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科目: 来源: 题型:051

There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ greatly, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual —the sort of environment in which he is brought up. If an individual is disabled environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never gain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.

The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be shown by the case of the identical twins, Peter and Mark X. Being identical, the twins had identical brains at birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were 3 months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate homes. Peter was brought up by parents of low intelligence in an isolated(孤立的) community with poor educational opportunities. Mark was brought up in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college. He was read to as a child, sent to good schools, and given every opportunity. The difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they’ve given tests to measure their intelligence. Mark’s IQ was 125.25 points higher than the average and fully 40 points higher than his identical brother. Given equal opportunities, the twins, having identical brains, would have tested at roughly the same level.

1.This selection can best be titled__________.

A. Measuring Your Intelligence

B. Intelligence and Environment

C. The Case of Peter and Mark

D. How the Brain Influences Intelligence

2. Of the following statements, which best gives the main idea of the passage?

A. Human brains differ greatly.

B. The brain the person is born with is important in determining his intelligence.

C. Environment is vital in determining a person’s intelligence.

D. Persons having identical brains will have roughly the same intelligence.

3. We can infer that people who are “identical”__________.

A. look exactly alike

B. don’t look alike

C. are brought up in the same family

D. are born in the same family

4. The case mentioned in the passage seems to support the conclusion that__________.

A. individuals with identical brains seldom test at the same level

B. an individual’s intelligence is determined only by his environment

C. children brought up under average conditions possess average intelligence

D. lack of opportunity prevents the growth of intelligence

5. The passage suggests that an individual’s IQ__________.

A. can be increased by education

B. is passed down from his parents

C. stays the same throughout his life

D. can be predicted at birth



科目: 来源: 题型:051

A good modern newspaper is an extraordinary(不同寻常的) piece of reading. It is extraordinary first for what it contains: the range of news from crime to international politics, from sport to business to fashion to science, and the range of comment(评论) and special features(特写) editorial page to feature articles and interviews to criticism (评论) of books, art, theatre and music. A newspaper is even more remarkable for the way one reads it: never completely, never straight through, but always by jumping from here to there, in and out glancing at one piece, reading another article all the way through, reading just a few paragraphs of the text. A good modern newspaper offers a variety to attract many different readers, but far more than any one reader is interested in. What brings this variety together in one place is its topicality(时事性) ,its immediate relation to what is happening in your world and your locality(地点) now.

But being immediate and the speed of production that goes with it mean also that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than transient(短暂的) value. For all these reasons, no two people read really the same paper: What each person does is to put together out of the pages of that day’s paper, his own selection and sequence(结果) ,his own newspaper. For all these reasons, reading newspaper efficiently, which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need and without wasting time, demands skill and self-awareness(自我觉察) as you are using your techniques of reading.

1. A modern newspaper is extraordinary for all the following EXCEPT its__________.

A. speed in reading news             B. wide coverage

C. popularity                         D. uniform(一致的) style

2. According to the passage, the reason why no two people really read the “same” newspaper is that__________.

A. different people prefer different newspapers

B. people look through it for the news they are interested in

C. people have different views about what a good newspaper is

D. people are seldom interested in the same kind of news

3. It can be concluded from the passage that newspaper readers__________.

A. use their reading techniques skillfully

B. appreciate the variety of a newspaper

C. usually read a newspaper selectively

D. jump from one newspaper to another

4. A good newspaper offers “a variety” to readers because__________.

A. it tries to serve different readers

B. readers are difficult to please

C. readers like to read different newspapers

D. it has to cover things that happen in a certain locality

5. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Some suggestions on How to Read a Newspaper

B. The Importance of Newspaper Topicality

C. The Variety of a Good newspaper

D. The characteristics of Good Newspaper



科目: 来源: 题型:051

The king of the oil field is the driller. He is a very skilled man. Sometimes he sends his drill more than a mile into the earth. During the process(过程) of drilling, gas and oil at great pressure may suddenly be met, and if he rushes out and catches fire that oil well may never be brought into operation at all. This danger is well known and steps are always taken to prevent it.

There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil. The drill may just miss the oil although it is near; on the other hand, it may strike oil at a fairly high level. When the drill goes down, it brings up soil. The soil is examined for traces(痕迹) of oil. If they are disappointed at one place, the drillers go to another. A lot of money has been spent, for example, in the deserts of Egypt, in “searching” for oil. Sometimes little is found. When we buy some petrol(汽油) for our cars, we pay not only the cost of the petrol, but also part of the cost of the search that is always going on.

