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科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Scientists are studying new information about storm activity in the Atlantic OceanWeather experts say the North Atlantic had more storms this past year than during most yearsThe area had a record of five major hurricanes with wind speeds of one- hundred- ninety kilometers an hour or greater.

    Researchers also note an increase in the number of areas setting new records for high and low temperatures.

    More severe storms have been reported in some areasOther areas have suffered from a severe lack of rain.

    Alex Green of the University of Florida believes a general warming in Earth’s atmosphere is to blameThis warming is commonly called the Green-house Effect.

    Scientists believe it is caused by burning fuels such as oil and coalMany scientists say the pollution released by burning the fuels enters the atmosphere and may lead to higher temperatures on Earth.

    Professor Green says the more carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, the more extreme weather systems we can expect.

    But not all researchers agreeTom Ross is a weather expert with the National Climatic Data Center in North CarolinaMister Ross says what is happening now could become less of an issue at a future dateHe notes that only twenty years ago some scientists were warning about the start of a new ice age.

    Mister Ross says more information needs to be collected before scientists can blame current weather conditions on the Greenhouse EffectHowever, Mister Green says that by the time scientists agree about the problem it may be too late to do anything about it.

1The number of areas setting new records for high and low temperature which have suffered from a severe lack of rain or more severe storms is ________;



Cunder three

Dabove three

2 The underlined “the Greenhouse Effect” means ________.

Aa general warming in Earth’s atmosphere

Bthat the more carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, the more extreme weather systems we can expect

Cburning fuels such as oil and coal

Dthat the pollution released by burning the fuels enters the atmosphere

3What is your opinion after reading the last paragraph? My opinion is that ________.

Aall the scientists can blame current weather conditions on the Greenhouse Effect

Bnot all the scientists agree about the Greenhouse Effect

Cit is never too late to do anything almost Greenhouse Effect

Dit maybe too late to do anything about Greenhouse Effect

4The main idea of this passage is ________.

Astorms and the environment

Bthe pollution caused by burning the fuels

Cthe change of the environment and study

Dthe Greenhouse Effect



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Time and time again, one may be warned, “Your name will be mud.” Many have used the expression in the mistaken belief that it has something to do with the kind of dirt found in the streets or on unclean river bottomsBut the expression comes from the name of Doctor Samuel Alexander Mudd, a physician who fixed the broken leg of John Wilkes Booth, the man who killed President Abraham LincolnDoctor Mudd treated Booth’s injured leg without knowing who he was.

    A small group helped Booth to plan Lincoln’s murderThey were all caught and sentenced to death or prison terms.

    Doctor Mudd had nothing to do with Lincoln’s murderer with any of the men who had planned itAll seemed to show that he was an innocent (清白) manBut he had given some kind of help only to leave Booth to escapeThis in itself was a crime (犯罪) thenAnd so, Doctor Mudd was sentenced to prison for life.

    In prison, Doctor saved many prisoners and guards in a yellow fever outbreak, President Andrew Johnson pardoned him in 1869, after the doctor had spent almost four years in prison.

    The American people considered the murder of Lincoln a heavy blow to themIt filled them with bitterness that lasted many yearsThey hated Booth very, very much and they also hated anybody who had helped the murderer in any wayDoctor Mudd was freed, but people never forgave him and his name passed into American folk speech as something bad, hatefulThe Mudd family had also suffered a lot because of the name until not long ago.

1The best title for this text is ________.

AAbraham Lincoln, the Great President for the American People

BYour Name will be Mud

CSocial Problems of the USA during the 1860s

DOld Law System of the USA

2Doctor Samuel Alexander Mudd was put in prison because ________.

Ahe had helped Booth murder Lincoln

Bthe American people loved Abraham Lincoln deeply

Che had broken the American law

Dhe hadn’t reported the fact to the American government

3From the last paragraph it can be inferred that ________.

ADoctor Mudd has recently been set free

BDoctor Mudd’s innocence was declared

Cthere will be more expressions with mud

Dthe American people hate anyone who kills their president

4If it had not been for President Andrew Johnson, Doctor Mudd ________.

Awould have spent the rest of his life in prison

Bwould have been sentenced to five years’ prison life

Cwould be thought of crime forever

Dwould suffer a lot from the name

5The underlined word physician means ________.



Chealth trainer




科目: 来源: 题型:051

How to Deal with Failure?


    In one way of thinking, failure is part of lifeIn another way, failure may be a way towards successThe “spider-story” is often toldRobert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 12th century, was hiding in a cave from the English He watched a spider spinning a webThe spider tried to reach across a rough place in the rockHe tried six times and six times he failedOn the seventh time he made it and went on to spin his webBruce is said to have taken heart and to have gone on to defeat the EnglishEdison, the inventor of the light bulb, made hundreds of models before he found the right way to make onOnce he was asked why he kept on trying to make a new type of battery when he had failed so oftenHe replied, “Failure? I have no failureNow I know 50, 000 ways that I won’t work.” So what: First, always think about your failureWhat caused it? Were conditions fight? Were you in top form yourself? What can you change so things will go right next time?

