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科目: 来源: 题型:051

It is not surprising that the human nose has given language some of its most imaginative expressionsWithout a nose, how could we breathe or smell? And does any part of a person’s face give it more of its special character than the nose, large or small?

1Its refers to

Aof the human nose

Bof the language

Cof the expression

2It refers to

Athe nose

Bthe face

Cthe language

3Its refers to

Athe language’s

Bthe face’s

Cthe nose’s



科目: 来源: 题型:051

America is growing olderFifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or olderToday, 10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65The aging of the population will affect (影响) American society in many ways-education, medicine, and businessQuietly, the graying of America has made us a very different society-one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior (行为) is suitable (合适) at various ages.

The underlined word “one” in the first paragraph refers to ________ .

Aa society


Ca place




科目: 来源: 题型:051

It had been a pleasantly warm day, without much wind, and enough cloud to prevent the heat of the sun becoming too greatCharles had spent a long time studying the level of the water in the boat, and had discovered that, by evening, it had fallen very slightlyThis, it would seem, must mean that the boat was not taking in water which was fortunate, because any attempt to empty it out suggested greater effort than he felt equal toOne other immediate problem had held his wandering thoughts for a few moments at long intervalsThis was the problem of his friend HarcourtThe thing to do, Charles realized, was to put poor Harcourt in the sea, It should be a simple matter and take no more than a few secondsCharles arranged in his mind exactly how it could most easily be done, but his body did not react to the suggestions of his mindCharles thought his hands might be too badly burnt to useBut then, suddenly, almost without knowing how he did it, Charles moved, stood up, bent over the body of poor Harcourt, lifted it and let it slip as gently as possible into the seaAfterwards he stood in the stern of the boat for a long time, watching the color of the sea deepen and the sky become increasingly farther off with the coming of nightIn a curious way he felt strangely happyThe problem of his rescue had not yet begun to trouble him.

    After a time Charles’s returning interest in living showed itself in the simple form of hungerWith some difficulty, owing to the water in the boat, he explored its stores and found food and water in airtight tinsHe also found a neat package wrapped in green oiled silkHe unwrapped it and found mapsNeat, beautifully designed and printed, spotlessly new, they lay across his knees and he was no longer alone in a world of waterAt that moment these clean official maps were as comforting as the sound of a human voice, as cheering as a candle in darkness.

1The day was not too hot because ________

Aclouds reduced the heat of the sun.

Bthe sun wasn’t shining.

Cthere was a little wind.

Dthe sun was hidden behind clouds.

2Charles judged that the boat was  ________

Ain no immediate danger of sinking.

Blikely to sink before long.

Cslowly filling with water.

Ddeeper than it had been when he studied it.

3Charles got rid of Harcourt’s body by ________.

Athrowing it into the sea.

Bpushing it out of the boat into the sea.

Clifting it up and dropping it into the sea.

Draising it and allowing it to slide into the sea.

4The first sign of Charles’s renewed desire to live was that he ________.

Abegan to feel the need for food.

Bstarted to look for food and water.

Cwas able to explore the boat.

Dfound he needed to move about.

5. The finding of the maps cheered him because ________.

Athey were carefully wrapped in oiled silk.

Bthey reminded of the ordinary, ordered world.

Cthey were spotlessly new.

Dhe could see at once where he was.



科目: 来源: 题型:051

“Get up, you lazy-bones!” Still rubbing his sleepy eyes, Li Ming had to rise“I worked till far into the night,” he murmured, half to himself, “Daddy, I was dreaming a strange dreamI was an emperor...”

    “A pupil, who always can’t finish his homework, wants to be an emperor?”

    “Why not? The Minister of Education was just in front of meI ordered him to give those whose parents are teachers many exercises, much homework! Nonsense! (废话)” shouted the man impatiently“Have breakfast, then go on with your lessons!” “But it is Sunday, Daddy

1The author’ s attitude (态度) towards Li Ming is ________.




Dfull of pity

2The best word to describe (描写) the attitude of the author towards Li Ming’s teachers is“________”.





3What the author told us is ________.

Amore than a poem

Bmore useful than interesting

Cmore meaningful than interesting or joyful

Dno more than one pupil and a grownup



科目: 来源: 题型:051

Modern technology has developed in a manner which often conflicts with the environmentNevertheless, it is possible and practical to achieve a high level of technology without altering the overall natural environment.

    There are two basic methods of conserving(保护) the natural environmentOne is alternative technology in which techniques (such as windmills and solar energy) must be found for providing powerThe other is to try to minimize the effects of modern technology by the more efficient use of materials and more effective pollution controlThere comes a point when the quality of life can no longer be improved because of the high population density(密度) and the largely unsuccessful at tempts to meet its demands.

    Present energy policies of the western world are considering new energy sources to meet the demands of a growing populationThe main sources used have been oil, gas, and coal- which are in limited supply- and nuclear power, which has problems concerning radioactive waste storageWind and solar energy are alternative possibilities, but only solar energy is likely to become a main power source for many countries.

    Many of the materials used daily in a technological society are destined(注定) to be discarded, Rags, paper, metal, glass, and plastics are all substances that could be recycled or reusedResearch is being done to determine methods of separating useful products from industrial and domestic waste.

    The processing of sewage requires considerable amounts of electricityMany sewage treatment plants in the U.Shave become self-sufficient by using the methane gas(沼气) given off by sewageThis is collected in gas holders and burned to produce heat and create electricityThe solid waste itself is often used for soil enrichment.

1Modern technology is harmful to the natural environment because ________

Aof industrial pollutants.

