May would certainly lose because she was late, but to my surprise, she turned out to be this year’s winner.The judge liked her answer to the last question.“If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?” Sara had replied, “World peace.” May, on the other hand, said, “Better market to have our eggs sell well.”


Why was it difficult to make a choice this year?

[  ]


The girls just looked alike.


People had to choose from eight girls.


All the girls wanted to get the position.


The judges couldn’t agree with each other.


In the passage the underlined sentence “You know what they say about the early bird.” means ________.

[  ]


she liked the early bird very much


she was sure that she would succeed


she lived nearby, so she should get there early


she wanted to show off her good language knowledge


Why was May chosen in the end?

[  ]


Because her answer was cleverer and exact.


Because she gave a different answer from Sara’s.


Because she looked more beautiful than the other girl.


Because her answer was more practical than that of the other girl.


According to the passage, which of the following maps is correct?(  )


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审) 人教版 题型:050


  Our boat floated on, between walls of forest too thick to allow us a view of the land we were passing through, though we knew from the map that our river must from time to time be passing through chains of hills which crossed the jungle plains.Nowhere did we find a place where we could have landed:where the jungle did not actually spread right down into the river, banks of soft mud prevented us going ashore.In any case, what would we have sailed by landing?The country was full of snakes and other dangerous creatures, and the jungle was so thick that one would be able to advance only slowly, cutting one’s way with knives the whole way.So we stayed in the boat, hoping we reached the sea, a friendly fisherman would pick us up and take us to civilization.

  We lived on fish, caught with home-made net of string(we had no hooks), and fruits and nuts we could pick up out of the water.As we had no fire, we had to eat everything, including the fish, raw I had never tasted raw fish before, and I must say I did not much enjoy the experience; perhaps sea fish which do not live in the mud are less tasteless.After eating my raw fish, I lay back and dreamed of such things as fried chicken and rice, and ice-cream.In the never-ending damp heat of the jungle, ice-cream was a particularly frequent dream.

  As for water, there was a choice:we could drink the muddy river water, or die of thirst.We drank the water.Men who had just escaped what had appeared to be certain death lose all worries about such small things as diseases caused by dirty water.In fact, none of us suffered from any illness as a result.

  One day we passed another village, but fortunately nobody saw us.We did not wish to risk being taken prisoners a second time:we might not be so lucky to escape in a stolen boat again.


What they could see in the boat was only ________.

[  ]


high wall


villagers from time to time


vast land


heavy woods


They couldn’t land because ________.

[  ]


the mud on the shore was too soft


the forest was too thick to let them go through


they could not find the mark on the map


they could not find anyone to lead them out of the forest.


The passage infers that the forest was ________.

[  ]


rich of fruits and animals to be served as food


not very thick as they could advance slowly by cutting the branches


full of various dangerous beings


full of ancient trees


The most proper title for this passage might be ________.

[  ]




Scenes of a River


How to Survive on a boat


A New Experience


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审) 人教版 题型:050


  After entering the WTO, China will enjoy the most favored nation status as a member country.This will enable China’s products to enter foreign markets at a lower tax.After joining the WTO, China has to carry out the WTO’s rules and open its home markets; this will help further improve the investment(投资)environment and strengthen the appeal of Chinese markets to foreign investment.It is conducive(有利的)to speeding the readjustment of our industrial structure.And it helps continue deepening China’s economic restructuring(改进).

  It helps China to take part in the formulation of new rules of international trade, protecting China’s right and interests and raising China’s international status.

  Of course, in joining the WTO, China will have to take up some duties, this will surely bring certain pressure and challenge to us.

  Firstly, further opening the market will cause some domestic products, enterprises and industries to face stronger competition.

  Secondly, China’s foreign economic and trade management will, to a certain extent, be restricted by the WTO rules.

  In looking at the advantages and disadvantages of China’s joining the WTO, we cannot base ourselves on one or several industries, instead we should keep an eye on the development of the entire economy.Looking upon the matter from the entire industry, entry into the WTO will bring to China’s industries greater opportunities than its side effects.Most Chinese industries will gain more opportunities for development.

