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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

In general, American food is mild tasting; most Americans do not season their food to any great degree. Salads are very popular and are served all year, especially in the summer. Waiters tend to assume that everyone drinks coffee, but simply tell them if they want something else. If a waiter says “Now or later?” he means “Do you want coffee with your meal or after it?” Many, but certainly not all, Americans drink coffee or tea with their meals. Either way is perfectly acceptable. When dining out, you can ask for tea, milk, coke, wine or beer if you prefer. Restaurants can only serve beer, wine or other alcoholic drinks if they have a license, that is, permission from the local government to serve alcoholic drinks. Normally, when eating in a private home, it is considered good manners to take whatever is served and not to ask for something different, unless the hostess gives you a choice.

The main course served in American meals is usually meat, fish, or poultry, but rarely is more than one of these served as a first course.

Most Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly unless it is social, business, or family occasion. The evening meal, however, is usually longer and a time for the family to gather together. Rushing through daytime meals is part of the fast pace in America. Another reason for rushing through day-time meals is that many people eat breakfast and lunch in restaurants that are usually crowded with people waiting for a place so that they, too, can be served and return to work at the proper time. So each one hurries to make room for the next person. As with busy people everywhere there is a real difference between a meal that is eaten in a hurry and one that can be enjoyed with friends during one’s leisure.

1.  In America, salads are very popular and are served especially ________________.

A. in the winter

B. in the summer

C. at lunch

D. at dinner

2. When dining out, you can ask for________________.

A. tea or coffee

B. wine or beer

C. whatever you want

D. whatever is being served

3. When eating in a private home, it is considered good manners to ________________.

A. take whatever is being served

B. take whatever you want

C. ask for something different

D. ask the hostess to choose for you

4. At one meal, the first main course is often ________________.

A. meat, fish or poultry

B. either meat or fish

C. meat, fish and poultry but no seafood

D. none of the meat, fish and poultry

5. Which one of the following is NOT a reason why most Americans rush through daytime meals?

A. It is their pace of life.

B. Their time is limited.

C. They do not like the mild tasting food.

D. They should make room for other people.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

The printed word is just about the most important way we have of communication with one another. Look around you at the books in school, at the newspapers at home, at the posters on walls and the stamps you stick on envelopes before posting them. Consider, too, the importance of being able to understand the instructions printed on packages of food and medicine sold in shops.

In these and in many other ways, the printed word has become so important that it is difficult to imagine how life could go on without it. In everyday life there are hundreds of situations in which people need to communicate with one another, and the printed word is nearly always the best method of communication where large numbers of people are involved.

As you may know, communication intended to reach a large number of people is called mass communication. The main present-day forms of mass communication using the printed word are newspapers, magazines and books. In the case of a modern national newspaper, thousands of copies of each issue()may be printed and read in a single day.

The best known forms of modern mass communication which do not use the printed word are television and radio. Television or radio broadcasts may also reach millions of people at a time.

Printing is so important nowadays that it is difficult to imagine how people could manage without it. In fact, though, it was many centuries before man even had a language. Early cave men communicated with one another by sign language or by drawing on the walls of their caves.

1. We use the printed word mainly to________________.

A. communicate with each other

B. read books and newspapers

C. study knowledge

D. write articles

2. The printed word has become very important because________________.

A. it is almost the best method of communication

B. it is difficult to imagine how life could go on without it

C. it is the best way for large numbers of people to communicate with each other

D. there are hundreds of situations in which two people need to talk with each other

3. The best known printed forms of mass communication are________________.

A. letters and advertisements

B. newspapers, magazines and books

C. packets of food and medicine

D. television and radio

4. The passage means to tell us________________.

A. how people communicate with each other

B. how people use the printed word

C. that mass communication is very important to us

D. that the printed word is very important to us



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

A good modern newspaper is an extraordinary piece of reading. It’s remarkable first for what it contains: the range of news from local crime to international politics, from sports to business to fashion to science, and the range of comment and special features(特写)as well, from editorial page to feature articles and interviews to criticism of books, art theatre and music. A newspaper is even more remarkable for the way one reads it: never completely, never straight through, but always by jumping from here to there, in and out, glancing at one piece, reading another article all the way through, reading just a few paragraphs of the next. A good modern newspaper offers a variety to attract many different readers, but far more than any reader is interested in. What brings this variety together in one place is its topicality(时事性), its immediate relation to what is happening in your world and your locality now. But immediacy and the speed of production that goes with it mean also that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than transient(短暂的)value. For all these reasons, not two people really read the same paper: what each person does is to put together, out of the pages of that day’s paper, his own selection and sequence, his own newspaper. For all these reasons, reading newspapers efficiently, which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need and without wasting time, demands skill and self-awareness as you modify and apply the techniques of reading.