1. The driller is unlucky when the drill_______.

A. goes very near the oil without striking it

B. brings up oil

C. strikes oil at a fairly high level

D. does not bring up oil

2. The cost of unsuccessful drilling is_______.

A. met by the driller

B. paid by the government

C. included in the selling price of petrol

D. returned by the oil wells

3. According to the passage, which of the following is right?

A. The drillers are the kings of the oil field, and the engineers are their people.

B. The drillers always send their drills more than a mile into the earth.

C. Sometimes the oil wells may be destroyed by the fire because the great pressure of gas and oil.

D. If you go to the desert of Egypt, you’ll see a lot of oil wells.



科目: 来源: 题型:051

Mr. Parker was born in a small village. His father was so poor that he couldn’t send him to school. The boy had to help his parents to do some farming and learned English and maths by himself when he was free. Later on he was made to leave his home village and hoped to find a job in a city. And as soon as war broke out, he joined the army(军队). He couldn’t forget his terrible past and fought with the enemies bravely(勇敢的). So he became a general when he was fifty. He was honest and friendly to his soldiers and often punished those who tried to pocket a portion of the soldiers’ pay(克扣军饷). And his soldiers liked him very much.

Once Mr. Parker heard from a soldier. In the letter the young man said the food in their military camp(军营) was very bad and he wished the general could go to find out the reasons, the old man went there at once, without telling anybody. He went in the kitchen and examined everything carefully and found it was very dirty. Then he went in the soldiers’ bedrooms and found there were a lot of fleas. He became angry and asked the soldiers, “What do you think of your food, young men?”

The soldiers saw their officer standing by the general and said nothing. Only a new soldier said, “Very bad, sir!”

“What did you have for lunch today?” asked Mr. Parker.

“A fried chicken, some fish and pork, a cake, six eggs and I had three cups of wine(). ”

“Really?” Mr. Parker called out in surprise. “It’s the King’s(国王)lunch, I think!”

“So do I, general, ” said the young man. “But it’s my birthday today. I paid three hundred dollars for them all in the restaurant!”

1. Mr. Parker became a general because_______.

A. he was born in a poor family

B. he didn’t forget his terrible past

C. he fought with the enemies bravely

D. the soldiers listened to him

2. Mr. Parker was respected because_______.

A. he was strict with the officers

B. he cared about his soldiers

C. he was friendly to everybody

D. he paid attention to the soldiers letters

3. Mr. Parker went to the military camp to_______.

A. look for the soldier who wrote to him

B. punish the cooks

C. inspect the kitchens

D. find out if the matter in the letter was true

4. The soldiers didn’t say anything because_______.

A. they were afraid of the general

B. they thought their foods were good

C. the officer followed the general

D. the general didn’t agree with them

5. Which of the following is true?

A. Mr. Parker found nothing in the military camp.

B. The new soldier had a birthday dinner in the restaurant.

C. The officer wanted to frighten the soldiers.

D. The general no longer believed the soldiers.



科目: 来源: 题型:051

Li Shizhen was born in Hubei Province. His father was a doctor. He learned a lot about medical herbs(草药) from his father and read many medical books. At the age of 23 he became a doctor. He often treated(治疗) poor people’s illness, so many peasants and fishermen made friends with him.

The year he was 35 Li Shizhen began to write “THE COMPENDIUM OF MATERIA MEDICA”. He walked all over famous mountains which grew medical plants to learn their shapes(形状), the conditions in which they grew and collected all sorts of specimens(标本). He spent 27 years in writing the book.

“THE COMPENDIUM OF MATERIA MEDICA” with over 1 000 000 words, describes(描述) 1 800 kinds of medical plants. When the work had just been ready for printing and publishing(出版), Li Shizhen passed away.

“THE COMPENDIUM OF MATERIA MEDICA” introduces not only medical herbs growing in China but also in many foreign medicines. After its publication the books reached foreign countries. It was translated into English, French, and Russian and became an important piece of literature in international medical research.

