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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Why don't birds get lest on their long flights from one place to anotherScientists have puzzled over this question for many years. Now they are beginning to fill in the blanks. Not long ago. Experiments showed that birds rely on the sun to guide them during daylight hours. But what about birds that fly at night? Tests with artificial stars have proved that certain night flying birds are able to follow the stars in their long-distance flights.

A dove had spent its lifetime in a cage and never flown under a natural sky. Yet it showed an inborn ability to use the stars for guidance. The bird’s cage was placed under an artificial star-filled sky. The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousin. Any change in the position of the stars caused a change in the direction of his flight.

Scientists think that doves, when flying in daylight, use the sun for guidance. But the stars are apparently their principle means of navigation (领航). What do they do when the stars are hidden by cloudsApparently, they find their way by such land marks as mountain ranges, coastlines, and river courses. But when it's too dark to see these, the doves circle helplessly, unable to get their bearings (方位)

1. The reason why birds don’t get loot on their long flights________.

A. has been known to scientists for years

B. is known by everyone

C. still remains a question

D. has been discovered recently

2. The experiment with the dove indicated that________.

    A. a bird having spent its lifetime in a cage has to be thought to navigate

    B. a bird that has been caged will not fly long distances

    C. some birds seem to follow the stars when they fly at night

    D. birds can fly in the same direction as that taken by their cousins

3. Under artificial stars, the bird in the cage________.

    A. tried to fly in the same direction as birds not caged

    B. changed the direction when the position of the stars was changed

    C. would not fly well

    D. both A and B

4. In total darkness, doves________.

A. use landmarks                 B. circle helplessly

C. depend on the mountain ranges     D. fly in all directions



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

The recent death of the world's most famous sheepDolly the clone—has not dampened the enthusiasm (热情)of Chinese scientists, who are working hard to make more breakthroughs in clone technology.

“It is hard to say whether Dolly died at a relatively young age or died from defects (缺陷) in reproduction,” Du Miao, a researcher with the Biology and Growth Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told China Daily in Beijing yesterday. “But Dolly's case reminds us that both Chinese and foreign scientists should put more efforts into improving clone technology as well as disease treatment techniques in the field of cloning animals.” He said his institute, in co-operation (合作) with Yangzhou University in Eastern China's Jiangsu Province, had cloned more than 10 sheep since 1999 and the oldest is nearly five. They are all still alive.

Li Ning, deputy director of the National Key Laboratory of Agricultural and Biological Technology, who is also a professor with the Beijing-based China Agriculture University, said, “Clone technology is actually progressing well. Dolly is the first cloned sheep after all. Like driving cars, new drivers meet with accidents more easily, but the more you drive, the easier and safer you feel. In the future, the death rate of cloned animals will be reduced with technological developments.”

“Official reports show seven locally cloned sheep are still alive. Clone technology in China is gradually approaching (接近)a level of commercialization (商业化),” Li added. But Wang Yu, deputy director of the Biological Technology Centre under the Ministry of Science and Technology, said the commercialization of clone technology depends on market demand.

1. From Dolly's death, some of the Chinese scientists________.

    A. think it has dampened their enthusiasm

    B. believe it died from defects in reproduction

    C. think they should improve not only disease treatment techniques but also clone technology

    D. are satisfied with their successes in clone

2. Li Ning took driving cars for example to show________.

  A. the difficulty with clone technology

    B. anything is difficult in the beginning

    C. clone technology is difficult in the beginning and has a bright future

    D. clone technology will be more difficult in the future

3. According to Li Ning, the Chinese clone technology is________.

    A. behind some other countries

    B. progressing badly

    C. among the developed countries

    D. actually developing well

4. What is the best title for the passage?

    A. Learning Lessons from Dolly

    B. Chinese Scientists’ Clone Enthusiasm

    C. Clone Technology like Driving Cars

D. Chinese Clone Technology Well Developed



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Graz, Austria on July 30, 1947. He enjoyed playing sports as a child, and he began lifting weights to build up his strength for soccer and swimming.

