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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    Springfield, Mass, May 2——Protesters (抗议者) marched outside America’s largest handgun maker Saturday to demand safeguards (保护) cut down on the thousands of gun deaths that happen each year.

    “We are holding the gun industry responsible(有责任) because they have refused to design, advertise and market their products to save the lives of children,” said Arlene Locicero. Locicero, whose daughter was one of the six people killed in a 1993 shooting on a Long Island train, was among 150 people protesting outside Smith & Wesson.

    Shoes Used in Protest

    The protest was one of several planned to be held Saturday outside the country’s largest gun- makers in Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts and Virginia.

    Protesters laid out 5,285 pairs of shoes to show the number of young people aged 19 and under who died from gun shots in 1995.

    The protesters wanted gun makers to make guns childproof(防儿童的), put on clear warning on guns, reduce production and raise prices.

    Congress Considering Bill

    Congress(议会) is now considering a bill to educate parents about proper gun storage.

    Ed Shults, Smith & Wesson’s President, said his company already sells guns with locks and takes many of the measures suggested by the protesters.

    However, There is no proper training of those who are using handguns. He said gun owners must learn the importance of safe storage that keeps away from children.

1. This piece of news is mainly about ________.

Awhat people demanded in reducing deaths caused by guns

Bthe protest held against owning guns

Ca bill how gun owners should store their guns

Dwhy children should not have guns

2. According to the protesters, who should be blamed most for the great number of gun deaths?

AThe government.



DGunn makers.

3. From the news report we can see that on May2 ________.

Aonly people in Massachusetts held a protest

Bprotests were held at least in five states

Cgun companies promised to do what pro- testers had required

Dpeople saw the shoes of all those who died of gun shots in 1995

4. What Ed Shults said suggest that ________.

Apeople should not have guns before they have some training

Bthey will set up training centers for gun owners

Cgun owner should learn to use their guns properly

Dthey have done enough to prevent gun deaths



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

   Collecting coins (or numismatics to the more seriously minded) is one of the world’s popular hobbies. Although you can begin collecting coins at any age, most numismatists will recall their hobbies being stimulated in childhoodMy interest was kindled as a ten - year- old child when I was presented with a small tin of old coins by the boyfriend of an elder sister. I wasn’t rich all of a sudden but I was certainly impressed by possessing objects that were so many times older than myself. Such is the fascination of coins for old and young alike.

    Many people are astonished to heat that coins issued before the birth of Christ- representing sixty generations of human life- can be bought for just a few dollars. Owning something which has literally passed through the hands of so many of our ancestors (祖先) is instantly appealing. When such a coin is not only rare but beautiful, it is not surprising that collectors will pay thousands of dollars to own it. Australia’s own coins, although so much more recent than, say, Roman coins, can still be very valuable. For example, in March1992 an Australian 1920 sovereign was sold for$287,000 at a London auction.

    Coins speak to us from the past. If we care to study them we can learn more about how our ancestors used to think. But perhaps most interestingly, we can discover how people dealt with one another. Basically, coins represent the value put objects which we own and want to trade, now or at some future date. We can call this complex system currency(货币). Australia, like few other countries in the world can trace its history through its currency.

1. The word closest in meaning to was kindled as it is used in the passage is ________.





2. After receiving the coins as a young child, the author felt ________.

Asuddenly very rich

Ba desire to spend them all

Cmoved by owning very old objects

Dan overwhelming sense of discovery

3. If something is instantly appealing it is ________.

Awildly exciting

Bimmediately pleasing

Cinvariably interesting

Dstrangely curious

4. Australia’s coins can be valuable even though ________.

Athey have been passed down through generations

Bthey are not very old

Cthe currency has changed

Dthe currency system is complex

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

ACoin collecting has always been an expensive hobby.

BNumismatics appeals to both children and adults

CCoins were not issued before the birth of Christ.

DAustralia is unique in that it can trace its history through coins.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    Decision- thinking is not unlike poker—it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think. The mental process(过程) is similar. Naturally, this card game has often been of considerable interest to people who are, by any standards, good thinkers.

    The great mathematician John yon Neumann was one of the founders of game theory. In particular, he showed that all games fall into two classes: there is what he called games of perfect information, games like chess where the players can’t hide anything or play tricks: they don’t win by chance, but by means of logic and skills. Then there are games of imperfect information, like poker, in which it is impossible to know in advance that one course of action is better than another.