1. Why did many peasants and fishermen make friends with Li Shizhen? Because he_______.

A. was a famous doctor

B. had a sweet manner

C. was much concerned (关心) for the poor

D. read many medical books

2. Before his book could be_______ he had died.

A. printed and published

B. introduced abroad

C. translated into foreign languages

D. completed finally

3. The word “literature” in the article means_______.

A. work of different science

B. letters from foreign countries

C. hope for the better future

D. books on a special subject



科目: 来源: 题型:051

The making of glass is a very old industry—at least 4 500 years old. Glass has many extraordinary qualities and it is frequently being used in new ways. One of the most interesting new uses for glass is in telephone communication. Scientists have developed glass fibers as thin as human hair which are designed to carry light signals. When the light reaches the other end, it is first changed into electrical signals, which are in turn converted(转变) into sound messages. Called light wave communication the new system was used successfully in an experiment in Chicago in 1977. During the experiment two glass fibers were able to carry 672 conversations at the same time. The light wave cable, containing 144 glass fibers, has the capacity(容量) to carry 50 000 conversations at the same time. The light wave communication system has two important advantages. First the glass fiber cables are smaller and weigh less than copper() cables; second, they cost less.

1. One of the extraordinary qualities of glass is that it can carry_______.

A. any signal                        B. light signals

C. sound signals                     D. electrical signals

2. Before you can hear a message on the telephone using the new system_______.

A. the light signals have to be changed into electrical sound

B. neither the light nor the electrical signals have to be changed in any way

C. light must first be changed into electrical signals and then into sound

D. electrical signals must first be changed into light signals and then into sound

3. According to the passage the new telephone communication system_______.

A. was put on experiment in 1977

B. had been put into actual use by 1977

C. had been repeatedly experimented before 1977

D. was first put into actual use in 1977

4. From the passage, you can tell that people prefer glass fiber cables to copper cables because_______.

A. glass fiber is easier to make

B. glass fiber is less expensive

C. glass fiber is more up to date

D. glass fiber delivers messages directly

5. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A. Light signals have changed the use of glass in industry.

B. Glass fibers have reduced the cost of telephone communication.

C. Glass is very useful because it has many unusual qualities.

D. The use of glass fibers to carry telephone messages is an interesting new development.



科目: 来源: 题型:051

Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly? Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it? Many people are afraid to support themselves. Dr. Robert Albert, author (作者) of Stand UpSpeak Outand Talk Back, thinks it’s because their self-respect is low. “There’s always a ‘superior’(长辈) around—a parent, a teacher, a boss—who knows better. ” But Albert and other scientists are doing something to help people help themselves. They offer “assertiveness(维护) training” courses—A. T. for short. In the A. T. Course people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so.

They learn to be aggressive(进攻的) without hurting other people. In one way, learning to speak out is to get rid of fear. A group taking an A. T. Course will help the timid (懦弱的) person to lose his fear. But A. T. uses an even stronger motive (动机)—the need to share. The timid person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels. Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-respect. If someone you face is more “important” than you, you may feel less of a person. You start to doubt your answers to problems. You can get to feel good about yourself. And once you do you can learn to speak out.

1. The problem the writer talks about is that_______.

A. some people buy things they don’t want

B. some people are afraid to speak out for their rights

C. there are too many superiors

D. some people don’t think enough of themselves

2. The cause of the problem talked about in this passage is that_______.

A. some people have a low self-respect

B. there is always someone around who “knows better”

C. salesmen talk people into buying things they don’t want

D. people don’t share enough

3. The A. T. Course often _______.

A. make people distrust their own answers

B. make things more favorable for “superiors”

C. help people know as much as their “superiors”

D. help people become more important

4. One thing the A. T. Course doesn’t do is to_______.

A. share the need of people

B. show they have a right to be themselves

C. help people overcome fear

D. help people to help themselves even if others suffer

5. A good title for this passage could be_______.

A. The Need to Share

B. Talk Back When Necessary

C. One Way to Build Self-Respect

D. One Way to Train Speaking Ability



科目: 来源: 题型:051

Stanley is one of the oldest villages in Hong Kong. Even a hundred and fifty years ago it was a large fishing-village. People called it Chik Chu. The village has changed a lot since the arrival of the British in 1841. When the British sailors came in that year, they began to call the village Standley. Lord Standley was a famous Englishman at that time. English people have called it Standley since then. Chik Chu was a good place for fishing boats. Many fishermen kept their junks(大帆船) at Chik Chu and others made homes there. Because there were many caves near Chik Chu, pirates(海盗) lived there, too.

The name of the most famous of all the pirates was Cheung Pao Tsai. He lived in Chik Chu nearly two hundred years ago and he had over six hundred ships and eighty thousand men. Cheung Pao Tsai was brave, but he was also very cruel. He captured many rich people. He wanted their friends to pay him a lot of money. If they did not do so, he took his prisoners to a high rock in Standley Bay. He made them jump into the sea from this rock. Today you can see the Hwai Jen Shih rock at Standley.