    Second, is the goal you’re to reach one? Try to do some thinking about what your real goals may beThink about this question, “If you do succeed in this, where will it get me?” This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldn’t be doing anyway.

    The third thing to bear in mind about failure is that it’s part of lifeLearn to “live with yourself” even though you may have failedRemember, “You can’t win them all.”

1This passage deals with ________.

Aways to success

Bways to failure and success

Cthe “spider-story”

Dthe invention of the light bulb

2In the first paragraph, the author talks mainly about ________.

Athe value of failure

Bsuccess achieved

Cthe greatest failures

DRobert Bruce and Edison

3“The spider-story” shows that ________ .

Afailure must come before success

Bfailure is not always a bad thing

Cnature will help us if we let it be

Dpeople who have failed are sure to succeed

4One thing the writer does not tell us to do to deal with failure is ________.

Ato check our goals to see if they are right for us

Bto think about failure to find out the cause

Cto recognize failure as part of life

Dto avoid things difficult to do

5Even if we have failed, we should ________.

Athink about it no more

Blearn to enjoy ourselves

Clearn to live with others in the same house

Dlearn to accept it



科目: 来源: 题型:051

An old lady who lived in a village went into town on SaturdayAfterwards she bought some fruit and vegetables in the market, for herself and for her friend who was illShe went into a shop which sold glassesShe tried on one pair of glasses, and then another pair, but none seemed to be all rightThe shopkeeper was a very patient manAnd after some time he said to the old lady, “Now don’t worry, madam Everything will be all rightIt isn’t easy to get just the right glasses, you know.”

    “It isn’t,” answered the old lady. “And it is even more difficult when you are shopping for a friend

1Where did the old lady live?

AIn the country.

BIn the state.

CIn the city.

DIn the town.

2What did she want to do on Saturday?

ATo visit a friend who was ill.

BTo help the sick friend with some housework.

CTo buy herself a pair of glasses.

DTo go shopping for her friend and herself.

3At least how many pairs of glasses did the old lady try?





4What do you think of the old lady?

AShe was too careful.

BShe was strict in everything.

CShe was very helpful.

DShe was fit for her office.

5What would probably happen in the end?

AThe old lady left the shop angrily without saying goodbye.

BThe shopkeeper was so angry that he quarreled with the lady.

CThe old lady bought a pair of glasses for her sick friend.

DThe shopkeeper persuaded that old lady into buying an improper pair of glasses.



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Excused from recycling (回收利用) because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute(垃圾道) ? You won’t be for long. Miami’s Mark Shantzis has made it simple for those living in tall buildings to use the chute and recycle too.

    In Shantzis’ Hi--Rise Recycling System, a chute leads to a pie- shaped container with six boxes that can turn around when operatedThe system, which fits in the same space as the chute and container now in use, enables glass, plastic, paper, metal, and other rubbish to go into separate boxes.

    The system is controlled from a board fixed next to the chute door. The board has a button for each class of recycling materials (as well as for unrecyclables). At the press of a button, a microcomputer locks all other floors’ chute doors and sets the loads and gives a signal by phone when the box is full. And a particular piece of equipment breaks up the nonrecycles.

    Sorting (分类) recyclables before they are collected saves the use of expensive materials recovery equipment which otherwise has to do the sorting: Such equipment often makes recycled materials very expensive, so expensive that tons of recyclables remain wastedShantzis believes his system could help recycled materials become more cost effective.

1The purpose in writing this text is _______.

Ato encourage people to recycle their rubbish

Bto introduce a recycling system for high rises

Cto describe the use of computer technology in recycling

Dto explain the need for rubbish collection in high rises

2When he says You won’t be for long the writer means that ________.

Ayou’ll soon be living in a cleaner building

Brubbish chutes will become out of date before long

Cyou won’t wait long for your turn to recycle rubbish

Dit won’t be long before you’ll have to recycle your rubbish

3Before dropping rubbish into the chute you have to ________.

Alock the other floors’ chute doors

Bcheck if the container is full

Cpress the correct button

Dbreak up the rubbish

4The biggest advantage of this new system is that ________.

Ait reduces the cost of recycling

Bit saves time and space

Cit saves money for people living in high rises.

Dit makes better use of the existing recovery equipment



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Mary Cochran went out of the rooms where she lived with her father, Doctor Lester Cochran, at seven o’clock on a Sunday evening. It was June of the year1908, and Mary was eighteen years oldShe walked along Tremont to Main Street and across the railroad tracks to Upper Main, lined with small shops and shabby houses, a rather quiet cheerless place on Sundays when there were few people about. She had told her father she was going to church but did not mean to do anything of the kindShe did not know what she wanted to do, I’ll get off by myself and think, she told herself as she walked slowly along. The night, she thought, promised to be too fine to be spent sitting in a church and hearing a man talk of things that had nothing to do with her own problem. Her own affairs were reaching a burning point, and it was time for her to begin thinking seriously of her future.

   The thoughtful serious state of mind in which Mary found herself had been caused by a talk she had with her father on the evening before. Quite suddenly, he had told her that he was a victim(患者) of heart disease and might die at any moment. He had made the announcement as they stood together in his office, behind which were the rooms in which the father and daughter lived.