    One mistaken idea about business is that it can be treated as a game of perfect information. Quite the reverse. Business, politics, life itself are games which we must normally play with very imperfect information. Business decisions are often made with many unknown and unknowable factors (因素) which would even puzzle(困惑) best poker players. But few business people find it comfortable to admit that they are taking a chance, and many still prefer to believe that they are playing chess, not poker.

1. The subject discussed in this text is ________.

Athe process of reaching decisions

Bthe difference between poker and chess

Cthe secret of making good business plans

Dthe value of information in winning games

2. An important factor in a game of imperfect information is ________.





3. Which of the following can be used in place of Quite the reverse?

AQuite right.

BTrue enough.

CMost unlikely.

DJust the opposite.

4. In the writer’s opinion, when making business decisions one should ________.

Aput perfect information before imperfect information

Baccept the existence of unknown factors

Cregard business as a game of chess

Dmix known and unknown factors



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    One of the most famous singing stars in the west Elton John has been in the singing circle for over 30 years. Candle in the Wind 97, a song in memory of Diana, the late Princess of Wales killed in a car accident in Pairs on August 31,1997, was especially well receivedAbout 31.8 million copies of records have been sold, breaking the Guinness World Record of 30 million copies set by Bing Crosby’s While Christmas.

    From the 1970s to the 1980s, Elton published over 30 albums and made quite a lot of singing tours. He was known as the best rock- and- roll singer in the world after the Beatles because he filled the blank left by the disappearance of the latter in good time.

    Elton is not only a singer but also a philanthropist (慈善家). In 1993, he organized Elton John AIDS Fund and within four years he collected $12 million. It was the same interest in charity that made him a good friend of Princess DianaHe was given the title of Lord(勋爵) in1995.

    Written by Bernie and sung by Elton in1973, Candle in the Wind used to be a song especially for Marilyn Monroe, a famous US film star. When hearing the death of Princess Diana, they rewrote the song to honor her. The money from the sales of the records was given to Diana Charity Foundation.

1. The song Candle in Wind 97 was produced in order to ________.

Aremember the date when Diana died

Bbreak the Guinness World Record

Chonor Princess Diana

Dhonor Marilyn Monroe

2. ________ composed the song in memory of Princess Diana.



CBing Crosby

DBernie and Elton

3. Elton John was given the title of Lord because ________.

Ahe was a good friend of Princess Diana

Bhe was famous in singing and active in charity

Che could collect $12 million in only four years

Dhe was a member of the royal family

4. Princess Diana took Elton John as one of her good friends because ________.

Ahe got the title of Lord

Bhe was the best rock- and - roll singer after the Beatles

Che got the same interest in charity as she

Dhe sang a song to honor Marilyn Monroe

5. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

AElton John has sung for over 30 years.

BBing Crosby was a very famous singer.

CPrincess Diana died in an accident in France.

DCandle in the Wind 97 is the same as that song in memory of Marilyn Monroe



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    A conversation (会话) often depends on questions to keep it going in the direction you want it to go. The one who asks questions in a conversation usually controls the conversation. Various techniques may be necessary to get different sorts of information from different people. Most people are very polite in the way they ask a stranger about something-if you are more direct you may appear to be a person with bad manners Anyway, personal questions have to be expressed tactically(策略地).