Then, when he was around 15 year old, he started to lift weights seriously for the purpose of body building. He also began competing in body building competitions in England at this time. When he was18, he won the Junior Mr. Europe competition. Then, he later won Mr. Olympia.

In 1968, when he was 21 years old, Mr. Schwarzenegger went to the United States. He continued to enter and win body building competitions. But he also started a company which helped build brick walls and building in order to earn extra money. He called his company Pumping Bricks.

In 1970, he made a comedy (喜剧) called Hercules in New York. For the movie, he changed his name to Arnold Strong instead of using his real name. This was his first acting job. In 1973, he showed up in a small part in another movie called The Long Goodbye.

Mr. Schwarzenegger finally decided that he was through with body building in the late 1970s after he had won 13 world championships (锦标赛). For eight years in a row, he was the world champion (冠军) body builder. Around the time of his retirement from body building, he made another film called Pumping Iron, in which the body builder played himself.

He finally decided that his future was in acting, even though many people did not think that the body builder with the funny way of speaking was cut out for acting. It was not until movies like Conan and Terminator made millions of dollars that Hollywood began to see Arnold Schwarzenegger as a real actor.

1. According to this passage, Arnold Schwarzenegger was originally (本来) from________ .

    A. Asia           B. Europe         C. Australia       D. North America

2. Schwarzenegger began competing in body building competitions in England when he was________years old.

    A.18             B. 15            C.21             D. 19

3. Arnold Schwarzenegger retired from body building around________.

    A. 1970          B. 1975          C. 1977          D. 1982

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

    A. The comedy Hercules in New York was made by Schwarzenegger.

    B. Schwarzenegger first acted in Hercules in New York.

    C. Pumping Bricks is the name of Schwarzenegger’s company.

D. Hollywood didn’t accept Schwarzenegger at all.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Wood is wood?

Yes, but it’s not that simple. Each tree species (神类) grows in a certain way, and that affects (影响) the way its wood looks and performs. Foresters divide trees into two kinds: hardwood and softwood species.

Hardwood trees such as oaks (橡树) and maples (枫树 ) have wood with very short fibers. Paper made from these species is weaker than that made from softwood, but its surface is smoother, and therefore better to write and print on.

Softwood trees such as pines and spruces have wood with long fibers, and paper made from this type of woods is much stronger. This kind of paper is ideal for making products like shipping containers that require great strength. But the surface is rougher, and that’s not as good for writing, printing and many other uses.

Happily we can blend fibers from hardwood and softwood into a single paper, getting just the combination of strength, whiteness, writing surface and other characteristics that we want.

And that’s just what we do! Most of the paper you see today is made from both hardwoods and softwoods, a special blend for each purpose.

We make newsprint(新闻纸)to be opaque(不透明) —so you only see the newspaper's comics (连环画), not the stock market report on the other side!

We make grocery bag paper strong, tissue (纸巾) soft, fine writing paper smooth. Even within the same sort, there’s quite a range. Among printing papers, for example, compare the thin sheets of a Bible to the thick, tough pages of a kid’s picture book.

1. Which of the following are trees?

    A. Pines, oaks, fibers and maples.

    B. hardwood, oaks and maples.

    C. Pines and softwood

    D. Maples and oaks.

2. Which of the following is TRUE?

    A. Paper made from spruces is good to write on.

    B. Paper made from oaks is weaker, with smoother surface.

    C. Shopping bags are usually made of the paper from softwood trees, with short fibers.

    D. It is easy for us to make paper from both kinds of trees.

3. The underlined word “blend” perhaps means________.

    A. change         B. separate     C. mix          D. divide

4. The sentence “We make newsprint to be opaque” means_________.

    A. We make newsprint hard to see through.

    B. We make newsprint different from other printing papers.

    C. We make newspaper the way easy to understand.

    D. We make newsprint easy to read.

5. What haven’t we learned from the passage?

    A. Writing paper, as well as printing paper, is divided into many kinds.

    B. We can get a kind of paper made from both hardwood and softwood.

    C. According to the wood, we can divide trees into two kinds.

D. Today we use paper in many ways.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

According to the recent survey, only a quarter of American children walk or bike to school. Even pupils who live within a mile of school get there in a car. At a school in Atlanta, so many parents drive their children to school. The school has to give each car rider an ID number so they can find their own cars out of hundreds waiting in line.

