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科目: 来源: 题型:051

We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn’t even lift her eyes from the book. Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted me to sit down.  While I watched, mouth open in surprise, Mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to holdShe walked quietly to the small room by the lift and took out a wet mop (拖把). She pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up; Mum nodded and said, Very dirty floors.”

    Yes. I’m glad they’ve finally decided to clean them, the nurse answeredShe looked at Mum strangely and said, But aren’t you working late?

    Mum just pushed harder, each swipe () of the mop taking her farther and farther down the hall. I watched until she was out of sight and the nurse had turned back to writing in the big book.

    After a long time Mum came back. Her eyes were shining. She quickly put the mop back and took my handAs we turned to go out of the door, Mum nodded politely to the nurse and said, Thank you.

   Outside, Mum told me: Dagmar is fine. No fever.

   You saw her, Mum?

   Of course. I told her about the hospital rules, and she will not expect us until tomorrow. Dad will stop worrying as well. It’s a fine hospital. But such floors! A mop is no goodYou need a brush.

1. When she took a mop from the small room what Mum really wanted to do was ________.

Ato clean the floor

Bto please the nurse

Cto see a patient

Dto surprise the story- teller

2. When the nurse talked to Mum she thought Mum was a ________.





3. After reading the story what can we infer about the hospital?

AIt is a children’s hospital.

BIt has strict rules about visiting hours.

CThe nurses and doctors there don’t work hard.

DA lot of patients come to this hospital every day.

4. Why did Mother go to see Dagmar in the hospital?

ATo give her some message about Dad.

BTo make sure her room was clean.

CTo check that she was still there.

DTo find out how she was.

5. Which of the following words best describes Mum?







科目: 来源: 题型:051

During the summer film season in the US, “Twister”(龙卷风) has blown a lot of dollars into the pockets of its makers and won favorable re- views. Now that it’s on the way to China (to be screened later this month), its buyer, the China Film Export and Import Corporation (CFEIC), wished to blow some money in the direction of those whose lives have been affected by floods and other natural disasters (灾难) this year.

    A special screening will be held on September14 in Beijing’s Dizhi CinemaAbout 100, 000 Yuan collected by the box office will be given to the flood- affected people in the south.

1. From the passage we know that Twister________.

Ahas blown the whole USA

Bhas won a lot of money for the country

Cwas considered to be a good film during the summer film season

Dwill be sold to China for 100,000 Yuan

2. What do you think the CFEIC is? It is ________.

Aa film factory

Ban organization

Ca flood- affected area

Da businessman

3. The report tells us that ________.

Athe film Twister has caused a twister

BTwister has made its producer richer

CThe CFEIC will get a lot of money from the film

DDizhi Cinema is the biggest cinema in Beijing

4. What do you imagine will happen?

AA twister will find its way to China.

BThe audience will sing high raise for the film.

CMany Chinese people suffering from the floods will feel thankful to the CFEIC.

DMore box offices will be set up.



科目: 来源: 题型:051

Bolivia (玻利维亚) has a population of three and a half million. About one-tenth of the total population are white; one fourth are mixed Indians and white; and more than half are full blooded Indians. The government and the industries are under the control of the white people.

The Indians today live in much the same way as their ancestors (祖先). Most of them are farmers. Many work in the mines, for mining is the most important industry in BoliviaOf all the mining products, tin is the most important, which makes up three fourths of all Bolivia’s exports(出口). The eastern slopes () of the Andes, since there are very few roads there, are fertile(富饶的) but not highly developedThe two primary means of transportation are river boats and porters. East of the hill regions are the great plains where tropical (热带的) plants are grown. A serious problem for Bolivia is the transport of food from the warm regions, where it is grown, to the mountainous regions, where most of the people live.

Bolivia gained its independence from Spain about a hundred years ago. It has been slow in developing, but its rich resources promise a better future in it.

1The majority of the Bolivian population are  ________ .

Afull—blooded Indians

Bmixed Indian and white

Cwhite citizens

Dall whites and mixed—blooded people

2. Compared with their ancestors, the Indians’ way of life today is________


Bmuch harder

Calmost the same

Dgreatly improving

3. The main product Bolivia exports is________

Atropical plants

Bgold and silver



4. The eastern slopes of the Andes is not highly developed because________

Athere are thick forests there

Bthere are very few roads there

Cthere are many fine mines there

Dthey are not fertile enough

5. Bolivia has been slow in developing, but it has hope for a better future because of its________

Amining products

Brich resources

Cindependence from Spain

Dtwo primary means of transportation



科目: 来源: 题型:051

A good reader is one who can read beyond the lines, seeing ideas implied through the words, and one who can bridge the gap between the obvious and the suggested, thus obtaining much more information. Let’s look at the following sentence: JOHN HENDERSON WAS DRIVING HOME LATE LAST NIGHT FROM AN EXHAUST ING BUSINESS TRIP. As you might have realized, this is the opening sentence of a story. It tells the reader whom the story is about ——John Henderson, and when the event takes place — late one night. If we read carefully and thoughtfully we can also infer from this sentence that:

1) John Henderson may be a businessman because he has just finished a business trip

2) John Henderson must be very tired because the trip is exhausting

3) John Henderson must be very eager to get home because he is driving late at night right after this exhausting trip.