1. If people want to continue his conversation, they had better keep on ________.

Aanswering questions asked by the others

Basking questions

Ctelling interesting things

Dtalking about something directly

2. If you want to get different sorts of information from different people you ________.

Ashould pay more attention to techniques when asking questions

Bshould pay no attention to techniques when asking questions

Chad better ask questions directly

Dhad better listen to others carefully

3. Most people are very polite when they ask someone question because ________.

Athey don’t want to be persons with bad manners

Bmost strangers have bad manners

Cthey need the help of others

Dthey hope others will ask questions as they do

4.  After reading the passage above we know ________.

Apersonal questions can’t be asked at all

Bpersonal questions must be asked directly

Cpersonal questions ought to be asked indirectly

Dit is unnecessary asking personal questions

5. Choose the main idea for this passage.

AA conversation should be short

BPolite questions

CDifficult questions

DQuestion techniques



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    Reports say 63 persons are dead and 40 persons remained alive after hijackers(劫持) tried to seize an Iraqi (伊拉克的) passenger plane. The plane was flying from Baghdad(巴格达), Iraqi to Amman (安曼), Jordan. A Jordanian official, who was on the plane, said at least two persons tried to seize the plane. He said the hijackers exploded small bombs while the plane was flying. He said that the plane was able to land at Arar (阿尔阿尔), Saudi ArabiaBut the plane exploded when it was on the groundRadio stations, Beirut(贝鲁特) Lebanon(黎巴嫩) said, a group called “The Revolutionary Acton Organization” has declared it was done by them.

1. Which of the following maps shows rightly the whole course of the incident?

2. According to the passage the hijackers were ________.

Athe men who carried arms

Bthe men who tried to seize the plane and forced the plane to change its course


Dprisoners who ran away from the prison

3. How many hijackers were there on the plane?


BTwo or more than two


DAll the members of The Revolutionary Action Organization.

4. When did the plane burst?

Awhile it was flying

BAfter it had landed at the airport

Cwhile it was landing

DAfter the hijackers had left

5. Hijackers wanted to seize the plane because ________.

Athey wanted to travel in Saudi Arabia

Bthey wanted to own the plane

Cthey wanted to achieve their political aim

Dthey wanted to rob the passengers of their wealth on the plane



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    Begin doing the work you love as soon as possible, even if you don’t get paid for it, or if you can only work at it part-time. Albert Einstein was unable to get a job as a physics professor. He could have said to himself, Well, I just don’t have the work relation to physics. I should give up on it and settle for something else. Instead, he wrote the two most famous papers while employed as a patent(专利) office worker. After their publication, there was not a major university in the world that would not have been glad to have him work for them.

    If you want to work as an artist and you are making a living as a waiter, don’t think of your- self as a waiter who hopes one day to become an artist. That puts the work you love somewhere off in the distant future. Rather, think of yourself as an artist, supporting yourself by waiting table-and paint, or draw as much as you can. It is possible to earn a living wage as a waiter working 24 hours a week. That leaves plenty of time to devote to training or developing your craft(手艺) in the off hours.

    While seeking the work you love, it helps to expand your awareness (意识) into the universe of all possibilities. You don’t want to be limited to the ideas of what should do or what you have done before. Having opened to all possibilities, you can make a final decision and select the work you love as your own.

   Doing the work you love requires that you be equally comfortable with the imaginative and the practical. It requires the ability to dream big dreams and the ability to face and master all the little details that make dreams come true.

1. According to the passage, perhaps Einstein once said to himself, ________

AWell, I just don’t have the work relative to physics. I should give up on it and settle for something else

BThe job is just what I want, I should work very hard on it

CI have to support myself by working as a patent clerk now, but I won’ t give physics up

DI must wait until I find my favorite job

2. If a person works 24 hours a week, he can

Ahave enough spare time for his hobbies

Bhave no time left to make his dream come true

Cdo nothing else

Dmake a good living

3. Which of the following is not implied in the last paragraph?

ASometimes the imaginative is different from the practical.

BWe have to take care of a lot of details before we make our dreams come true.

CWe shall do practical things rather than dream.

DWe shall dream big dreams and practice as well.

4. According to the passage, the author encourages us to ________

Astart to work quickly

Bselect job carefully and patiently

Cdream often




Dboth A and B


bidi-font-size:10.5pt;font-family:宋体; mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>.Unskilled Labors on Rivers and Canals in Upper Canada, 1820 - 1850


span>make up our minds quickly



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

<McGitl Comedy

Club Important meeting today. Discussions on putting on Blazing Saddles. Union room 302, 34pm. New members (both actors and non-actors, living and dead) are welcome.

History Students’ Association Prof. Michael Cross of Dallhousie University will be speaking on Unskilled Labors on Rivers and Canals in Upper Canada, 1820-1850. The Beginnings of Class Struggle, at 10 am in Leacock 230.

Design Mirror Sale All types and sizes of design mirrors priced to please. Sale today in Union room 108.

McGill Teaching Assistants’ Association A general meeting, for all the TAs, will be held at 4 pm in Leacock 116.