Health officials are worried because the lack of exercise may worsen the country’s growing problem of childhood obesity. The number of overweight teens has tripled (三倍) since 1980. At the same time, diabetes(糖尿病), once unheard of in children, is increasing greatly among them.

When asked their reasons for not sending their children to school on foot, parents agree that distance, traffic, weather and crime (犯罪) are their top concerns. The mother of a 10-year-old girl said that even though he trip was less than a mile, she was afraid to let her child walk to school. “You hear too many things about kids getting picked up,” she said.

Getting more children to walk or bike to school should be a nation a health goal, at health officials say. A goal has been set to get at least 50 percent of children who live less than a mile from school walking or cycling to school by 2010.

1. Most of American children go to school________.

A. on foot         B. by bike         C. by car        D. on a bus

2. The mother of a 10-year-old girl didn’t let her daughter walk to school because________.

A. her daughter was too young to cover such a long walk

B. there were too many cars in the USA

C. she cared more about the safety of her daughter

D. her daughter was once picked up in the street

3. Which of the following is NOT the parents’ top concerns?

A. Crime.        B. Bad weather.     C. Traffic.       D. Fees.

4. The author took a school in Atlanta for example to show________.

A. there are too many cars waiting for school children

B. the school is very kind to school children

C. school children have a bad memory

D. ID number is very useful in telling the difference between cars

5. The main cause of American childhood obesity probably lies in________.

A. lack of exercise                B. diabetes

C. eating too much fat              D. school



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

In 1945, there was a young boy of 14 in a concentration camp (集中营). He was tall, thin but had a bright smile. One day, a young girl came by the other side of the fence. She noticed the boy and asked him if he spoke Polish, and he said yes. She said he’d looked hungry, and he said he was. She then reached in her pocket and gave him her apple. He thanked her and she went on her way. The next day, she came by again, bringing with her another apple which she gave him. Each day, she walked by the outside of the fence, hoping to see him, and when she did, she happily handed him an apple in exchange for conversation (对话).

One day, he told her not to come by any more. He told her he was being shipped to another concentration camp. As he walked away with tears streaming down his face, he wondered if he’d ever see her again. She was the only kind person he’d seen across the fence.

He made it out of the concentration camp, and moved to America. In 1957, his friends had fixed him up on a blind date. He had no idea who the woman was. He picked her up, and during the dinner began talking of Poland and the concentration camp. She said she was in Poland at that time. She said she used to talk to a boy and gave him an apple daily. He asked if this boy was tall, skinny and if he had told her that she shouldn’t come back because he was leaving. She said yes.

It was her, the young girl who came by every day to give him apples. After 12 year, after the war and in another country, they met again. What are the odds (概率)? He proposed(求婚) to her on that very night and told her he'd never again let her go. They are still happily married today.  

Miracles (奇迹) do happen, and there is a greater force at work in our lives.

