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科目: 来源: 题型:051

    A broker(股票经纪人) sought admission at the Pearly Gates.

    “Who are you? ””Asked St. Peter. “I am a Wall Street broker.” “What do you want?”

    “I want to get in.”

    What have you done that entitles you to admission?

    Well, I saw a decrepit woman on Broadway the other day and gave her two cents.

    Gabriel, is that on the records?

    Yes, St. Peter; it’s marked down to his credit.”

    What else have you done?”

    Well, I crossed the Brooklyn Bridge the other night and met a newsboy half frozen to death and gave him one cent.”

    Gabriel, is that on the records?”

    Yes, St. Peter.”

    What, I can’t recollect anything else just now.”

    Gabriel, what do you think we ought to do with this fellow?”

    Oh, give him back his three cents and tell him to go to hell.”

1From the passage we know that the broker was a ________.

Amean person

Bkind-hearted man

Cstupid man

Dgood - tempered man

2In the sentence I can’t recollect anything else just now.” just now means ________.

Aa moment ago

Bthe other time

Conly a few minutes ago

Dat this very moment

3According to the passage the broker has ________.

Adone nothing else good besides the two things

Bdone many good things

Conly done two good things more

Dearned little money

4From the passage we can learn that one must ________ for entering the Pearly Gates.

Aalways do good to others

Bdo two good things

Cthink that money is useless

Dhelp the decrepit people and the newsboy



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Throughout history, people have been interested in knowing how language first began, but no one knows exactly where or how this happened. However, we do know a lot about languages, the languages of today and also the languages of earlier times. There are probably about three thousand languages in the world today. Chinese is the language with the most speakers. English, Russian and Spanish are also spoken by many millions of people. On the other hand, some languages in the world have less than one hundred speakers.

    There are several important families of languages in the world. For example, most of the languages of Europe are in one large family called Indo- European. The original (最初的) language of this family was spoken about 4,500 years ago. Many of the present day languages of Europe and India are modern forms of the language of 4,500 years ago.

    Languages are always changing. The English of today is very different from the English of 500 years ago. In time some even die out completely. About 1, 000 years ago English was a little- known relative of German spoken on one of the borders of Europe.

    If a language has a large number of speakers or if it is very old, there may be differences in the way it is spoken in different areas. That is, the language may have several dialects. Chinese is a good example of dialect differences. Chinese has been spoken for thousands of years by many millions of speakers. The differences between the dialects of Chinese are so great that speakers of Chinese from some parts of China cannot understand speakers from other parts.

1. The first paragraph mainly tells us that________.

Amost people in the world speak Chinese

Bthere are thousands of languages in the world today

Cman has much knowledge about languages

Dsome people know several languages

2. Most European and Indian languages

Awill soon die out completely

Bwere once a relative of English

Care no longer spoken

Dcome from the same family

3.________seems to have changed a lot.





4 The word dialect in the last paragraph means________.

Aa special language spoken by Chinese

Bthe sign used by the Chinese people in a special area

Cthe difference between the old and today’s Chinese

Dthe form of the language used in one part of the country



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Fred Ames and I haven’ t much in common. I sometimes wonder why we are friends at all. Perhaps it is Fred’ s skill as a craftsman (手工艺者) that I find so attractive. He’ s always busy making things. Everything he makes is so perfect that I sometimes feel a little of disappointment. If I knock over a vase and it is broken into a thousand pieces, Fred puts it together again in such a way that only an expert would see the difference.

    My trouble is that I am one of those hopelessly impractical(顽固的) and incurably(不可救药的)lazy people. Outside my work at the office which is dull enough, the only thing that interests me is listening to classical music.  I have a big collection of records and all day long the only thing I can think about is when I am going to get home to listen to a new symphony(交响乐 )or concerto(交奏曲).

1. Fred Ames________.

Aand the author both enjoy making things and keeping busy

Band the author is not different

Cis almost the same as the author

Dand the author don’t have any common interests

2. The author________.

Ais some times attracted by Fred’s skill as a craftsman

Bis never disappointed about Fred’s skill

Cdoesn’t count Fred as his friend

Dthinks that Fred’s skill is poor

3. Which of the following statements is true?

ANot all the things that Fred makes are perfect.