  To ordinary people, entry into the WTO means cheaper foreign goods~At present, some imported goods are very expensive because our country collects very high taxes on them.After entry into the WTO, these taxes will be cut clown gradually so that it will force down the prices of imported goods coming into China.Home customers will benefit greatly.But it is not wise to hope that all foreign goods will become cheap overnight.In fact, according to the WTO agreement, there is a period of time during which some important but underdeveloped industries are protected so that they will not be destroyed by the rush of cheaper foreign goods.The car industry is a good example.It is believed that during the first few years after China’s entry into the WTO, the prices of cars will remain comparatively stable(稳定).


After entering the WTO ________.

[  ]


China’s products will sell well in the foreign markets.


More and more foreign products will enter Chinese markets


China will enjoy free taxes


China will face pressure and challenge


One of the advantages when China joins the WTO is ________

[  ]


China will take up some duties


China’s economy will develop fast


China’s international status will be raised


China will face pressure and challenge


It is implied but not said directly that ________ after joining the WTO.

[  ]


some industries will not develop because of strong competition.


China’s foreign trade will be restricted by the WTO rules.


China’s car industry will develop fast.


Ordinary people can buy cheaper goods.


At present some foreign goods are very expensive because ________.

[  ]


they are in very good quality.


high taxes have to be paid on them.


China protects some underdeveloped industries.


Chinese products are too cheap.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审) 人教版 题型:050


  I really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and like the challenges and awards from the job.I also think my work is important.There was a time when I thought that I would never have that sort of career.

  I wasn’t an excellent student because I didn’t do much schoolwork.In my final term I started thinking what I might do and found I didn’t have much to offer.I just accepted that I wasn’t the type to have a career.

  I then found myself a job, looking after two little girls.It wasn’t too hard at first.But the problems began when I agreed to live in, so that I would be there if my boss had to go out for business in the evening.We agreed that if I had to work extra hours one week, she’d give me time off the next.But unfortunately, it didn’t often work out.I was getting extremely tired and fed up because I had too many late nights and early mornings with the children.

  One Sunday, I was in the park with the children and met Megan who used to go to school with me.I told her about my situation.She suggested that I should do a course and get a qualification if I wanted to work with children.I didn’t think I would be accepted because I didn’t take many exams in school.She persuaded me to phone the local college and they were really helpful.My experience counted for a lot and I got a part-time course.I had to leave my job with the family and got work helping out at a kindergarten.

  Now I have got a full-time job there.I shall always be thankful to Megan.I wish I had known earlier that you could have a career even if you aren’t top of the class at school.


What is the author’s present job?

[  ]


Working part-time in a college


Taking care of children in a family


Helping children with their schoolwork


Looking after children at a kindergarten


When staying with the two girls’ family, the author ________.

[  ]


was paid for extra work


often worked long hours


got much help from her boss


took a day off every other week


Why did the author leave her first job?

[  ]


She found a full-time job


She was fed up with children


She decided to attend a part-time course


She needed a rest after working extra hours


What has the author learned from her own experiences?

[  ]


Less successful students can still have a career


Qualifications are necessary for a career


Hard work makes an excellent student


One must chose the job she likes


What does the underlined sentence probably mean?

[  ]


The boss didn’t go out to work very often


The boss often failed to keep his agreement with the writer


The writer couldn’t go out to find another job


The writer seldom had any chance to work outside


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审) 人教版 题型:050

  While income worry is a rather common problem of the aged, loneliness is another problem that aged parents may face.Of all the reasons that explain their loneliness, a large geographical distance between parents and their children is the major one.This phenomenon is commonly known as “Empty Nest Syndrome”(空巢综合症).

  In order to seek better chances outside their countries, many young people have gone abroad, leaving their parents behind with no clear idea of when they will return home.Their parents spend countless lonely days and nights, taking care of themselves, in the hope that someday their children will come back to stay with them.The fact that most of these young people have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societies makes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the value of duty as they would have if they had not left their countries.Whatever the case, it had been noted that the values they hold not necessarily match what they actually do.This geographical and cultural distance also prevents the grown-up children from providing response in time for their aged parents living by themselves.

  The situation in which grown-up children live far away from their aged parents has been described as “distant parent phenomenon”, which is common both in developed countries and in developing countries.Our society has not yet been well prepared for “Empty Nest Syndrome”.


According to the passage, the loneliness of aged parents is mainly caused by ________.

[  ]


their earlier experience of feeling lonely


the unfavorable living conditions in their native countries


the common worry about their income


the geographical distance between parents and children


Many young people have gone abroad, leaving their aged parents behind, to ________.