1. A modern newspaper is remarkable for all the following EXCEPT its________________.

A. wide coverage

B. uniform style

C. speed in reporting news

D. popularity

2. According to the passage, the reason why no two people really read the “same newspaper” is that________________.

A. people scan for the news they are interested in

B. different people prefer different newspaper

C. people are rarely interested in the same kind of news

D. people have different views about what a good newspaper is

3. It can be concluded from the passage that newspaper readers ________________.

A. apply reading techniques skillfully

B. jump from one newspaper to another

C. appreciate the variety of a newspaper

D. usually read a newspaper selectively

4. The best title for this passage would be________________.

A. The Importance of Newspaper Topicality

B. The Characteristics of a Good Newspaper

C. The Variety of a Good Newspaper

D. Some Suggestions on How to Read a Newspaper



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Sometime in the next century, the familiar early-morning newspaper on the front porch will disappear. And instead of reading your newspaper, it will read to you. You’ll get up and turn on the computer newspaper just like switching on the TV. An electronic voice will distribute stories about the latest events, guided by a program that selects the type of news you want. You’ll even get to choose the kind of voice you want to hear. Want more information on the brief story? A simple touch makes the entire text appear. Save it in your own personal computer file if you like. These are among the predictions from communications experts working on the newspapers of the future. Pictured as part of broader home-based media and entertainment systems, computer newspapers would unite print and broadcast reporting, offering news and analysis with video images of news events.

Most of the technology is available now, but convincing more people that they don’t need paper to read a newspaper is the next step. But resistance to computer newspapers may be stronger from within journalism(新闻界). Since it is such a cultural change, it may be that the present generation of journalists and publishers will have to die off before the next generation realizes that the newspaper industry is no longer a newspaper industry. Technology is making the end of traditional newspapers unavoidable.

Despite technological advances, it could take decades to replace newsprint with computer screens. It might take 30 to 40 years to complete the change over because people need to buy computers and because newspapers have established financial interests in the paper industry.

1. The best title of this passage is________________.

A. Computer Newspapers are Well Liked

B. Newspapers of the Future will likely be on Computer

C. Newspapers are out of Fashion

D. New Communications Technology

2. It might take 30 to 40 years for computer newspapers to replace traditional newspapers, because________________.

A. it is technologically impossible now

B. computer newspapers are too expensive

C. there is strong resistance from both the general population and professional journalists

D. traditional newspapers are easier to read

3. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of computer newspapers?

A. They are cheaper than traditional newspapers.

B. They are very convenient to use.

C. You can get more information from them quickly.

D. You can easily save information for future use.

4. We can infer from the passage that________________.

A. all technological changes are good

B. all technologies will eventually replace old ones

C. new technologies will eventually replace old ones

D. traditional newspapers are here to stay for another century



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

The first newspaper was written by hand and put up on walls in public places. The earliest daily newspaper was started in Rome in 59 B. C.  In the 700’s the world’s first printed newspaper was published. Europe didn’t have a regularly published newspaper until 1609, when one was started in Germany.

The first regularly published newspaper in England was printed in Amsterdam in 1620. In 1621, an English newspaper was started in London and was published once a week. The first daily English newspaper was the Daily Courtant, which came out in March 1702.

In 1690, Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in Boston. But not long after it was first published, the government stopped the paper. In 1704, John Campbell started the Boston newspaper, the first newspaper published daily in the American Colonies(殖民地). By 1760, the colonies had more than thirty daily newspapers. There are now about 1 800 daily papers in the United States.

Today, as a group, English language newspapers have the largest circulation(发行量)in the world. But the largest circulation for a newspaper is that of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. It sells more than eleven million copies every year.