BAnything made by Fred is wonderful.

CNot everything that Fred makes is perfect.

DAnything made by Fred is not worth the author’ s disappointment.

4The author________.

Ais not hard-working

Bworks very hard

Clikes his work very much

Dworks in a factory



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Flight attendants( 服务员 ) are part of those working on airplane passenger flights. They serve as a connection between the airline and its passengers. They satisfy the personal needs and comforts of the passengers while carrying out normal duties. They try to make the passengers’ trip so enjoyable that they will want to fly with the airline again. Attendants receive training that helps them work calmly in an emergency and ensure the safety of the passengers.

    The first flight attendants on US airlines were men. But from the 1930’s until the 1970’s, the air-lines hired only women as attendants. Though men have now returned to the position, the majority of light attendants are women.

    Long-distance flights have as many as 14 attendants on the largest jests and 6 on other planes. Most short-run jet flights have at least 3 attendants.

    Flight attendants check on flight conditions, food, and emergency equipment. They give safety instructions(指导)to the passengers, make flight announcements before and after take - off, and try to make the passengers as comfortable as possible.

    Flight attendants are trained at special schools. The course lasts from three to seven weeks. The training includes wide classroom work and practical experience in model cabin(机航).

    The airline pays flight attendants’ expenses while they are away from their basic station.

1. The underlined word emergency in the first paragraph should mean________.

Asomething that happens strangely

Bsomething that happens suddenly

Cany kind of difficulty

Dmisunderstanding from passengers

2 Of the following, which are flight attendants’ duties while they are on flights?

a. Receiving flight training.

b. Giving safety instructions.

c. Checking on emergency equipment.

d. Satisfying passengers’ personal needs.

e. Receiving expenses from the airline.

f. Preparing food for passengers.

Aabcd, and f

Bbcd, and f

Cb, c, d, e, and f

Da, b, c, and e

3. Who served as flight attendants on US airlines?

AFirst men, then women only, and now mainly men.

BFirst men and women, then men, and now men and women.

CFirst men, then only women, and now more women than men.

DFirst men, then men and women, and now mainly women.

4. The number of attendants on a flight depends on________.

Ahow many passengers are on the flight

Bhow many attendants have received special training

Cwhether attendants want to be on the flight

Dthe length of the trip and the type of the air-plane



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    The basic flag of the United States is one of the world’s oldest national flags. Only the basic flags of Austria, Denmark, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland are older.

    During the discovery and settlement of what is now the United States, the flags of various European nations were flown over the land, as symbols of possession. Later, in the Colonial and Revolutionary War periods, flags representing famous persons, places, and events were flown in tie American Colonies(殖民地).

    The first official flag of the United States was created by Congress(国会)on June 14, 1777.It consisted of 13altemate(交替的)red and white stripes() and 13 white stars in a field of blue, representing the 13 colonies that had declared their independence in 1776.

1. The basic flag of the United States is________.

Athe oldest national flag in the world

Bone of the world’s oldest flags

Cthe most beautiful flag in the West

Das old as the basic flags of some European nations’

2. Before the War of Independence the flags of various European nations flew over the land were symbols of________.

Aself rule


Cpeace and friendship


3The first official flag of the United States was adopted________.

Abefore the Independence War

Bright after the Independence War

Cwhen independence was declared in 1776

Dduring the War of Independence which ended in 1783

4. The 13 red and white stripes and 13 white stars represent________.

A13 independent states

Bthe colonies that declared independence in 1776

Cthe U.S. Congress

D13 famous figures in the American colonies

5. Which of the following nation’s flag has a younger history?




Dthe U.S.A’s.



科目: 来源: 题型:051

Dear sir,

    As one of your regular readers, I have always admired your policy of supporting the problems of the ordinary citizens of London. I hope, therefore, that you will find space to publish this letter. I live in a tower building in the East End of London, situated between two busy streets with a street market along its third side. Naturally we suffer from the traffic, noise, dirt and waste gas. However, behind us we have an open green space with shady trees which provides us with a

 quiet pleasant place where we can enjoy our spare hours. We are mostly pensioners (领退休金的人) and there are very few children in the place.