[  ]


live in the countries with more money


seek a better place got their aged parents


continue their studies abroad


realize their dreams in foreign countries


If young people go abroad, ________.

[  ]


they do not hold to the value of duty at all


they can give some help to their parents back home


they cannot do what they should for their parents


they believe what they actually do is right


From the last paragraph, we can infer ________.

[  ]


the situations in the developed and developing countries are different


“Empty Nest Syndrome” has arrived unexpectedly in out society


children will become independent as soon as they go abroad


the aged parents are not fully prepared for “Empty Nest Syndrome”


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审) 人教版 题型:050

  Full face transplants are no longer science fiction fantasy(幻想),a leading surgeon has said, adding that they are technically feasible(可行的)but ethically(道德的)complex.

  Peter Butler from London’s Royal Free Hospital called for a debate on the ethics of such an operation made possible by new drugs which stop the body’s immune system(免疫系统)rejecting a transplanted face.“It is not ‘can we do it?’ but ‘should we do it?’” he told the BBC.“The technical part is not complex, but I don’t think that’s going to be the very great difficulty….The ethical and moral debate is obviously going to have to take place before the first facial transplantation.”

  The British Association of Plastic Surgeons(整形外科医生)will discuss the microsurgical procedure(微型外科技术),which could give new skin, bone, nose, chin, lips and ears from deceased donors(捐赠人)to patients disfigured损伤外貌by accidents, burns or cancer.But surgeons could have trouble finding enough willing donors.Butlers said his survey of doctors, nurses and members of the public showed most would accept a face transplant but few were willing to donate their own after dying.

  Despite a number of ethical concerns, Christine Piff, who founded the charity.Let’s face it after suffering a rare facial cancer 25 years ago, welcomed the possibility of face transplants.She rejected the idea that the procedure would mean people would end up living with a dead person’s face.“There are so many people without faces, I have half a face…, but we are all so much more than just a face…, you don’t take on their personality.You are still you,” she told reporters.“If we can donate other organs of the body then why not the face.I can’t see anything wrong with it.”


The underlined word “deceased” in the third paragraph probably means ________.

[  ]










When Christine Piff says “There are so many people without faces…”, she refers to the people ________.

[  ]


who are dishonorable and shameless


who have got their faces transplanted


who are seriously injured by accident


who are disfigured by accidents, burns and cancer


According to the passage, what makes it likely to carry out a facial transplantation?

[  ]


Drugs are available to stop the body’s immune system rejecting a transplanted face.


It’s morally practical, though technically complex.


Most people accept the idea of face transplants.


The British Association of Plastic Surgeons has performed the operation.


What would be the best title for the text?

[  ]


First Facial Transplantation


Debate on the Ethics of Face Transplant


Let’s Face It


Face Transplant No Longer Science Fiction


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审) 人教版 题型:050

  The greatest recent social changes have been in the lives of women.During the twentieth century there has been a remarkable shortening of the time of a woman’s life spent in caring for children.A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old.By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which health made it unusual for her to get paid work.

  Today women marry younger and have fewer children.Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and can be expected to live another thirty-five years and is likely to take paid work until retirement(退休)at sixty.Even while she has the care of children, her work is lightened by modern living conditions.

  This important change in women’s life-pattern has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic position.Even a few years ago most girls left schools at the first chance, and most of them took a full-time job.However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it.Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women usually marry younger, more married women stay at work until shortly before their first child is born.Many more afterwards return to full or part-time work.Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life, and with both the husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money, and running the home, according to the abilities and interests of each of them.


According to the passage, around the year 1900 most women married ________.

[  ]


at about twenty-five


at any age from fifteen to forty-five


as soon as possible after they were fifteen


in their early fifties


We are told that in a common family about 1900 ________.

[  ]


many children died before they were five


seven or eight children lived to be more than five


the youngest child would be fifteen


four or five children died when they were five


When she was over fifty, the late nineteenth-century mother ________.

[  ]


would be healthy enough to take up paid jobs


was usually expected to die fairly soon


would expect to work until she died


was unlikely to find a job even if she wanted one


According to the passage, the women today usually ________.

[  ]


marry instead of getting paid work


marry before they are twenty-five


have more children under fifteen


have too few children