1. British sailors first came to Standley over_______.

A. about 40 years ago                 B. 1841 years ago

C. about 160 years ago                D. about 200 years ago

2. Standley was named after_______.

A. a great fisherman                  B. a brave Chinese pirate

C. a famous Englishman                D. a high rock

3. Pirates lived in Standley because there were_______.

A. lots of caves                  B. many junks

C. British sailors                   D. high rocks

4. Cheung Pao Tsai was_______.

A. a brave and cruel chief pirate

B. cruel but not a very brave chief pirate

C. the old name of the Hwai Jen Shih rock

D. a rich man



科目: 来源: 题型:051

How did Juliana keep alive in the forest?  Her parents were scientists. While she was working through the jungle, Juliana remembered what they had said to her. In her head she remembered her father’s voice. “If you ever get lost in the forest, follow these instructions. Find a stick, and always carry it. Put the stick in front of you while you walk. If there are any dangerous animals, they will bite the stick, not you. Then they will run away. Don’t be afraid of the large animals (they are afraid of you). But be careful. The small animals can be dangerous. Make a noise while you walk (they always run away from you). Find a river, then follow it. People live near rivers. ”

1. From the passage we can infer that Juliana______.

A. went to the forest with her parents

B. lived in the forest

C. went hunting in the forest

D. was once lost in the forest

2. It’s clear that______helped Juliana manage to keep alive.

A. what her father taught her                         B. people near a river

C. kind large animals                               D. her friends

3. When you walk in the forest, you’d better______.

A. go very fast

B. wear strong clothes

C. pull a stick behind you

D. put a stick in front of you

4. The small animals in the forest are often afraid of______.

A. river water                          B. small sticks

C. strange noise                         D. lost people in the forest

5. Juliana’s father’s instructions are about______.

A. when to go to the forest

B. whether to stay or not in the forest

C. how to find a way in the forest

D. what to do when one gets lost in the forest



科目: 来源: 题型:051

Modern scientists divide the process of dying into two stages --- clinical(临床的)or temporary(暂时的)death and biological death. Clinical death occurs when the most important organs, such as the heart or lungs, have ceased(停止)to function, but have not suffered permanent(永久的) damage. The organism(生物体)can still be brought back. Biological death occurs when changes in the organism lead to the breakup of most important cells and tissues(组织) Death is then irreversible(不能撤回的)and final.

   Scientists have been seeking a way to delay the period of clinical death so that the organism can be revived before biological death occurs. The best method developed so far involves cooling of the organism, combined with narcotic sleep. By slowing down the body's metabolism(新陈代谢), cooling delays the processes leading to biological death.

   To illustrate how this works, scientists performed an experiment on a six-year-old female baboon called Keota. The scientists put Keotato sleep with a narcotic (催眠的). Then they surrounded her body with ice-bags and began checking her body temperature. When it had dropped to 28 degrees the scientists began draining blood from an artery(动脉). The monkeys' blood pressure decreased and an hour later both the heart and respiration(呼吸) stopped --- clinical death set in (插入). For twenty minutes Keota remained in this state. Her temperature dropped to 22 degrees. At this point, scientists pumped blood into an artery in the direction of the heart and started artificial respiration. After two minutes, the baboon's heart became active once more after fifteen minutes, respiration began, and after four hours Keota opened her eyes and lifted her head. After six hours, when the scientists tried to give her a penicillin injection(注射), Keota seized the syringe(注射器)and ran with it around the room. Her behavior differed little from that of a healthy animal. 

1. This passage focuses on _______.

A. the difference between biological and clinical death 

B. the nature of clinical death

C. the process of dying                 

D. prolonging the period of clinical death

2. One characteristic of clinical death is ______.

A. lasting damage to the lungs or the heart   B. damage of the tissues

C. temporary non-functioning of the heart   D. damage of important cells

3. According to the passage, cooling an organism ______.

A. speeds up the body's metabolism      B. prevents biological death

C. makes damaged organs come to life   D. does none of the above

4. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A. The process of dying is divided into clinical and biological death.

B. Cooling might cause the damage of important cells and tissues.

C. An experiment on a baboon showed that an organism can be saved before biological death occurs.

D. After the experiment, Keota behaved almost the same as the other monkeys.

5. One possible benefit of the experiment discussed in the passage is ______.

A. Fewer deaths from heart attacks    B. protection against deadly injury

C. Victory over death         D. less crowded cities