 Our local government has recently planned to make use of this site for a short time as a play centre for about 100 children. Although all the people who live there are strongly against the plan, the government have totally taken no notice of us and have already started pulling up our trees and grass, in spite of the fact that there is a disused school and playground with in 100 meters which would suit their purpose equally well. I should be glad to hear from other readers who have had similar problems and might be able to advise us on what action we should now take.

P. Greene,

12 Gilmore Street, E1

1This letter is written to a________.

Anewspaper reporter

Bhousing manager

Cdaily newspaper

Dlocal official

2The writer lives in________.

Aa block of houses

Ba busy traffic area

Ca lonely area

Dthe Tower of London

3People living in the building_________

Aare mostly retired

Bare partially disabled

Chave no children

Dlive by themselves

4The government has planned to________.

Abuild a school in the place

Bmake use of the place for a short time

Cuse the site for a sports ground

Donly allow children to the site

5In spite of the people’s protest, the government have________.

Ahad second thought about it

Bgone ahead with their plans

Cdestroyed the area

Dreconsidered their original plan



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    As Olney, a small town in England, Shrove Tuesday is Pancake Race Day. The race is said to have first been run there in 1445 and has continued more or less ever since with occasional interruption as, for example, during the Second World War.

    It is a race for women only. They must be housewives and live in the areaThey have to cook a pancake in the air three times as they run. They have to wear aprons and cover their heads with a hat or scarf. A bell rings twice for the women to start making their pancakes and then again for them to gather in the square, carrying their cooked pancakes in a frying pan. There they wait for the bell to ring again and the race starts.  Sometimes one of pancakes drops on the ground, but the runner is allowed to pick it up. The winner and the runner-up both get a prize from the vicar(牧师) who is waiting at the church door. The official, who helps to look after the church, gets a kiss from the winner and often her pancake as well. Then all the runners take their frying pans with the pancakes into the church and a short service (仪式) is held.

    The pancake race, with the women frying along, throwing and trying to catch their pancakes, provides a great deal of enjoyment and is frequently shown on television. In 1950, a similar pancakes race was organized in Kansas, USA, and has continued ever since. It takes place on the same day, at exactly the same time. Times are clocked in both sides of the Atlantic and there is close competition to see whether the British or American housewives run fastest.

1It is believed that the pancake race________.

Ahas been held every year since 1445

Bdates back to the 15th century

Coriginated in the 14th century

Dstarted after the Second World War

2The race is only open to women who_________

Aare staying in the area

Bgot married in Olney

Chave a home in the district

Dwere born in Olney

3During the race, the competitors have to_________

Ajump three times and catch a pancake

Bthrow the pancakes to each other

Cthrow some pancakes into a frying pan

Dthrow and catch their pancakes

4When the race is over, all the runners_________

Aare given good prizes

Bserve pancakes in the church

Cgo into the church to have a rest

Dtake part in a service

5Since 1950, women in Kansas, USA, have_________

Ataken part in the Olney race

Bdocked up a Pancake Day record

Ccompeted against the Olney women

Dorganized other Pancake Day activities



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    The back door of the ambulance was shut and the driver jumped into his seat and started the engine. Inside were two worried parents, Mr. and Mrs. Yau, the mother holding their baby daughter, Mary. The little girl had some food stuck in her throat, and could hardly breathe.

    The driver, Mr. Leung, turned on the siren (报警器)  and flashing light, and started speeding towards the nearest hospital, fighting against time. Unfortunately the traffic was busy. From the back of the ambulance, the parents were shouting at him to hurry, since Mary had almost stopped breathing. In front of him he saw some traffic lights, with the red STOP light shining. Mr. Leung knew that he had no time to lose, so he drove straight past the traffic lights, looking to his left and right as he did so.