1. Which of the following words can be used to describe (描述) the young girl?

A. Kind.                        B. Simple-minded.

C. Beautiful.                    D. Far-sighted.

2. Every day the girl walked by the outside of the fence to________

    A. see what was happening in the concentration camp

    B. advise the boy to escape from the concentration camp

C. have a talk with the boy

    D. sell an apple to the poor boy

3. When the boy learned that he was being shipped to another concentration camp, ________.

    A. he knew he would live a happy life

    B. he agreed to meet the girl in the USA

    C. he didn’t know whether he had the chance to meet the girl again

    D. he worried about how he could get an apple each day in future

4. The best title for the passage would be________.

    A. a Happy Date (约会)                 B. Surprising Marriage (婚姻)

    C. a Legendary (传奇的) Boy           D. Lovely Coincidence (巧合)

5. In 1957 he picked up the woman________.

    A. to thank her for what she has done in Poland

    B. to find out the girl he had been eager to see

    C. because he worked as a driver

D. because his friends had asked him to make a date with her



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Some English words are made up of the same part and have different beginnings or different endings, such as import, export, repot and transport. All these words, you can see, have the same root “port” , which comes from the Latin word, meaning “to carry”  or “to move” from one place to another. And according to the bit at the beginning—which we call the prefix (前缀)—the meaning changes: “im” means “in” , so the word “import”  means “to carry in” , or “to bring into a country” ; “ex” means “out of” ,so the word “export” means “to carry out of a country” ; “re” means “back”, so the word “report” means “to tell somebody, to bring back information to somebody” ; “trans”  means “across” , so “transport”  means “to carry from one place to another” .

Let’s look at the following words: supporter, reporter, importer and exporter. You can see that in this case these words are nouns which are made up of the verbs plus the suffix (后缀 ) “er” , thus meaning a person who completes the “verb” . So supporter means somebody who supports something. A reporter is somebody who reports something. Importer is somebody who imports something and exporter is somebody who exports something, and so on.

( ) 1. “Some English Words are made up of the same part....”In the sentence “part” means________.

    A. different beginnings and different endings

B. the same part which has several meanings

C. the root of a word.

D. the same root which has different meanings

( ) 2. Which of the following is not true?

A. Besides “port”, most English words have the same root which comes from the Latin word.

    B. “Port” is the root forming some English words.

C. The root “port” means “to carry”.

D. “Port” can mean “to move” from one place to another.

( ) 3. By adding a prefix or a suffix to a root, we can get a word which has________.

A. the meaning of a Latin word

    B. a different meaning

    C. the meaning of “in” or “out”

D. a lot of meanings

( ) 4. We can get a noun________.

A. just by adding “er” to a verb

B. by changing a prefix

  C. only by adding “er” to a root

D. by adding a suffix to a verb

( ) 5. According to the passage, if we talk about a repairman, you may guess/ know that he must be________.

A. somebody who regained health

    B. a person who can repair something

    C. somebody who has good health

    D. a person who can do only simple things


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Now is the best time for Hong Kong shopping lovers, as most shops and markets are having their seasonal sales. With the same amount of the money, you can find different kinds of foods in this city. Women, young and old, rarely resist the attraction of this shopping paradise(乐园,天堂) at this time of year. Lovers will surely have an exciting Christmas and New Years Eve celebrations at the Time Square or in the western styled bars. Spending your holiday in Hong Kong will be easy too, as several package tours are available from GZL Travel Service, with four-day tours for less than 15 000 yuan.

Tour package 1(3, 200 yuan):a four-day-tour including three nights' accommodation(膳宿供应), scenic helicopter flight, night ferry(渡船) tour of Victoria Harbor and shuttle bus(公共汽车) to the Peak to view the city at night.

Tour package 2(1 880 yuan): a four-day-shopping-tour including three nightsaccommodation, tours to Golden Beach and the Vexwork Museum, shuttle bus to the Peak and shopping opportunities.

Tour package 3(1 480 yuan): a four-day-DIY-tour including three nightsaccommodation in a four-star hotel and total freedom to do what you want, when you want.

1. This advertisement is given by__________.

A. a shopping center    

B. a Travel Service Company

C. a hotel      

D. Hong Kong government

2. If you want to decide by yourself youd better choose Tour package__________.

A. 1               B. 2               C. 3               D. both 2 and 3

3. According to the text, if you want to visit the Victoria harbor at night with the tour guide, you can choose Tour Package__________.

A. 1               B. 2               C. 3               D. 1 and 2



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Archimedes was a famous Greek mathematician and scientist. He was born around 287 B. C. and he died in 212 B. C.

Archimedes was most known for one specific idea that he came up with. “Archimedess Principle(定律)”states that a solid object which is immersed in a liquid is pushed up by a force which is equal to the weight of the water that the object moves. For example, if you put a piece of wood and a piece of gold of the same size in water, only the wood will float. Both the wood and gold move the same amount of water, but the wood weighs less than the water, while the gold weighs more.