1What did Mary mean to do that night?

AShe decided to go to church.

BShe decided not to think about anything.

CShe decided to talk with her father.

DShe wanted to think deeply.

2What made Mary in a serious state of mind?

AHer talk with her father.

BHer fear about heart attack.

CThe speech of the man in the church.

CHer serious future.

3Where did Mary live?

AIn the same building as her father’s office.

BNear the church.

CIn a shabby house near her father’s office.

DIn a small shop.

4What was Dr. Cochran’s condition?

AHe had a serious heartbreak.

BHe had a light heart trouble.

CHe had a deadly disease.

DHe was hurt when crossing the railroad tracks.



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Great changes have been made in family life because of science and industry.

    In the past, when more Americans live on farms, the typical family had many children. In a farm family, parents and their children often lived with grandparents. Often, too, uncles and aunts lived nearby. But when industry became more important than agriculture in American life, families became smaller because industry requires workers who are ready and able to move off the land and to move again whenever necessary. And large families cannot be moved from place to place as smaller families can. So, at present people tend to have smaller families.

    In the future, because of industrialization, a typical family will be required to move even more often than now. So families will be even smaller. The typical family may remain childless and consist only of a man and a woman. A small number of families may take raising children as their chief work. At the same time they may also raise other people’s children, leaving families free to move from job to job.

1The main topic discussed in the passage is________

Athe development of science and industry in America

Bthe influence of science and industry on American families

Cthe harmful effect of industrialization

Dthe social problems resulting from the highly developed science and industry in .America

2________ are described in the passage.

AFamilies of the past

BFamilies of the present and of the future

CFamilies of the past and of the future

DFamilies of the past, the present and the future

3According to the writer, one of the reasons that families are getting smaller in America is that________

Achildren tend to leave their parents and grandparents when they grow up

Bpeople stop caring for having children

Cthe need for workers who are able to move at any time has been increasing

Dboth old and young people like to live by themselves

4________ will be in charge of raising children in the future.

AMost families

BAll families

CSocial workers

DA small number of families

5From  the  passage,  we  can  conclude  that________

Ascience and industry have caused thousands of families to separate

Bchildren do not like to live with their parents or grandparents

Clarge families can hardly exist in modern society

DAmericans are very careful in choosing their jobs



科目: 来源: 题型:051

   Do you really believe that the ostrich(鸵鸟) buries its head in the sand so that it cannot see the trouble that it is in? Nobody knows just when this strange belief was started, but there are very few people who have not heard it. If the ostrich were silly enough to follow this procedure, it would suffocate(使窒息), once its head was buried in the sandThe ostrich really has no need for such as defense. It can kick with the full power of a mule(骡子), and it can run faster than a horse. It would be foolish indeed for the bird to stand without protecting itself when in danger.

A suitable title for this paragraph is ________.

AStranger than fiction

BFalse belief

COstrich power

DMules and ostriches



科目: 来源: 题型:051

   As time goes on, competition for the better jobs becomes keener and keener. Of course the man with the right connections usually has the edge over the one who may be just as well- qualified but who lacks this advantage. All other things being almost equal, the relative of the owner or of the owner’s best friend always have an edge when a position is at stake (生死攸关). However, what happens when no such advantage is held by either man? The nod of acceptance then goes to the man with the higher education. The employer knows that the college- trained man or woman is better equipped to meet the future. College training is a type of insurance that should taken by all who are qualified.

The best title for this selection is ________.

AUnfair competition

BNeed of insurance

CNeed for college training

DBetter jobs



科目: 来源: 题型:051

    Frank did not patent (……专利权) the invention.  He was too busy with his discoveries to make more money. Although he was a rich man by the time he was forty-two. Money by itself did not interest him. He valued it because it enabled him to retire from business. Then he had time to spend it on other things that seemed more worthwhile. What he really cared for most of all was science?

    Franklin was always trying to answer the question. What makes things act the way they do? At that time learned men were puzzled about electricity. They wondered whether it was in some way like the lightning in a thunder-storm. It might be, but how could you prove it? You know how Ben Franklin proved in by coaxing() some electricity down his kite string. That made him famous in America and Europe. But of course Franklin did not stop there.

    He found a way to make the knowledge useful: he invented the lighting rod.

1 According to the second sentence, Franklin ________.

Awas eager to make money

Bhad no interest in making money

Cwas so attentive to his discoveries that he had no time to make money

Ddidn’t know how to make money

2Franklin valued money because ________.

Ait could make him live a comfortable life after he retired from work

Bit enabled him to get rid of much business

Cit was the thing he cared for most

Dit enabled him to buy a lot of things

3Franklin’s experiment with the kite ________.

Awas not successful

Bdidn’t work

Cpuzzled many learned men at the time

Dproved that lightning was electricity

4After the experiment, Franklin ________.

Astopped there and enjoyed his happy life

Bdidn’t stop there and gave lectures to others

Cdidn’t stop there and invented the lightning rod

Dstopped there and found a way to make money