1. The first regularly printed European newspaper started in ________________.

A. Rome in 59 B. C.

B. Germany in 1609

C. Amsterdam in 1620

D. England in 1621

2. The first daily newspaper in English started in________________.

A. 1620                            B. 1621

C. 1690                            D. 1702

3. From the article, we know that________________.

A. newspapers have the longest history in the United States

B. English language newspaper has the largest circulation in the world

C. the first daily newspaper was printed in Rome in 59 B. C.

D. there are all kinds of newspapers all over the world today

4. The best title for this passage should be________________.

A. History of newspaper

B. History of Daily newspapers

C. The Beginning of newspapers

D. On Reading newspapers



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

The following is about the BBC and some other broadcasting stations in Britain.


Broadcasting time

Type of program


24 hours a day

Pop and light music;  sports.


24 hours a day

Pop and light music;  sports.


7 a. m.

to about midnight

Serious music;  cultural about midnight

programs;  science talk.


6 a. m.  to

about midnight

The main news service.


The BBC has local radio stations, such as Radio Wales which broadcasts some programs in the Welsh language.

The BBC has local(当地的) radio stations which bring local news and stories of local interest, such as Radio London.

Commercial(有广告收入的) radio has no national stations but it has many local ones: London has two—the London Broadcasting Company (LBC) and Capital Radio.

There is advertising on commercial radio but not on the BBC.

1. On which radio can you hear a commercial?

A. Radio 3.                             B. Radio 4.

C. Capital Radio.                        D. Radio London.

2. You need to listen to           for a program on outer space.

A. Radio 2.                             B. Radio 3.

C. Radio Wales.                         D. LBC.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050


As someone who loves animals, you care about what will happen to them in the future. CSIA has been treating sick and injured animals since 1938. It’s hard to imagine what would happen to the hundreds of thousands of pets who need us every year if we no longer existed.

But in fact, we simply could not continue if it wasn’t for a very special kind of gift people like you leave to us in their wills(遗嘱).

Can we depend on your kindness too? If you haven’t already done so, please consider including a gift to CSIA in your will. For free information on how to go about it, please call our helpline on 08008421950. Your love for animals can live on with a gift in your will to CSIA.

CSIA for pets in need of vets(兽医)

1. This advertisement is trying to persuade people to         .

A. buy a gift for a pet

B. give money for animal care

C. work for an animal hospital

D. treat sick and injured animal

2. What is CSIA most likely to be?

A. A pet shop.

B. An animal hospital.

C. A club for pet lovers.

D. A training center for vets.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Here in the hills were buffaloes. I had even, in my very young days—when I could not live till I had killed one of each kind of African animal—shot a bull out here. Later on, when I was not so interested to shoot as to watch the wild animals, I had been out to see them again, but twice I had to go back without success.

But one afternoon as I was having tea with some friends outside the house, Denys came flying from Nairobi and went over our heads westwards; a little while after he turned and came back and landed on the farm. I drove down to the plain to bring him back, but he would not get out of his plane.

“The buffaloes are out feeding in the fields, ”he said, “come out and have a look them. ”

“I cannot come, ”I said, “I have got tea-party up at the house. ”

“But we will go and see them and be back in a quarter of an hour, ”he said.

This sounded to me like the suggestions which people make to you in a dream. So I went up with him. It did not take us long to see the buffaloes from the air; we counted them as they peacefully mixed and separated on the open ground closed in by bushes. There was one very old big black bull, and a number of young ones;  if a stranger had come near to them they would have heard or smelt him at once, but they were not prepared for something from the air. They heard the noise of our machine and stopped feeding, but they did not seem to be able to look up. In the end they realized that something very strange was about;  the old bull first walked out in front of the others. Suddenly he began to go down the valley side and after a moment he broke into a run. The whole group now followed him, rushing hurriedly down into the bushes. In a small wood of low trees they stopped and kept close together. Here they believed themselves to be out of sight. We flew up and away. It was like having been taken there by a secret unknown route.

When I came back to my tea-party the teapot on the stone was still so hot that I burned my fingers on it.