Making inferences while reading will always help us achieve a better comprehension. But we should keep in mind that inferences must be made with care and supported by evidence. In order to make reasonable inferences we should.

1read and think beyond the printed words

2. analyze the information given in the text

    3. determine the author’s reason for his choice of words.

1. According to the author, a good reader________

Acan read between the lines

Bshould have a large vocabulary

Cknows enough grammar rules

Dmust have a good knowledge of the author

2. From the quoted sentence, you know John Henderson was most likely________

Aa seller

Ba man on business

Ca driver

Da traveler

3. From the quoted sentence, you know John Henderson had a________

Atired trip

Bbored trip

Cboring trip

4. When the author asks us to make inferences while reading, he intends to say________

A’make guesses’

B’have imaginations’

C’do translations’

D’draw conclusions’

5. The best topic of the passage is________

AReading Skills

BTry to Be a Good Reader

CReading Is Important

DReading Is Thinking



科目: 来源: 题型:051

Television, the modern wonder of electronics, brings the world into your own home in sight and soundAnd the word ‘television’ means seeing far.

Television works in much the same way as radio. In radio, sound is changed into electromagnetic waves which are sent through the air. Experiments leading to modern television took place more than a hundred years ago. By the 1920s inventors and researchers had turned the early theories into working models. Yet it took another thirty years for TV to become industry.

The influence of TV on the life of the people is incalculable; it can influence their thoughts and their way of life. It can also add to their store of knowledge. Educational TV stations offer teaching in various subjects. Some hospitals use TV for medical students to get close-up views of operations. At first television programs were broadcast in black-and-white. With the development of science and technology, the problem of how to telecast them in full color was solved and by the middle 1960s the national networks were broadcasting most of their programs in color.

The programs that people watch are not only local and national ones. Since the launching of the first communications satellite, more and more programs are telecast ‘live’ from all over the worldPeople in San Francisco were able to watch the

1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo. And live telecasts now come from outer space. In 1969, the first astronauts to land on the moon televised their historic ‘moon walk’ to viewers on the earth. Since then, astronauts have regularly sent telecast to the earth.

1The launching of communications satellites made it possible for people in San Francisco to________

Aget dose—up views of operations

Bstore knowledge

Cwatch the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo

Dwatch national programs

2. The development of science and technology made it possible for television programs to________

Abe telecast in full color

Bbe telecast in San Francisco

Cbe telecast in Tokyo

Dbe telecast in black -and-white

3. The word ‘incalculable’ means________

Aeasy to tell

Bvery great

Cdifficult to tell

4. Television is said to be the modern wonder of electronics, because________

Ait influences people’s way of life

Bit makes people see far

Cit brings the world into people’s own home in sight and sound

Dit works as radio



科目: 来源: 题型:051

A U. S. couple have succeeded in a 55 meter fall over Horseshoe Falls in a barrel (木桶) with only slight hurts. Horseshoe Falls is the Canadian part of Niagara Falls.

Steven Trotter of Florida and Lori Martin of Atlanta were treated at a hospital for small hurts after dropping over the falls as a Father’s Day show.

Police took an hour to free the barrel wrapped with bulletproof (防弹的) material and covered in thick plastics, from rocks at the base of the falls.

Which of the following gives the correct relationship between Canada, Niagara Falls and Horseshoe Falls?

(N = Niagara Falls, H = Horseshoe Falls, C= Canada)




科目: 来源: 题型:051

Have you ever wondered how some people can break bricks with their bare hands? People who can do this kind of things are experts in Karate. They are called Karatekas. Let’s try to find out how Karatekas could do such things. We wanted to learn if they were especially strong and we got some surprising answers! Believe it or not, Karatekas aren’t stronger than ordinary people — the just have more courage! A Karateka expert strikes hard objects like bricks or plates with the small bone in his wrist, opposite the thumb Speed is the essence of this sport. But the strange thing is that untrained men can break hard objects in the same way just as well as Karatekas. Of course, Karatekas practise a lot and they have a layer of hard skin round their wrists. Though they have this advantage over ordinary people, it’s basically just a question of willpower— at least, that’s what you can tell your mother after you’ve experimented a few dinner plates.

1. Who can break bricks with their bare hands?

AOnly experts in Karate.

BPeople who are especially stronger.

CPeople who have a layer of hard skin round their wrists.