Bit has become too expensive.

Cit has become too complicated.

Dit consumes all natural resources.

2Alternative technology suggests that ________

Anew ways be found to burn coal, oil and gas.

Bsolar energy and wind power be considered.

Cnew ways be found to store radioactive waste.

Dthe present energy resources be fully used.

3Methane gas in used to ________

Aconserve(保存) industrial residues (废料).

Bcreate recycled paper products.

Cprovide electricity to process sewage.

Dtreat with the raw sewage.

4From the selection, we can determine that ________

Aconservation technology is a necessity.

Bnuclear power is the energy source of the future.

Cproblems of energy conservation are not worldwide.

Dall the industrial and domestic wastes can be reused and recycled.

5Processing sewage requires large quantities of ________







科目: 来源: 题型:051

Where you do your food shopping often affects your grocery billIt’s best to check the prices in nearby stores for the foods you buy all the timeYou can then decide which store gives you the best pricesCheck, too, for other features that may be useful to youWhich store offers the freshest foods? Which store has off-street parking and will cash your checks?

    Small stores often will deliver orders to your homeIf you do not need this service, you will do better shopping at a large chain(连锁店)The large chain markets offer more varieties and have better prices.

    For most people it is best to choose a store with good prices and stay with itStore-hopping(逛街) for sales on certain foods may save you pennies, but it can be costly in time and gas.

    The meat, poultry(), and fish items in your menu usually cost the mostStudies show that one-third of the money spent on food goes for these itemsTo take advantage of the best buys at the meat counter, you need to be aware of the many cuts(切块) of meat that are availableAlso, you must know how to use them in mealsKeep in mind that the economy of a cut depends on the amount of cooked lean meat it serves as well as its price per poundOften the cut with a low price per pound is not the best buyWhat counts (有价值) is the amount of lean meat and the number of servings(一份菜) it will provideFor example, a high-priced meat with little or no waste may be a better buy than a low-priced cut with a great deal of bone or fatSo when you visit the market, be a smart shopper and take time to make the right choice.

1For foods you buy all the time, it is good to check different stores to find ________.

Athe freshest foods.

Bthe best prices.

Cthe most useful features.

Dthe nearest off-streets parking.

2Large chain markets do not ________.

Ahave a large variety of foods.

Boffer the freshest foods.

Cmake home grocery deliveries.

Dhave expensive price.

3We can see that store-hopping ________.

Ais often the sign of a wise shopper.

Bmay cost you more money than it saves.

Cwill cut down on your grocery bill.

Dis a way for buying goods on sales.

4A cheap cut of meat may not be as good a buy as a ________.

Aheavily salted cut.

Bmore expensive cut.

Cwell-packaged cut.

Dcooked lean meat.

5What is the main idea of this article?

ACareful food shopping can save you money.

BLarge food markets have small parking lots.

CSmall food stores are very scarce.

DSmart shopper usually saves time and money.



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    For hundreds of years the madder plant was our only source of yellow dye. The dye was extracted from the roots of the plant and sold all over the worldThe great plantations in Southern France were devoted to the cultivation of the madder plant until 1869In that year German scientists discovered that the dye could be produced artificially. A chemical that was extracted from coal tar was their answer. Alizarin, as it is called, was cheaper to produce, easier to use and more permanent (永久的) in coloring. The dyers of cloth turned to this new product, and the madder growers of France had to look for new crops to cultivate.

1Our only source in formers times for yellow dye was ________.


Bcoal tar


DGerman plantations

2The chemists discovered ________.

Aa better dye

Bcoal tar

Cthe madder plant

Dyellow dye



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    The cold is the most common of man’s ailments(疾病). Yet it stumped()the medical authorities. Many of more terrible diseases have come under the control of modem man as the result of the knowledge gained in the lab of science research. Investigators have thought that the cold is usually caused by a virus(病毒). However, no method of studying this virus has been devised(提出). The chimpanzee(黑猩猩)is the only animal to which the disease can be given experimentally. The use of this animal is limited by its cost and by the fact that so many of the animals die of pneumonia during the experiments. This leaves for all practical purposes only human volunteers to be used in research projects. Many people of prisons have helped in this work, but because of .these limitations, research into the cause and cure of colds has progressed very slowly.

Research into the cause and cure of colds has________.

Agone ahead very slowly

Bgone ahead very quickly

Cbeen very common

Dbeen impossible



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Arthur was a prince of the tribe of Britons. They were called Silures. They lived in South Wales. They chose Arthur as king in the year 500. Ten years later he was elected to the Pendragonship. Pendragon was the title given to a king elected to rule over the many other kings of Britain. Luther, Arthur’s father, had had the title before him. As a result of his twelve victories over the invading Saxons, Arthur brought a 24- year period of peace to his people. In 542 his nephew Modred led an unsuccessful revolt against Arthur. Arthur defeated Modred but was mortally wounded in the battle.

The best title is ________.

AThe Silures

BThe Pendragon

CFacts about King Arther

DA false nephew



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Some people believe that they can study just as well or even better when the music - makers are turned on. Experiments among workers, however, have proved that they work better when there is no noise. They get their work done quicker and better when the place is quiet. Actually, the student who studies to the tunes of the hi-fi set has to waste part of his energy ignoring the tape deck or radio. If he does not fight the sounds, then, while he is listening, he is an inefficient studier. Noise, even good music, uses up some of the energy that is needed for concentration. The facts seem to show that it is not true that people can study better with music in the air.

A suitable title for this passage is  ________.

ARadio music and study