1. When young, the writer          .

A. was interested to kill as many animals as possible

B. had failed to find the buffaloes

C. enjoyed shooting one of every sort of African animal

D. used to camp in the hills and watch the buffaloes in a plane

2. The writer went to the plane          .

A. to pick Denys up and take him back to the tea-party

B. to have a talk with Denys

C. to persuade Denys to leave the plane

D. because they wanted to go up in the plane

3. When the buffaloes heard the noise of the plane, they          .

A. looked up at it

B. ran away immediately

C. continued feeding

D. were uncertain what to do

4. The buffaloes felt safe when they reached the wood because they          .

A. thought they couldn’t be seen

B. could only be seen from the ground

C. could only be seen if the plane flew higher

D. could not see the plane



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Our boat floated on, between walls of forest too thick to allow us a view of the land we were passing through, though we knew from the map that our river must from time to time be passing through chairs of hills which crossed the jungle plains. Nowhere did we find a place where we could have landed: where the jungle did not actually spread right down into the river, banks of soft mud prevented us going ashore. In any case, where would we have sailed by landing? The country was full of snakes and other dangerous creatures, and the jungle was so thick that one would be able to advance only slowly, cutting one’s way with knives the whole way. So we stayed in the boat, hoping that when we reached the sea, a friendly fisherman would pick us up and take us to civilization.

We lived on fish, caught with a home-made net of string(we had no books), and fruits and nuts we could pick up out of the water. As we had no fire, we had to eat everything, including the fish, raw. I had never tasted raw fish before. And I must say I didn’t much enjoy the experience: perhaps sea fish, which do not live in the mud, are less tasteless. After eating my raw fish, I lay back and dreamed of such things as fried chicken and rice, and ice-cream. In the never-ending damp heat of the jungle, ice-cream was particularly frequent dream.

As for water, there was a choice: we could drink the muddy river water, or die of thirst. We drank the water. Men who had just escaped what had appeared to be certain death lost all worries about such small things as diseases caused by dirty water. In fact, none of us suffered from any illness as a result.

One day we passed another village, but unfortunately nobody saw us. We did not wish to risk being taken prisoners a second time: we might not be so lucky to escape in a stolen boat again.

1. What they could see in the boat was         .

A. high walls

B. villagers from time to time

C. vast land

D. heavy woods

2. They couldn’t land because         .

A. the mud on the shore was too soft

B. the forest was too thick to let them go through

C. they could not find the mark on the lamp

D. they could not find anyone to lead them out of the forest

3. The passage implies that the forest was         .

A. rich of fruits and animals to be served as food

B. not very thick as they could advance slowly by cutting the branches

C. full of various dangerous beings

D. full of ancient trees

4. The most appropriate title for this passage might be         .

A. Escape

B. Exploration of A River

C. How to Survive on A Boat

D. A New Experience



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Japan has a new craze:“the virtual pet”—Tama gotchi(电子鸡). The new object of consumer desire is the latest in high-tech—an electronic bird creature, the size of an egg that has been sold out everywhere and is now only available on the streets at more than 20 times its original price of 1 980 yen or$19.

You can feed it, stroke(抚摸)it, carry it in your pocket and even take it to the bathroom—all with the push of a button. But be aware that if you don’t take care of your Tamagotchi(Japanese work for“lovely egg”. )—your pet will die before your eyes and before its time.

The Tamagotchi starts life as a bird-like image on the screen of an egg-shaped key-ring device. It changes from a chick to a fully-grown adult in around 10 days. However, the owner must feed, clean and calm the digital creature by pushing the proper buttons to prevent it from dying from neglect. The owner may choose to feed the creature digital sweets and enjoy its sounds of delight by pressing buttons in response to the creature’s movements.

1. What is the present price of Tamagotchi?

A. Over 18 dollars.

B. Over 60 dollars.

C. Over 380 dollars.

D. Over 1 200 dollars.

2. The underlined word “neglect” in the passage means “         ”.

A. lack of care or attention

B. pushing the wrong buttons

C. paying too much attention

D. lack of electricity

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Tamagotchi?

A. It can grow up in around 10 days.

B. It has to be fed, cleaned and calmed in case it might die.

C. It can produce a sound of delight.

D. It can be bought everywhere now.

4. What is the best title for the passage?

A. A new type of pet

B. Take good care of the Tamagotchi

C. The popularity of the Tamagotchi in Japan

D. A newly found bird—the Tamagotchi