Women’s Union Important. General Meeting at 6 pm, union room 423. Speaker on Importance of deciding basic goals of the Women’ Union. Every one, old, new and those interested, please attend.

Film Society Last meeting of the term for all members. All managers are required to be present. 6:00 sharp, Union room 434.

Canadian University Students Overseas CUSO presents Guess Who’s Coming to Breakfast at 7 pm, Newman Centre, 3484 Peel. Find out about CUSO here and overseas. Everyone welcome.

1. Where can you probably find this text?

AIn a school magazine.

BIn a national paper.

CIn a guide book.

DIn a university daily newspaper.

2. If you are interested in arts, where would you go for a visit?

ALeacock 116.

BUnion room 432.

CUnion room 108.

DNewman Centre, 3448 Peel.

3. Which of the following is the name of a play?

ABlazing Saddles.

BGuess Who’s Coming to Breakfast.

CImportance of deciding basic goals of the Women’s Union.




Dboth A and B


bidi-font-size:10.5pt;font-family:宋体; mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>.Unskilled Labors on Rivers and Canals in Upper Canada, 1820 - 1850



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

The Grand Canyon(科罗拉多大峡谷)

    The Grand Canyon, a long, narrow gorge(峡谷) in Arizona, is rich in geological history. Its record of past plant and animal life also makes it an exciting and invaluable object of study for biologists. Using samples (样品) form the two hundred and seventeen miles of the canyon’s walls, scientists analyze(分析)the building materials that form the earth’s surface and study the natural processes which have affected the canyon over its four - billion - year history. These processes include the eruption (喷发) of volcanoes, which were active as recently as one thousand years ago, and gradual decomposition (分解) by erosion(侵蚀). Scientists also study a great variety of fossils that can be found in the canyon. These imprints of past forms of life are preserved in rock. The lower levels of canyon rock contain fossils of seashells and primitive algae (原始类), while the upper levels contain fossils of such creatures as dinosaurs(恐龙)and other prehistoric land animals. All of these discoveries provide scientist with information both on the earth’s history in general and on the area around the Grand Canyon in particular.

1. What is the main topic of this passage?

AThe fascination of geological history.

BThe effect of volcanoes on the Grand Canyon.

CPrehistoric plants and animals

DA canyon’s record of natural history.

2. Why is the Grand Canyon of particular interest?

AIt contains a wealth of information on the walls.

BThere is varied and exciting modern plant and animal life.

CThere is great potential (潜在的) mineral wealth in the canyon.

DPublished history of the area is already detailed and complete.

3. According to the passage, why is the Grand Canyon of special importance to the geologists?

AIt reveals (显露) much of the earth’s past.

BIt is longer and deeper than any other canyon.

CIt has suffered little destruction over the years.

DIt is completely dry all year long.

4. The Grand canyon has a history of ________.

A217 years

B1,000 years

C4,000,000 years

D4,000,000,000 years

5. What is one natural phenomenon(现象) that is now taking place in the canyon?


BPreservation of rock


DEruption of volcanoes



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    Many chronicles show that man has known from ancient times that there is much water undergroundOnly recently has he begun to appreciate how much. Beneath most land areas of the world there is a zone where the pores (细孔) of rocks and sediments are completely made very wet with water. Hydrogist call this ground water, and the upper limit of the wet zone is called the water table. The water table may be right at the land surface, as in a marsh, or it may lie hundreds of feet below the land surface, as in some arid areas. Water in the unwet zone above the water table is called vadose water and includes the belt of soil moisture. Water in the intermediate part of this zone has passed through the soil and is dripping downward toward the water table.

1. Chronicles are ________.

Aa historical painting

Ba historical analysis and interpretation of events

Ca historical account of events arranged in order of time

Dscientific writings on the circulation of water on the surface of the land

2. As used in this test, a table is ________.

Aa piece of furniture

Ba level within the ground

Ca thin, flat piece of wood used as a writing surface

Dan orderly arrangement of facts and figures

3. Arid refers to ________.

Adry lands

Bwet lands

Cbodies of water

Dhigh water table areas

4. In the phrase the belt of soil moisture, the word belt means ________.

Ato move or act in a vigorous manner

Bto encircle or fasten

C a piece of material worn around the waist.

Da natural area characterized by some distinctive feature