    Coming towards him from his right was a taxi The driver had the windows up and he was playing his radioHe did not hear the ambulanceThe lights were green, so he drove straight oninto the path of the ambulance

Mr. Leung tried to stop but it was too lateThe two vehicles collided(猛撞)Everyone was shaken but there were no injuriesMr. Leung looked back to see how little Mary wasHe was astonished to see relief(宽慰) instead of fear on the faces of the parents

    “Look! ” cried Mrs. Yau“She’s breathing again

    “It must have been the collision”said her husband“It knocked the food out of her throat

The baby’s color was returning to normaland she was crying in loud but healthy sobsThey were all delightedand quite forgot about the accidentthe taxi, and queues of vehicles all around them

1Which of the following is NOT true? The taxi driver drove________.

Awith his radio on

Bpast a green light

Cwith his windows closed

Dpast a red light

2Which of the following does NOT necessarily suggest that Mr. Leung was driving quickly?

Astarted speeding towards

Bfighting against time

Cshouting at him to hurry

Dno time to lose

3To what extent(程度)was the taxi driver to blame for the accident?

AHe was too busy listening to the radio

BThe noise of the traffic prevented him from hearing the siren

CHe was not watching the traffic

DHe was not to blame at all

4The best title for the passage is________.

ATraffic Rules


CKind—Hearted Taxi Driver

DImportance of Vehicles



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    I was arguing about the price for a table in a second-hand store when a young man came in carrying a chair, put it down before the manager and asked how much it was  worth

    Three dollarsreplied the manager

    The young man looked surprisedIt isn’t worth more than that?”

    Three dollars is all I can give you for that piece Son

    The manager shook his head and bent to examine the piece“See that?” He pointed to a crack(裂缝)in the chair leg. “And see here where the paint is peeling(脱落)?Three dollars is all its worth to me

    “All right then”said the young man“I’ll take it.” He pulled out his wallet“I saw it in front of your store with something marked 10 dollarsbut I thought maybe it was a mistake and you could tell me how much it was worth

1The young man came in________.

Ato carry a chair

Bwith a chair

Cbefore the manager did

Dbefore the author did

2Which of the following is mentioned in the article above?

AThe manager asked where the paint was peeling

BThe manager said the chair was worth only 3 dollars

CThe manager told the young that the price of the chair was 10 dollars

DThe young man said the chair was not worth 3 dollars

3What the manager bent to examine was

A. the price of the chair

B. the chair’s leg

Cthe table’s leg

Dthe crack in the chair leg

4The young man said he would________.

A. buy the chair

Bsell the chair

Cmark 10 on the chair

Drepair the chair

5The chair was carried________.

Ato the store by manager

Bfrom the young man’s home

Cto the store by mistake

Dbefore the store



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Johnny Smith was a high school student. Johnny was a good mathematics student, a very good mathematics student. He loved his computer. He worked with it every evening after school. But Johnny was not a very good English student, not good at all. He got an F in his English class. One night after school, Johnny connected his computer to the computer in his high school office. The school office computer had the grades of all the students: the math grades, the science grades, the grades in arts and music, and the grades in English, Johnny searched through the school files. He found his English grade an F. Johnny changed his English grade from an F to an A. Johnny’s parents looked at his report card. They were very happy.

    An A in English!” said Johnny’s Dad. You’re a very smart boy, Johnny.”

    Johnny is a hacker. Hackers know how to take information from other computers and put new information in. Using a modem (调制解调器), they connect their computers to other computers secretly. School headmaster and teachers are worried about hackers. So are the police.  In the movie War Games, a high school hacker entered the computer of the United States Military. He almost started World War Ⅲ! This probably could not happen in real life, but hackers can commit crimes. These criminals (罪犯) are called crackers. They take money from bank computer accounts and put it into their personal accounts. And they never even have to leave home to do it!

1From the passage, we know that Johnny is ________.

Aa middle school student

Ba hacker

Cgood at maths and computer but poor in English

DAll of the above

2Which of the following is correct?

AAll hackers commit crimes

BJohnny is a very good English student

CJohnny used his computer to change all his grades

DAll crackers commit crimes

3This passage is mainly about________