It is believed the Archimedes discovered this principle when the king of Syracuse asked him to solve a problem. The king wanted to know whether his crown(王冠)was pure gold or a mixture of gold and silver. The king, of course, didnt want to melt his crown to find out. The idea came to Archimedes as he lowered himself into his bath. He noticed how the water spilled out of his tub. He decided to use the same idea for the crown. He knew that a gold crown immersed in water would weigh more than one made of silver. The experiment was done and the goldsmith(金匠)was found guilty(有罪的)of trying to cheat the king.

1. A good title for this section is__________.

A. Archimedes                       B. Archimedes Principle

C. A Gold and Silver Crown              D. The King of Syracuse

2. The word “immersed” in the second paragraph means__________.

A. raised            B. lifted            C. underwater        D. rose

3. From this section we may conclude(推断)that the king's crown__________.

A. moved more water than pure gold of the same weight

B. moved less water than pure gold of the same weight

C. moved more water than pure gold of the same size

D. moved less water than pure gold of the same size

4. The following sentences tell what happened many years ago. Which is the right order of the events(事件)?

a. Archimedes took a bath.

b. Archimedes discovered his principle.

c. The king of Syracuse asked him to solve a problem.

d. Archimedes did the experiment on the crown.

A. b c a d           B. c a b d           C. c a d b           D. b c d a



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Richard Gray was a famous explorer(勘探者). He was also a millionaire. He had visited every country in the world. He had crossed Antarctica, flown across the Atlantic by balloon, and climbed Mount Everest. Last year he decided to walk across Death Valley, the hottest place on Earth. He walked for days over the hot desert sand. One night he found the camp(宿营地)where he had been the night before. Gray had walked in a circle. He was lost.

Two days later he had drunk all his water. He couldn’t walk. He crawled to the top of a sand dune(沙丘), and there he saw a man. The man was wearing smart, clean trousers, a white shirt and a tie. Gray crawled over to him.

“Water…water…” he said.

“I’m terribly sorry, old boy, ”replied the man“but I haven’t got any water with me. ”

“Help me!” shouted Gray, “I’m a rich man…a millionaire…I’ll give you anything.”

“That’s very nice of you, old boy,” said the man. “Look, I can’t give you any water, but would you like to buy my tie?”

“ A tie? Of course not!” screamed Gray, and crawled away. He crawled slowly up the next sand dune. His mouth was full of sand. His lips were cracked(破裂)and dry. He couldn’t breathe. He reached the top of the dune and there he saw a huge good hotel. Girls were swimming in the large swimming pool. Beautiful fountains were all around the hotel.

“Is it a mirage(幻景)?”he thought. “Am I dying?” He stood up and staggered(蹒跚)down the dune.

A waiter in a shining white uniform came out of the door.

“Water…water…a bath! Food!” screamed Gray.

“I’m sorry, you can’t come into this hotel,” said the waiter.

“ Why not? I’ve got plenty of money…I’m a millionaire. ”

“Ah,” replied the waiter, “but you aren’t wearing a tie!”

1. The famous explorer________________.

A. had crossed Antarctica and the Atlantic by balloon

B. had traveled all over the world

C. had walked across Death Valley

D. had ever been a millionaire

2. Death Valley is________________.

A. a valley where people may die from loss of water

B. a dead place where people dare not go

C. a terribly hot valley where people may die of heat

D. a place’s name

3. Two days later Richard Gray________________.

A. was lost in a circle         

B. was drunk

C. began to search for water in the desert   

D. crawled to the top of a dune to see a man

4. Gray saw________________from the top of the next dune.

A. a large good hotel                      

B. many swimming girls

C. a lot of drinking water                      

D. a beautiful mirage

5. At last Richard Gray________________.

A. got some water to drink                 

B. was not permitted to enter the hotel

C. was very sorry for the waiter             

D. was dying