DPeople who have more courage.

2. A surprising fact is that

Asome people can break bricks with their bare hands.

BKaratekas are especially strong.

CKaratekas aren’t stronger than ordinary people.

Duntrained men can’t break hard objects in the same way.

3. The essence of Karate is




Dhard skin

4. What advantage do Karatekas have over ordinary people?

AThey have a layer of hard skin round their wrists.

BThey practice a lot.

CThey do this kind of thing in a different way.

DThey are especially strong.

5. Which of the following sayings best describes the main idea of the passage?

ARespect a man, he will do the more.

BWhere there is a will, there is a way.

CSelf—preservation is the first law of nature.

DKnowledge without practice makes but half an artist.



科目: 来源: 题型:051

It is possible to do many simple tricks with numbers. Here is one trick. It has several separate steps.

    First, write down your house number. For example, if your address is 73 Lemon Street, you would write down 73. After you write down your house address, next double it, then add five to this double number. For example, if your address was 73 and you doubled it, you would get146. Then, if you added five, you’d get 151.

    Then multiply this number by 50. In our example here, you’ll get 7550. The next step is to add your age to this total. For example, if you’re26 years old, you should add 26 to this total. In our example here, the result would be 7576.

    After that you have to add the number of days in a year, which is 365. In our example here, 365 added to 7576 is 7941.

    The final step is this: Subtract 615 from the number that you have. Take away 615 from the total. In our example, 7941 minus 615 is 7326.

    The result here —7326— is the trick. The first part of the number is the address and the last part of the number is the age of the person. That is, 73 is the address that we started with, and 26 is the age that we used.

1The best title of the passage is________

AThe number tricks

BA trick with numbers

CAn interesting problem

DHow to work out a difficult trick

2. How many steps are there in the trick?





3. Which of the following step is wrong?

AMultiply this number by 2.

BAdd 5 to this number.

CPlus 50 to this number.

DTake 615 away from this total.

4. We may infer from the result________

Ahow many days there are in a year

Bhow old the person is

Chow clever the person is

Dwhere the person lives

5. The third step is________







科目: 来源: 题型:051

Sambhar is a lake in the town of Jaipur - in the northwest of IndiaJaipur is about 350 miles southwest of New Delhi, capital and the largest city, within a year, Sambhar is sweet or salty. Every year from October to the following May, it contains a high level of salt, and yet between June and September it gets saltless, and becomes a lake sweet enough to drink from. In the four rainy months, rain water washes into the lake in large amounts, causing floodBecause of the rain, the salt is watered down and the water grows sweet. When the rainy season is gone, the lake gets salt back for its neighborhood.

Which of the following maps gives the right position of Jaipur?

 (ND =New Delhi; J =Jaipur. I =India)



科目: 来源: 题型:051

People, who argue that good teachers are born and cannot be made, or trained, usually base their position upon the teacher’s personality. They maintain that with the right personality, training is not necessary; with the wrong personality, training is useless. It seems to me that this is a personal impression.

Obviously, a really weak personality is an unfavorable disqualification (不合格) for teaching. On the other hand, a teacher’s personality that is too powerful may also be a disqualification, because of his or her tendency (倾向) to dominate(支配) and rule the classroom situation. He or she may fail to cultivate (培养) personality and individuality in his or her own students.

However, this consideration of the teacher’s personality, from the point of view of training him or her to teach in a college or university, does not seem to weaken the case for good teacher training. On the contrary, it may strengthen it if the training course includes effective psychological analysis of the classroom situation, and the interaction between teachers’ and students’ personalities.

Then, we must keep in mind that students expect teachers to teach. They value clear statement of problems, and guidance in their solution. Personal qualities of kindness, sympathy and patience are secondary. Students value their teachers mainly for their intellectual abilities. Enquiries(询问) carried out in England and America over half a century have pointed to this conclusion.

1. The writer believes that ________

Ateacher training is not necessary for those who have the right personality

Bqualified teachers are born and cannot be made

Ctraining is always necessary for those who want to become good teachers

Dteacher training is only necessary for those who have not the right personality

2. Why might a strong personality be a weak point to a teacher?

ABecause the teacher may give too much control in the classroom.

BBecause the teacher may give too little control in the classroom.

CBecause the teacher may pay too much attention to students’ needs.

DBecause the teacher may easily get angry with the students.

3. A teacher-training course should include

Apersonality analysis of different kinds of people

Bpersonality analysis of different kinds of students

Canalysis of classroom culture and communication

Danalysis of the differences between strong and weak personalities

4. The conclusion made by the writer is ________.

Ateachers’ knowledge and skills are the most important to their students

Bteachers’ kindness and sympathy are the most valuable to their students

Cteachers’ motivation and interests in teaching are the most important to the students

Dteachers’ patience and strong personality are the most valuable to their students


